# Starter pipeline # Start with a minimal pipeline that you can customize to build and deploy your code. # Add steps that build, run tests, deploy, and more: # https://aka.ms/yaml trigger: branches: include: - master - 202012 paths: exclude: - .github pr: branches: include: - master - 202012 paths: exclude: - .github name: $(TeamProject)_$(Build.DefinitionName)_$(SourceBranchName)_$(Date:yyyyMMdd)$(Rev:.r) resources: repositories: - repository: sonic-mgmt type: github name: Azure/sonic-mgmt endpoint: build ref: refs/heads/202012 stages: - stage: BuildVS pool: sonicbld variables: CACHE_MODE: rcache VERSION_CONTROL_OPTIONS: 'SONIC_VERSION_CONTROL_COMPONENTS=deb,py2,py3,web,git,docker' jobs: - template: .azure-pipelines/azure-pipelines-build.yml parameters: buildOptions: 'USERNAME=admin SONIC_BUILD_JOBS=$(nproc) ${{ variables.VERSION_CONTROL_OPTIONS }}' jobGroups: - name: vs - stage: Build pool: sonicbld dependsOn: [] variables: CACHE_MODE: rcache VERSION_CONTROL_OPTIONS: 'SONIC_VERSION_CONTROL_COMPONENTS=deb,py2,py3,web,git,docker' jobs: - template: .azure-pipelines/azure-pipelines-build.yml parameters: buildOptions: 'USERNAME=admin SONIC_BUILD_JOBS=$(nproc) ${{ variables.VERSION_CONTROL_OPTIONS }}' jobGroups: - name: broadcom - name: mellanox - name: marvell-armhf pool: sonicbld-armhf timeoutInMinutes: 1200 variables: PLATFORM_ARCH: armhf - stage: Test dependsOn: BuildVS variables: - name: inventory value: veos_vtb - name: testbed_file value: vtestbed.csv jobs: - job: pool: sonictest displayName: "vstest" timeoutInMinutes: 60 steps: - checkout: self clean: true submodules: recursive displayName: 'Checkout code' - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2 inputs: source: specific project: build pipeline: 9 artifact: sonic-swss-common.amd64.ubuntu20_04 runVersion: 'latestFromBranch' runBranch: 'refs/heads/master' displayName: "Download sonic swss common deb packages" - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2 inputs: artifact: sonic-buildimage.vs displayName: "Download sonic-buildimage.vs artifact" - script: | set -x sudo dpkg -i --force-confask,confnew ../libswsscommon_1.0.0_amd64.deb sudo dpkg -i ../python3-swsscommon_1.0.0_amd64.deb sudo docker load -i ../target/docker-sonic-vs.gz docker tag docker-sonic-vs:latest docker-sonic-vs:$(Build.BuildNumber) username=$(id -un) trap "docker ps; docker images; ip netns list; \ docker rmi docker-sonic-vs:$(Build.BuildNumber); \ ip netns list | grep -E [-]srv[0-9]+ | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -I {} sudo ip netns delete {}; \ sudo chown -R ${username}.${username} .; \ sudo chown -R ${username}.${username} $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)" EXIT pushd platform/vs/tests sudo py.test -v --junitxml=tr.xml --imgname=docker-sonic-vs:$(Build.BuildNumber) displayName: "Run vs tests" - task: PublishTestResults@2 inputs: testResultsFiles: '**/tr.xml' testRunTitle: vstest - job: t0_part1 pool: sonictest displayName: "kvmtest-t0-part1" timeoutInMinutes: 300 steps: - template: .azure-pipelines/run-test-template.yml parameters: dut: vlab-01 tbname: vms-kvm-t0 ptf_name: ptf_vms6-1 tbtype: t0 section: part-1 - job: t0_part2 pool: sonictest displayName: "kvmtest-t0-part2" timeoutInMinutes: 300 steps: - template: .azure-pipelines/run-test-template.yml parameters: dut: vlab-01 tbname: vms-kvm-t0 ptf_name: ptf_vms6-1 tbtype: t0 section: part-2 - job: pool: sonictest displayName: "kvmtest-t0" timeoutInMinutes: 300 dependsOn: - t0_part1 - t0_part2 condition: always() variables: resultOfPart1: $[ dependencies.t0_part1.result ] resultOfPart2: $[ dependencies.t0_part2.result ] steps: - script: | if [ $(resultOfPart1) == "Succeeded" ] && [ $(resultOfPart2) == "Succeeded" ]; then echo "Both job kvmtest-t0-part1 and kvmtest-t0-part2 are passed." exit 0 else echo "Either job kvmtest-t0-part1 or job kvmtest-t0-part2 failed! Please check the detailed information." exit 1 fi - job: pool: sonictest-t1-lag displayName: "kvmtest-t1-lag" timeoutInMinutes: 240 steps: - template: .azure-pipelines/run-test-template.yml parameters: dut: vlab-03 tbname: vms-kvm-t1-lag ptf_name: ptf_vms6-2 tbtype: t1-lag