Srivats P db77563466 UX: Change port name color if local config is changed
Although the applyHint is also changed in this case, the applyHint is
visible only when the port is selected. Having the port name in a
different color is a visual hint to the user that Apply is pending
2017-09-16 12:12:43 +05:30

246 lines
7.9 KiB

Copyright (C) 2010 Srivats P.
This file is part of "Ostinato"
This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
#ifndef _PORT_H
#define _PORT_H
#include <QDir>
#include <QHash>
#include <QList>
#include <QSet>
#include <QString>
#include <QTemporaryFile>
#include "stream.h"
//class StreamModel;
namespace OstEmul {
class Device;
class DeviceNeighborList;
class Port : public QObject {
static uint mAllocStreamId;
static uint allocDeviceGroupId_;
OstProto::Port d;
OstProto::PortStats stats;
QTemporaryFile *capFile_;
// FIXME(HI): consider removing mPortId as it is duplicated inside 'd'
quint32 mPortId;
quint32 mPortGroupId;
QString mUserAlias; // user defined
bool dirty_;
double avgPacketsPerSec_;
double avgBitsPerSec_;
int numActiveStreams_;
QList<quint32> mLastSyncStreamList;
QList<Stream*> mStreams; // sorted by stream's ordinal value
QList<quint32> lastSyncDeviceGroupList_;
QSet<quint32> modifiedDeviceGroupList_;
QList<OstProto::DeviceGroup*> deviceGroups_;
QList<OstEmul::Device*> devices_;
QHash<quint32, OstEmul::DeviceNeighborList*> deviceNeighbors_;
QHash<quint32, quint32> arpResolvedCount_;
QHash<quint32, quint32> ndpResolvedCount_;
uint newStreamId();
void updateStreamOrdinalsFromIndex();
void reorderStreamsByOrdinals();
void setDirty(bool dirty);
enum AdminStatus { AdminDisable, AdminEnable };
// FIXME(HIGH): default args is a hack for QList operations on Port
Port(quint32 id = 0xFFFFFFFF, quint32 pgId = 0xFFFFFFFF);
quint32 portGroupId() const { return mPortGroupId; }
const QString userAlias() const
{ return mUserAlias.isEmpty() ? name() : mUserAlias; }
quint32 id() const
{ return d.port_id().id(); }
const QString name() const
{ return QString().fromStdString(d.name()); }
const QString description() const
{ return QString().fromStdString(d.description()); }
const QString notes() const
{ return QString().fromStdString(d.notes()); }
const QString userName() const
{ return QString().fromStdString(d.user_name()); }
AdminStatus adminStatus()
{ return (d.is_enabled()?AdminEnable:AdminDisable); }
bool hasExclusiveControl()
{ return d.is_exclusive_control(); }
OstProto::TransmitMode transmitMode()
{ return d.transmit_mode(); }
double averagePacketRate()
{ return avgPacketsPerSec_; }
double averageBitRate()
{ return avgBitsPerSec_; }
//void setAdminEnable(AdminStatus status) { mAdminStatus = status; }
void setAlias(QString alias) { mUserAlias = alias; }
//void setExclusive(bool flag);
int numStreams() { return mStreams.size(); }
const Stream* streamByIndex(int index) const
Q_ASSERT(index < mStreams.size());
return mStreams[index];
Stream* mutableStreamByIndex(int index)
Q_ASSERT(index < mStreams.size());
setDirty(true); // assume - that's the best we can do atm
return mStreams[index];
OstProto::LinkState linkState()
{ return stats.state().link_state(); }
OstProto::PortStats getStats() { return stats; }
QTemporaryFile* getCaptureFile()
delete capFile_;
capFile_ = new QTemporaryFile(QString(QDir::tempPath())
return capFile_;
void protoDataCopyInto(OstProto::Port *data);
//! Used when config received from server
// FIXME(MED): naming inconsistency - PortConfig/Stream; also retVal
void updatePortConfig(OstProto::Port *port);
//! Used by StreamModel
bool newStreamAt(int index, OstProto::Stream const *stream = NULL);
bool deleteStreamAt(int index);
//! Used by MyService::Stub to update from config received from server
bool insertStream(uint streamId);
bool updateStream(uint streamId, OstProto::Stream *stream);
bool isDirty() { return dirty_; }
void getDeletedStreamsSinceLastSync(OstProto::StreamIdList &streamIdList);
void getNewStreamsSinceLastSync(OstProto::StreamIdList &streamIdList);
void getModifiedStreamsSinceLastSync(
OstProto::StreamConfigList &streamConfigList);
void getDeletedDeviceGroupsSinceLastSync(
OstProto::DeviceGroupIdList &streamIdList);
void getNewDeviceGroupsSinceLastSync(
OstProto::DeviceGroupIdList &streamIdList);
void getModifiedDeviceGroupsSinceLastSync(
OstProto::DeviceGroupConfigList &streamConfigList);
bool modifiablePortConfig(OstProto::Port &config) const;
void when_syncComplete();
void setAveragePacketRate(double packetsPerSec);
void setAverageBitRate(double bitsPerSec);
// FIXME(MED): Bad Hack! port should not need an external trigger to
// recalculate - refactor client side domain objects and model objects
void recalculateAverageRates();
void updateStats(OstProto::PortStats *portStats);
void duplicateStreams(const QList<int> &list, int count);
bool openStreams(QString fileName, bool append, QString &error);
bool saveStreams(QString fileName, QString fileType, QString &error);
// ------------ Device Group ----------- //
uint newDeviceGroupId();
int numDeviceGroups() const;
const OstProto::DeviceGroup* deviceGroupByIndex(int index) const;
OstProto::DeviceGroup* mutableDeviceGroupByIndex(int index);
const OstProto::DeviceGroup* deviceGroupById(uint deviceGroupId) const;
//! Used by StreamModel
bool newDeviceGroupAt(int index,
const OstProto::DeviceGroup *deviceGroup = NULL);
bool deleteDeviceGroupAt(int index);
//! Used by MyService::Stub to update from config received from server
bool insertDeviceGroup(uint deviceGroupId);
bool updateDeviceGroup(uint deviceGroupId,
OstProto::DeviceGroup *deviceGroup);
// ------------ Device ----------- //
int numDevices();
const OstEmul::Device* deviceByIndex(int index);
//! Used by MyService::Stub to update from config received from server
void clearDeviceList();
void insertDevice(const OstEmul::Device &device);
const OstEmul::DeviceNeighborList* deviceNeighbors(int deviceIndex);
int numArp(int deviceIndex);
int numArpResolved(int deviceIndex);
int numNdp(int deviceIndex);
int numNdpResolved(int deviceIndex);
//! Used by MyService::Stub to update from config received from server
void clearDeviceNeighbors();
void insertDeviceNeighbors(const OstEmul::DeviceNeighborList &neighList);
void deviceInfoRefreshed();
//! Used when local config changed and when config received from server
void portRateChanged(int portGroupId, int portId);
//! Used by MyService::Stub to update from config received from server
void portDataChanged(int portGroupId, int portId);
void deviceInfoChanged();
//! Used when local config changed
void streamListChanged(int portGroupId, int portId);
void localConfigChanged(int portGroupId, int portId, bool changed);