Why I did it
It is not necessary to trigger the publish pipeline when build is failed.
How I did it
Remove the condition in the azp task, change to use template condition.
Why I did it
Support to trigger a pipeline to download and publish artifacts to storage and container registry.
Support to specify the patterns which docker images to upload.
How I did it
Pass the pipeline information and the artifact information by pipeline parameters to the pipeline which will be triggered a new build. It is to decouple the artifacts generation and the publish logic, how and where the artifacts/docker images will be published, depends on the triggered pipeline.
How to verify it
Support marvell-armhf dpkg cache and the azp check.
Waiting for merging PR #9381 to 202012 branch, so only azp template change in this PR.
Move the VS build to a new stage BuildVS, change the Test stage only depending on BuildVS, running the BuildVS and the other platform's build in parallel. The Test stage do not has dependency on the marvel-armhf build, reduce the overall build time caused by longer build time of marvel-armhf build.
Why I did it
Improve the version of the Pull Request build by changing the local branch name.
How I did it
Change the default branch name merge to [target_branch_name]-[pullrequestid].
How to verify it
For official build, the version is not changed.
For pull request build, the version as below: