2021-09-09 12:49:37 -05:00
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# * onboard temperature sensors
# * FAN trays
# * PSU
import os
import glob
2022-11-29 10:54:37 -06:00
from lxml import etree as ET
2021-09-09 12:49:37 -05:00
MAILBOX_DIR = "/sys/bus/i2c/devices/"
PORTS_DIR = "/sys/class/net/"
CONFIG_NAME = "dev.xml"
def getPMCreg(location):
retval = 'ERR'
if (not os.path.isfile(location)):
return "%s %s notfound"% (retval , location)
with open(location, 'r') as fd:
retval = fd.read()
except Exception as error:
retval = retval.rstrip('\r\n')
retval = retval.lstrip(" ")
return retval
# Get a mailbox register
def get_pmc_register(reg_name):
retval = 'ERR'
if reg_name[0:4] == "/rif" or reg_name[0:4] == "/ma1" or reg_name[0:4] == "/eth":
mb_reg_file = PORTS_DIR + reg_name
mb_reg_file = MAILBOX_DIR + reg_name
filepath = glob.glob(mb_reg_file)
if(len(filepath) == 0):
return "%s %s notfound"% (retval , mb_reg_file)
# when multimatch use the first one
mb_reg_file = filepath[0]
if (not os.path.isfile(mb_reg_file)):
#print mb_reg_file, 'not found !'
return "%s %s notfound"% (retval , mb_reg_file)
with open(mb_reg_file, 'r') as fd:
retval = fd.read()
except Exception as error:
retval = retval.rstrip('\r\n')
retval = retval.lstrip(" ")
return retval
class checktype():
def __init__(self, test1):
self.test1 = test1
def check(name,location, bit, value, tips , err1):
psu_status = int(get_pmc_register(location),16)
val = (psu_status & (1<< bit)) >> bit
if (val != value):
err1["errmsg"] = tips
err1["code"] = -1
return -1
err1["errmsg"] = "none"
err1["code"] = 0
return 0
def getValue(location, bit , type):
value_t = get_pmc_register(location)
if value_t.startswith("ERR") :
return value_t
if (type == 1):
return float(value_t)/1000
elif (type == 2):
return float(value_t)/100
elif (type == 3):
psu_status = int(value_t,16)
return (psu_status & (1<< bit)) >> bit
elif (type == 4):
return int(value_t,10)
elif (type == 5):
return float(value_t)/1000/1000
return value_t;
def getTemp(self, name, location , ret_t):
ret2 = self.getValue(location + "temp1_input" ," " ,1);
ret3 = self.getValue(location + "temp1_max" ," ", 1);
ret4 = self.getValue(location + "temp1_max_hyst" ," ", 1);
ret_t["temp1_input"] = ret2
ret_t["temp1_max"] = ret3
ret_t["temp1_max_hyst"] = ret4
def getLM75(name, location, result):
c1.getTemp(c1, name, location, r1)
result[name] = r1
class status():
def __init__(self, productname):
self.productname = productname
def getETroot(filename):
tree = ET.parse(filename)
root = tree.getroot()
return root;
def getDecodValue(collection, decode):
decodes = collection.find('decode')
testdecode = decodes.find(decode)
for neighbor in testdecode.iter('code'):
return test
def getfileValue(location):
return checktype.getValue(location," "," ")
def getETValue(a, filename, tagname):
root = status.getETroot(filename)
for neighbor in root.iter(tagname):
prob_t = {}
prob_t = neighbor.attrib
prob_t['errcode']= 0
prob_t['errmsg'] = ''
for pros in neighbor.iter("property"):
ret = dict(neighbor.attrib.items() + pros.attrib.items())
if ('type' not in ret.keys()):
val = "0";
val = ret["type"]
if ('bit' not in ret.keys()):
bit = "0";
bit = ret["bit"]
s = checktype.getValue(ret["location"], int(bit),int(val))
if isinstance(s, str) and s.startswith("ERR"):
prob_t['errcode']= -1
prob_t['errmsg']= s
if ('default' in ret.keys()):
rt = status.getDecodValue(root,ret['decode'])
prob_t['errmsg']= rt[str(s)]
if str(s) != ret["default"]:
prob_t['errcode']= -1
if ('decode' in ret.keys()):
rt = status.getDecodValue(root,ret['decode'])
if(ret['decode'] == "psutype" and s.replace("\x00","").rstrip() not in rt.keys()):
prob_t['errcode']= -1
prob_t['errmsg'] = '%s'% ("Not supported PSU type")
s = rt[str(s).replace("\x00","").rstrip()]
name = ret["name"]
def getCPUValue(a, filename, tagname):
root = status.getETroot(filename)
for neighbor in root.iter(tagname):
location = neighbor.attrib["location"]
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(location):
for file in filenames :
if file.endswith("input"):
L.append(os.path.join(dirpath, file))
L =sorted(L,reverse=False)
for i in range(len(L)):
prob_t = {}
prob_t["name"] = getPMCreg("%s/temp%d_label"%(location,i+1))
prob_t["temp"] = float(getPMCreg("%s/temp%d_input"%(location,i+1)))/1000
prob_t["alarm"] = float(getPMCreg("%s/temp%d_crit_alarm"%(location,i+1)))/1000
prob_t["crit"] = float(getPMCreg("%s/temp%d_crit"%(location,i+1)))/1000
prob_t["max"] = float(getPMCreg("%s/temp%d_max"%(location,i+1)))/1000
def getFileName():
return os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/"+ CONFIG_NAME
def getFan(ret):
_filename = status.getFileName()
_tagname = "fan"
status.getvalue(ret, _filename, _tagname)
def checkFan(ret):
_filename = status.getFileName()
# _filename = "/usr/local/bin/" + status.getFileName()
_tagname = "fan"
status.getETValue(ret, _filename, _tagname)
def getTemp(ret):
_filename = status.getFileName()
#_filename = "/usr/local/bin/" + status.getFileName()
_tagname = "temp"
status.getETValue(ret, _filename, _tagname)
def getPsu(ret):
_filename = status.getFileName()
# _filename = "/usr/local/bin/" + status.getFileName()
_tagname = "psu"
status.getETValue(ret, _filename, _tagname)
def getcputemp(ret):
_filename = status.getFileName()
_tagname = "cpus"
status.getCPUValue(ret, _filename, _tagname)
def getMgmtRx(ret):
_filename = status.getFileName()
_tagname = "mgmt_rx"
status.getETValue(ret, _filename, _tagname)