2014-11-10 12:16:02 -06:00
package xenserver
import (
type stepCreateInstance struct {
InstanceId string
func (self *stepCreateInstance) Run(state multistep.StateBag) multistep.StepAction {
client := state.Get("client").(XenAPIClient)
config := state.Get("config").(config)
ui := state.Get("ui").(packer.Ui)
ui.Say("Step: Create Instance")
// Get the template to clone from
template, _ := client.GetVMByUuid(config.CloneTemplate)
// Clone that VM template
instance, _ := template.Clone(config.InstanceName)
instance.SetStaticMemoryRange("1024000000", "1024000000")
// Create VDI for the instance
sr, _ := client.GetSRByUuid(config.SrUuid)
vdi, _ := sr.CreateVdi("Packer-disk", config.RootDiskSize)
instance.ConnectVdi(vdi, false)
// Connect Network
network, err := client.GetNetworkByUuid(config.NetworkUuid)
if err != nil {
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_, err = instance.ConnectNetwork(network, "0")
2014-11-10 12:16:02 -06:00
if err != nil {
// Connect the ISO
//iso_vdi_uuid := state.Get("iso_vdi_uuid").(string)
iso, _ := client.GetVdiByUuid(config.IsoUuid)
//ui.Say("Using VDI: " + iso_vdi_uuid)
//iso, _ := client.GetVdiByUuid(iso_vdi_uuid)
instance.ConnectVdi(iso, true)
// Stash the VM reference
self.InstanceId, _ = instance.GetUuid()
state.Put("instance_uuid", self.InstanceId)
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state.Put("instance", instance)
2014-11-10 12:16:02 -06:00
ui.Say(fmt.Sprintf("Created instance '%s'", self.InstanceId))
return multistep.ActionContinue
func (self *stepCreateInstance) Cleanup(state multistep.StateBag) {
// client := state.Get("client").(*XenAPIClient)
// config := state.Get("config").(config)
// ui := state.Get("ui").(packer.Ui)
// If instance hasn't been created, we have nothing to do.
if self.InstanceId == "" {
// @todo: destroy the created instance.