Bugs found during integration were fixed and minor code improvements were made such as using consts, const params, renaming members etc.
413 lines
10 KiB
Protocol Buffer
413 lines
10 KiB
Protocol Buffer
Copyright (C) 2010-2015 Srivats P.
This file is part of "Ostinato"
This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
package OstProto;
option cc_generic_services = true;
option py_generic_services = true;
message VersionInfo {
required string version = 1;
optional string client_name = 2;
message VersionCompatibility {
enum Compatibility {
kIncompatible = 0;
kCompatible = 1;
required Compatibility result = 1;
optional string notes = 2;
message StreamId {
required uint32 id = 1;
message StreamCore {
enum FrameLengthMode {
e_fl_fixed = 0;
e_fl_inc = 1;
e_fl_dec = 2;
e_fl_random = 3;
e_fl_imix = 4;
// Basics
optional string name = 1;
optional bool is_enabled = 2;
optional uint32 ordinal = 3;
optional FrameLengthMode len_mode = 14 [default = e_fl_fixed];
/// Frame Length (includes CRC)
optional uint32 frame_len = 15 [default = 64];
optional uint32 frame_len_min = 16 [default = 64];
optional uint32 frame_len_max = 17 [default = 1518];
message StreamControl {
enum SendUnit {
e_su_packets = 0;
e_su_bursts = 1;
enum SendMode {
e_sm_fixed = 0;
e_sm_continuous = 1;
enum NextWhat {
e_nw_stop = 0;
e_nw_goto_next = 1;
e_nw_goto_id = 2;
optional SendUnit unit = 1 [default = e_su_packets];
optional SendMode mode = 2 [default = e_sm_fixed];
optional uint32 num_packets = 3 [default = 10];
optional uint32 num_bursts = 4 [default = 1];
optional uint32 packets_per_burst = 5 [default = 10];
optional NextWhat next = 6 [default = e_nw_goto_next];
optional uint32 OBSOLETE_packets_per_sec = 7 [default = 1, deprecated=true];
optional uint32 OBSOLETE_bursts_per_sec = 8 [default = 1, deprecated=true];
optional double packets_per_sec = 9 [default = 1];
optional double bursts_per_sec = 10 [default = 1];
message ProtocolId {
required uint32 id = 1;
message VariableField {
enum Type {
kCounter8 = 0;
kCounter16 = 1;
kCounter32 = 2;
enum Mode {
kIncrement = 0;
kDecrement = 1;
kRandom = 2;
optional Type type = 1 [default = kCounter8];
optional uint32 offset = 2;
optional fixed32 mask = 3 [default = 0xffffffff];
optional uint32 value = 4;
optional Mode mode = 5 [default = kIncrement];
optional uint32 count = 6 [default = 16];
optional uint32 step = 7 [default = 1];
message Protocol {
required ProtocolId protocol_id = 1;
repeated VariableField variable_field = 2;
extensions 100 to 199; // Reserved for Ostinato Use
extensions 200 to 500; // Available for use by protocols
enum k {
kMacFieldNumber = 100;
kPayloadFieldNumber = 101;
kSampleFieldNumber = 102;
kUserScriptFieldNumber = 103;
kHexDumpFieldNumber = 104;
kSignFieldNumber = 105;
kEth2FieldNumber = 200;
kDot3FieldNumber = 201;
kLlcFieldNumber = 202;
kSnapFieldNumber = 203;
kSvlanFieldNumber = 204;
kVlanFieldNumber = 205;
kDot2LlcFieldNumber = 206;
kDot2SnapFieldNumber = 207;
kVlanStackFieldNumber = 208;
kStpFieldNumber = 209;
kArpFieldNumber = 300;
kIp4FieldNumber = 301;
kIp6FieldNumber = 302;
kIp6over4FieldNumber = 303;
kIp4over6FieldNumber = 304;
kIp4over4FieldNumber = 305;
kIp6over6FieldNumber = 306;
kTcpFieldNumber = 400;
kUdpFieldNumber = 401;
kIcmpFieldNumber = 402;
kIgmpFieldNumber = 403;
kMldFieldNumber = 404;
kGreFieldNumber = 405;
kTextProtocolFieldNumber = 500;
message Stream {
required StreamId stream_id = 1;
optional StreamCore core = 2;
optional StreamControl control = 3;
repeated Protocol protocol = 4;
message Void {
// nothing!
message Ack {
enum RpcStatus {
kRpcSuccess = 0;
kRpcError = 1;
required RpcStatus status = 1;
optional string notes = 2;
message PortId {
required uint32 id = 1;
message PortIdList {
repeated PortId port_id = 1;
message StreamIdList {
required PortId port_id = 1;
repeated StreamId stream_id = 2;
enum TransmitMode {
kSequentialTransmit = 0;
kInterleavedTransmit = 1;
message Port {
required PortId port_id = 1;
optional string name = 2;
optional string description = 3;
optional string notes = 4;
optional bool is_enabled = 5;
optional bool is_exclusive_control = 6;
optional TransmitMode transmit_mode = 7 [default = kSequentialTransmit];
optional string user_name = 8;
optional bool is_tracking_stream_stats = 9;
optional double speed = 10; // in Mbps
optional uint32 mtu = 11;
optional string user_description = 12;
message PortConfigList {
repeated Port port = 1;
message StreamConfigList {
required PortId port_id = 1;
repeated Stream stream = 2;
message CaptureBuffer {
//! \todo (HIGH) define CaptureBuffer
message CaptureBufferList {
repeated CaptureBuffer list = 1;
enum LinkState {
LinkStateUnknown = 0;
LinkStateDown = 1;
LinkStateUp = 2;
message PortState {
optional LinkState link_state = 1 [default = LinkStateUnknown];
optional bool is_transmit_on = 2 [default = false];
optional bool is_capture_on = 3 [default = false];
message PortStats {
required PortId port_id = 1;
optional PortState state = 2;
optional uint64 rx_pkts = 11;
optional uint64 rx_bytes = 12;
optional uint64 rx_pkts_nic = 13;
optional uint64 rx_bytes_nic = 14;
optional uint64 rx_pps = 15;
optional uint64 rx_bps = 16;
optional uint64 tx_pkts = 21;
optional uint64 tx_bytes = 22;
optional uint64 tx_pkts_nic = 23;
optional uint64 tx_bytes_nic = 24;
optional uint64 tx_pps = 25;
optional uint64 tx_bps = 26;
optional uint64 rx_drops = 100;
optional uint64 rx_errors = 101;
optional uint64 rx_fifo_errors = 102;
optional uint64 rx_frame_errors = 103;
message PortStatsList {
repeated PortStats port_stats = 1;
message StreamGuid {
required uint32 id = 1;
message StreamGuidList {
required PortIdList port_id_list = 1;
repeated StreamGuid stream_guid = 2;
message StreamStats {
required PortId port_id = 1;
required StreamGuid stream_guid = 2;
optional double tx_duration = 3; // in seconds
optional uint64 delay = 4; // in nanoseconds
optional uint64 rx_pkts = 11;
optional uint64 rx_bytes = 12;
optional uint64 tx_pkts = 13;
optional uint64 tx_bytes = 14;
message StreamStatsList {
repeated StreamStats stream_stats = 1;
enum NotifType {
portConfigChanged = 1;
message Notification {
required NotifType notif_type = 1;
optional PortIdList port_id_list = 6;
message BuildConfig {
required PortId port_id = 1;
* Protocol Emulation
message DeviceGroupId {
required uint32 id = 1;
message DeviceGroupCore {
optional string name = 1;
message DeviceGroupIdList {
required PortId port_id = 1;
repeated DeviceGroupId device_group_id = 2;
message EncapEmulation {
// Encap Protocols implemented as extensions
extensions 1000 to 1999;
message DeviceGroup {
required DeviceGroupId device_group_id = 1;
optional DeviceGroupCore core = 2;
optional EncapEmulation encap = 3;
optional uint32 device_count = 4 [default = 1]; // per-encap
// Device Protocols implemented as extensions
extensions 2000 to 5999;
message DeviceGroupConfigList {
required PortId port_id = 1;
repeated DeviceGroup device_group = 2;
message PortDeviceList {
required PortId port_id = 1;
extensions 100 to 199;
message PortNeighborList {
required PortId port_id = 1;
extensions 100 to 199;
service OstService {
rpc getPortIdList(Void) returns (PortIdList);
rpc getPortConfig(PortIdList) returns (PortConfigList);
rpc modifyPort(PortConfigList) returns (Ack);
rpc getStreamIdList(PortId) returns (StreamIdList);
rpc getStreamConfig(StreamIdList) returns (StreamConfigList);
rpc addStream(StreamIdList) returns (Ack);
rpc deleteStream(StreamIdList) returns (Ack);
rpc modifyStream(StreamConfigList) returns (Ack);
rpc startTransmit(PortIdList) returns (Ack);
rpc stopTransmit(PortIdList) returns (Ack);
rpc startCapture(PortIdList) returns (Ack);
rpc stopCapture(PortIdList) returns (Ack);
rpc getCaptureBuffer(PortId) returns (CaptureBuffer);
rpc getStats(PortIdList) returns (PortStatsList);
rpc clearStats(PortIdList) returns (Ack);
rpc checkVersion(VersionInfo) returns (VersionCompatibility);
// Device Emulation
rpc getDeviceGroupIdList(PortId) returns (DeviceGroupIdList);
rpc getDeviceGroupConfig(DeviceGroupIdList) returns (DeviceGroupConfigList);
rpc addDeviceGroup(DeviceGroupIdList) returns (Ack);
rpc deleteDeviceGroup(DeviceGroupIdList) returns (Ack);
rpc modifyDeviceGroup(DeviceGroupConfigList) returns (Ack);
rpc getDeviceList(PortId) returns (PortDeviceList);
rpc resolveDeviceNeighbors(PortIdList) returns (Ack);
rpc clearDeviceNeighbors(PortIdList) returns (Ack);
rpc getDeviceNeighbors(PortId) returns (PortNeighborList);
// Stream Stats
rpc getStreamStats(StreamGuidList) returns (StreamStatsList);
rpc clearStreamStats(StreamGuidList) returns (Ack);
rpc build(BuildConfig) returns (Ack);
// XXX: Add new RPCs at the end only to preserve backward compatibility