- Now that logrotate is a cron job that runs every minute, it was polluting syslog
- Also shrink max size of less-important logs to 50MB and rotate them daily by default
- rsyslog logs were being rotated regardless of whether they exceeded their maixmum size. This was due to "-f" flag passed to logrotate in cron job.
- After rotation, /var/log/syslog was never written to again. Instead, logs were written to /var/log/syslog.1. This was due to rsyslog not properly closing the file descriptor to the pre-rotated log.
- Also brought back time-related rotation via the new(er) maxsize option, which performs a boolean OR operation. If the log exceeds the maxsize OR the log hasn't been rotated in the specified, it will be rotated. Using the older size option, the time-based rotation was ignored.
- Also addresses issue #528
* Rename 'ACSFileFormat' -> 'SONiCFileFormat'
* Rename '00-acs.conf' -> '00-sonic.conf'
* Add logrotate.d and systemd-journald config files to image
* Log all SONiC process messages to /var/log/syslog; prevent duplicate logging to /var/log/messages
* Do not redirect cron and daemon logs to their own files, let them log to /var/log/syslog
* Log all teamd messages to /var/log/teamd.log; Add more SONiC program names to SONiC rules clause
* Remove duplicate code by condensing quagga programs into a list; Fix teamd log rule
* Kernel and LPR messages no longer getting duplicated to their own log files
* Now calling logrotate every minute via cron job
* Need full path to logrotate in cron job
* Add '.log' suffix to wildcards, otherwise logrotate will rotate already-rotated logs (e.g., bgpd.log.
* Add microsecond granularity to syslog messages
* Don't overwrite system crontab, instead, install additional logrotate crontab file into /etc/cron.d
* Removed incomplete concept of per-process SONiC logs. We can revisit again later