# Starter pipeline # Start with a minimal pipeline that you can customize to build and deploy your code. # Add steps that build, run tests, deploy, and more: # https://aka.ms/yaml # Build and push sonic-slave-[buster|jessie|stretch] images for amd64/armhf/arm64 resources: repositories: - repository: buildimage type: github name: Azure/sonic-buildimage ref: master endpoint: build parameters: - name: arch type: string values: - amd64 - armhf - arm64 - name: dist type: string values: - bullseye - buster - stretch - jessie - name: registry_url type: string default: sonicdev-microsoft.azurecr.io - name: registry_conn type: string default: sonicdev - name: pool type: string default: sonicbld values: - sonicbld - sonicbld-arm64 - sonicbld-armhf jobs: - job: Build_${{ parameters.dist }}_${{ parameters.arch }} timeoutInMinutes: 360 pool: ${{ parameters.pool }} steps: - template: cleanup.yml - ${{ if eq(variables['Build.Reason'], 'PullRequest') }}: - template: template-clean-sonic-slave.yml - ${{ else }}: - template: .azure-pipelines/template-variables.yml@buildimage - checkout: self clean: true submodules: recursive - bash: | set -ex SLAVE_DIR=sonic-slave-${{ parameters.dist }} if [ x${{ parameters.pool }} == x"sonicbld" ]; then if [ x${{ parameters.arch }} == x"amd64" ]; then SLAVE_BASE_IMAGE=${SLAVE_DIR} SLAVE_BASE_IMAGE_UPLOAD=${SLAVE_DIR} elif [ x${{ parameters.pool }} == x"sonicbld" ]; then SLAVE_BASE_IMAGE=${SLAVE_DIR}-march-${{ parameters.arch }} SLAVE_BASE_IMAGE_UPLOAD=${SLAVE_DIR}-march-${{ parameters.arch }} fi elif [[ x${{ parameters.pool }} == x"sonicbld-armhf" && x${{ parameters.arch }} == x"armhf" ]]; then SLAVE_BASE_IMAGE=${SLAVE_DIR} SLAVE_BASE_IMAGE_UPLOAD=${SLAVE_DIR}-armhf elif [[ x${{ parameters.pool }} == x"sonicbld-arm64" && x${{ parameters.arch }} == x"arm64" ]]; then SLAVE_BASE_IMAGE=${SLAVE_DIR} SLAVE_BASE_IMAGE_UPLOAD=${SLAVE_DIR}-arm64 else echo "do not support build ${{ parameters.arch }} on ${{ parameters.pool }}" exit 1 fi if [ x"$(Build.SourceBranchName)" == x"202012" ]; then BUILD_OPTIONS = 'SONIC_VERSION_CONTROL_COMPONENTS=deb,py2,py3,web,git,docker' fi tmpfile=$(mktemp) echo ${{ parameters.arch }} > .arch DOCKER_DATA_ROOT_FOR_MULTIARCH=/data/march/docker BLDENV=${{ parameters.dist }} $(BUILD_OPTIONS) make -f Makefile.work sonic-slave-build | tee $tmpfile SLAVE_BASE_TAG=$(grep "^Checking sonic-slave-base image:" $tmpfile | awk -F ':' '{print $3}') SLAVE_TAG=$(grep "^Checking sonic-slave image:" $tmpfile | awk -F ':' '{print $3}') mkdir -p target docker tag $SLAVE_BASE_IMAGE:$SLAVE_BASE_TAG $REGISTRY_SERVER/$SLAVE_BASE_IMAGE_UPLOAD:latest docker tag $SLAVE_BASE_IMAGE:$SLAVE_BASE_TAG $REGISTRY_SERVER/$SLAVE_BASE_IMAGE_UPLOAD:$SLAVE_BASE_TAG set +x echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=VARIABLE_SLAVE_BASE_IMAGE]$SLAVE_BASE_IMAGE_UPLOAD" echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=VARIABLE_SLAVE_BASE_TAG]$SLAVE_BASE_TAG" env: REGISTRY_SERVER: ${{ parameters.registry_url }} displayName: Build sonic-slave-${{ parameters.dist }}-${{ parameters.arch }} - task: Docker@2 displayName: Upload image inputs: containerRegistry: ${{ parameters.registry_conn }} repository: $(VARIABLE_SLAVE_BASE_IMAGE) command: push tags: | $(VARIABLE_SLAVE_BASE_TAG) latest