Bugs found during integration were fixed and minor code improvements were made such as using consts, const params, renaming members etc.
190 lines
5.2 KiB
190 lines
5.2 KiB
Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Srivats P.
This file is part of "Ostinato"
This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
#include "../common/protocol.pb.h"
#include "streamstats.h"
#include <QList>
#include <QtGlobal>
#include <limits.h>
class DeviceManager;
struct InterfaceInfo;
class PacketBuffer;
class QIODevice;
class StreamBase;
class StreamTiming;
// TODO: send notification back to client(s)
#define Xnotify qWarning
class AbstractPort
struct PortStats
quint64 rxPkts;
quint64 rxBytes;
quint64 rxPps;
quint64 rxBps;
quint64 rxDrops;
quint64 rxErrors;
quint64 rxFifoErrors;
quint64 rxFrameErrors;
quint64 txPkts;
quint64 txBytes;
quint64 txPps;
quint64 txBps;
enum Accuracy
AbstractPort(int id, const char *device);
virtual ~AbstractPort();
bool isUsable() { return isUsable_; }
virtual void init();
int id() { return data_.port_id().id(); }
const char* name() { return data_.name().c_str(); }
void protoDataCopyInto(OstProto::Port *port) { port->CopyFrom(data_); }
bool canModify(const OstProto::Port &port, bool *dirty);
bool modify(const OstProto::Port &port);
const InterfaceInfo* interfaceInfo() const;
virtual OstProto::LinkState linkState() { return linkState_; }
virtual bool hasExclusiveControl() = 0;
virtual bool setExclusiveControl(bool exclusive) = 0;
int streamCount() { return streamList_.size(); }
StreamBase* streamAtIndex(int index);
StreamBase* stream(int streamId);
bool addStream(StreamBase *stream);
bool deleteStream(int streamId);
bool isDirty() { return isSendQueueDirty_; }
void setDirty() { isSendQueueDirty_ = true; }
virtual bool setTrackStreamStats(bool enable);
Accuracy rateAccuracy();
virtual bool setRateAccuracy(Accuracy accuracy);
virtual void clearPacketList() = 0;
virtual void loopNextPacketSet(qint64 size, qint64 repeats,
long repeatDelaySec, long repeatDelayNsec) = 0;
virtual bool appendToPacketList(long sec, long nsec, const uchar *packet,
int length) = 0;
virtual void setPacketListLoopMode(bool loop,
quint64 secDelay, quint64 nsecDelay) = 0;
int updatePacketList();
virtual void startTransmit() = 0;
virtual void stopTransmit() = 0;
virtual bool isTransmitOn() = 0;
virtual double lastTransmitDuration() = 0;
virtual void startCapture() = 0;
virtual void stopCapture() = 0;
virtual bool isCaptureOn() = 0;
virtual QIODevice* captureData() = 0;
void stats(PortStats *stats);
void resetStats() { epochStats_ = stats_; }
quint64 streamTimingDelay(uint guid);
void clearStreamTiming(uint guid = UINT_MAX);
// FIXME: combine single and All calls?
void streamStats(uint guid, OstProto::StreamStatsList *stats);
void streamStatsAll(OstProto::StreamStatsList *stats);
void resetStreamStats(uint guid);
void resetStreamStatsAll();
virtual void updateStreamStats() {
// subclasses may implement - if required
DeviceManager* deviceManager();
virtual void startDeviceEmulation() = 0;
virtual void stopDeviceEmulation() = 0;
virtual int sendEmulationPacket(PacketBuffer *pktBuf) = 0;
void clearDeviceNeighbors();
void resolveDeviceNeighbors();
quint64 deviceMacAddress(int streamId, int frameIndex);
quint64 neighborMacAddress(int streamId, int frameIndex);
void addNote(QString note);
int updatePacketListSequential();
int updatePacketListInterleaved();
bool isUsable_;
OstProto::Port data_;
OstProto::LinkState linkState_;
ulong minPacketSetSize_;
Accuracy rateAccuracy_;
quint64 maxStatsValue_;
struct PortStats stats_;
StreamStats streamStats_;
//! \todo Need lock for stats access/update
struct InterfaceInfo *interfaceInfo_;
DeviceManager *deviceManager_;
bool isSendQueueDirty_;
static const int kMaxPktSize = 16384;
uchar pktBuf_[kMaxPktSize];
// When finding a corresponding device for a packet, we need to inspect
// only uptil the L3 header; in the worst case this would be -
// mac (12) + 4 x vlan (16) + ethType (2) + ipv6 (40) = 74 bytes
// let's round it up to 80 bytes
static const int kMaxL3PktSize = 80;
/*! \note StreamBase::id() and index into streamList[] are NOT same! */
QList<StreamBase*> streamList_;
struct PortStats epochStats_;
StreamTiming *streamTiming_{nullptr};