2021-05-28 12:16:02 -05:00
build_version: '{{ build_version }}'
{% if debian_version is defined -%}
debian_version: '{{ debian_version }}'
{% endif -%}
{% if kernel_version is defined -%}
kernel_version: '{{ kernel_version }}'
{% endif -%}
asic_type: {{ asic_type }}
2022-03-28 13:22:32 -05:00
{% if asic_subtype is defined and asic_subtype != '' -%}
asic_subtype: '{{ asic_subtype }}'
{% endif -%}
2021-05-28 12:16:02 -05:00
commit_id: '{{ commit_id }}'
2021-08-08 22:44:02 -05:00
branch: '{{ branch }}'
{% if release is defined and release != '' -%}
release: '{{ release }}'
{% else -%}
release: 'none'
{% endif -%}
2021-05-28 12:16:02 -05:00
build_date: {{ build_date }}
build_number: {{ build_number }}
built_by: {{ built_by }}
{% if components is defined -%}
{% for component in components.split() | unique -%}
{% set name, version = component.split('==') -%}
{{ name }}: {{ version }}
{% endfor -%}
{% endif -%}
2022-04-14 17:00:32 -05:00
{% if ENABLE_ASAN == "y" -%}
asan: 'yes'
{% endif -%}
2023-04-11 20:20:08 -05:00
sonic_os_version: {{ sonic_os_version }}
2023-08-29 15:41:01 -05:00
{% if SECURE_UPGRADE_MODE == "dev" or SECURE_UPGRADE_MODE == "prod" -%}
secure_boot_image: 'yes'
{% else -%}
secure_boot_image: 'no'
{% endif -%}