ARG slave_base_tag_ref=latest {%- if MULTIARCH_QEMU_ENVIRON != "y" and CROSS_BUILD_ENVIRON != "y" %} FROM sonic-slave-bookworm:${slave_base_tag_ref} {%- else %} FROM sonic-slave-bookworm-march-{{ CONFIGURED_ARCH }}:${slave_base_tag_ref} {%- endif %} # Add user ARG user ARG uid ARG guid ARG hostname ENV BUILD_HOSTNAME $hostname ENV USER $user RUN groupadd -f -r -g $guid g$user RUN useradd $user -l -u $uid -g $guid -d /var/$user -m -s /bin/bash RUN gpasswd -a $user docker # Config git for stg RUN su $user -c "git config --global $user" RUN su $user -c "git config --global $" COPY /var/$user/.ssh/authorized_keys2 RUN chown $user /var/$user/.ssh -R RUN chmod go= /var/$user/.ssh -R # Add user to sudoers RUN echo "$user ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" >>/etc/sudoers USER $user