To optimize stop on warm boot, added kill for containers
Use service "kill" in the shutdown path for fast and warm reboot. For all other reload methods, service "stop" is used.
This is done to save time in shutdown path, and to overall improve the time spent in warm and fast reload.
How - Use to trigger common logic to initiate kill (fast/warm) or stop (cold) for,,,,
Signed-off-by: Stepan Blyschak <>, Vaibhav H D <>
- Why I did it
Group all SONiC services together and able to manage them together. Will be used in config reload command as much simpler and generic way to restart services.
- How I did it
Add services to
- How to verify it
Together with Azure/sonic-utilities#1199
config reload -y
Signed-off-by: Stepan Blyshchak <>
Delay CPU intensive services at boot
- How I did it
Made snmp.timer work and add telemetry.timer.
But this is not enough because it breaks the existing snmp dependency on swss.
So, in this solution snmp timer is a wanted by swss service, but since OnBootSec timer expires only once it will not trigger snmp service, so I added line "OnUnitActiveSec=0 sec" which will start snmp service based on the last time it was active. On boot only OnBootSec will expire, on swss start/restarts only second timer will expire immediately and trigger snmp service.
However, snmp service will not stop after "systemctl stop snmp" because of the second timer which will always expire when snmp service because unavailable.
So there is a conflict which will be handled by systemd if we add "Conflicts=" line to both snmp.service and snmp.timer.
So during boot:
snmp does not start by default
swss starts and starts snmp timer
OnUnitActiveSec=0 does not expire since there is no snmp active
OnBootSec expires and starts snmp service and snmp timer gets stopped
During "systemctl restart swss"
snmp stops because of Requisite on swss
snmp unblocks snmp timer from running
swss starts and starts snmp timer
OnUnitActiveSec=0 expires imidiately and start snmp which stops snmp timer
During "systemctl stop snmp"
stop of snmp service unblocks snmp timer but no one starts the timer so it is not started by "OnUnitActiveSec=0"
* SONiC system telemetry Support
Signed-off-by: Jipan Yang <>
* Update package name from telemetry to sonic-telemetry
Signed-off-by: Jipan Yang <>