2016-12-05 13:12:19 -06:00
## Presettings
# Select bash for commands
SHELL = /bin/bash
## General definitions
SRC_PATH = src
RULES_PATH = rules
TARGET_PATH = target
DOCKERS_PATH = dockers
PROJECT_ROOT = $(shell pwd)
2017-01-29 13:33:33 -06:00
CONFIGURED_PLATFORM := $(shell [ -f .platform ] && cat .platform || echo generic)
2016-12-05 13:12:19 -06:00
2017-04-05 18:14:41 -05:00
2016-12-05 13:12:19 -06:00
## Utility rules
## Define configuration, help etc.
.platform :
2017-01-29 13:33:33 -06:00
ifneq ($(CONFIGURED_PLATFORM),generic)
2016-12-05 13:12:19 -06:00
@echo Build system is not configured, please run make configure
@exit 1
2017-01-29 13:33:33 -06:00
2016-12-05 13:12:19 -06:00
configure :
@mkdir -p target/debs
@mkdir -p target/python-wheels
@echo $(PLATFORM) > .platform
2017-03-02 06:08:25 -06:00
distclean : .platform clean
@rm -f .platform
2016-12-05 13:12:19 -06:00
## Include other rules
2017-01-29 13:33:33 -06:00
2016-12-05 13:12:19 -06:00
include $(RULES_PATH)/config
include $(RULES_PATH)/functions
include $(RULES_PATH)/*.mk
ifneq ($(CONFIGURED_PLATFORM), undefined)
include $(PLATFORM_PATH)/rules.mk
2017-04-12 13:23:48 -05:00
ifeq ($(USERNAME),)
ifeq ($(PASSWORD),)
2016-12-05 13:12:19 -06:00
2017-04-20 11:12:27 -05:00
## Dumping key config attributes associated to current building exercise
2016-12-05 13:12:19 -06:00
## Generic rules section
## All rules must go after includes for propper targets expansion
2016-12-14 13:59:24 -06:00
## Local targets
# Copy debian packages from local directory
# Add new package for copy:
# SOME_NEW_DEB = some_new_deb.deb
# $(SOME_NEW_DEB)_PATH = path/to/some_new_deb.deb
$(addprefix $(DEBS_PATH)/, $(SONIC_COPY_DEBS)) : $(DEBS_PATH)/% : .platform
$(foreach deb,$* $($*_DERIVED_DEBS), \
{ cp $($(deb)_PATH)/$(deb) $(DEBS_PATH)/ $(LOG) || exit 1 ; } ; )
# Copy regular files from local directory
# Add new package for copy:
# SOME_NEW_FILE = some_new_file
# $(SOME_NEW_FILE)_PATH = path/to/some_new_file
$(addprefix $(DEBS_PATH)/, $(SONIC_COPY_FILES)) : $(DEBS_PATH)/% : .platform
cp $($*_PATH)/$* $(DEBS_PATH)/ $(LOG) || exit 1
2016-12-05 13:12:19 -06:00
## Online targets
# Download debian packages from online location
# Add new package for download:
# SOME_NEW_DEB = some_new_deb.deb
# $(SOME_NEW_DEB)_URL = https://url/to/this/deb.deb
$(addprefix $(DEBS_PATH)/, $(SONIC_ONLINE_DEBS)) : $(DEBS_PATH)/% : .platform
$(foreach deb,$* $($*_DERIVED_DEBS), \
{ wget -O $(DEBS_PATH)/$(deb) $($(deb)_URL) $(LOG) || exit 1 ; } ; )
# Download regular files from online location
# Files are stored in deb packages directory for convenience
# Add new file for download:
# SOME_NEW_FILE = some_new_file
# $(SOME_NEW_FILE)_URL = https://url/to/this/file
$(addprefix $(DEBS_PATH)/, $(SONIC_ONLINE_FILES)) : $(DEBS_PATH)/% : .platform
wget -O $@ $($*_URL) $(LOG)
## Debian package related targets
# Build project using build.sh script
# They are essentially a one-time build projects that get sources from some URL
# and compile them
# Add new package for build:
# SOME_NEW_DEB = some_new_deb.deb
# $(SOME_NEW_DEB)_SRC_PATH = $(SRC_PATH)/project_name
$(addprefix $(DEBS_PATH)/, $(SONIC_MAKE_DEBS)) : $(DEBS_PATH)/% : .platform $$(addsuffix -install,$$(addprefix $(DEBS_PATH)/,$$($$*_DEPENDS)))
# remove target to force rebuild
2017-03-01 10:32:58 -06:00
rm -f $(addprefix $(DEBS_PATH)/, $* $($*_DERIVED_DEBS) $($*_EXTRA_DEBS))
2017-03-17 00:57:30 -05:00
# apply series of patches if exist
if [ -f $($*_SRC_PATH).patch/series ]; then pushd $($*_SRC_PATH) && QUILT_PATCHES=../$(notdir $($*_SRC_PATH)).patch quilt push -a; popd; fi
2016-12-05 13:12:19 -06:00
# build project and take package
make DEST=$(shell pwd)/$(DEBS_PATH) -C $($*_SRC_PATH) $(shell pwd)/$(DEBS_PATH)/$* $(LOG)
2017-03-17 00:57:30 -05:00
# clean up
if [ -f $($*_SRC_PATH).patch/series ]; then pushd $($*_SRC_PATH) && quilt pop -a -f; popd; fi
2016-12-05 13:12:19 -06:00
# Build project with dpkg-buildpackage
# Add new package for build:
# SOME_NEW_DEB = some_new_deb.deb
# $(SOME_NEW_DEB)_SRC_PATH = $(SRC_PATH)/project_name
$(addprefix $(DEBS_PATH)/, $(SONIC_DPKG_DEBS)) : $(DEBS_PATH)/% : .platform $$(addsuffix -install,$$(addprefix $(DEBS_PATH)/,$$($$*_DEPENDS)))
# Build project and take package
rm -f $($*_SRC_PATH)/debian/*.debhelper.log
2017-05-22 03:08:16 -05:00
# apply series of patches if exist
if [ -f $($*_SRC_PATH).patch/series ]; then pushd $($*_SRC_PATH) && QUILT_PATCHES=../$(notdir $($*_SRC_PATH)).patch quilt push -a; popd; fi
2016-12-05 13:12:19 -06:00
pushd $($*_SRC_PATH) $(LOG)
[ ! -f ./autogen.sh ] || ./autogen.sh $(LOG)
dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b -us -uc $(LOG)
popd $(LOG)
2017-05-22 03:08:16 -05:00
# clean up
if [ -f $($*_SRC_PATH).patch/series ]; then pushd $($*_SRC_PATH) && quilt pop -a -f; popd; fi
2017-03-01 10:32:58 -06:00
mv $(addprefix $($*_SRC_PATH)/../, $* $($*_DERIVED_DEBS) $($*_EXTRA_DEBS)) $(DEBS_PATH) $(LOG)
2016-12-05 13:12:19 -06:00
# Build project with python setup.py --command-packages=stdeb.command
# Add new package for build:
# SOME_NEW_DEB = some_new_deb.deb
# $(SOME_NEW_DEB)_SRC_PATH = $(SRC_PATH)/project_name
$(addprefix $(DEBS_PATH)/, $(SONIC_PYTHON_STDEB_DEBS)) : $(DEBS_PATH)/% : .platform $$(addsuffix -install,$$(addprefix $(DEBS_PATH)/,$$($$*_DEPENDS)))
# Build project and take package
pushd $($*_SRC_PATH) $(LOG)
2016-12-08 09:05:19 -06:00
python setup.py --command-packages=stdeb.command bdist_deb $(LOG)
2016-12-05 13:12:19 -06:00
popd $(LOG)
mv $(addprefix $($*_SRC_PATH)/deb_dist/, $* $($*_DERIVED_DEBS)) $(DEBS_PATH) $(LOG)
# Rules for derived debian packages (dev, dbg, etc.)
# All noise takes place in main deb recipe, so we are just telling that
# we depend on it and move our deb to other targets
# Add new dev package:
# $(eval $(call add_derived_package,$(ORIGINAL_DEB),derived_deb_file.deb))
$(addprefix $(DEBS_PATH)/, $(SONIC_DERIVED_DEBS)) : $(DEBS_PATH)/% : .platform $$(addsuffix -install,$$(addprefix $(DEBS_PATH)/,$$($$*_DEPENDS)))
# All noise takes place in main deb recipe, so we are just telling that
# we depend on it
# Put newer timestamp
[ -f $@ ] && touch $@
2017-03-01 10:32:58 -06:00
# Rules for extra debian packages
# All noise takes place in main deb recipe, so we are just telling that
# we need to build the main deb and move our deb to other targets
# Add new dev package:
# $(eval $(call add_extra_package,$(ORIGINAL_DEB),extra_deb_file.deb))
$(addprefix $(DEBS_PATH)/, $(SONIC_EXTRA_DEBS)) : $(DEBS_PATH)/% : .platform $$(addprefix $(DEBS_PATH)/,$$($$*_MAIN_DEB))
# All noise takes place in main deb recipe, so we are just telling that
# we depend on it
# Put newer timestamp
[ -f $@ ] && touch $@
2016-12-05 13:12:19 -06:00
# Targets for installing debian packages prior to build one that depends on them
SONIC_INSTALL_TARGETS = $(addsuffix -install,$(addprefix $(DEBS_PATH)/, \
2017-03-01 10:32:58 -06:00
2016-12-05 13:12:19 -06:00
$(SONIC_INSTALL_TARGETS) : $(DEBS_PATH)/%-install : .platform $$(addsuffix -install,$$(addprefix $(DEBS_PATH)/,$$($$*_DEPENDS))) $(DEBS_PATH)/$$*
[ -f $(DEBS_PATH)/$* ] || { echo $(DEBS_PATH)/$* does not exist $(LOG) && exit 1; }
# put a lock here because dpkg does not allow installing packages in parallel
while true; do
if mkdir $(DEBS_PATH)/dpkg_lock &> /dev/null; then
{ sudo dpkg -i $(DEBS_PATH)/$* $(LOG) && rm -d $(DEBS_PATH)/dpkg_lock && break; } || { rm -d $(DEBS_PATH)/dpkg_lock && exit 1 ; }
## Python packages
# Build project using python setup.py bdist_wheel
# Projects that generate python wheels
# Add new package for build:
# SOME_NEW_WHL = some_new_whl.whl
# $(SOME_NEW_WHL)_SRC_PATH = $(SRC_PATH)/project_name
2017-03-30 17:25:31 -05:00
2016-12-05 13:12:19 -06:00
$(addprefix $(PYTHON_WHEELS_PATH)/, $(SONIC_PYTHON_WHEELS)) : $(PYTHON_WHEELS_PATH)/% : .platform $$(addsuffix -install,$$(addprefix $(PYTHON_WHEELS_PATH)/,$$($$*_DEPENDS)))
pushd $($*_SRC_PATH) $(LOG)
2017-03-17 00:57:30 -05:00
# apply series of patches if exist
if [ -f ../$(notdir $($*_SRC_PATH)).patch/series ]; then QUILT_PATCHES=../$(notdir $($*_SRC_PATH)).patch quilt push -a; fi
2017-03-30 17:25:31 -05:00
python$($*_PYTHON_VERSION) setup.py test $(LOG)
2016-12-05 13:12:19 -06:00
python$($*_PYTHON_VERSION) setup.py bdist_wheel $(LOG)
2017-03-17 00:57:30 -05:00
# clean up
if [ -f ../$(notdir $($*_SRC_PATH)).patch/series ]; then quilt pop -a -f; fi
2016-12-05 13:12:19 -06:00
popd $(LOG)
mv $($*_SRC_PATH)/dist/$* $(PYTHON_WHEELS_PATH) $(LOG)
# Targets for installing python wheels.
# Autogenerated
SONIC_INSTALL_WHEELS = $(addsuffix -install, $(addprefix $(PYTHON_WHEELS_PATH)/, $(SONIC_PYTHON_WHEELS)))
$(SONIC_INSTALL_WHEELS) : $(PYTHON_WHEELS_PATH)/%-install : .platform $$(addsuffix -install,$$(addprefix $(PYTHON_WHEELS_PATH)/,$$($$*_DEPENDS))) $(PYTHON_WHEELS_PATH)/$$*
[ -f $(PYTHON_WHEELS_PATH)/$* ] || { echo $(PYTHON_WHEELS_PATH)/$* does not exist $(LOG) && exit 1; }
# put a lock here to avoid race conditions
while true; do
if mkdir $(PYTHON_WHEELS_PATH)/pip_lock &> /dev/null; then
{ sudo pip$($*_PYTHON_VERSION) install $(PYTHON_WHEELS_PATH)/$* $(LOG) && rm -d $(PYTHON_WHEELS_PATH)/pip_lock && break; } || { rm -d $(PYTHON_WHEELS_PATH)/pip_lock && exit 1 ; }
## Docker images related targets
# start docker daemon
docker-start :
@sudo service docker start &> /dev/null && sleep 1
# targets for building simple docker images that do not depend on any debian packages
$(addprefix $(TARGET_PATH)/, $(SONIC_SIMPLE_DOCKER_IMAGES)) : $(TARGET_PATH)/%.gz : .platform docker-start $$(addsuffix -load,$$(addprefix $(TARGET_PATH)/,$$($$*.gz_LOAD_DOCKERS)))
2017-02-07 10:36:19 -06:00
docker build --squash --no-cache -t $* $($*.gz_PATH) $(LOG)
2016-12-05 13:12:19 -06:00
docker save $* | gzip -c > $@
# Targets for building docker images
2016-12-23 17:22:06 -06:00
$(addprefix $(TARGET_PATH)/, $(SONIC_DOCKER_IMAGES)) : $(TARGET_PATH)/%.gz : .platform docker-start $$(addprefix $(DEBS_PATH)/,$$($$*.gz_DEPENDS) $$($$*.gz_FILES)) $$(addprefix $(PYTHON_WHEELS_PATH)/,$$($$*.gz_PYTHON_WHEELS)) $$(addsuffix -load,$$(addprefix $(TARGET_PATH)/,$$($$*.gz_LOAD_DOCKERS))) $$($$*.gz_PATH)/Dockerfile.j2
2016-12-05 13:12:19 -06:00
2016-12-23 17:22:06 -06:00
mkdir -p $($*.gz_PATH)/debs $(LOG)
2016-12-05 13:12:19 -06:00
mkdir -p $($*.gz_PATH)/python-wheels $(LOG)
2016-12-23 17:22:06 -06:00
sudo mount --bind $(DEBS_PATH) $($*.gz_PATH)/debs $(LOG)
2016-12-05 13:12:19 -06:00
sudo mount --bind $(PYTHON_WHEELS_PATH) $($*.gz_PATH)/python-wheels $(LOG)
2016-12-23 17:22:06 -06:00
# Export variables for j2. Use path for unique variable names, e.g. docker_orchagent_debs
$(eval export $(subst -,_,$(notdir $($*.gz_PATH)))_debs=$(shell printf "$(subst $(SPACE),\n,$(call expand,$($*.gz_DEPENDS),RDEPENDS))\n" | awk '!a[$$0]++'))
2017-03-17 16:51:42 -05:00
$(eval export $(subst -,_,$(notdir $($*.gz_PATH)))_whls=$(shell printf "$(subst $(SPACE),\n,$(call expand,$($*.gz_PYTHON_WHEELS)))\n" | awk '!a[$$0]++'))
2017-02-21 21:04:43 -06:00
$(eval export $(subst -,_,$(notdir $($*.gz_PATH)))_dbgs=$(shell printf "$(subst $(SPACE),\n,$(call expand,$($*.gz_DBG_PACKAGES)))\n" | awk '!a[$$0]++'))
2016-12-23 17:22:06 -06:00
j2 $($*.gz_PATH)/Dockerfile.j2 > $($*.gz_PATH)/Dockerfile
2017-02-07 10:36:19 -06:00
docker build --squash --no-cache -t $* $($*.gz_PATH) $(LOG)
2016-12-05 13:12:19 -06:00
docker save $* | gzip -c > $@
DOCKER_LOAD_TARGETS = $(addsuffix -load,$(addprefix $(TARGET_PATH)/, \
$(DOCKER_LOAD_TARGETS) : $(TARGET_PATH)/%.gz-load : .platform docker-start $$(TARGET_PATH)/$$*.gz
docker load -i $(TARGET_PATH)/$*.gz $(LOG)
## Installers
# targets for building installers with base image
2017-03-17 16:51:42 -05:00
$(addprefix $(TARGET_PATH)/, $(SONIC_INSTALLERS)) : $(TARGET_PATH)/% : .platform onie-image.conf $$(addprefix $(DEBS_PATH)/,$$($$*_DEPENDS)) $$(addprefix $(DEBS_PATH)/,$$($$*_INSTALLS)) $(addprefix $(DEBS_PATH)/,$(INITRAMFS_TOOLS) $(LINUX_KERNEL) $(IGB_DRIVER) $(SONIC_DEVICE_DATA) $(SONIC_UTILS)) $$(addprefix $(TARGET_PATH)/,$$($$*_DOCKERS)) $$(addprefix $(PYTHON_WHEELS_PATH)/,$(SONIC_CONFIG_ENGINE))
2016-12-05 13:12:19 -06:00
2017-01-29 13:33:33 -06:00
## Pass initramfs and linux kernel explicitly. They are used for all platforms
export initramfs_tools="$(DEBS_PATH)/$(INITRAMFS_TOOLS)"
export linux_kernel="$(DEBS_PATH)/$(LINUX_KERNEL)"
export kversion="$(KVERSION)"
export image_type="$($*_IMAGE_TYPE)"
export sonicadmin_user="$(USERNAME)"
2017-02-10 09:39:05 -06:00
export sonic_asic_platform="$(CONFIGURED_PLATFORM)"
2017-02-17 15:47:01 -06:00
export enable_dhcp_graph_service="$(ENABLE_DHCP_GRAPH_SERVICE)"
2017-04-04 01:56:15 -05:00
export installer_debs="$(addprefix $(DEBS_PATH)/,$($*_DEPENDS))"
export lazy_installer_debs="$(foreach deb, $($*_INSTALLS),$(foreach device, $($(deb)_PLATFORM),$(addprefix $(device)@, $(DEBS_PATH)/$(deb))))"
export installer_images="$(addprefix $(TARGET_PATH)/,$($*_DOCKERS))"
export config_engine_wheel_path="$(addprefix $(PYTHON_WHEELS_PATH)/,$(SONIC_CONFIG_ENGINE))"
export swsssdk_py2_wheel_path="$(addprefix $(PYTHON_WHEELS_PATH)/,$(SWSSSDK_PY2))"
2017-02-17 15:47:01 -06:00
2017-01-29 13:33:33 -06:00
$(foreach docker, $($*_DOCKERS),\
export docker_image="$(docker)"
export docker_image_name="$(basename $(docker))"
export docker_container_name="$($(docker)_CONTAINER_NAME)"
export docker_image_run_opt="$($(docker)_RUN_OPT)"
j2 files/build_templates/docker_image_ctl.j2 > $($(docker)_CONTAINER_NAME).sh
2017-03-01 12:57:35 -06:00
if [ -f files/build_templates/$($(docker)_CONTAINER_NAME).service.j2 ]; then
j2 files/build_templates/$($(docker)_CONTAINER_NAME).service.j2 > $($(docker)_CONTAINER_NAME).service
2017-01-29 13:33:33 -06:00
chmod +x $($(docker)_CONTAINER_NAME).sh
2017-04-04 01:56:15 -05:00
export installer_start_scripts="$(foreach docker, $($*_DOCKERS),$(addsuffix .sh, $($(docker)_CONTAINER_NAME)))"
2017-01-29 13:33:33 -06:00
export installer_services="$(foreach docker, $($*_DOCKERS),$(addsuffix .service, $($(docker)_CONTAINER_NAME)))"
2017-02-07 02:33:20 -06:00
export installer_extra_files="$(foreach docker, $($*_DOCKERS), $(foreach file, $($(docker)_BASE_IMAGE_FILES), $($(docker)_PATH)/base_image_files/$(file)))"
2017-01-29 13:33:33 -06:00
2017-02-06 10:17:16 -06:00
j2 -f env files/initramfs-tools/union-mount.j2 onie-image.conf > files/initramfs-tools/union-mount
j2 -f env files/initramfs-tools/arista-convertfs.j2 onie-image.conf > files/initramfs-tools/arista-convertfs
2017-01-29 13:33:33 -06:00
$(if $($*_DOCKERS),
j2 files/build_templates/sonic_debian_extension.j2 > sonic_debian_extension.sh
chmod +x sonic_debian_extension.sh,
2016-12-05 13:12:19 -06:00
./build_debian.sh "$(USERNAME)" "$(shell perl -e 'print crypt("$(PASSWORD)", "salt"),"\n"')" $(LOG)
2017-04-05 18:14:41 -05:00
2017-01-29 13:33:33 -06:00
$(foreach docker, $($*_DOCKERS), \
2017-03-01 12:57:35 -06:00
rm -f $($(docker)_CONTAINER_NAME).sh
rm -f $($(docker)_CONTAINER_NAME).service
2017-01-29 13:33:33 -06:00
$(if $($*_DOCKERS),
rm sonic_debian_extension.sh,
2017-02-26 18:00:44 -06:00
chmod a+x $@
2016-12-05 13:12:19 -06:00
## Clean targets
SONIC_CLEAN_DEBS = $(addsuffix -clean,$(addprefix $(DEBS_PATH)/, \
2016-12-14 13:59:24 -06:00
2016-12-05 13:12:19 -06:00
2017-03-01 10:32:58 -06:00
$(SONIC_CLEAN_DEBS) : $(DEBS_PATH)/%-clean : .platform $$(addsuffix -clean,$$(addprefix $(DEBS_PATH)/,$$($$*_MAIN_DEB)))
@# remove derived or extra targets if main one is removed, because we treat them
2016-12-05 13:12:19 -06:00
@# as part of one package
2017-03-01 10:32:58 -06:00
@rm -f $(addprefix $(DEBS_PATH)/, $* $($*_DERIVED_DEBS) $($*_EXTRA_DEBS))
2016-12-05 13:12:19 -06:00
SONIC_CLEAN_TARGETS += $(addsuffix -clean,$(addprefix $(TARGET_PATH)/, \
2017-03-07 14:34:24 -06:00
2016-12-05 13:12:19 -06:00
$(SONIC_CLEAN_TARGETS) : $(TARGET_PATH)/%-clean : .platform
@rm -f $(TARGET_PATH)/$*
SONIC_CLEAN_WHEELS = $(addsuffix -clean,$(addprefix $(PYTHON_WHEELS_PATH)/, \
$(SONIC_CLEAN_WHEELS) : $(PYTHON_WHEELS_PATH)/%-clean : .platform
clean-logs : .platform
@rm -f $(TARGET_PATH)/*.log $(DEBS_PATH)/*.log
clean : .platform clean-logs $$(SONIC_CLEAN_DEBS) $$(SONIC_CLEAN_TARGETS) $$(SONIC_CLEAN_WHEELS)
## all
all : .platform $$(addprefix $(TARGET_PATH)/,$$(SONIC_ALL))
## Standard targets
2017-03-02 06:08:25 -06:00