#!/usr/bin/env python # # led_control.py # # Platform-specific LED control functionality for SONiC # try: import os import re import syslog import collections from sonic_led.led_control_base import LedControlBase from sonic_py_common import device_info from subprocess import Popen except ImportError as e: raise ImportError(str(e) + " - required module not found") USR_SHARE_SONIC_PATH = "/usr/share/sonic" HOST_DEVICE_PATH = USR_SHARE_SONIC_PATH + "/device" CONTAINER_PLATFORM_PATH = USR_SHARE_SONIC_PATH + "/platform" def DBG_PRINT(str): syslog.openlog("centec-led") syslog.syslog(syslog.LOG_INFO, str) syslog.closelog() class LedControl(LedControlBase): """Platform specific LED control class""" # Constructor def __init__(self): self.mac_to_led = { 32 : 0, 33 : 1, 34 : 2, 35 : 3, 0 : 4, 4 : 5, 8 : 6, 12 : 7, 16 : 8, 20 : 9, 24 : 10, 28 : 11, 40 : 12, 44 : 13, 48 : 14, 52 : 15, 56 : 16, 60 : 17, 64 : 18, 68 : 19, 72 : 20, 73 : 21, 74 : 22, 75 : 23, 232: 24, 233: 25, 234: 26, 235: 27, 200: 28, 204: 29, 208: 30, 212: 31, 216: 32, 220: 33, 224: 34, 228: 35, 160: 36, 164: 37, 168: 38, 172: 39, 176: 40, 180: 41, 184: 42, 188: 43, 192: 44, 193: 45, 194: 46, 195: 47, 120: 48, 121: -1, 122: -1, 123: -1, 124: 49, 125: -1, 126: -1, 127: -1, 80 : 50, 81 : -1, 82 : -1, 83 : -1, 84 : 51, 85 : -1, 86 : -1, 87 : -1, 240: 52, 241: -1, 242: -1, 243: -1, 244: 53, 245: -1, 246: -1, 247: -1, 280: 54, 281: -1, 282: -1, 283: -1, 284: 55, 285: -1, 286: -1, 287: -1, } if os.path.isdir(CONTAINER_PLATFORM_PATH): platform_path = CONTAINER_PLATFORM_PATH else: platform = device_info.get_platform() if platform is None: raise platform_path = os.path.join(HOST_DEVICE_PATH, platform) port_config_file = "/".join([platform_path, "V682-48x8c", "port_config.ini"]) try: f = open(port_config_file) except: raise for line in f: line.strip() if re.search('^#', line) is not None: Port_cfg = collections.namedtuple('Port_cfg', line.split()[1:]) break f.close() f = open(port_config_file) self._port_cfgs = [Port_cfg(*tuple((line.strip().split()))) for line in f if re.search('^#', line) is None] f.close() self.LED_MODE_UP = [5, 5] self.LED_MODE_DOWN = [7, 7] self.f_led = "/sys/class/leds/{}/brightness" self._initDefaultConfig() # Helper method to map SONiC port name to index def _port_name_to_index(self, port_name): for port_cfg in self._port_cfgs: if port_name == port_cfg.name: macs = [int(x) for x in (port_cfg.lanes.split(','))] led = self.mac_to_led[min(macs)] if led < 0: return None return led return None def _port_state_to_mode(self, port_idx, state): if state == "up": return self.LED_MODE_UP[1] if port_idx >= 48 else self.LED_MODE_UP[0] else: return self.LED_MODE_DOWN[1] if port_idx >= 48 else self.LED_MODE_DOWN[0] def _port_led_mode_update(self, port_idx, ledMode): with open(self.f_led.format("port{}".format(port_idx)), 'w') as led_file: led_file.write(str(ledMode)) def _initSystemLed(self): try: cmd = 'i2cset -y 0 0x36 0x2 0x5' Popen(cmd, shell=True) DBG_PRINT("init system led to normal") cmd = 'i2cset -y 0 0x36 0x3 0x1' Popen(cmd, shell=True) DBG_PRINT("init idn led to off") except IOError as e: DBG_PRINT(str(e)) def _initPanelLed(self): with open(self.f_led.format("port1"), 'r') as led_file: shouldInit = (int(led_file.read()) == 0) if shouldInit == True: for port_cfg in self._port_cfgs: macs = [int(x) for x in (port_cfg.lanes.split(','))] led = self.mac_to_led[min(macs)] if led < 0: continue defmode = self._port_state_to_mode(led, "down") with open(self.f_led.format("port{}".format(led)), 'w') as led_file: led_file.write(str(defmode)) DBG_PRINT("init port{} led to mode={}".format(led, defmode)) def _initDefaultConfig(self): DBG_PRINT("start init led") self._initSystemLed() self._initPanelLed() DBG_PRINT("init led done") # Concrete implementation of port_link_state_change() method def port_link_state_change(self, portname, state): port_idx = self._port_name_to_index(portname) if port_idx is None: return ledMode = self._port_state_to_mode(port_idx, state) with open(self.f_led.format("port{}".format(port_idx)), 'r') as led_file: saveMode = int(led_file.read()) if ledMode == saveMode: return self._port_led_mode_update(port_idx, ledMode) DBG_PRINT("update {} led mode from {} to {}".format(portname, saveMode, ledMode))