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## Wrapper for starting make inside sonic-slave container
# Supported parameters:
# * PLATFORM: Specific platform we wish to build images for.
# * BUILD_NUMBER: Desired version-number to pass to the building-system.
# * ENABLE_DHCP_GRAPH_SERVICE: Enables get-graph service to fetch minigraph files
# through http.
# * ENABLE_ZTP: Enables zero touch provisioning.
# * SHUTDOWN_BGP_ON_START: Sets admin-down state for all bgp peerings after restart.
# * INCLUDE_KUBERNETES: Allows including Kubernetes
# * INCLUDE_KUBERNETES_MASTER: Allows including Kubernetes master
# * INCLUDE_MUX: Include MUX feature/services for TOR switch.
# * ENABLE_PFCWD_ON_START: Enable PFC Watchdog (PFCWD) on server-facing ports
# * by default for TOR switch.
# * ENABLE_SYNCD_RPC: Enables rpc-based syncd builds.
# * INSTALL_DEBUG_TOOLS: Install debug tools and debug symbol packages.
# * USERNAME: Desired username -- default at rules/config
# * PASSWORD: Desired password -- default at rules/config
# * KEEP_SLAVE_ON: Keeps slave container up and active after building process concludes.
# * Note that rm=true is still set, so once user quits from the docker
# * session, the docker will be removed.
# * Please note that with current Stretch build structure,
# * user of KEEP_SLAVE_ON feature will have to be conscious
# * about which docker to stay inside after build is done.
# * - If user desires to stay inside Jessie docker, please issue
# * make KEEP_SLAVE_ON=yes jessie
# * - If user desires to stay inside Stretch docker, please issue
# * make NOJESSIE=1 KEEP_SLAVE_ON=yes <any target>
# * SOURCE_FOLDER: host path to be mount as /var/$(USER)/src, only effective when KEEP_SLAVE_ON=yes
# * SONIC_BUILD_JOBS: Specifying number of concurrent build job(s) to run
# * VS_PREPARE_MEM: Prepare memory in VS build (drop cache and compact).
# * Default: yes
# * Values: yes, no
# * KERNEL_PROCURE_METHOD: Specifying method of obtaining kernel Debian package: download or build
# * TELEMETRY_WRITABLE: Enable write/config operations via the gNMI interface.
# * Default: unset
# * Values: y
[build]: support for DPKG local caching (#4117) DPKG caching framework provides the infrastructure to cache the sonic module/target .deb files into a local cache by tracking the target dependency files.SONIC build infrastructure is designed as a plugin framework where any new source code can be easily integrated into sonic as a module and that generates output as a .deb file. The source code compilation of a module is completely independent of other modules compilation. Inter module dependency is resolved through build artifacts like header files, libraries, and binaries in the form of Debian packages. For example module A depends on module B. While module A is being built, it uses B's .deb file to install it in the build docker. The DPKG caching framework provides an infrastructure that caches a module's deb package and restores it back to the build directory if its dependency files are not modified. When a module is compiled for the first time, the generated deb package is stored at the DPKG cache location. On the subsequent build, first, it checks the module dependency file modification. If none of the dependent files is changed, it copies the deb package from the cache location, otherwise, it goes for local compilation and generates the deb package. The modified files should be checked-in to get the newer cache deb package. This provides a huge improvement in build time and also supports the true incremental build by tracking the dependency files. - How I did it It takes two global arguments to enable the DPKG caching, the first one indicates the caching method and the second one describes the location of the cache. SONIC_DPKG_CACHE_METHOD=cache SONIC_DPKG_CACHE_SOURCE= where SONIC_DPKG_CACHE_METHOD - Default method is 'cache' for deb package caching none: no caching cache: cache from local directory Dependency file tracking: Dependency files are tracked for each target in two levels. 1. Common make infrastructure files - rules/config, rules/functions, etc. 2. Per module files - files which are specific to modules, Makefile, debian/rules, patch files, etc. For example: dependency files for Linux Kernel - src/sonic-linux-kernel, SPATH := $($(LINUX_HEADERS_COMMON)_SRC_PATH) DEP_FILES := $(SONIC_COMMON_FILES_LIST) rules/ rules/linux-kernel.dep DEP_FILES += $(SONIC_COMMON_BASE_FILES_LIST) SMDEP_FILES := $(addprefix $(SPATH)/,$(shell cd $(SPATH) && git ls-files)) DEP_FLAGS := $(SONIC_COMMON_FLAGS_LIST) \ $(KERNEL_PROCURE_METHOD) $(KERNEL_CACHE_PATH) $(LINUX_HEADERS_COMMON)_CACHE_MODE := GIT_CONTENT_SHA $(LINUX_HEADERS_COMMON)_DEP_FLAGS := $(DEP_FLAGS) $(LINUX_HEADERS_COMMON)_DEP_FILES := $(DEP_FILES) $(LINUX_HEADERS_COMMON)_SMDEP_FILES := $(SMDEP_FILES) $(LINUX_HEADERS_COMMON)_SMDEP_PATHS := $(SPATH) Cache file tracking: The Cache file is a compressed TAR ball of a module's target DEB file and its derived-target DEB files. The cache filename is formed with the following format FORMAT: <module deb filename>.<24 byte of DEP SHA hash >-<24 byte of MOD SHA hash>.tgz Eg: linux-headers-4.9.0-9-2-common_4.9.168-1+deb9u3_all.deb-23658712fd21bb776fa16f47-c0b63ef593d4a32643bca228.tgz < 24-byte DEP SHA value > - the SHA value is derived from all the dependent packages. < 24-byte MOD SHA value > - the SHA value is derived from either of the following. GIT_COMMIT_SHA - SHA value of the last git commit ID if it is a submodule GIT_CONTENT_SHA - SHA value is generated from the content of the target dependency files. Target Specific rules: Caching can be enabled/disabled on a global level and also on the per-target level. $(addprefix $(DEBS_PATH)/, $(SONIC_DPKG_DEBS)) : $(DEBS_PATH)/% : .platform $$(addsuffix -install,$$(addprefix $(DEBS_PATH)/,$$($$*_DEPENDS))) \ $(call dpkg_depend,$(DEBS_PATH)/%.dep ) $(HEADER) # Load the target deb from DPKG cache $(call LOAD_CACHE,$*,$@) # Skip building the target if it is already loaded from cache if [ -z '$($*_CACHE_LOADED)' ] ; then ..... # Rules for Generating the target DEB file. ..... # Save the target deb into DPKG cache $(call SAVE_CACHE,$*,$@) fi $(FOOTER) The make rule-'$(call dpkg_depend,$(DEBS_PATH)/%.dep )' checks for target dependency file modification. If it is newer than the target, it will go for re-generation of that target. Two main macros 'LOAD_CACHE' and 'SAVE_CACHE' are used for loading and storing the cache contents. The 'LOAD_CACHE' macro is used to load the cache file from cache storage and extracts them into the target folder. It is done only if target dependency files are not modified by checking the GIT file status, otherwise, cache loading is skipped and full compilation is performed. It also updates the target-specific variable to indicate the cache is loaded or not. The 'SAVE_CACHE' macro generates the compressed tarball of the cache file and saves them into cache storage. Saving into the cache storage is protected with a lock. - How to verify it The caching functionality is verified by enabling it in Linux kernel submodule. It uses the cache directory as 'target/cache' where Linux cache file gets stored on the first-time build and it is picked from the cache location during the subsequent clean build. - Description for the changelog The DPKG caching framework provides the infrastructure to save the module-specific deb file to be cached by tracking the module's dependency files. If the module's dependency files are not changed, it restores the module deb files from the cache storage. - Description for the changelog - A picture of a cute animal (not mandatory but encouraged) DOCUMENT PR:
2020-03-11 22:04:52 -05:00
# * SONIC_DPKG_CACHE_METHOD: Specifying method of obtaining the Debian packages from cache: none or cache
# * SONIC_DPKG_CACHE_SOURCE: Debian package cache location when cache enabled for debian packages
# * BUILD_LOG_TIMESTAMP: Set timestamp in the build log (simple/none)
# * DOCKER_EXTRA_OPTS: Extra command line arguments for dockerd running in slave container.
# * ENABLE_AUTO_TECH_SUPPORT: Enable the configuration for event-driven techsupport & coredump mgmt feature
# * Default: y
# * Values: y,n
SHELL = /bin/bash
USER := $(shell id -un)
PWD := $(shell pwd)
USER_LC := $(shell echo $(USER) | tr A-Z a-z)
DOCKER_MACHINE := $(shell docker run --rm debian:buster uname -m)
comma := ,
ifeq ($(DOCKER_MACHINE), aarch64)
else ifeq ($(shell echo $(DOCKER_MACHINE) | grep -qE "armv7l|armv8l" && echo y),y)
ifeq ($(USER), root)
$(error Add your user account to docker group and use your user account to make. root or sudo are not supported!)
# Check for j2cli availability
J2_VER := $(shell j2 --version 2>&1 | grep j2cli | awk '{printf $$2}')
ifeq ($(J2_VER),)
$(error Please install j2cli (sudo pip install j2cli))
[build] Add option to avoid Docker base image :latest tag (#3124) Define slave_base_tag_ref variable in containing specific base image tag to use, rather than always defaulting to :latest. Add an ARG command before FROM statement in Dockerfile.user for sonic-slave and sonic-slave-stretch. ARG variable defaults to latest if slave_base_tag_ref not specified in The presumption to always refer to the :latest tagged Docker base image when creating the user image causes problems in a shared build server environment, where the most recently created base image (i.e. the current :latest tag) may not be compatible with the current build. For example, different users working in different branches may all be sharing the same build server. Signed-off-by: Greg Paussa - What I did Added a DOCKER_AVOID_BASE_TAG_LATEST build option to rules/config that forces the Docker user image creation to refer to its base image by a specific tag rather than rely on the :latest tag. This is needed in a shared build server environment where builds from different developers and/or different SONiC branches all converge on the same Docker daemon instance running on the build server. The :latest tag is always assigned to the most recent base image built, which might not correspond to the base image needed for a particular build, thus causing various build errors that mostly manifest as missing Debian packages or package version mismatches. NOTE TO REVIEWERS: This PR relies on Docker support of "ARG before FROM," which was first introduced in Docker version 17.05.1-ce. Although there is no mention of a minimum required Docker version for the build server in the SONiC Building Guide pages, please consider whether it is reasonable to assume that Docker 17.05.1-ce or later must be used for SONiC build hosts before approving this PR. - How I did it Added an ARG before the FROM statement at the top of the sonic-slave/Dockerfile.user and sonic-slave-stretch/Dockerfile.user files. The ARG variable defaults to latest, but can be overridden in to reference the SLAVE_BASE_TAG so that it refers to the specific, matching base image for the build. This override is activated by un-commenting the DOCKER_AVOID_BASE_TAG_LATEST = y line in rules/config.
2019-07-13 14:43:45 -05:00
# Check for minimum Docker version on build host
# Note: Using the greater of CE (17.05.0) and EE (17.06.1) versions that support ARG before FROM
docker_min := 17.06.1
docker_min_ver := $(shell echo "$(docker_min)" | awk -F. '{printf("%d%03d%03d\n",$$1,$$2,$$3);}' 2>/dev/null)
docker_ver := $(shell docker info 2>/dev/null | grep -i "server version" | rev | cut -d' ' -f1 | rev | awk -F. '{printf("%d%03d%03d\n",$$1,$$2,$$3);}' 2>/dev/null)
docker_is_valid := $(shell if [[ "$(docker_ver)" -lt $(docker_min_ver) ]] ; then echo "0"; else echo "1"; fi)
[build] Add option to avoid Docker base image :latest tag (#3124) Define slave_base_tag_ref variable in containing specific base image tag to use, rather than always defaulting to :latest. Add an ARG command before FROM statement in Dockerfile.user for sonic-slave and sonic-slave-stretch. ARG variable defaults to latest if slave_base_tag_ref not specified in The presumption to always refer to the :latest tagged Docker base image when creating the user image causes problems in a shared build server environment, where the most recently created base image (i.e. the current :latest tag) may not be compatible with the current build. For example, different users working in different branches may all be sharing the same build server. Signed-off-by: Greg Paussa - What I did Added a DOCKER_AVOID_BASE_TAG_LATEST build option to rules/config that forces the Docker user image creation to refer to its base image by a specific tag rather than rely on the :latest tag. This is needed in a shared build server environment where builds from different developers and/or different SONiC branches all converge on the same Docker daemon instance running on the build server. The :latest tag is always assigned to the most recent base image built, which might not correspond to the base image needed for a particular build, thus causing various build errors that mostly manifest as missing Debian packages or package version mismatches. NOTE TO REVIEWERS: This PR relies on Docker support of "ARG before FROM," which was first introduced in Docker version 17.05.1-ce. Although there is no mention of a minimum required Docker version for the build server in the SONiC Building Guide pages, please consider whether it is reasonable to assume that Docker 17.05.1-ce or later must be used for SONiC build hosts before approving this PR. - How I did it Added an ARG before the FROM statement at the top of the sonic-slave/Dockerfile.user and sonic-slave-stretch/Dockerfile.user files. The ARG variable defaults to latest, but can be overridden in to reference the SLAVE_BASE_TAG so that it refers to the specific, matching base image for the build. This override is activated by un-commenting the DOCKER_AVOID_BASE_TAG_LATEST = y line in rules/config.
2019-07-13 14:43:45 -05:00
ifeq (0,$(docker_is_valid))
$(error SONiC requires Docker version $(docker_min) or later)
# Remove lock file in case previous run was forcefully stopped
$(shell rm -f .screen)
CONFIGURED_ARCH := $(shell [ -f .arch ] && cat .arch || echo $(PLATFORM_ARCH))
CONFIGURED_PLATFORM = $(if $(PLATFORM),$(PLATFORM),$(shell cat .platform 2>/dev/null))
override CONFIGURED_ARCH = amd64
ifeq ($(PLATFORM_ARCH),)
ifeq ($(BLDENV), bullseye)
SLAVE_DIR = sonic-slave-bullseye
else ifeq ($(BLDENV), buster)
SLAVE_DIR = sonic-slave-buster
else ifeq ($(BLDENV), stretch)
SLAVE_DIR = sonic-slave-stretch
SLAVE_DIR = sonic-slave-jessie
# Define a do-nothing target for rules/config.user so that when
# the file is missing, make won't try to rebuld everything.
@echo -n ""
include rules/config
-include rules/config.user
ifeq ($(CONFIGURED_ARCH),amd64)
else ifneq ($(CONFIGURED_ARCH),)
DOCKER_ROOT = $(PWD)/fsroot.docker.$(BLDENV)
# Support FIPS feature, armhf not supported yet
ifeq ($(PLATFORM_ARCH),armhf)
ifeq ($(ENABLE_FIPS), y)
$(error Cannot set fips config ENABLE_FIPS=y when ENABLE_FIPS_FEATURE=n)
# Generate the version control build info
# Generate the slave Dockerfile, and prepare build info for it
# Add the versions in the tag, if the version change, need to rebuild the slave
SLAVE_BASE_TAG = $(shell cat $(SLAVE_DIR)/Dockerfile $(SLAVE_DIR)/buildinfo/versions/versions-* src/sonic-build-hooks/hooks/* | sha1sum | awk '{print substr($$1,0,11);}')
# Calculate the slave TAG based on $(USER)/$(PWD)/$(CONFIGURED_PLATFORM) to get unique SHA ID
SLAVE_TAG = $(shell (cat $(SLAVE_DIR)/Dockerfile.user $(SLAVE_DIR)/Dockerfile $(SLAVE_DIR)/buildinfo/versions/versions-* .git/HEAD && echo $(USER)/$(PWD)/$(CONFIGURED_PLATFORM)) \
| sha1sum | awk '{print substr($$1,0,11);}')
lsmod | grep -q "^overlay " &>/dev/null || \
zgrep -q 'CONFIG_OVERLAY_FS=y' /proc/config.gz &>/dev/null || \
grep -q 'CONFIG_OVERLAY_FS=y' /boot/config-$(shell uname -r) &>/dev/null || \
(echo "ERROR: Module 'overlay' not loaded. Try running 'sudo modprobe overlay'."; exit 1)
BUILD_TIMESTAMP := $(shell date +%Y%m%d\.%H%M%S)
# Create separate Docker lockfiles for saving vs. loading an image.
override DOCKER_LOCKDIR := /tmp/docklock
$(shell mkdir -m 0777 -p $(DOCKER_LOCKDIR))
$(shell [ -f $(DOCKER_LOCKFILE_SAVE) ] || (touch $(DOCKER_LOCKFILE_SAVE) && chmod 0777 $(DOCKER_LOCKFILE_SAVE)))
$(docker run --rm -v $(DOCKER_ROOT)\:/mount alpine sh -c 'rm -rf /mount/')
$(mkdir -p $(DOCKER_ROOT))
override DOCKER_BUILDER_MOUNT := "$(PWD):/sonic"
override DOCKER_BUILDER_WORKDIR := "/sonic"
DOCKER_RUN := docker run --rm=true --privileged --init \
-e "http_proxy=$(http_proxy)" \
-e "https_proxy=$(https_proxy)" \
-e "no_proxy=$(no_proxy)" \
-i$(shell { if [ -t 0 ]; then echo t; fi }) \
# Mount the $(DOCKER_ROOT) to /var/lib/docker in the slave container, the overlay fs is not supported as dockerd root folder.
ifneq ($(filter $(SONIC_SLAVE_DOCKER_DRIVER),overlay overlay2),)
DOCKER_RUN += -v $(DOCKER_ROOT):/var/lib/docker
DOCKER_RUN += $(foreach mount,$(subst $(comma), ,$(DOCKER_BUILDER_USER_MOUNT)), $(addprefix -v , $(mount)))
[build]: support for DPKG local caching (#4117) DPKG caching framework provides the infrastructure to cache the sonic module/target .deb files into a local cache by tracking the target dependency files.SONIC build infrastructure is designed as a plugin framework where any new source code can be easily integrated into sonic as a module and that generates output as a .deb file. The source code compilation of a module is completely independent of other modules compilation. Inter module dependency is resolved through build artifacts like header files, libraries, and binaries in the form of Debian packages. For example module A depends on module B. While module A is being built, it uses B's .deb file to install it in the build docker. The DPKG caching framework provides an infrastructure that caches a module's deb package and restores it back to the build directory if its dependency files are not modified. When a module is compiled for the first time, the generated deb package is stored at the DPKG cache location. On the subsequent build, first, it checks the module dependency file modification. If none of the dependent files is changed, it copies the deb package from the cache location, otherwise, it goes for local compilation and generates the deb package. The modified files should be checked-in to get the newer cache deb package. This provides a huge improvement in build time and also supports the true incremental build by tracking the dependency files. - How I did it It takes two global arguments to enable the DPKG caching, the first one indicates the caching method and the second one describes the location of the cache. SONIC_DPKG_CACHE_METHOD=cache SONIC_DPKG_CACHE_SOURCE= where SONIC_DPKG_CACHE_METHOD - Default method is 'cache' for deb package caching none: no caching cache: cache from local directory Dependency file tracking: Dependency files are tracked for each target in two levels. 1. Common make infrastructure files - rules/config, rules/functions, etc. 2. Per module files - files which are specific to modules, Makefile, debian/rules, patch files, etc. For example: dependency files for Linux Kernel - src/sonic-linux-kernel, SPATH := $($(LINUX_HEADERS_COMMON)_SRC_PATH) DEP_FILES := $(SONIC_COMMON_FILES_LIST) rules/ rules/linux-kernel.dep DEP_FILES += $(SONIC_COMMON_BASE_FILES_LIST) SMDEP_FILES := $(addprefix $(SPATH)/,$(shell cd $(SPATH) && git ls-files)) DEP_FLAGS := $(SONIC_COMMON_FLAGS_LIST) \ $(KERNEL_PROCURE_METHOD) $(KERNEL_CACHE_PATH) $(LINUX_HEADERS_COMMON)_CACHE_MODE := GIT_CONTENT_SHA $(LINUX_HEADERS_COMMON)_DEP_FLAGS := $(DEP_FLAGS) $(LINUX_HEADERS_COMMON)_DEP_FILES := $(DEP_FILES) $(LINUX_HEADERS_COMMON)_SMDEP_FILES := $(SMDEP_FILES) $(LINUX_HEADERS_COMMON)_SMDEP_PATHS := $(SPATH) Cache file tracking: The Cache file is a compressed TAR ball of a module's target DEB file and its derived-target DEB files. The cache filename is formed with the following format FORMAT: <module deb filename>.<24 byte of DEP SHA hash >-<24 byte of MOD SHA hash>.tgz Eg: linux-headers-4.9.0-9-2-common_4.9.168-1+deb9u3_all.deb-23658712fd21bb776fa16f47-c0b63ef593d4a32643bca228.tgz < 24-byte DEP SHA value > - the SHA value is derived from all the dependent packages. < 24-byte MOD SHA value > - the SHA value is derived from either of the following. GIT_COMMIT_SHA - SHA value of the last git commit ID if it is a submodule GIT_CONTENT_SHA - SHA value is generated from the content of the target dependency files. Target Specific rules: Caching can be enabled/disabled on a global level and also on the per-target level. $(addprefix $(DEBS_PATH)/, $(SONIC_DPKG_DEBS)) : $(DEBS_PATH)/% : .platform $$(addsuffix -install,$$(addprefix $(DEBS_PATH)/,$$($$*_DEPENDS))) \ $(call dpkg_depend,$(DEBS_PATH)/%.dep ) $(HEADER) # Load the target deb from DPKG cache $(call LOAD_CACHE,$*,$@) # Skip building the target if it is already loaded from cache if [ -z '$($*_CACHE_LOADED)' ] ; then ..... # Rules for Generating the target DEB file. ..... # Save the target deb into DPKG cache $(call SAVE_CACHE,$*,$@) fi $(FOOTER) The make rule-'$(call dpkg_depend,$(DEBS_PATH)/%.dep )' checks for target dependency file modification. If it is newer than the target, it will go for re-generation of that target. Two main macros 'LOAD_CACHE' and 'SAVE_CACHE' are used for loading and storing the cache contents. The 'LOAD_CACHE' macro is used to load the cache file from cache storage and extracts them into the target folder. It is done only if target dependency files are not modified by checking the GIT file status, otherwise, cache loading is skipped and full compilation is performed. It also updates the target-specific variable to indicate the cache is loaded or not. The 'SAVE_CACHE' macro generates the compressed tarball of the cache file and saves them into cache storage. Saving into the cache storage is protected with a lock. - How to verify it The caching functionality is verified by enabling it in Linux kernel submodule. It uses the cache directory as 'target/cache' where Linux cache file gets stored on the first-time build and it is picked from the cache location during the subsequent clean build. - Description for the changelog The DPKG caching framework provides the infrastructure to save the module-specific deb file to be cached by tracking the module's dependency files. If the module's dependency files are not changed, it restores the module deb files from the cache storage. - Description for the changelog - A picture of a cute animal (not mandatory but encouraged) DOCUMENT PR:
2020-03-11 22:04:52 -05:00
DOCKER_RUN += -v "$(SONIC_DPKG_CACHE_SOURCE):/dpkg_cache:rw"
ifneq ($(SIGNING_KEY),)
ifneq ($(SIGNING_CERT),)
# User name and tag for "docker-*" images created by native dockerd mode.
# Define canned sequence to clean up Docker image cache.
# - These are the remnants from building the runtime Docker images using native (host) Docker daemon.
# - Image naming convention differs on a shared build system vs. non-shared.
# $(docker-image-cleanup)
define docker-image-cleanup
@for i in $(shell docker images --quiet --filter 'dangling=true') ; do (docker rmi -f $$i &> /dev/null || true) ; done
@for i in $(shell docker images --quiet docker-*$(DOCKER_USERNAME):$(DOCKER_USERTAG)) ; do (docker rmi -f $$i &> /dev/null || true) ; done
define docker-image-cleanup
DOCKER_RUN += -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
DOCKER_DATA_ROOT_FOR_MULTIARCH := /var/lib/march/docker
# Multiarch docker cannot start dockerd service due to iptables cannot run over different arch kernel
SONIC_NATIVE_DOCKERD_FOR_MUTLIARCH := dockerd --experimental=true --storage-driver=vfs \
--data-root=$(DOCKER_DATA_ROOT_FOR_MULTIARCH) --exec-root=/var/run/march/docker/ \
-H unix:///var/run/march/docker.sock -p /var/run/march/
DOCKER_RUN += -v /var/run/march/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
DOCKER_RUN += -v /var/run/march/
DOCKER_RUN += -v /var/run/march/docker:/var/run/docker
SONIC_USERFACL_DOCKERD_FOR_MUTLIARCH := setfacl -m user:$(USER):rw /var/run/march/docker.sock
#Override Native config to prevent docker service
DOCKER_MULTIARCH_CHECK := docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset -p yes --credential yes
DOCKER_SERVICE_SAFE_KILLER := (MARCH_PID=`ps -eo pid,cmd | grep "[0-9] dockerd.*march" | awk '{print $$1}'`; echo "Killing march docker $$MARCH_PID"; [ -z "$$MARCH_PID" ] || sudo kill -9 "$$MARCH_PID";)
DOCKER_SERVICE_MULTIARCH_CHECK := ($(DOCKER_SERVICE_SAFE_KILLER); sudo rm -fr /var/run/march/; (echo "Starting docker march service..."; sudo $(SONIC_NATIVE_DOCKERD_FOR_MUTLIARCH) &) &>/dev/null ; sleep 2; sudo $(SONIC_USERFACL_DOCKERD_FOR_MUTLIARCH);)
# Docker service to load the compiled dockers-*.gz
# docker 19.0 version above has path/length restriction, so replaced it with soft link in /tmp/
# Also dockerd does mkdir on the provided softlink, so used two level path "d/d"
SONIC_NATIVE_DOCKERD_FOR_DOCKERFS := rm -fr $(PWD)/dockerfs; mkdir -p $(PWD)/dockerfs; sudo rm -fr /tmp/d; mkdir -p /tmp/d; ln -s -f $(PWD)/dockerfs $(D_ROOT); \
sudo dockerd --storage-driver=overlay2 --iptables=false \
--data-root $(D_ROOT)/var/lib/docker/ --exec-root=$(D_ROOT)/var/run/docker/ \
-H unix://$(D_ROOT)/var/run/docker.sock -p $(D_ROOT)/var/run/ &
SONIC_USERFACL_DOCKERD_FOR_DOCKERFS := setfacl -m user:$(USER):rw $(D_ROOT)/var/run/docker.sock
DOCKER_SERVICE_DOCKERFS_CHECK := (sudo docker -H unix://$(D_ROOT)/var/run/docker.sock info &> /dev/null && sudo kill -9 `sudo cat $(D_ROOT)/var/run/` && false) || (echo "Starting docker build service..."; (sudo $(SONIC_NATIVE_DOCKERD_FOR_DOCKERFS) ) &> /tmp/dockerfs.log ; sleep 1; sudo $(SONIC_USERFACL_DOCKERD_FOR_DOCKERFS);)
SPLIT_LOG = | tee
DOCKER_BASE_BUILD = docker build --no-cache \
[build] Add option to avoid Docker base image :latest tag (#3124) Define slave_base_tag_ref variable in containing specific base image tag to use, rather than always defaulting to :latest. Add an ARG command before FROM statement in Dockerfile.user for sonic-slave and sonic-slave-stretch. ARG variable defaults to latest if slave_base_tag_ref not specified in The presumption to always refer to the :latest tagged Docker base image when creating the user image causes problems in a shared build server environment, where the most recently created base image (i.e. the current :latest tag) may not be compatible with the current build. For example, different users working in different branches may all be sharing the same build server. Signed-off-by: Greg Paussa - What I did Added a DOCKER_AVOID_BASE_TAG_LATEST build option to rules/config that forces the Docker user image creation to refer to its base image by a specific tag rather than rely on the :latest tag. This is needed in a shared build server environment where builds from different developers and/or different SONiC branches all converge on the same Docker daemon instance running on the build server. The :latest tag is always assigned to the most recent base image built, which might not correspond to the base image needed for a particular build, thus causing various build errors that mostly manifest as missing Debian packages or package version mismatches. NOTE TO REVIEWERS: This PR relies on Docker support of "ARG before FROM," which was first introduced in Docker version 17.05.1-ce. Although there is no mention of a minimum required Docker version for the build server in the SONiC Building Guide pages, please consider whether it is reasonable to assume that Docker 17.05.1-ce or later must be used for SONiC build hosts before approving this PR. - How I did it Added an ARG before the FROM statement at the top of the sonic-slave/Dockerfile.user and sonic-slave-stretch/Dockerfile.user files. The ARG variable defaults to latest, but can be overridden in to reference the SLAVE_BASE_TAG so that it refers to the specific, matching base image for the build. This override is activated by un-commenting the DOCKER_AVOID_BASE_TAG_LATEST = y line in rules/config.
2019-07-13 14:43:45 -05:00
--build-arg http_proxy=$(http_proxy) \
--build-arg https_proxy=$(https_proxy) \
--build-arg no_proxy=$(no_proxy) \
DOCKER_BASE_PULL = docker pull \
DOCKER_BUILD = docker build --no-cache \
--build-arg user=$(USER) \
--build-arg uid=$(shell id -u) \
--build-arg guid=$(shell id -g) \
--build-arg hostname=$(shell echo $$HOSTNAME) \
[build] Add option to avoid Docker base image :latest tag (#3124) Define slave_base_tag_ref variable in containing specific base image tag to use, rather than always defaulting to :latest. Add an ARG command before FROM statement in Dockerfile.user for sonic-slave and sonic-slave-stretch. ARG variable defaults to latest if slave_base_tag_ref not specified in The presumption to always refer to the :latest tagged Docker base image when creating the user image causes problems in a shared build server environment, where the most recently created base image (i.e. the current :latest tag) may not be compatible with the current build. For example, different users working in different branches may all be sharing the same build server. Signed-off-by: Greg Paussa - What I did Added a DOCKER_AVOID_BASE_TAG_LATEST build option to rules/config that forces the Docker user image creation to refer to its base image by a specific tag rather than rely on the :latest tag. This is needed in a shared build server environment where builds from different developers and/or different SONiC branches all converge on the same Docker daemon instance running on the build server. The :latest tag is always assigned to the most recent base image built, which might not correspond to the base image needed for a particular build, thus causing various build errors that mostly manifest as missing Debian packages or package version mismatches. NOTE TO REVIEWERS: This PR relies on Docker support of "ARG before FROM," which was first introduced in Docker version 17.05.1-ce. Although there is no mention of a minimum required Docker version for the build server in the SONiC Building Guide pages, please consider whether it is reasonable to assume that Docker 17.05.1-ce or later must be used for SONiC build hosts before approving this PR. - How I did it Added an ARG before the FROM statement at the top of the sonic-slave/Dockerfile.user and sonic-slave-stretch/Dockerfile.user files. The ARG variable defaults to latest, but can be overridden in to reference the SLAVE_BASE_TAG so that it refers to the specific, matching base image for the build. This override is activated by un-commenting the DOCKER_AVOID_BASE_TAG_LATEST = y line in rules/config.
2019-07-13 14:43:45 -05:00
--build-arg slave_base_tag_ref=$(SLAVE_BASE_TAG) \
-f $(SLAVE_DIR)/Dockerfile.user \
-f \
[build]: support for DPKG local caching (#4117) DPKG caching framework provides the infrastructure to cache the sonic module/target .deb files into a local cache by tracking the target dependency files.SONIC build infrastructure is designed as a plugin framework where any new source code can be easily integrated into sonic as a module and that generates output as a .deb file. The source code compilation of a module is completely independent of other modules compilation. Inter module dependency is resolved through build artifacts like header files, libraries, and binaries in the form of Debian packages. For example module A depends on module B. While module A is being built, it uses B's .deb file to install it in the build docker. The DPKG caching framework provides an infrastructure that caches a module's deb package and restores it back to the build directory if its dependency files are not modified. When a module is compiled for the first time, the generated deb package is stored at the DPKG cache location. On the subsequent build, first, it checks the module dependency file modification. If none of the dependent files is changed, it copies the deb package from the cache location, otherwise, it goes for local compilation and generates the deb package. The modified files should be checked-in to get the newer cache deb package. This provides a huge improvement in build time and also supports the true incremental build by tracking the dependency files. - How I did it It takes two global arguments to enable the DPKG caching, the first one indicates the caching method and the second one describes the location of the cache. SONIC_DPKG_CACHE_METHOD=cache SONIC_DPKG_CACHE_SOURCE= where SONIC_DPKG_CACHE_METHOD - Default method is 'cache' for deb package caching none: no caching cache: cache from local directory Dependency file tracking: Dependency files are tracked for each target in two levels. 1. Common make infrastructure files - rules/config, rules/functions, etc. 2. Per module files - files which are specific to modules, Makefile, debian/rules, patch files, etc. For example: dependency files for Linux Kernel - src/sonic-linux-kernel, SPATH := $($(LINUX_HEADERS_COMMON)_SRC_PATH) DEP_FILES := $(SONIC_COMMON_FILES_LIST) rules/ rules/linux-kernel.dep DEP_FILES += $(SONIC_COMMON_BASE_FILES_LIST) SMDEP_FILES := $(addprefix $(SPATH)/,$(shell cd $(SPATH) && git ls-files)) DEP_FLAGS := $(SONIC_COMMON_FLAGS_LIST) \ $(KERNEL_PROCURE_METHOD) $(KERNEL_CACHE_PATH) $(LINUX_HEADERS_COMMON)_CACHE_MODE := GIT_CONTENT_SHA $(LINUX_HEADERS_COMMON)_DEP_FLAGS := $(DEP_FLAGS) $(LINUX_HEADERS_COMMON)_DEP_FILES := $(DEP_FILES) $(LINUX_HEADERS_COMMON)_SMDEP_FILES := $(SMDEP_FILES) $(LINUX_HEADERS_COMMON)_SMDEP_PATHS := $(SPATH) Cache file tracking: The Cache file is a compressed TAR ball of a module's target DEB file and its derived-target DEB files. The cache filename is formed with the following format FORMAT: <module deb filename>.<24 byte of DEP SHA hash >-<24 byte of MOD SHA hash>.tgz Eg: linux-headers-4.9.0-9-2-common_4.9.168-1+deb9u3_all.deb-23658712fd21bb776fa16f47-c0b63ef593d4a32643bca228.tgz < 24-byte DEP SHA value > - the SHA value is derived from all the dependent packages. < 24-byte MOD SHA value > - the SHA value is derived from either of the following. GIT_COMMIT_SHA - SHA value of the last git commit ID if it is a submodule GIT_CONTENT_SHA - SHA value is generated from the content of the target dependency files. Target Specific rules: Caching can be enabled/disabled on a global level and also on the per-target level. $(addprefix $(DEBS_PATH)/, $(SONIC_DPKG_DEBS)) : $(DEBS_PATH)/% : .platform $$(addsuffix -install,$$(addprefix $(DEBS_PATH)/,$$($$*_DEPENDS))) \ $(call dpkg_depend,$(DEBS_PATH)/%.dep ) $(HEADER) # Load the target deb from DPKG cache $(call LOAD_CACHE,$*,$@) # Skip building the target if it is already loaded from cache if [ -z '$($*_CACHE_LOADED)' ] ; then ..... # Rules for Generating the target DEB file. ..... # Save the target deb into DPKG cache $(call SAVE_CACHE,$*,$@) fi $(FOOTER) The make rule-'$(call dpkg_depend,$(DEBS_PATH)/%.dep )' checks for target dependency file modification. If it is newer than the target, it will go for re-generation of that target. Two main macros 'LOAD_CACHE' and 'SAVE_CACHE' are used for loading and storing the cache contents. The 'LOAD_CACHE' macro is used to load the cache file from cache storage and extracts them into the target folder. It is done only if target dependency files are not modified by checking the GIT file status, otherwise, cache loading is skipped and full compilation is performed. It also updates the target-specific variable to indicate the cache is loaded or not. The 'SAVE_CACHE' macro generates the compressed tarball of the cache file and saves them into cache storage. Saving into the cache storage is protected with a lock. - How to verify it The caching functionality is verified by enabling it in Linux kernel submodule. It uses the cache directory as 'target/cache' where Linux cache file gets stored on the first-time build and it is picked from the cache location during the subsequent clean build. - Description for the changelog The DPKG caching framework provides the infrastructure to save the module-specific deb file to be cached by tracking the module's dependency files. If the module's dependency files are not changed, it restores the module deb files from the cache storage. - Description for the changelog - A picture of a cute animal (not mandatory but encouraged) DOCUMENT PR:
2020-03-11 22:04:52 -05:00
[build]: support for DPKG local caching (#4117) DPKG caching framework provides the infrastructure to cache the sonic module/target .deb files into a local cache by tracking the target dependency files.SONIC build infrastructure is designed as a plugin framework where any new source code can be easily integrated into sonic as a module and that generates output as a .deb file. The source code compilation of a module is completely independent of other modules compilation. Inter module dependency is resolved through build artifacts like header files, libraries, and binaries in the form of Debian packages. For example module A depends on module B. While module A is being built, it uses B's .deb file to install it in the build docker. The DPKG caching framework provides an infrastructure that caches a module's deb package and restores it back to the build directory if its dependency files are not modified. When a module is compiled for the first time, the generated deb package is stored at the DPKG cache location. On the subsequent build, first, it checks the module dependency file modification. If none of the dependent files is changed, it copies the deb package from the cache location, otherwise, it goes for local compilation and generates the deb package. The modified files should be checked-in to get the newer cache deb package. This provides a huge improvement in build time and also supports the true incremental build by tracking the dependency files. - How I did it It takes two global arguments to enable the DPKG caching, the first one indicates the caching method and the second one describes the location of the cache. SONIC_DPKG_CACHE_METHOD=cache SONIC_DPKG_CACHE_SOURCE= where SONIC_DPKG_CACHE_METHOD - Default method is 'cache' for deb package caching none: no caching cache: cache from local directory Dependency file tracking: Dependency files are tracked for each target in two levels. 1. Common make infrastructure files - rules/config, rules/functions, etc. 2. Per module files - files which are specific to modules, Makefile, debian/rules, patch files, etc. For example: dependency files for Linux Kernel - src/sonic-linux-kernel, SPATH := $($(LINUX_HEADERS_COMMON)_SRC_PATH) DEP_FILES := $(SONIC_COMMON_FILES_LIST) rules/ rules/linux-kernel.dep DEP_FILES += $(SONIC_COMMON_BASE_FILES_LIST) SMDEP_FILES := $(addprefix $(SPATH)/,$(shell cd $(SPATH) && git ls-files)) DEP_FLAGS := $(SONIC_COMMON_FLAGS_LIST) \ $(KERNEL_PROCURE_METHOD) $(KERNEL_CACHE_PATH) $(LINUX_HEADERS_COMMON)_CACHE_MODE := GIT_CONTENT_SHA $(LINUX_HEADERS_COMMON)_DEP_FLAGS := $(DEP_FLAGS) $(LINUX_HEADERS_COMMON)_DEP_FILES := $(DEP_FILES) $(LINUX_HEADERS_COMMON)_SMDEP_FILES := $(SMDEP_FILES) $(LINUX_HEADERS_COMMON)_SMDEP_PATHS := $(SPATH) Cache file tracking: The Cache file is a compressed TAR ball of a module's target DEB file and its derived-target DEB files. The cache filename is formed with the following format FORMAT: <module deb filename>.<24 byte of DEP SHA hash >-<24 byte of MOD SHA hash>.tgz Eg: linux-headers-4.9.0-9-2-common_4.9.168-1+deb9u3_all.deb-23658712fd21bb776fa16f47-c0b63ef593d4a32643bca228.tgz < 24-byte DEP SHA value > - the SHA value is derived from all the dependent packages. < 24-byte MOD SHA value > - the SHA value is derived from either of the following. GIT_COMMIT_SHA - SHA value of the last git commit ID if it is a submodule GIT_CONTENT_SHA - SHA value is generated from the content of the target dependency files. Target Specific rules: Caching can be enabled/disabled on a global level and also on the per-target level. $(addprefix $(DEBS_PATH)/, $(SONIC_DPKG_DEBS)) : $(DEBS_PATH)/% : .platform $$(addsuffix -install,$$(addprefix $(DEBS_PATH)/,$$($$*_DEPENDS))) \ $(call dpkg_depend,$(DEBS_PATH)/%.dep ) $(HEADER) # Load the target deb from DPKG cache $(call LOAD_CACHE,$*,$@) # Skip building the target if it is already loaded from cache if [ -z '$($*_CACHE_LOADED)' ] ; then ..... # Rules for Generating the target DEB file. ..... # Save the target deb into DPKG cache $(call SAVE_CACHE,$*,$@) fi $(FOOTER) The make rule-'$(call dpkg_depend,$(DEBS_PATH)/%.dep )' checks for target dependency file modification. If it is newer than the target, it will go for re-generation of that target. Two main macros 'LOAD_CACHE' and 'SAVE_CACHE' are used for loading and storing the cache contents. The 'LOAD_CACHE' macro is used to load the cache file from cache storage and extracts them into the target folder. It is done only if target dependency files are not modified by checking the GIT file status, otherwise, cache loading is skipped and full compilation is performed. It also updates the target-specific variable to indicate the cache is loaded or not. The 'SAVE_CACHE' macro generates the compressed tarball of the cache file and saves them into cache storage. Saving into the cache storage is protected with a lock. - How to verify it The caching functionality is verified by enabling it in Linux kernel submodule. It uses the cache directory as 'target/cache' where Linux cache file gets stored on the first-time build and it is picked from the cache location during the subsequent clean build. - Description for the changelog The DPKG caching framework provides the infrastructure to save the module-specific deb file to be cached by tracking the module's dependency files. If the module's dependency files are not changed, it restores the module deb files from the cache storage. - Description for the changelog - A picture of a cute animal (not mandatory but encouraged) DOCUMENT PR:
2020-03-11 22:04:52 -05:00
HTTP_PROXY=$(http_proxy) \
HTTPS_PROXY=$(https_proxy) \
NO_PROXY=$(no_proxy) \
[dhcp-relay] make DHCP relay an extension (#6531) - Why I did it Make DHCP relay docker an extension. DHCP relay now carries dhcp relay commands CLI plugin and has a complete manifest. It is installed as extension if INCLUDE_DHCP_REALY is set to y. DEPENDS on #5939 - How I did it Modify DHCP relay docker makefile and dockerfile. Make changes to sonic_debian_extension.j2 to install sonic packages. I moved DHCP related CLI tests from sonic-utilities to DHCP relay docker. This PR introduces a way to write a plugin as part of docker image and run the tests from cli-plugin-tests directory under docker directory. The test result is available in target/docker-dhcp-relay.gz.log: [ REASON ] : target/docker-dhcp-relay.gz does not exist NON-EXISTENT PREREQUISITES: docker-start target/docker-config-engine-buster.gz-load target/python-wheels/sonic_utilities-1.2-py3-none-any.whl-in stall target/debs/buster/python3-swsscommon_1.0.0_amd64.deb-install [ FLAGS FILE ] : [] [ FLAGS DEPENDS ] : [] [ FLAGS DIFF ] : [] ============================= test session starts ============================== platform linux -- Python 3.7.3, pytest-3.10.1, py-1.7.0, pluggy-0.8.0 -- /usr/bin/python3 cachedir: .pytest_cache rootdir: /sonic/dockers/docker-dhcp-relay/cli-plugin-tests, inifile: plugins: cov-2.6.0 collecting ... collected 10 items PASSED [ 10%] PASSED [ 20%] PASSED [ 30%] PASSED [ 40%] PASSED [ 50%] PASSED [ 60%] PASSED [ 70%] PASSED [ 80%] PASSED [ 90%] PASSED [100%] =============================== warnings summary =============================== /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/ /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/ DeprecationWarning: Using or importing the ABCs from 'collections' instead of from '' is deprecated, and in 3.8 it will stop working from collections import namedtuple, Iterable -- Docs: ==================== 10 passed, 1 warnings in 0.35 seconds =====================
2021-07-15 12:35:56 -05:00
[docker-macsec]: MACsec CLI Plugin (#9390) #### Why I did it To provide MACsec config and show CLI for manipulating MACsec #### How I did it Add `config macsec` and `show macsec`. #### How to verify it This PR includes unittest for MACsec CLI, check Azp status. - Add MACsec profile ``` admin@sonic:~$ sudo config macsec profile add --help Usage: config macsec profile add [OPTIONS] <profile_name> Add MACsec profile Options: --priority <priority> For Key server election. In 0-255 range with 0 being the highest priority. [default: 255] --cipher_suite <cipher_suite> The cipher suite for MACsec. [default: GCM- AES-128] --primary_cak <primary_cak> Primary Connectivity Association Key. [required] --primary_ckn <primary_cak> Primary CAK Name. [required] --policy <policy> MACsec policy. INTEGRITY_ONLY: All traffic, except EAPOL, will be converted to MACsec packets without encryption. SECURITY: All traffic, except EAPOL, will be encrypted by SecY. [default: security] --enable_replay_protect / --disable_replay_protect Whether enable replay protect. [default: False] --replay_window <enable_replay_protect> Replay window size that is the number of packets that could be out of order. This field works only if ENABLE_REPLAY_PROTECT is true. [default: 0] --send_sci / --no_send_sci Send SCI in SecTAG field of MACsec header. [default: True] --rekey_period <rekey_period> The period of proactively refresh (Unit second). [default: 0] -?, -h, --help Show this message and exit. ``` - Delete MACsec profile ``` admin@sonic:~$ sudo config macsec profile del --help Usage: config macsec profile del [OPTIONS] <profile_name> Delete MACsec profile Options: -?, -h, --help Show this message and exit. ``` - Enable MACsec on the port ``` admin@sonic:~$ sudo config macsec port add --help Usage: config macsec port add [OPTIONS] <port_name> <profile_name> Add MACsec port Options: -?, -h, --help Show this message and exit. ``` - Disable MACsec on the port ``` admin@sonic:~$ sudo config macsec port del --help Usage: config macsec port del [OPTIONS] <port_name> Delete MACsec port Options: -?, -h, --help Show this message and exit. ``` Show MACsec ``` MACsec port(Ethernet0) --------------------- ----------- cipher_suite GCM-AES-256 enable true enable_encrypt true enable_protect true enable_replay_protect false replay_window 0 send_sci true --------------------- ----------- MACsec Egress SC (5254008f4f1c0001) ----------- - encoding_an 2 ----------- - MACsec Egress SA (1) ------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- auth_key 849B69D363E2B0AA154BEBBD7C1D9487 next_pn 1 sak AE8C9BB36EA44B60375E84BC8E778596289E79240FDFA6D7BA33D3518E705A5E salt 000000000000000000000000 ssci 0 SAI_MACSEC_SA_ATTR_CURRENT_XPN 179 SAI_MACSEC_SA_STAT_OCTETS_ENCRYPTED 0 SAI_MACSEC_SA_STAT_OCTETS_PROTECTED 0 SAI_MACSEC_SA_STAT_OUT_PKTS_ENCRYPTED 0 SAI_MACSEC_SA_STAT_OUT_PKTS_PROTECTED 0 ------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- MACsec Egress SA (2) ------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- auth_key 5A8B8912139551D3678B43DD0F10FFA5 next_pn 1 sak 7F2651140F12C434F782EF9AD7791EE2CFE2BF315A568A48785E35FC803C9DB6 salt 000000000000000000000000 ssci 0 SAI_MACSEC_SA_ATTR_CURRENT_XPN 87185 SAI_MACSEC_SA_STAT_OCTETS_ENCRYPTED 0 SAI_MACSEC_SA_STAT_OCTETS_PROTECTED 0 SAI_MACSEC_SA_STAT_OUT_PKTS_ENCRYPTED 0 SAI_MACSEC_SA_STAT_OUT_PKTS_PROTECTED 0 ------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- MACsec Ingress SC (525400edac5b0001) MACsec Ingress SA (1) --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- active true auth_key 849B69D363E2B0AA154BEBBD7C1D9487 lowest_acceptable_pn 1 sak AE8C9BB36EA44B60375E84BC8E778596289E79240FDFA6D7BA33D3518E705A5E salt 000000000000000000000000 ssci 0 SAI_MACSEC_SA_ATTR_CURRENT_XPN 103 SAI_MACSEC_SA_STAT_IN_PKTS_DELAYED 0 SAI_MACSEC_SA_STAT_IN_PKTS_INVALID 0 SAI_MACSEC_SA_STAT_IN_PKTS_LATE 0 SAI_MACSEC_SA_STAT_IN_PKTS_NOT_USING_SA 0 SAI_MACSEC_SA_STAT_IN_PKTS_NOT_VALID 0 SAI_MACSEC_SA_STAT_IN_PKTS_OK 0 SAI_MACSEC_SA_STAT_IN_PKTS_UNCHECKED 0 SAI_MACSEC_SA_STAT_IN_PKTS_UNUSED_SA 0 SAI_MACSEC_SA_STAT_OCTETS_ENCRYPTED 0 SAI_MACSEC_SA_STAT_OCTETS_PROTECTED 0 --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- MACsec Ingress SA (2) --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- active true auth_key 5A8B8912139551D3678B43DD0F10FFA5 lowest_acceptable_pn 1 sak 7F2651140F12C434F782EF9AD7791EE2CFE2BF315A568A48785E35FC803C9DB6 salt 000000000000000000000000 ssci 0 SAI_MACSEC_SA_ATTR_CURRENT_XPN 91824 SAI_MACSEC_SA_STAT_IN_PKTS_DELAYED 0 SAI_MACSEC_SA_STAT_IN_PKTS_INVALID 0 SAI_MACSEC_SA_STAT_IN_PKTS_LATE 0 SAI_MACSEC_SA_STAT_IN_PKTS_NOT_USING_SA 0 SAI_MACSEC_SA_STAT_IN_PKTS_NOT_VALID 0 SAI_MACSEC_SA_STAT_IN_PKTS_OK 0 SAI_MACSEC_SA_STAT_IN_PKTS_UNCHECKED 0 SAI_MACSEC_SA_STAT_IN_PKTS_UNUSED_SA 0 SAI_MACSEC_SA_STAT_OCTETS_ENCRYPTED 0 SAI_MACSEC_SA_STAT_OCTETS_PROTECTED 0 --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- MACsec port(Ethernet1) --------------------- ----------- cipher_suite GCM-AES-256 enable true enable_encrypt true enable_protect true enable_replay_protect false replay_window 0 send_sci true --------------------- ----------- MACsec Egress SC (5254008f4f1c0001) ----------- - encoding_an 1 ----------- - MACsec Egress SA (1) ------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- auth_key 35FC8F2C81BCA28A95845A4D2A1EE6EF next_pn 1 sak 1EC8572B75A840BA6B3833DC550C620D2C65BBDDAD372D27A1DFEB0CD786671B salt 000000000000000000000000 ssci 0 SAI_MACSEC_SA_ATTR_CURRENT_XPN 4809 SAI_MACSEC_SA_STAT_OCTETS_ENCRYPTED 0 SAI_MACSEC_SA_STAT_OCTETS_PROTECTED 0 SAI_MACSEC_SA_STAT_OUT_PKTS_ENCRYPTED 0 SAI_MACSEC_SA_STAT_OUT_PKTS_PROTECTED 0 ------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- MACsec Ingress SC (525400edac5b0001) MACsec Ingress SA (1) --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- active true auth_key 35FC8F2C81BCA28A95845A4D2A1EE6EF lowest_acceptable_pn 1 sak 1EC8572B75A840BA6B3833DC550C620D2C65BBDDAD372D27A1DFEB0CD786671B salt 000000000000000000000000 ssci 0 SAI_MACSEC_SA_ATTR_CURRENT_XPN 5033 SAI_MACSEC_SA_STAT_IN_PKTS_DELAYED 0 SAI_MACSEC_SA_STAT_IN_PKTS_INVALID 0 SAI_MACSEC_SA_STAT_IN_PKTS_LATE 0 SAI_MACSEC_SA_STAT_IN_PKTS_NOT_USING_SA 0 SAI_MACSEC_SA_STAT_IN_PKTS_NOT_VALID 0 SAI_MACSEC_SA_STAT_IN_PKTS_OK 0 SAI_MACSEC_SA_STAT_IN_PKTS_UNCHECKED 0 SAI_MACSEC_SA_STAT_IN_PKTS_UNUSED_SA 0 SAI_MACSEC_SA_STAT_OCTETS_ENCRYPTED 0 SAI_MACSEC_SA_STAT_OCTETS_PROTECTED 0 --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ```
2022-05-19 08:59:37 -05:00
.PHONY: sonic-slave-build sonic-slave-bash init reset
ifneq ($(BLDENV), )
@pushd src/sonic-build-hooks; TRUSTED_GPG_URLS=$(TRUSTED_GPG_URLS) make all; popd
@cp src/sonic-build-hooks/buildinfo/sonic-build-hooks* $(SLAVE_DIR)/buildinfo
@docker inspect --type image $(SLAVE_BASE_IMAGE):$(SLAVE_BASE_TAG) &> /dev/null || \
{ [ $(ENABLE_DOCKER_BASE_PULL) == y ] && { echo Image $(SLAVE_BASE_IMAGE):$(SLAVE_BASE_TAG) not found. Pulling...; } && \
scripts/ $(SLAVE_BASE_IMAGE):$(SLAVE_BASE_TAG) target ; } } || \
{ echo Image $(SLAVE_BASE_IMAGE):$(SLAVE_BASE_TAG) not found. Building... ; \
scripts/ $(SLAVE_BASE_IMAGE):$(SLAVE_BASE_TAG) target ; }
@docker inspect --type image $(SLAVE_IMAGE):$(SLAVE_TAG) &> /dev/null || \
{ echo Image $(SLAVE_IMAGE):$(SLAVE_TAG) not found. Building... ; \
ifeq "$(KEEP_SLAVE_ON)" "yes"
@$(DOCKER_RUN) -v $(SOURCE_FOLDER):/var/$(USER)/src $(SLAVE_IMAGE):$(SLAVE_TAG) bash -c "$(SONIC_BUILD_INSTRUCTION) $@; scripts/ \$$?; /bin/bash"
@$(DOCKER_RUN) $(SLAVE_IMAGE):$(SLAVE_TAG) bash -c "$(SONIC_BUILD_INSTRUCTION) $@; scripts/ \$$?; /bin/bash"
@$(DOCKER_RUN) $(SLAVE_IMAGE):$(SLAVE_TAG) bash -c "$(SONIC_BUILD_INSTRUCTION) $@; scripts/ \$$?"
@pushd src/sonic-build-hooks; TRUSTED_GPG_URLS=$(TRUSTED_GPG_URLS) make all; popd
@cp src/sonic-build-hooks/buildinfo/sonic-build-hooks* $(SLAVE_DIR)/buildinfo
sonic-slave-base-build : sonic-build-hooks
@echo Checking sonic-slave-base image: $(SLAVE_BASE_IMAGE):$(SLAVE_BASE_TAG)
@docker inspect --type image $(SLAVE_BASE_IMAGE):$(SLAVE_BASE_TAG) &> /dev/null || \
{ [ $(ENABLE_DOCKER_BASE_PULL) == y ] && { echo Image $(SLAVE_BASE_IMAGE):$(SLAVE_BASE_TAG) not found. Pulling...; } && \
scripts/ $(SLAVE_BASE_IMAGE):$(SLAVE_BASE_TAG) target ; } } || \
{ echo Image $(SLAVE_BASE_IMAGE):$(SLAVE_BASE_TAG) not found. Building... ; \
scripts/ $(SLAVE_BASE_IMAGE):$(SLAVE_BASE_TAG) target ; }
sonic-slave-build : sonic-slave-base-build
@echo Checking sonic-slave image: $(SLAVE_IMAGE):$(SLAVE_TAG)
@docker inspect --type image $(SLAVE_IMAGE):$(SLAVE_TAG) &> /dev/null || \
{ echo Image $(SLAVE_IMAGE):$(SLAVE_TAG) not found. Building... ; \
sonic-slave-bash : sonic-slave-build
sonic-slave-run : sonic-slave-build
init :
@git submodule update --init --recursive
@git submodule foreach --recursive '[ -f .git ] && echo "gitdir: $$(realpath --relative-to=. $$(cut -d" " -f2 .git))" > .git'
.ONESHELL : reset
reset :
@echo && echo -n "Warning! All local changes will be lost. Proceed? [y/N]: "
@read ans && (
if [ $$ans == y ]; then
echo "Resetting local repository. Please wait...";
sudo rm -rf fsroot*;
if [ "$(MULTIARCH_QEMU_ENVIRON)" == y ] && [[ "$(CONFIGURED_ARCH)" == "armhf" || "$(CONFIGURED_ARCH)" == "arm64" ]]; then
echo "Stopping march $(CONFIGURED_ARCH) docker"
sudo kill -9 `sudo cat /var/run/march/` || true
sudo rm -f /var/run/march/ || true
git clean -xfdf;
git reset --hard;
git submodule foreach --recursive 'git clean -xfdf || true';
git submodule foreach --recursive 'git reset --hard || true';
git submodule foreach --recursive 'git remote update || true';
git submodule update --init --recursive;
echo "Reset complete!";
echo "Reset aborted";
fi )