Srivats P. 0094f618d3 Protocol Framework related
	- AbstractProtocol Constructor and Factory function now take an optional (default NULL) "parent" abstract protocol in addition to the stream; this "parent" protocol is non-NULL for protocols which are aggregated in a ComboProtocol
	- All subclasses of AbstractProtocol modified as per the above interface change
	- ProtocolManager also modifed as per the above interface change
	- new data members in AbstractProtocol - prev, next; the AbstractProtocol implementation now uses these members to traverse protocols on the list instead of ProtocolListIterator; this change required for ComboProtocol
	- ProtocolListIterator updates these new members - prev/next on insert/remove/replace
	- ComboProtocol and ProtocolListIterator classes made friends of AbstractProtocol
	- ComboProtocol implemented as a template class (completed)
	- Dot2LLc implemented as a combo of Dot3Raw and LLC
	- Dot2Snap implemented as a combo of Dot2Llc and SNAP
	- VlanStack implemented as a combo of VLAN + VLAN
	- ProtocolManager now uses the ProtocolId enums rather than hardcoded values

Stream Config Dialog
	- "None" radio button added to all protocol levels
	- Protocol Level 1 added with 'mac' as the only valid protocol in the "simple" mode widget
	- With Dot2Llc, Dot2Snap and VlanStack implemented as "combo" protocols, the protocol choice radiobuttons in the "simple" mode are now 1:1 with a protocol; this has the following implications/advantages:
		- Updates of the "simple" mode widget from/to stream's protocolList is simpler; this code has now been rewritten to take advantage of 1:1
		- This paves the way for exporting tunneled protocols 4over4, 4over6, 6over4 etc. in the "simple" mode
		- This should also (hopefully) require less changes when adding a new protocol; more work needs to be done to reach this goal

	- Dot3Protocol now derives "length" correctly for VLAN tagged packets
	- StreamBase now uses the ProtocolListIterator to append the default protocols in a stream instead of directly manipulating ProtocolList; also in protoDataCopyFrom()

Others (Client/Server)
	- Port Packet Capture implemented; "view capture" is pending (hack put in place now for testing)
2009-10-14 15:16:56 +00:00

151 lines
2.7 KiB

#include <qendian.h>
#include <QHostAddress>
#include "dot3.h"
#include "streambase.h"
#define SZ_FCS 4
Dot3ConfigForm::Dot3ConfigForm(QWidget *parent)
: QWidget(parent)
Dot3Protocol::Dot3Protocol(StreamBase *stream, AbstractProtocol *parent)
: AbstractProtocol(stream, parent)
configForm = NULL;
delete configForm;
AbstractProtocol* Dot3Protocol::createInstance(StreamBase *stream,
AbstractProtocol *parent)
return new Dot3Protocol(stream, parent);
quint32 Dot3Protocol::protocolNumber() const
return OstProto::Protocol::kDot3FieldNumber;
void Dot3Protocol::protoDataCopyInto(OstProto::Protocol &protocol) const
void Dot3Protocol::protoDataCopyFrom(const OstProto::Protocol &protocol)
if (protocol.protocol_id().id() == protocolNumber() &&
QString Dot3Protocol::name() const
return QString("802.3");
QString Dot3Protocol::shortName() const
return QString("802.3");
int Dot3Protocol::fieldCount() const
return dot3_fieldCount;
QVariant Dot3Protocol::fieldData(int index, FieldAttrib attrib,
int streamIndex) const
switch (index)
case dot3_length:
case FieldName:
return QString("Length");
case FieldValue:
quint16 len;
//len = mpStream->frameLen() - SZ_FCS;
len = protocolFramePayloadSize();
return len;
case FieldTextValue:
quint16 len;
//len = mpStream->frameLen() - SZ_FCS;
len = protocolFramePayloadSize();
return QString("%1").arg(len);
case FieldFrameValue:
quint16 len;
QByteArray fv;
//len = mpStream->frameLen() - SZ_FCS;
len = protocolFramePayloadSize();
qToBigEndian(len, (uchar*) fv.data());
return fv;
case FieldBitSize:
return 16;
return AbstractProtocol::fieldData(index, attrib, streamIndex);
bool Dot3Protocol::setFieldData(int index, const QVariant &value,
FieldAttrib attrib)
return false;
QWidget* Dot3Protocol::configWidget()
if (configForm == NULL)
configForm = new Dot3ConfigForm;
return configForm;
void Dot3Protocol::loadConfigWidget()
fieldData(dot3_length, FieldValue).toString());
void Dot3Protocol::storeConfigWidget()
bool isOk;