import os
import click
import show.plugins.macsec as show_macsec
import utilities_common.cli as clicommon
from sonic_py_common import multi_asic
def macsec():
@click.option('--clean-cache', type=bool, required=False, default=False, help="If the option of clean cache is true, next show commands will show the raw counters which based on the service booted instead of the last clear command.")
def macsec_clear_counters(clean_cache):
Clear MACsec counts.
This clear command will generated a cache for next show commands which will base on this cache as the zero baseline to show the increment of counters.
if clean_cache:
for namespace in multi_asic.get_namespace_list():
if os.path.isfile(show_macsec.CACHE_FILE.format(namespace)):
print("Cleaned cache")
clicommon.run_command(['show', 'macsec', '--dump-file'])
print("Clear MACsec counters")
def register(cli):
if __name__ == '__main__':