* [Device] Rename SKU Arista-7260CX3-64 to Arista-7260CX3-C64
Renaming to add the speed indication: C64 means 64 100G ports.
renamed: Arista-7260CX3-64/port_config.ini -> Arista-7260CX3-C64/port_config.ini
renamed: Arista-7260CX3-64/sai.profile -> Arista-7260CX3-C64/sai.profile
* [Arista-7260cx3] Fix 64x100G port_config.ini
Reorder the port lanes to match the front panel port numbering.
* [Arista-7260CX3] add hwSKU Arista-7260CX3-D108C8
This hwSKU has 108x50G ports and 8x100G ports (2 x 100G ports are unused)
* Bump sonic-platform-modules-arista submodule
* Fix sfputil plugin for arista_7060_cx32s
* Fix sfputil plugin for arista_7260cx3_64
* Add front panel port number for arista platforms