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Build improvements (#80) * Build improvements Fix dependencies Add configuration options Automatically build sonic-slave * Set default number of jobs to 1 * Auto generate target/debs directory Signed-off-by: marian-pritsak <> * Automatically remove sonic-slave container after exit * Silence clean-logs * Add SONIC_CLEAN_TARGETS to clean * Use second expansion for clean dependencies * Avoid creating empty log files Remove log file on flush instead of writing empty string * Put dpkg install inside lock Use same lock as debian install targets do to avoid race condition in dpkg installation * Remove redirect to log from docker save * Add .platform dependency to all and clean targets * Remove header and footer from clean targets * Disable messages for SONIC_CLEAN_TARGETS * Exit with error if dpkg-buildpackage fails * Set new location for debs in * Add recipe for docker-database * Update redis version to 3.2.4 * Add support for p4 platform * Add recipe for snmpd * Add slave targets to phony and make all target default * Remove from thrift * Add versioning to team, nl, hiredis and initramfs * Change sonic-slave to support snmpd build from sources * Remove src/tenjin * Add recipe for lldpd * Add recipe for mpdecimal * Remove hiredis directory on rebuild * Add recipe for Mellanox hw management * Remove generic image from all targets for Mellanox * Add support for python wheels * Add lldp and snmp dockers * Sync docker-database to include libjemalloc * Fix asyncsnmp variable name * Change default build configuration Redirect output to log files by default Set number of jobs to nproc value Do not print dependencies Fix logging to print log of failed job into console * Use docker inspect to check if sonic-slave image exists * Use config in directly * Disable color output by default * Remove sswsdk dependency from lldp and snmp dockers * Fix comment in py wheels install targets * Add dependency between two versions of sswsdk * Add containers to mellanox platform lldp, snmp and database containers * Add recipe for team docker * Add team docker to mellanox platform * Encrypt password passed to * Update mellanox SAI version Make version and revision setting only in main recipe * Fix error handling in makefiles As makefiles use .ONESHELL we should add -e option to shell options in order to exit after any command fails * Add recipe for platform monitor image * Add platfotm monitor to mellanox targets * Ignore submodules when building base image
2016-12-05 13:12:19 -06:00
FROM debian:jessie
RUN echo "deb jessie main contrib non-free" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
RUN echo "deb-src jessie main contrib non-free" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
RUN echo "deb jessie/updates main contrib non-free" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
RUN echo "deb-src jessie/updates main contrib non-free" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
RUN apt-get clean && apt-get update && apt-get install -y apt-utils default-jre-headless openssh-server curl wget unzip git build-essential libtool lintian
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y sudo dh-make dh-exec kmod libtinyxml2-2 libboost-program-options1.55-dev libtinyxml2-dev python python-pip libncurses5-dev texinfo dh-autoreconf python3-pip
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y doxygen devscripts git-buildpackage perl-modules libswitch-perl dh-systemd
# For quagga build
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y libreadline-dev texlive-latex-base texlive-generic-recommended texlive-fonts-recommended libpam0g-dev libpam-dev libcap-dev imagemagick ghostscript groff libpcre3-dev gawk chrpath
# For libnl3 (local) build
RUN apt-get install -y cdbs
# For SAI meta build
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y libxml-simple-perl graphviz
Build improvements (#80) * Build improvements Fix dependencies Add configuration options Automatically build sonic-slave * Set default number of jobs to 1 * Auto generate target/debs directory Signed-off-by: marian-pritsak <> * Automatically remove sonic-slave container after exit * Silence clean-logs * Add SONIC_CLEAN_TARGETS to clean * Use second expansion for clean dependencies * Avoid creating empty log files Remove log file on flush instead of writing empty string * Put dpkg install inside lock Use same lock as debian install targets do to avoid race condition in dpkg installation * Remove redirect to log from docker save * Add .platform dependency to all and clean targets * Remove header and footer from clean targets * Disable messages for SONIC_CLEAN_TARGETS * Exit with error if dpkg-buildpackage fails * Set new location for debs in * Add recipe for docker-database * Update redis version to 3.2.4 * Add support for p4 platform * Add recipe for snmpd * Add slave targets to phony and make all target default * Remove from thrift * Add versioning to team, nl, hiredis and initramfs * Change sonic-slave to support snmpd build from sources * Remove src/tenjin * Add recipe for lldpd * Add recipe for mpdecimal * Remove hiredis directory on rebuild * Add recipe for Mellanox hw management * Remove generic image from all targets for Mellanox * Add support for python wheels * Add lldp and snmp dockers * Sync docker-database to include libjemalloc * Fix asyncsnmp variable name * Change default build configuration Redirect output to log files by default Set number of jobs to nproc value Do not print dependencies Fix logging to print log of failed job into console * Use docker inspect to check if sonic-slave image exists * Use config in directly * Disable color output by default * Remove sswsdk dependency from lldp and snmp dockers * Fix comment in py wheels install targets * Add dependency between two versions of sswsdk * Add containers to mellanox platform lldp, snmp and database containers * Add recipe for team docker * Add team docker to mellanox platform * Encrypt password passed to * Update mellanox SAI version Make version and revision setting only in main recipe * Fix error handling in makefiles As makefiles use .ONESHELL we should add -e option to shell options in order to exit after any command fails * Add recipe for platform monitor image * Add platfotm monitor to mellanox targets * Ignore submodules when building base image
2016-12-05 13:12:19 -06:00
# For linux build
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y bc fakeroot build-essential devscripts quilt stgit
RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y build-dep linux
# For platform-modules build
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y module-assistant
# For thrift build
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y gem2deb libboost-all-dev libevent-dev libglib2.0-dev libqt4-dev python-all-dev python-twisted php5-dev phpunit libbit-vector-perl openjdk-7-jdk javahelper maven-debian-helper ant libmaven-ant-tasks-java libhttpclient-java libslf4j-java libservlet3.1-java qt5-default
# For mellanox sdk build
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y libpcre3 libpcre3-dev byacc flex libglib2.0-dev bison expat libexpat1-dev dpatch libdb-dev iptables-dev swig
# For mellanox sai build
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y libtool-bin libxml2-dev
# For build image
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y cpio squashfs-tools zip
# For broadcom sdk build
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y linux-compiler-gcc-4.8-x86 linux-kbuild-3.16
# teamd build
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y libdaemon-dev libdbus-1-dev libjansson-dev
# For cavium sdk build
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y libpcap-dev dnsutils libusb-dev
# For debian image reconfiguration
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y augeas-tools
# For p4 build
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y libyaml-dev libevent-dev libjudy-dev libedit-dev libpcap-dev libnanomsg-dev
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y python-stdeb
RUN pip install ctypesgen
RUN pip install crc16
# For redis build
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y libjemalloc-dev
# For mft kernel module build
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y dkms
# For python3.5 build
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y sharutils libncursesw5-dev libbz2-dev liblzma-dev libgdbm-dev tk-dev blt-dev libmpdec-dev libbluetooth-dev locales libsqlite3-dev libgpm2 time net-tools xvfb python-sphinx python3-sphinx
Build improvements (#80) * Build improvements Fix dependencies Add configuration options Automatically build sonic-slave * Set default number of jobs to 1 * Auto generate target/debs directory Signed-off-by: marian-pritsak <> * Automatically remove sonic-slave container after exit * Silence clean-logs * Add SONIC_CLEAN_TARGETS to clean * Use second expansion for clean dependencies * Avoid creating empty log files Remove log file on flush instead of writing empty string * Put dpkg install inside lock Use same lock as debian install targets do to avoid race condition in dpkg installation * Remove redirect to log from docker save * Add .platform dependency to all and clean targets * Remove header and footer from clean targets * Disable messages for SONIC_CLEAN_TARGETS * Exit with error if dpkg-buildpackage fails * Set new location for debs in * Add recipe for docker-database * Update redis version to 3.2.4 * Add support for p4 platform * Add recipe for snmpd * Add slave targets to phony and make all target default * Remove from thrift * Add versioning to team, nl, hiredis and initramfs * Change sonic-slave to support snmpd build from sources * Remove src/tenjin * Add recipe for lldpd * Add recipe for mpdecimal * Remove hiredis directory on rebuild * Add recipe for Mellanox hw management * Remove generic image from all targets for Mellanox * Add support for python wheels * Add lldp and snmp dockers * Sync docker-database to include libjemalloc * Fix asyncsnmp variable name * Change default build configuration Redirect output to log files by default Set number of jobs to nproc value Do not print dependencies Fix logging to print log of failed job into console * Use docker inspect to check if sonic-slave image exists * Use config in directly * Disable color output by default * Remove sswsdk dependency from lldp and snmp dockers * Fix comment in py wheels install targets * Add dependency between two versions of sswsdk * Add containers to mellanox platform lldp, snmp and database containers * Add recipe for team docker * Add team docker to mellanox platform * Encrypt password passed to * Update mellanox SAI version Make version and revision setting only in main recipe * Fix error handling in makefiles As makefiles use .ONESHELL we should add -e option to shell options in order to exit after any command fails * Add recipe for platform monitor image * Add platfotm monitor to mellanox targets * Ignore submodules when building base image
2016-12-05 13:12:19 -06:00
RUN mkdir /var/run/sshd
# For gtest
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y libgtest-dev cmake && cd /usr/src/gtest && cmake . && make -C /usr/src/gtest
# For Jenkins static analysis, unit testing and code coverage
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y cppcheck clang pylint python-pytest gcovr python-pytest=2.6.3* python-pytest-cov python-parse
# For snmpd
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y libmysqlclient-dev libmysqld-dev libperl-dev libpci-dev libpci3 libsensors4 libsensors4-dev libwrap0-dev
# For mpdecimal
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y docutils-common libjs-sphinxdoc libjs-underscore python-docutils python-jinja2 python-markupsafe python-pygments python-roman python-sphinx sphinx-common python3-sphinx
# Install depot-tools (for git-retry)
RUN git clone /usr/share/depot_tools
ENV PATH /usr/share/depot_tools:$PATH
# Install docker engine 1.11.2 inside docker
RUN curl -sSL | sh && apt-get install -y --force-yes -q docker-engine=1.11.2-0~jessie
# Add user
ARG user
ARG uid
ARG guid
RUN groupadd -f -r -g $guid g$user
Build improvements (#80) * Build improvements Fix dependencies Add configuration options Automatically build sonic-slave * Set default number of jobs to 1 * Auto generate target/debs directory Signed-off-by: marian-pritsak <> * Automatically remove sonic-slave container after exit * Silence clean-logs * Add SONIC_CLEAN_TARGETS to clean * Use second expansion for clean dependencies * Avoid creating empty log files Remove log file on flush instead of writing empty string * Put dpkg install inside lock Use same lock as debian install targets do to avoid race condition in dpkg installation * Remove redirect to log from docker save * Add .platform dependency to all and clean targets * Remove header and footer from clean targets * Disable messages for SONIC_CLEAN_TARGETS * Exit with error if dpkg-buildpackage fails * Set new location for debs in * Add recipe for docker-database * Update redis version to 3.2.4 * Add support for p4 platform * Add recipe for snmpd * Add slave targets to phony and make all target default * Remove from thrift * Add versioning to team, nl, hiredis and initramfs * Change sonic-slave to support snmpd build from sources * Remove src/tenjin * Add recipe for lldpd * Add recipe for mpdecimal * Remove hiredis directory on rebuild * Add recipe for Mellanox hw management * Remove generic image from all targets for Mellanox * Add support for python wheels * Add lldp and snmp dockers * Sync docker-database to include libjemalloc * Fix asyncsnmp variable name * Change default build configuration Redirect output to log files by default Set number of jobs to nproc value Do not print dependencies Fix logging to print log of failed job into console * Use docker inspect to check if sonic-slave image exists * Use config in directly * Disable color output by default * Remove sswsdk dependency from lldp and snmp dockers * Fix comment in py wheels install targets * Add dependency between two versions of sswsdk * Add containers to mellanox platform lldp, snmp and database containers * Add recipe for team docker * Add team docker to mellanox platform * Encrypt password passed to * Update mellanox SAI version Make version and revision setting only in main recipe * Fix error handling in makefiles As makefiles use .ONESHELL we should add -e option to shell options in order to exit after any command fails * Add recipe for platform monitor image * Add platfotm monitor to mellanox targets * Ignore submodules when building base image
2016-12-05 13:12:19 -06:00
RUN useradd $user -u $uid -g $guid -d /var/$user -m -s /bin/bash
RUN gpasswd -a $user docker
COPY /var/$user/.ssh/authorized_keys2
RUN chown $user /var/$user/.ssh -R
RUN chmod go= /var/$user/.ssh -R
# Add user to sudoers
RUN echo "$user ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" >>/etc/sudoers
USER $user