Srivats P 05335b31d5 Integrate StreamTiming with the code
Bugs found during integration were fixed and minor code improvements were made
such as using consts, const params, renaming members etc.
2023-03-31 16:55:03 +05:30

190 lines
5.2 KiB

Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Srivats P.
This file is part of "Ostinato"
This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
#include "../common/protocol.pb.h"
#include "streamstats.h"
#include <QList>
#include <QtGlobal>
#include <limits.h>
class DeviceManager;
struct InterfaceInfo;
class PacketBuffer;
class QIODevice;
class StreamBase;
class StreamTiming;
// TODO: send notification back to client(s)
#define Xnotify qWarning
class AbstractPort
struct PortStats
quint64 rxPkts;
quint64 rxBytes;
quint64 rxPps;
quint64 rxBps;
quint64 rxDrops;
quint64 rxErrors;
quint64 rxFifoErrors;
quint64 rxFrameErrors;
quint64 txPkts;
quint64 txBytes;
quint64 txPps;
quint64 txBps;
enum Accuracy
AbstractPort(int id, const char *device);
virtual ~AbstractPort();
bool isUsable() { return isUsable_; }
virtual void init();
int id() { return data_.port_id().id(); }
const char* name() { return data_.name().c_str(); }
void protoDataCopyInto(OstProto::Port *port) { port->CopyFrom(data_); }
bool canModify(const OstProto::Port &port, bool *dirty);
bool modify(const OstProto::Port &port);
const InterfaceInfo* interfaceInfo() const;
virtual OstProto::LinkState linkState() { return linkState_; }
virtual bool hasExclusiveControl() = 0;
virtual bool setExclusiveControl(bool exclusive) = 0;
int streamCount() { return streamList_.size(); }
StreamBase* streamAtIndex(int index);
StreamBase* stream(int streamId);
bool addStream(StreamBase *stream);
bool deleteStream(int streamId);
bool isDirty() { return isSendQueueDirty_; }
void setDirty() { isSendQueueDirty_ = true; }
virtual bool setTrackStreamStats(bool enable);
Accuracy rateAccuracy();
virtual bool setRateAccuracy(Accuracy accuracy);
virtual void clearPacketList() = 0;
virtual void loopNextPacketSet(qint64 size, qint64 repeats,
long repeatDelaySec, long repeatDelayNsec) = 0;
virtual bool appendToPacketList(long sec, long nsec, const uchar *packet,
int length) = 0;
virtual void setPacketListLoopMode(bool loop,
quint64 secDelay, quint64 nsecDelay) = 0;
int updatePacketList();
virtual void startTransmit() = 0;
virtual void stopTransmit() = 0;
virtual bool isTransmitOn() = 0;
virtual double lastTransmitDuration() = 0;
virtual void startCapture() = 0;
virtual void stopCapture() = 0;
virtual bool isCaptureOn() = 0;
virtual QIODevice* captureData() = 0;
void stats(PortStats *stats);
void resetStats() { epochStats_ = stats_; }
quint64 streamTimingDelay(uint guid);
void clearStreamTiming(uint guid = UINT_MAX);
// FIXME: combine single and All calls?
void streamStats(uint guid, OstProto::StreamStatsList *stats);
void streamStatsAll(OstProto::StreamStatsList *stats);
void resetStreamStats(uint guid);
void resetStreamStatsAll();
virtual void updateStreamStats() {
// subclasses may implement - if required
DeviceManager* deviceManager();
virtual void startDeviceEmulation() = 0;
virtual void stopDeviceEmulation() = 0;
virtual int sendEmulationPacket(PacketBuffer *pktBuf) = 0;
void clearDeviceNeighbors();
void resolveDeviceNeighbors();
quint64 deviceMacAddress(int streamId, int frameIndex);
quint64 neighborMacAddress(int streamId, int frameIndex);
void addNote(QString note);
int updatePacketListSequential();
int updatePacketListInterleaved();
bool isUsable_;
OstProto::Port data_;
OstProto::LinkState linkState_;
ulong minPacketSetSize_;
Accuracy rateAccuracy_;
quint64 maxStatsValue_;
struct PortStats stats_;
StreamStats streamStats_;
//! \todo Need lock for stats access/update
struct InterfaceInfo *interfaceInfo_;
DeviceManager *deviceManager_;
bool isSendQueueDirty_;
static const int kMaxPktSize = 16384;
uchar pktBuf_[kMaxPktSize];
// When finding a corresponding device for a packet, we need to inspect
// only uptil the L3 header; in the worst case this would be -
// mac (12) + 4 x vlan (16) + ethType (2) + ipv6 (40) = 74 bytes
// let's round it up to 80 bytes
static const int kMaxL3PktSize = 80;
/*! \note StreamBase::id() and index into streamList[] are NOT same! */
QList<StreamBase*> streamList_;
struct PortStats epochStats_;
StreamTiming *streamTiming_{nullptr};