# The azure pipeline template for PR build, Official build, and upgrade version build parameters: - name: 'jobFilters' type: object default: '' - name: 'preSteps' type: stepList default: [] - name: 'buildSteps' type: stepList default: [] - name: 'postSteps' type: stepList default: [] - name: jobGroups type: object default: [] - name: jobVariables type: object default: [] jobs: - template: azure-pipelines-job-groups.yml parameters: jobFilters: ${{ parameters.jobFilters }} jobVariables: ${{ parameters.jobVariables }} preSteps: - template: cleanup.yml - ${{ parameters.preSteps }} - script: | if [ -n "$(CACHE_MODE)" ] && echo $(PLATFORM_AZP) | grep -E -q "^(vs|broadcom|mellanox|marvell-armhf)$"; then CACHE_OPTIONS="SONIC_DPKG_CACHE_METHOD=$(CACHE_MODE) SONIC_DPKG_CACHE_SOURCE=/nfs/dpkg_cache/$(PLATFORM_AZP)" BUILD_OPTIONS="$(BUILD_OPTIONS) $CACHE_OPTIONS" echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=BUILD_OPTIONS]$BUILD_OPTIONS" fi displayName: "Set cache options" - checkout: self submodules: recursive condition: eq(variables.SKIP_CHECKOUT, '') displayName: 'Checkout code' - script: | BRANCH_NAME=$(Build.SourceBranchName) [ -n "$SYSTEM_PULLREQUEST_PULLREQUESTID" ] && BRANCH_NAME="$SYSTEM_PULLREQUEST_TARGETBRANCH-$SYSTEM_PULLREQUEST_PULLREQUESTNUMBER" git checkout -b $BRANCH_NAME sudo modprobe overlay sudo apt-get install -y acl sudo bash -c "echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/compact_memory" ENABLE_DOCKER_BASE_PULL=y make PLATFORM=$(PLATFORM_AZP) PLATFORM_ARCH=$(PLATFORM_ARCH) $(BUILD_OPTIONS) configure displayName: 'Make configure' postSteps: - script: cp target -r $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/ displayName: Copy Artifacts - publish: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory) artifact: 'sonic-buildimage.$(GROUP_NAME)$(GROUP_EXTNAME)' displayName: "Archive sonic image" - ${{ parameters.postSteps }} - template: cleanup.yml jobGroups: ${{ parameters.jobGroups }} buildSteps: ${{ parameters.buildSteps }}