Corrected the ingress and egress lossy and lossless buffer pool and profile values.
Single pool for lossy and lossless traffic for PFC priority 3 and 4.
In HWSKU DellEMC-S5232f-P-100GG/25G/10G. Defaults to lossy profile. No Lossless support.
2 default files (TD3-DEFAULT-LOSSLESS-P3P4 and "TD3-DEFAULT" created in SAI code. This will have cpu pool configuration and MMU init related configurations. file is only supports lossy. file is supports lossless on P3 and P4.
* Switch Vendor: DellEMC
* Switch SKU: s5232F
* ASIC Vendor: Broadcom
* Swich ASIC: Trident3
* Port Configuration: 32x100G
* SONiC Image: sonic-broadcom.bin
* LED support for s5232f
* Changes Include ipmitool implementation for platform_sensors script is inclued in pmon startup
* Added 100G,25G,10G configruation ( 100G is default).