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#!/bin/bash -e
# Generate configuration
# NOTE: 'PLATFORM' and 'HWSKU' environment variables are set
# in the Dockerfile so that they persist for the life of the container
ln -sf /usr/share/sonic/device/$PLATFORM /usr/share/sonic/platform
ln -sf /usr/share/sonic/device/$PLATFORM/$HWSKU /usr/share/sonic/hwsku
pushd /usr/share/sonic/hwsku
# filter available front panel ports in lanemap.ini
[ -f lanemap.ini.orig ] || cp lanemap.ini lanemap.ini.orig
for p in $(ip link show | grep -oE "eth[0-9]+" | grep -v eth0); do
grep ^$p: lanemap.ini.orig
done > lanemap.ini
# filter available sonic front panel ports in port_config.ini
[ -f port_config.ini.orig ] || cp port_config.ini port_config.ini.orig
grep ^# port_config.ini.orig > port_config.ini
for lanes in $(awk -F ':' '{print $2}' lanemap.ini); do
grep -E "\s$lanes\s" port_config.ini.orig
done >> port_config.ini
[ -d /etc/sonic ] || mkdir -p /etc/sonic
if [[ -f /usr/share/sonic/virtual_chassis/default_config.json ]]; then
CHASS_CFG="-j /usr/share/sonic/virtual_chassis/default_config.json"
SYSTEM_MAC_ADDRESS=$(ip link show eth0 | grep ether | awk '{print $2}')
[Dynamic buffer calc] Support dynamic buffer calculation (#6194) **- Why I did it** To support dynamic buffer calculation. This PR also depends on the following PRs for sub modules - [sonic-swss: [buffermgr/bufferorch] Support dynamic buffer calculation #1338]( - [sonic-swss-common: Dynamic buffer calculation #361]( - [sonic-utilities: Support dynamic buffer calculation #973]( **- How I did it** 1. Introduce field `buffer_model` in `DEVICE_METADATA|localhost` to represent which buffer model is running in the system currently: - `dynamic` for the dynamic buffer calculation model - `traditional` for the traditional model in which the `pg_profile_lookup.ini` is used 2. Add the tables required for the feature: - ASIC_TABLE in platform/\<vendor\>/asic_table.j2 - PERIPHERAL_TABLE in platform/\<vendor\>/peripheral_table.j2 - PORT_PERIPHERAL_TABLE on a per-platform basis in device/\<vendor\>/\<platform\>/port_peripheral_config.j2 for each platform with gearbox installed. - DEFAULT_LOSSLESS_BUFFER_PARAMETER and LOSSLESS_TRAFFIC_PATTERN in files/build_templates/buffers_config.j2 - Add lossless PGs (3-4) for each port in files/build_templates/buffers_config.j2 3. Copy the newly introduced j2 files into the image and rendering them when the system starts 4. Update the CLI options for buffermgrd so that it can start with dynamic mode 5. Fetches the ASIC vendor name in orchagent: - fetch the vendor name when creates the docker and pass it as a docker environment variable - `buffermgrd` can use this passed-in variable 6. Clear buffer related tables from STATE_DB when swss docker starts 7. Update the src/sonic-config-engine/tests/sample_output/buffers-dell6100.json according to the buffer_config.j2 8. Remove buffer pool sizes for ingress pools and egress_lossy_pool Update the buffer settings for dynamic buffer calculation
2020-12-13 13:35:39 -06:00
sonic-cfggen -a '{"DEVICE_METADATA":{"localhost": {"mac": "'$SYSTEM_MAC_ADDRESS'", "buffer_model": "traditional"}}}' $CHASS_CFG --print-data > /etc/sonic/init_cfg.json
if [ -f /etc/sonic/config_db.json ]; then
sonic-cfggen -j /etc/sonic/init_cfg.json -j /etc/sonic/config_db.json --print-data > /tmp/config_db.json
mv /tmp/config_db.json /etc/sonic/config_db.json
# generate and merge buffers configuration into config file
sonic-cfggen -k $HWSKU -p /usr/share/sonic/device/$PLATFORM/platform.json -t /usr/share/sonic/hwsku/buffers.json.j2 > /tmp/buffers.json
sonic-cfggen -j /etc/sonic/init_cfg.json -t /usr/share/sonic/hwsku/qos.json.j2 > /tmp/qos.json
sonic-cfggen -p /usr/share/sonic/device/$PLATFORM/platform.json -k $HWSKU --print-data > /tmp/ports.json
# change admin_status from up to down; Test cases dependent
sed -i "s/up/down/g" /tmp/ports.json
sonic-cfggen -j /etc/sonic/init_cfg.json -j /tmp/buffers.json -j /tmp/qos.json -j /tmp/ports.json --print-data > /etc/sonic/config_db.json
sonic-cfggen -t /usr/share/sonic/templates/copp_cfg.j2 > /etc/sonic/copp_cfg.json
mkdir -p /etc/swss/config.d/
rm -f /var/run/
supervisorctl start rsyslogd
if [ -r "$chassisdb_cfg_file" ]; then
echo $(sonic-cfggen -j $chassisdb_cfg_file -t $host_template) >> /etc/hosts
echo " redis_chassis.server" >> /etc/hosts
mkdir -p /var/run/redis/sonic-db
cp /etc/default/sonic-db/database_config.json /var/run/redis/sonic-db/
supervisorctl start redis-server
start_chassis_db=`sonic-cfggen -v DEVICE_METADATA.localhost.start_chassis_db -y $chassisdb_cfg_file`
if [[ "$HOSTNAME" == *"supervisor"* ]] || [ "$start_chassis_db" == "1" ]; then
supervisorctl start redis-chassis
conn_chassis_db=`sonic-cfggen -v DEVICE_METADATA.localhost.connect_to_chassis_db -y $chassisdb_cfg_file`
if [ "$start_chassis_db" != "1" ] && [ "$conn_chassis_db" != "1" ]; then
cp $db_cfg_file $db_cfg_file_tmp
update_chassisdb_config -j $db_cfg_file_tmp -d
cp $db_cfg_file_tmp $db_cfg_file
if [ "$conn_chassis_db" == "1" ]; then
if [ -f /usr/share/sonic/virtual_chassis/coreportindexmap.ini ]; then
cp /usr/share/sonic/virtual_chassis/coreportindexmap.ini /usr/share/sonic/hwsku/
supervisorctl start syncd
supervisorctl start portsyncd
supervisorctl start orchagent
supervisorctl start coppmgrd
supervisorctl start neighsyncd
supervisorctl start fdbsyncd
supervisorctl start teamsyncd
supervisorctl start fpmsyncd
supervisorctl start teammgrd
supervisorctl start vrfmgrd
supervisorctl start portmgrd
supervisorctl start intfmgrd
supervisorctl start vlanmgrd
supervisorctl start zebra
supervisorctl start staticd
supervisorctl start buffermgrd
supervisorctl start nbrmgrd
supervisorctl start vxlanmgrd
supervisorctl start sflowmgrd
supervisorctl start natmgrd
supervisorctl start natsyncd
supervisorctl start tunnelmgrd
# Start arp_update when VLAN exists
VLAN=`sonic-cfggen -d -v 'VLAN.keys() | join(" ") if VLAN'`
if [ "$VLAN" != "" ]; then
supervisorctl start arp_update