For UDP encaps like VxLAN or Geneve, which can contain IP as payload, the UDP checksum was incorrect because when summing UDP payload (i.e. IP), we skipped the IPv4 checksum field, which should not be skipped in this case. Similar issue, for ICMP with IP as payload, ICMP checksum was incorrect. Essentially, any protocol which checksums over its payload and the payload contains protocols with checksum fields.
192 lines
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192 lines
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Copyright (C) 2010 Srivats P.
This file is part of "Ostinato"
This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
#include <QByteArray>
#include <QFlags>
#include <QHash>
#include <QLinkedList>
#include <QString>
#include <QVariant>
#include <qendian.h>
//#include "../rpc/pbhelper.h"
#include "protocol.pb.h"
#define BASE_BIN (2)
#define BASE_OCT (8)
#define BASE_DEC (10)
#define BASE_HEX (16)
struct FrameValueAttrib;
class StreamBase;
class ProtocolListIterator;
class AbstractProtocol
template <int protoNumber, class ProtoA, class ProtoB>
friend class ComboProtocol;
friend class ProtocolListIterator;
mutable int _metaFieldCount;
mutable int _frameFieldCount;
mutable int _frameVariableCount;
mutable int protoSize;
mutable QString protoAbbr;
mutable QHash<int, int> _fieldFrameBitOffset;
OstProto::Protocol _data;
StreamBase *mpStream; //!< Stream that this protocol belongs to
AbstractProtocol *parent; //!< Parent protocol, if any
AbstractProtocol *prev; //!< Protocol preceding this protocol
AbstractProtocol *next; //!< Protocol succeeding this protocol
//! Is protocol typically followed by payload or another protocol
bool _hasPayload;
//! Caching Control Flags
enum CacheFlag {
FieldFrameBitOffsetCache = 0x1
quint32 _cacheFlags;
//! Properties of a field, can be OR'd
enum FieldFlag {
FrameField = 0x1, //!< field appears in frame content
MetaField = 0x2, //!< field does not appear in frame, is meta data
CksumField = 0x4 //!< field is a checksum and appears in frame content
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(FieldFlags, FieldFlag); //!< \private abcd
//! Various attributes of a field
enum FieldAttrib {
FieldName, //!< name
FieldValue, //!< value in host byte order (user editable)
FieldTextValue, //!< value as text
FieldFrameValue, //!< frame encoded value in network byte order
FieldBitSize, //!< size in bits
//! Supported Protocol Id types
enum ProtocolIdType {
ProtocolIdNone, //!< Marker representing non-existent protocol id
ProtocolIdLlc, //!< LLC (802.2)
ProtocolIdEth, //!< Ethernet II
ProtocolIdIp, //!< IP
ProtocolIdTcpUdp, //!< TCP/UDP Port Number
//! Supported checksum types
enum CksumType {
CksumIp, //!< Standard IP Checksum
CksumIpPseudo, //!< Standard checksum for Pseudo-IP header
CksumTcpUdp, //!< Standard TCP/UDP checksum including pseudo-IP
CksumMax //!< Marker for number of cksum types
//! Flags affecting cksum calculation, can be OR'd
enum CksumFlag {
IncludeCksumField = 0x1, //!< Default: exclude cksum field(s)
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(CksumFlags, CksumFlag); //!< \private abcd
//! Supported checksum scopes
enum CksumScope {
CksumScopeAdjacentProtocol, //!< Cksum only the adjacent protocol
CksumScopeAllProtocols, //!< Cksum over all the protocols
AbstractProtocol(StreamBase *stream, AbstractProtocol *parent = 0);
virtual ~AbstractProtocol();
static AbstractProtocol* createInstance(StreamBase *stream,
AbstractProtocol *parent = 0);
virtual quint32 protocolNumber() const;
void commonProtoDataCopyInto(OstProto::Protocol &protocol) const;
void commonProtoDataCopyFrom(const OstProto::Protocol &protocol);
virtual void protoDataCopyInto(OstProto::Protocol &protocol) const = 0;
virtual void protoDataCopyFrom(const OstProto::Protocol &protocol) = 0;
virtual QString name() const;
virtual QString shortName() const;
virtual ProtocolIdType protocolIdType() const;
virtual quint32 protocolId(ProtocolIdType type) const;
quint32 payloadProtocolId(ProtocolIdType type) const;
virtual int fieldCount() const;
int metaFieldCount() const;
virtual int frameFieldCount() const;
virtual FieldFlags fieldFlags(int index) const;
virtual QVariant fieldData(int index, FieldAttrib attrib,
int streamIndex = 0) const;
virtual bool setFieldData(int index, const QVariant &value,
FieldAttrib attrib = FieldValue);
int fieldFrameBitOffset(int index, int streamIndex = 0) const;
int variableFieldCount() const;
void appendVariableField(const OstProto::VariableField &vf);
void removeVariableField(int index);
const OstProto::VariableField& variableField(int index) const;
OstProto::VariableField* mutableVariableField(int index);
virtual QByteArray protocolFrameValue(int streamIndex = 0,
bool forCksum = false, FrameValueAttrib *attrib = nullptr) const;
virtual int protocolFrameSize(int streamIndex = 0) const;
int protocolFrameOffset(int streamIndex = 0) const;
int protocolFramePayloadSize(int streamIndex = 0) const;
virtual bool isProtocolFrameValueVariable() const;
virtual bool isProtocolFrameSizeVariable() const;
virtual int protocolFrameVariableCount() const;
bool isProtocolFramePayloadValueVariable() const;
bool isProtocolFramePayloadSizeVariable() const;
int protocolFramePayloadVariableCount() const;
bool protocolHasPayload() const;
virtual quint32 protocolFrameCksum(int streamIndex = 0,
CksumType cksumType = CksumIp, CksumFlags cksumFlags = 0) const;
quint32 protocolFrameHeaderCksum(int streamIndex = 0,
CksumType cksumType = CksumIp,
CksumScope cksumScope = CksumScopeAdjacentProtocol) const;
quint32 protocolFramePayloadCksum(int streamIndex = 0,
CksumType cksumType = CksumIp,
CksumScope cksumScope = CksumScopeAllProtocols) const;
virtual bool hasErrors(QStringList *errors = nullptr) const;
static quint64 lcm(quint64 u, quint64 v);
static quint64 gcd(quint64 u, quint64 v);
void varyProtocolFrameValue(QByteArray &buf, int frameIndex,
const OstProto::VariableField &varField) const;