2020-10-28 18:41:27 -05:00
! template: bgpd/templates/internal/instance.conf.j2
neighbor {{ neighbor_addr }} remote-as {{ bgp_session['asn'] }}
neighbor {{ neighbor_addr }} description {{ bgp_session['name'] }}
2020-11-09 13:10:10 -06:00
neighbor {{ neighbor_addr }} timers 3 10
2021-03-18 01:14:38 -05:00
neighbor {{ neighbor_addr }} timers connect 10
2020-10-28 18:41:27 -05:00
{% if neighbor_addr | ipv4 %}
address-family ipv4
neighbor {{ neighbor_addr }} peer-group INTERNAL_PEER_V4
{% if CONFIG_DB__DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['sub_role'] == 'BackEnd' %}
2021-02-26 19:05:15 -06:00
neighbor {{ neighbor_addr }} next-hop-self force
2020-10-28 18:41:27 -05:00
neighbor {{ neighbor_addr }} route-map FROM_BGP_INTERNAL_PEER_V4 in
{% endif %}
{% elif neighbor_addr | ipv6 %}
address-family ipv6
neighbor {{ neighbor_addr }} peer-group INTERNAL_PEER_V6
{% if CONFIG_DB__DEVICE_METADATA['localhost']['sub_role'] == 'BackEnd' %}
2021-02-26 19:05:15 -06:00
neighbor {{ neighbor_addr }} next-hop-self force
2020-10-28 18:41:27 -05:00
neighbor {{ neighbor_addr }} route-map FROM_BGP_INTERNAL_PEER_V6 in
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if bgp_session.has_key('rrclient') and bgp_session['rrclient'] | int != 0 %}
neighbor {{ neighbor_addr }} route-reflector-client
{% endif %}
2021-02-26 01:15:02 -06:00
neighbor {{ neighbor_addr }} allowas-in 1
2020-10-28 18:41:27 -05:00
neighbor {{ neighbor_addr }} activate
! end of template: bgpd/templates/internal/instance.conf.j2