#!/usr/bin/env python import os import sys import shutil import argparse import copy import difflib from helper import * COMMIT_TITLE = "Intgerate HW-MGMT {} Changes" PATCH_TABLE_LOC = "platform/mellanox/hw-management/hw-mgmt/recipes-kernel/linux/" PATCH_TABLE_NAME = "Patch_Status_Table.txt" PATCH_TABLE_DELIMITER = "----------------------" PATCH_NAME = "patch name" COMMIT_ID = "Upstream commit id" def trim_array_str(str_list): ret = [elem.strip() for elem in str_list] return ret def get_line_elements(line): columns_raw = line.split("|") if len(columns_raw) < 3: return False # remove empty firsta and last elem columns_raw = columns_raw[1:-1] columns = trim_array_str(columns_raw) return columns def load_patch_table(path, k_version): patch_table_filename = os.path.join(path, PATCH_TABLE_NAME) major, minor, subversion = k_version.split(".") k_ver = "{}.{}".format(major, minor) print("Loading patch table {} kver:{}".format(patch_table_filename, k_ver)) if not os.path.isfile(patch_table_filename): print("-> ERR: file {} not found".format(patch_table_filename)) return None # opening the file patch_table_file = open(patch_table_filename, "r") # reading the data from the file patch_table_data = patch_table_file.read() # splitting the file data into lines patch_table_lines = patch_table_data.splitlines() patch_table_file.close() # Extract patch table for specified kernel version kversion_line = "Kernel-{}".format(k_ver) table_ofset = 0 for table_ofset, line in enumerate(patch_table_lines): if line == kversion_line: break # if kernel version not found if table_ofset >= len(patch_table_lines)-5: print ("Err: kernel version {} not found in {}".format(k_ver, patch_table_filename)) return None table = [] delimiter_count = 0 column_names = None for idx, line in enumerate(patch_table_lines[table_ofset:]): if PATCH_TABLE_DELIMITER in line: delimiter_count += 1 if delimiter_count >= 3: print ("Err: too much leading delimers line #{}: {}".format(table_ofset + idx, line)) return None elif table: break continue # line without delimiter but header still not found if delimiter_count > 0: if not column_names: column_names = get_line_elements(line) if not column_names: print ("Err: parsing table header line #{}: {}".format(table_ofset + idx, line)) return None delimiter_count = 0 continue elif column_names: line_arr = get_line_elements(line) if len(line_arr) != len(column_names): print ("Err: patch table wrong format linex #{}: {}".format(table_ofset + idx, line)) return None else: table_line = dict(zip(column_names, line_arr)) table.append(table_line) return table class Data: # list of new upstream patches new_up = list() # list of new non-upstream patches new_non_up = list() # old upstream patches old_up_patches = list() # current series file raw data old_series = list() # current non-upstream patch list old_non_up = list() # New series file written by hw_mgmt integration script new_series = list() # List of new opts written by hw_mgmt integration script updated_kcfg = list(tuple()) # index of the mlnx_hw_mgmt patches start marker in old_series i_mlnx_start = -1 # index of the mlnx_hw_mgmt patches end marker in old_series i_mlnx_end = -1 # Updated sonic-linux-kernel/patch/series file contents up_slk_series = list() # SLK series file content updated with non-upstream patches, used to generate diff agg_slk_series = list() # Diff to be written into the series.patch file agg_slk_series_diff = list() # current kcfg opts current_kcfg = list(tuple()) # current raw kconfig exclude data kcfg_exclude = list() class HwMgmtAction(Action): @staticmethod def get(args): action = None if args.action.lower() == "pre": action = PreProcess(args) elif args.action.lower() == "post": action = PostProcess(args) if not action.check(): print("-> ERR: Argument Checks Failed") sys.exit(1) return action def check(self): if not self.args.config_inclusion: print("-> ERR: config_inclusion is missing") return False if not self.args.build_root: print("-> ERR: build_root is missing") return False if not os.path.isfile(self.args.config_inclusion): print("-> ERR: config_inclusion {} doesn't exist".format(self.args.config_inclusion)) return False if not os.path.exists(self.args.build_root): print("-> ERR: Build Root {} doesn't exist".format(self.args.build_root)) return False return True class PreProcess(HwMgmtAction): def __init__(self, args): super().__init__(args) def check(self): return super(PreProcess, self).check() def perform(self): """ Move MLNX Kconfig to the loc pointed by config_inclusion """ kcfg_sec = FileHandler.read_kconfig_inclusion(os.path.join(self.args.build_root, SLK_KCONFIG)) writable_opts = KCFG.get_writable_opts(KCFG.parse_opts_strs(kcfg_sec)) FileHandler.write_lines(self.args.config_inclusion, writable_opts) print("-> OPTS written to temp config_inclusion file: \n{}".format(FileHandler.read_strip(self.args.config_inclusion, True))) class PostProcess(HwMgmtAction): def __init__(self, args): super().__init__(args) def check(self): if not super(PostProcess, self).check(): return False if not (self.args.patches and os.path.exists(self.args.patches)): print("-> ERR: upstream patch directory is missing ") return False if not (self.args.non_up_patches and os.path.exists(self.args.non_up_patches)): print("-> ERR: non upstream patch directory is missing") return False if not (self.args.series and os.path.isfile(self.args.series)): print("-> ERR: series file doesn't exist {}".format(self.args.series)) return False if not (self.args.current_non_up_patches and os.path.exists(self.args.current_non_up_patches)): print("-> ERR: current non_up_patches doesn't exist {}".format(self.args.current_non_up_patches)) return False return True def read_data(self): # Read the data written by hw-mgmt script into the internal Data Structures Data.new_series = FileHandler.read_strip_minimal(self.args.series) Data.old_series = FileHandler.read_raw(os.path.join(self.args.build_root, SLK_SERIES)) Data.old_non_up = FileHandler.read_strip_minimal(self.args.current_non_up_patches) # Read the new kcfg new_cfg = FileHandler.read_kconfig_inclusion(self.args.config_inclusion, None) Data.updated_kcfg = KCFG.parse_opts_strs(new_cfg) # entire current config, [common] + [amd64] all_kcfg = FileHandler.read_kconfig_parser(os.path.join(self.args.build_root, SLK_KCONFIG)) Data.current_kcfg = [] for hdr in HDRS: Data.current_kcfg.extend(all_kcfg.get(hdr, [])) Data.current_kcfg = KCFG.parse_opts_strs(Data.current_kcfg) Data.kcfg_exclude = FileHandler.read_raw(os.path.join(self.args.build_root, SLK_KCONFIG_EXCLUDE)) new_up = set(FileHandler.read_dir(self.args.patches, "*.patch")) new_non_up = set(FileHandler.read_dir(self.args.non_up_patches, "*.patch")) for patch in Data.new_series: if patch in new_up: Data.new_up.append(patch) elif patch in new_non_up: Data.new_non_up.append(patch) else: print("-> FATAL: Patch {} not found either in upstream or non-upstream list".format(patch)) if not self.args.is_test: sys.exit(1) def find_mlnx_hw_mgmt_markers(self): """ Find the indexes where the current mlnx patches sits in SLK_SERIES file """ (Data.i_mlnx_start, Data.i_mlnx_end) = FileHandler.find_marker_indices(Data.old_series, marker=HW_MGMT_MARKER) if Data.i_mlnx_start < 0 or Data.i_mlnx_end > len(Data.old_series): print("-> FATAL mellanox_hw_mgmt markers not found. Couldn't continue.. exiting") sys.exit() def rm_old_up_mlnx(self): """ Delete the old mlnx upstream patches """ print("\n -> POST: Removed the following upstream patches:") index = Data.i_mlnx_start while index <= Data.i_mlnx_end: file_n = os.path.join(self.args.build_root, os.path.join(SLK_PATCH_LOC, Data.old_series[index].strip())) if os.path.isfile(file_n): print(Data.old_series[index].strip()) os.remove(file_n) index = index + 1 def mv_new_up_mlnx(self): for patch in Data.new_up: src_path = os.path.join(self.args.patches, patch) shutil.copy(src_path, os.path.join(self.args.build_root, SLK_PATCH_LOC)) def write_final_slk_series(self): tmp_new_up = [d+"\n" for d in Data.new_up] Data.up_slk_series = Data.old_series[0:Data.i_mlnx_start+1] + tmp_new_up + Data.old_series[Data.i_mlnx_end:] print("\n -> POST: Updated sonic-linux-kernel/series file: \n{}".format("".join(Data.up_slk_series))) FileHandler.write_lines(os.path.join(self.args.build_root, SLK_SERIES), Data.up_slk_series, True) def rm_old_non_up_mlnx(self): """ Remove the old non-upstream patches """ print("\n -> POST: Removed the following supposedly non-upstream patches:") # Remove all the old patches and any patches that got accepted with this kernel version for patch in Data.old_non_up + Data.new_up: file_n = os.path.join(self.args.build_root, os.path.join(NON_UP_PATCH_LOC, patch)) if os.path.isfile(file_n): print(patch) os.remove(file_n) # Make sure the dir is now empty as all these patches are of hw-mgmt files = FileHandler.read_dir(os.path.join(self.args.build_root, NON_UP_PATCH_LOC), "*.patch") if files: # TODO: When there are SDK non-upstream patches, the logic has to be updated print("\n -> FATAL: Patches Remaining in {}: \n{}".format(NON_UP_PATCH_LOC, files)) sys.exit(1) def mv_new_non_up_mlnx(self): for patch in Data.new_non_up: src_path = os.path.join(self.args.non_up_patches, patch) shutil.copy(src_path, os.path.join(self.args.build_root, NON_UP_PATCH_LOC)) def construct_series_with_non_up(self): Data.agg_slk_series = copy.deepcopy(Data.up_slk_series) lines = ["# Current non-upstream patch list, should be updated by hwmgmt_kernel_patches.py script"] for index, patch in enumerate(Data.new_series): patch = patch + "\n" if patch not in Data.agg_slk_series: if index == 0: # if the first patch is a non-upstream patch, then use the marker as the prev index prev_patch = Data.old_series[Data.i_mlnx_start] else: prev_patch = Data.new_series[index-1] + "\n" if prev_patch not in Data.agg_slk_series: print("\n -> FATAL: ERR: patch {} is not found in agg_slk_series list: \n {}".format(prev_patch, "".join(Data.agg_slk_series))) sys.exit(1) index_prev_patch = Data.agg_slk_series.index(prev_patch) if index_prev_patch < len(Data.agg_slk_series) - 1: Data.agg_slk_series = Data.agg_slk_series[0:index_prev_patch+1] + [patch] + Data.agg_slk_series[index_prev_patch + 1:] else: Data.agg_slk_series = Data.agg_slk_series + [patch] print("\n -> INFO: patch {} added to agg_slk_series:".format(patch.strip())) lines.append(patch.strip()) # Update the non_up_current_patch_list file FileHandler.write_lines(self.args.current_non_up_patches, lines) print("\n -> POST: series file updated with non-upstream patches \n{}".format("".join(Data.agg_slk_series))) def write_series_diff(self): diff = difflib.unified_diff(Data.up_slk_series, Data.agg_slk_series, fromfile='a/patch/series', tofile="b/patch/series", lineterm="\n") lines = [] for line in diff: lines.append(line) print("\n -> POST: final series.diff \n{}".format("".join(lines))) FileHandler.write_lines(os.path.join(self.args.build_root, NON_UP_PATCH_DIFF), lines, True) def check_kconfig_conflicts(self): # current config under mellanox marker old_mlnx_kcfg = FileHandler.read_kconfig_inclusion(os.path.join(self.args.build_root, SLK_KCONFIG)) old_mlnx_kcfg = KCFG.parse_opts_strs(old_mlnx_kcfg) print("-> INFO: [common] + [amd64] Kconfig: \n{}".format("\n".join(KCFG.get_writable_opts(Data.current_kcfg)))) print("-> INFO: current mellanox marker Kconfig: \n{}".format("\n".join(KCFG.get_writable_opts(old_mlnx_kcfg)))) # Filter the mellanox config from current config conflict_prone = set(Data.current_kcfg) for kcfg in old_mlnx_kcfg: if kcfg in conflict_prone: conflict_prone.remove(kcfg) print("-> INFO: conflict prone Kconfig: \n{}".format("\n".join(KCFG.get_writable_opts(list(conflict_prone))))) print("-> INFO: updated kconfig for mellanox marker: \n{}".format("\n".join(KCFG.get_writable_opts(Data.updated_kcfg)))) # check for conflicts has_conflict = False for (cfg, val) in Data.updated_kcfg: for (cfg_o, val_o) in conflict_prone: if cfg == cfg_o and val != val_o: print("-> ERR Conflict seen on the following kconfig: {}, old_opt: {}, new_opt: {}".format(cfg, val_o, val)) has_conflict = True return has_conflict def handle_exclusions(self): new_lines = [] curr_hdr = "" for line_raw in Data.kcfg_exclude: line = line_raw.strip() should_exclude = False if line: match = re.search(KCFG_HDR_RE, line) if match: curr_hdr = match.group(1) else: for (kcfg, _) in Data.updated_kcfg: if kcfg == line and curr_hdr in HDRS: should_exclude = True if not should_exclude: new_lines.append(line_raw) FileHandler.write_lines(os.path.join(self.args.build_root, SLK_KCONFIG_EXCLUDE), new_lines, True) print("-> INFO: updated kconfig-exclusion: \n{}".format("".join(FileHandler.read_raw(os.path.join(self.args.build_root, SLK_KCONFIG_EXCLUDE))))) def list_patches(self): old_up_patches = [] for i in range(Data.i_mlnx_start, Data.i_mlnx_end): old_up_patches.append(Data.old_series[i].strip()) old_non_up_patches = [ptch.strip() for ptch in Data.old_non_up] return old_up_patches, old_non_up_patches def create_commit_msg(self, table): title = COMMIT_TITLE.format(self.args.hw_mgmt_ver) changes_slk, changes_sb = {}, {} old_up_patches, old_non_up_patches = self.list_patches() for patch in table: id_ = parse_id(patch.get(COMMIT_ID, "")) patch_ = patch.get(PATCH_NAME) if patch_ in Data.new_up and patch_ not in old_up_patches: changes_slk[patch_] = id_ print(f"-> INFO: Patch: {patch_}, Commit: {id_}, added to linux-kernel description") elif patch_ in Data.new_non_up and patch_ not in old_non_up_patches: changes_sb[patch_] = id_ print(f"-> INFO: Patch: {patch_}, Commit: {id_}, added to buildimage description") else: print(f"-> INFO: Patch: {patch_}, Commit: {id_}, is not added") slk_commit_msg = title + "\n" + build_commit_description(changes_slk) sb_commit_msg = title + "\n" + build_commit_description(changes_sb) print(f"-> INFO: SLK Commit Message: \n {slk_commit_msg}") print(f"-> INFO: SB Commit Message: \n {sb_commit_msg}") return sb_commit_msg, slk_commit_msg def perform(self): """ Read the data output from the deploy_kernel_patches.py script and move to appropriate locations """ self.read_data() self.find_mlnx_hw_mgmt_markers() # Find and report conflicts in new kconfig if self.check_kconfig_conflicts(): print("-> FATAL Conflicts in kconfig-inclusion detected, exiting...") sys.exit(1) else: # Write the new kcfg to the new file path = os.path.join(self.args.build_root, SLK_KCONFIG) FileHandler.write_lines_marker(path, KCFG.get_writable_opts(Data.updated_kcfg), MLNX_KFG_MARKER) self.handle_exclusions() # Handle Upstream patches self.rm_old_up_mlnx() self.mv_new_up_mlnx() self.write_final_slk_series() # Handle Non Upstream patches self.rm_old_non_up_mlnx() self.mv_new_non_up_mlnx() self.construct_series_with_non_up() self.write_series_diff() path = os.path.join(self.args.build_root, PATCH_TABLE_LOC) patch_table = load_patch_table(path, self.args.kernel_version) sb_msg, slk_msg = self.create_commit_msg(patch_table) if self.args.sb_msg and sb_msg: with open(self.args.sb_msg, 'w') as f: f.write(sb_msg) if self.args.slk_msg: with open(self.args.slk_msg, 'w') as f: f.write(slk_msg) def create_parser(): # Create argument parser parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # Positional mandatory arguments parser.add_argument("action", type=str, choices=["pre", "post"]) # Optional arguments parser.add_argument("--patches", type=str) parser.add_argument("--non_up_patches", type=str) parser.add_argument("--config_inclusion", type=str) parser.add_argument("--series", type=str) parser.add_argument("--current_non_up_patches", type=str) parser.add_argument("--build_root", type=str) parser.add_argument("--hw_mgmt_ver", type=str, required=True) parser.add_argument("--kernel_version", type=str, required=True) parser.add_argument("--sb_msg", type=str, required=False, default="") parser.add_argument("--slk_msg", type=str, required=False, default="") parser.add_argument("--is_test", action="store_true") return parser if __name__ == '__main__': parser = create_parser() action = HwMgmtAction.get(parser.parse_args()) action.perform()