import click import ast from natsort import natsorted from tabulate import tabulate import show.vlan as show_vlan import utilities_common.cli as clicommon from swsscommon.swsscommon import ConfigDBConnector from swsscommon.swsscommon import SonicV2Connector # STATE_DB Table DHCPv4_COUNTER_TABLE = 'DHCP_COUNTER_TABLE' DHCPv6_COUNTER_TABLE = 'DHCPv6_COUNTER_TABLE' # DHCPv4 Counter Messages dhcpv4_messages = [ "Unknown", "Discover", "Offer", "Request", "Decline", "Ack", "Nack", "Release", "Inform" ] # DHCPv6 Counter Messages dhcpv6_messages = [ "Unknown", "Solicit", "Advertise", "Request", "Confirm", "Renew", "Rebind", "Reply", "Release", "Decline", "Reconfigure", "Information-Request", "Relay-Forward", "Relay-Reply", "Malformed" ] # DHCP_RELAY Config Table DHCP_RELAY = 'DHCP_RELAY' VLAN = "VLAN" DHCPV6_SERVERS = "dhcpv6_servers" DHCPV4_SERVERS = "dhcp_servers" config_db = ConfigDBConnector() def get_dhcp_helper_address(ctx, vlan): cfg, _ = ctx vlan_dhcp_helper_data, _, _ = cfg vlan_config = vlan_dhcp_helper_data.get(vlan) if not vlan_config: return "" dhcp_helpers = vlan_config.get('dhcp_servers', []) return '\n'.join(natsorted(dhcp_helpers)) show_vlan.VlanBrief.register_column('DHCP Helper Address', get_dhcp_helper_address) class DHCPv4_Counter(object): def __init__(self): self.db = SonicV2Connector(use_unix_socket_path=False) self.db.connect(self.db.STATE_DB) self.table_name = DHCPv4_COUNTER_TABLE + self.db.get_db_separator(self.db.STATE_DB) def get_interface(self): """ Get all names of all interfaces in DHCPv4_COUNTER_TABLE """ interfaces = [] for key in self.db.keys(self.db.STATE_DB): if DHCPv4_COUNTER_TABLE in key: interfaces.append(key[21:]) return interfaces def get_dhcp4relay_msg_count(self, interface, dir): """ Get count of a dhcprelay message """ value = self.db.get(self.db.STATE_DB, self.table_name + str(interface), str(dir)) cnts = ast.literal_eval(str(value)) data = [] if cnts is not None: for k, v in cnts.items(): data.append([k, v]) return data def clear_table(self, interface): """ Reset all message counts to 0 """ v4_cnts = {} for msg in dhcpv4_messages: v4_cnts[msg] = '0' self.db.set(self.db.STATE_DB, self.table_name + str(interface), str("RX"), str(v4_cnts)) self.db.set(self.db.STATE_DB, self.table_name + str(interface), str("TX"), str(v4_cnts)) def print_dhcpv4_count(counter, intf): """Print count of each message""" rx_data = counter.get_dhcp4relay_msg_count(intf, "RX") print(tabulate(rx_data, headers=["Message Type", intf+"(RX)"], tablefmt='simple', stralign='right') + "\n") tx_data = counter.get_dhcp4relay_msg_count(intf, "TX") print(tabulate(tx_data, headers=["Message Type", intf+"(TX)"], tablefmt='simple', stralign='right') + "\n") # # 'dhcp4relay_counters' group ### #, name="dhcp4relay_counters") def dhcp4relay_counters(): """Show DHCPv4 counter""" pass def ipv4_counters(interface): counter = DHCPv4_Counter() counter_intf = counter.get_interface() if interface: print_dhcpv4_count(counter, interface) else: for intf in counter_intf: print_dhcpv4_count(counter, intf) # 'counts' subcommand ("show dhcp4relay_counters counts") @dhcp4relay_counters.command('counts') @click.option('-i', '--interface', required=False) @click.option('--verbose', is_flag=True, help="Enable verbose output") def counts(interface, verbose): """Show dhcp4relay message counts""" ipv4_counters(interface) class DHCPv6_Counter(object): def __init__(self): self.db = SonicV2Connector(use_unix_socket_path=False) self.db.connect(self.db.STATE_DB) self.table_name = DHCPv6_COUNTER_TABLE + self.db.get_db_separator(self.db.STATE_DB) def get_interface(self): """ Get all names of all interfaces in DHCPv6_COUNTER_TABLE """ interfaces = [] for key in self.db.keys(self.db.STATE_DB): if DHCPv6_COUNTER_TABLE in key: interfaces.append(key[21:]) return interfaces def get_dhcp6relay_msg_count(self, interface, dir): """ Get count of a dhcp6relay message """ value = self.db.get(self.db.STATE_DB, self.table_name + str(interface), str(dir)) cnts = ast.literal_eval(str(value)) data = [] if cnts is not None: for k, v in cnts.items(): data.append([k, v]) return data def clear_table(self, interface): """ Reset all message counts to 0 """ v6_cnts = {} for msg in dhcpv6_messages: v6_cnts[msg] = '0' self.db.set(self.db.STATE_DB, self.table_name + str(interface), str("RX"), str(v6_cnts)) self.db.set(self.db.STATE_DB, self.table_name + str(interface), str("TX"), str(v6_cnts)) def print_dhcpv6_count(counter, intf): """Print count of each message""" rx_data = counter.get_dhcp6relay_msg_count(intf, "RX") print(tabulate(rx_data, headers=["Message Type", intf+"(RX)"], tablefmt='simple', stralign='right') + "\n") tx_data = counter.get_dhcp6relay_msg_count(intf, "TX") print(tabulate(tx_data, headers=["Message Type", intf+"(TX)"], tablefmt='simple', stralign='right') + "\n") # # 'dhcp6relay_counters' group ### #, name="dhcp6relay_counters") def dhcp6relay_counters(): """Show DHCPv6 counter""" pass def ipv6_counters(interface): counter = DHCPv6_Counter() counter_intf = counter.get_interface() if interface: print_dhcpv6_count(counter, interface) else: for intf in counter_intf: print_dhcpv6_count(counter, intf) # 'counts' subcommand ("show dhcp6relay_counters counts") @dhcp6relay_counters.command('counts') @click.option('-i', '--interface', required=False) @click.option('--verbose', is_flag=True, help="Enable verbose output") def counts(interface, verbose): """Show dhcp6relay message counts""" ipv6_counters(interface), name="dhcprelay_helper") def dhcp_relay_helper(): """Show DHCP_Relay helper information""" pass def get_dhcp_relay_data_with_header(table_data, entry_name): vlan_relay = {} vlans = table_data.keys() for vlan in vlans: vlan_data = table_data.get(vlan) dhcp_relay_data = vlan_data.get(entry_name) if dhcp_relay_data is None or len(dhcp_relay_data) == 0: continue vlan_relay[vlan] = [] for address in dhcp_relay_data: vlan_relay[vlan].append(address) dhcp_relay_vlan_keys = vlan_relay.keys() relay_address_list = ["\n".join(vlan_relay[key]) for key in dhcp_relay_vlan_keys] data = {"Interface": dhcp_relay_vlan_keys, "DHCP Relay Address": relay_address_list} return tabulate(data, tablefmt='grid', stralign='right', headers='keys') + '\n' def get_dhcp_relay(table_name, entry_name, with_header): if config_db is None: return config_db.connect() table_data = config_db.get_table(table_name) if table_data is None: return if with_header: output = get_dhcp_relay_data_with_header(table_data, entry_name) print(output) else: vlans = config_db.get_keys(table_name) for vlan in vlans: output = get_data(table_data, vlan) print(output) @dhcp_relay_helper.command('ipv6') def get_dhcpv6_helper_address(): """Parse through DHCP_RELAY table for each interface in config_db.json and print dhcpv6 helpers in table format""" get_dhcp_relay(DHCP_RELAY, DHCPV6_SERVERS, with_header=False) def get_data(table_data, vlan): vlan_data = table_data.get(vlan, {}) helpers_data = vlan_data.get('dhcpv6_servers') addr = {vlan:[]} output = '' if helpers_data is not None: for ip in helpers_data: addr[vlan].append(ip) output = tabulate({'Interface':[vlan], vlan:addr.get(vlan)}, tablefmt='simple', stralign='right') + '\n' return output, name="dhcp_relay") def dhcp_relay(): """show DHCP_Relay information""" pass, name="ipv6") def dhcp_relay_ipv6(): pass, name="ipv4") def dhcp_relay_ipv4(): pass @dhcp_relay_ipv4.command("helper") def dhcp_relay_ipv4_destination(): get_dhcp_relay(VLAN, DHCPV4_SERVERS, with_header=True) @dhcp_relay_ipv6.command("destination") def dhcp_relay_ipv6_destination(): get_dhcp_relay(DHCP_RELAY, DHCPV6_SERVERS, with_header=True) @dhcp_relay_ipv6.command("counters") @click.option('-i', '--interface', required=False) def dhcp_relay_ip6counters(interface): ipv6_counters(interface) def register(cli): cli.add_command(dhcp4relay_counters) cli.add_command(dhcp6relay_counters) cli.add_command(dhcp_relay_helper) cli.add_command(dhcp_relay)