Signed-off-by: maipbui <>
#### Why I did it
`os` - not secure against maliciously constructed input and dangerous if used to evaluate dynamic content
#### How I did it
Replace `os` by `subprocess`
Why I did it
Support Intel Tofino based platforms Netberg Aurora 610
ASIC: Intel Tofino BFN-T10-032D-020
Pors: 48x 25G + 8x 100G
How I did it
Added specification to device/netberg directory
Added platform/barefoot/sonic-platform-modules-netberg contains kernel modules, scripts and sonic_platform packages.
Modified the platform/barefoot/ and platform/barefoot/ to include Aurora 610 related ID and files.
How to verify it
Build SONiC
Install the image on the device and verify the related components are installed and shown correctly.