Why I did it
Upgrade both Centec X86 and ARM64 platform containers(syncd/saiserver/syncd-rpc) to bullseye
Optimize Centec X86 platform makefile, change sdk.mk to sai.mk
How I did it
Modify Makefile and Dockerfile to use bullseye
Change filename form sdk.mk to sai.mk, optimize and modify related files
How to verify it
For Centec X86 platform, compile the code with : a) make configure PLATFORM=centec; b) make all
For Centec ARM64 platform, cmpile the code with: a) make configure PLATFORM=centec-arm64 PLATFORM_ARCH=arm64; b) make all
Verifiy the sonic-centec.bin and sonic-centec-arm64.bin on Centec chip based board.
- Why I did it
Support syslog rate limit configuration feature
- How I did it
Remove unused rsyslog.conf from containers
Modify docker startup script to generate rsyslog.conf from template files
Add metadata/init data for syslog rate limit configuration
- How to verify it
Manual test
New sonic-mgmt regression cases
Currently, the build dockers are created as a user dockers(docker-base-stretch-<user>, etc) that are
specific to each user. But the sonic dockers (docker-database, docker-swss, etc) are
created with a fixed docker name and common to all the users.
When multiple builds are triggered on the same build server that creates parallel building issue because
all the build jobs are trying to create the same docker with latest tag.
This happens only when sonic dockers are built using native host dockerd for sonic docker image creation.
This patch creates all sonic dockers as user sonic dockers and then, while
saving and loading the user sonic dockers, it rename the user sonic
dockers into correct sonic dockers with tag as latest.
docker-database:latest <== SAVE/LOAD ==> docker-database-<user>:tag
The user sonic docker names are derived from 'DOCKER_USERNAME and DOCKER_USERTAG' make env
variable and using Jinja template, it replaces the FROM docker name with correct user sonic docker name for
loading and saving the docker image.
Signed-off-by: Stepan Blyschak stepanb@nvidia.com
This PR is part of SONiC Application Extension
Depends on #5938
- Why I did it
To provide an infrastructure change in order to support SONiC Application Extension feature.
- How I did it
Label every installable SONiC Docker with a minimal required manifest and auto-generate packages.json file based on
installed SONiC images.
- How to verify it
Build an image, execute the following command:
admin@sonic:~$ docker inspect docker-snmp:1.0.0 | jq '.[0].Config.Labels["com.azure.sonic.manifest"]' -r | jq
Cat /var/lib/sonic-package-manager/packages.json file to verify all dockers are listed there.
* Enable telemetry for ARM64 by default
* [Centec]Upgrade Centec syncd docker to buster; libjemalloc2 have been installed in docker-base-buster, remove libjemalloc1 from docker-syncd-centec's Dockerfile.j2
Co-authored-by: Gu Xianghong <xgu@centecnetworks.com>
**- Why I did it**
We were building a custom version of Supervisor because I had added patches to prevent hangs and crashes if the system clock ever rolled backward. Those changes were merged into the upstream Supervisor repo as of version 3.4.0 (http://supervisord.org/changes.html#id9), therefore, we should be able to simply install the vanilla package via pip. This will also allow us to easily move to Python 3, as Python 3 support was added in version 4.0.0.
**- How I did it**
- Remove Makefiles and patches for building supervisor package from source
- Install Python 3 supervisor package version 4.2.1 in Buster base container
- Also install Python 3 version of supervisord-dependent-startup in Buster base container
- Debian package installed binary in `/usr/bin/`, but pip package installs in `/usr/local/bin/`, so rather than update all absolute paths, I changed all references to simply call `supervisord` and let the system PATH find the executable to prevent future need for changes just in case we ever need to switch back to build a Debian package, then we won't need to modify these again.
- Install Python 2 supervisor package >= 3.4.0 in Stretch and Jessie base containers
Add the same mechanism I developed for the SwSS service in #2845 to the syncd service. However, in order to cause the SwSS service to also exit and restart in this situation, I developed a docker-wait-any program which the SwSS service uses to wait for either the swss or syncd containers to exit.
- This PR allows supervisord to log syncd exit events to syslog
- Syncd dockers now are built from docker-config-engine instead of docker-base
- Supervisord in all syncd dockers now call syncd_start.s which is installed by sonic-sairedis repo
- Consolidate config.sh and start.sh scripts into one script (start.sh)
- Solve issue #435 - All dockers now run supervisord as their ENTRYPOINT
- All stdout/stderr output from processes managed by supervisord is now sent to syslog instead of their own files
- Supervisord log messages are now also sent to syslog
- Removed unused smartmontools package from docker-platform-monitor