--------- - all protocols on allocation of a configWidget, also populate it before returning from configWidget() - VLAN TPID override is now correctly saved and restored from/to its widget (vlan.cpp) - Payload protocol returns a minimum frame value of 1 byte size (Hack to avoid crash in stream config dialog when sum of all protocol frame sizes is greater than the frame length - small layout changes in mac widget (mac.ui) - src/dst ip mask changed from to (ip4.proto) - src mac changed from u32 to u64 (mac.proto) - "Combo Protocol" protocol container introduced to define newer protocols as a combination of existing protocols e.g. dot2 = dot3 + llc - THIS IS NOT YET COMPLETE (comboprotocol.h) Client/StreamConfigDialog ------------------------- - Advanced Protocol Selection implemented - Simple Protocol Selection rewritten to work alongside Advanced - Payload Widget is treated like any other protocol - hence it is not placedinto the dialog specially - Any protocol selection change (in Simple/Advanced mode) immediately triggers change in the Stream's protocolList - Protocol Widgets now are arranged in a toolBox on a top level tab of the dialog instead of a nested tabWidget - Vlan selection (Simple Mode) uses Radio buttons instead of checkboxes - Double Tagged (SVlan + CVlan) now works via Simple Mode
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