{% set mgmt_if = {} %} {% if MGMT_INTERFACE %} {% for (mgmt_name, mgmt_prefix) in MGMT_INTERFACE|pfx_filter %} {% if mgmt_prefix|ipv4 %} {% if mgmt_if.update({'port_name' : mgmt_name}) %} {% endif %} {% if mgmt_if.update({'ipv4' : mgmt_prefix|ip}) %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if mgmt_if %} {# If MGMT port alias is available, use it for port ID subtype, otherwise use port name #} {% if MGMT_PORT and MGMT_PORT[mgmt_if.port_name] and MGMT_PORT[mgmt_if.port_name].alias %} configure ports eth0 lldp portidsubtype local {{ MGMT_PORT[mgmt_if.port_name].alias }} {% else %} configure ports eth0 lldp portidsubtype local {{ mgmt_if.port_name }} {% endif %} configure system ip management pattern {{ mgmt_if.ipv4 }} {% endif %} configure system hostname {{ DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['hostname'] }} {# pause lldpd operations until all interfaces are well configured, resume command will run in lldpmgrd #} pause