/* Copyright (C) 2010 Srivats P. This file is part of "Ostinato" This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see */ #ifndef _PDML_P_H #define _PDML_P_H #include "protocol.pb.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include // TODO: add const where possible class QXmlSimpleReader; class QXmlInputSource; class PdmlDefaultProtocol { public: PdmlDefaultProtocol(); // TODO: make private virtual ~PdmlDefaultProtocol(); static PdmlDefaultProtocol* createInstance(); QString pdmlProtoName() const; int ostProtoId() const; bool hasField(QString name) const; int fieldId(QString name) const; virtual void preProtocolHandler(QString name, const QXmlStreamAttributes &attributes, int expectedPos, OstProto::Stream *stream); virtual void prematureEndHandler(int pos, OstProto::Stream *stream); virtual void postProtocolHandler(OstProto::Stream *stream); virtual void unknownFieldHandler(QString name, int pos, int size, const QXmlStreamAttributes &attributes, OstProto::Stream *stream); protected: QString pdmlProtoName_; // TODO: needed? duplicated in protocolMap_ int ostProtoId_; QMap fieldMap_; }; #if 0 class PdmlParser : public QXmlDefaultHandler { public: PdmlParser(OstProto::StreamConfigList *streams); ~PdmlParser(); bool startElement(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName, const QString &qName, const QXmlAttributes &attributes); bool endElement(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName, const QString &qName); bool characters(const QString &str); bool fatalError(const QXmlParseException &exception); private: void initProtocolMaps(); QMap protocolMap_; PdmlDefaultProtocol *currentPdmlProtocol_; int skipCount_; int packetCount_; OstProto::StreamConfigList *streams_; OstProto::Stream *currentStream_; google::protobuf::Message *currentProtocolMsg_; }; #endif class PdmlUnknownProtocol; class PcapFileFormat; class PdmlReader : public QXmlStreamReader { friend class PdmlUnknownProtocol; public: PdmlReader(OstProto::StreamConfigList *streams); ~PdmlReader(); bool read(QIODevice *device, PcapFileFormat *pcap = NULL); private: PdmlDefaultProtocol* allocPdmlProtocol(QString protoName); void freePdmlProtocol(PdmlDefaultProtocol *proto); bool isDontCareProto(); void readPdml(); void skipElement(); void readUnexpectedElement(); void readPacketPass1(); void readProtoPass1(); void readFieldPass1(); void readPacket(); void readProto(); void readField(PdmlDefaultProtocol *pdmlProto, google::protobuf::Message *pbProto); typedef PdmlDefaultProtocol* (*FactoryMethod)(); #if 0 class PacketFragment // TODO: find a better name! { public: private: typedef struct { int pos; int size; QByteArray value; } Fragment; QList }; #endif typedef struct { int pos; int size; QByteArray value; } Fragment; QMap factory_; OstProto::StreamConfigList *streams_; PcapFileFormat *pcap_; int pass_; int packetCount_; int expPos_; bool skipUntilEnd_; OstProto::Stream *prevStream_; OstProto::Stream *currentStream_; QList pktFragments_; QByteArray pktBuf_; //PdmlDefaultProtocol *currentPdmlProtocol_; //google::protobuf::Message *currentProtocolMsg_; }; class PdmlUnknownProtocol : public PdmlDefaultProtocol { public: PdmlUnknownProtocol(); static PdmlDefaultProtocol* createInstance(); virtual void preProtocolHandler(QString name, const QXmlStreamAttributes &attributes, int expectedPos, OstProto::Stream *stream); virtual void prematureEndHandler(int pos, OstProto::Stream *stream); virtual void postProtocolHandler(OstProto::Stream *stream); virtual void unknownFieldHandler(QString name, int pos, int size, const QXmlStreamAttributes &attributes, OstProto::Stream *stream); private: int endPos_; int expPos_; }; class PdmlGenInfoProtocol : public PdmlDefaultProtocol { public: PdmlGenInfoProtocol(); static PdmlDefaultProtocol* createInstance(); }; class PdmlFrameProtocol : public PdmlDefaultProtocol { public: PdmlFrameProtocol(); static PdmlDefaultProtocol* createInstance(); virtual void unknownFieldHandler(QString name, int pos, int size, const QXmlStreamAttributes &attributes, OstProto::Stream *stream); }; #if 1 class PdmlFakeFieldWrapperProtocol : public PdmlDefaultProtocol { public: PdmlFakeFieldWrapperProtocol(); static PdmlDefaultProtocol* createInstance(); virtual void preProtocolHandler(QString name, const QXmlStreamAttributes &attributes, int expectedPos, OstProto::Stream *stream); virtual void postProtocolHandler(OstProto::Stream *stream); virtual void unknownFieldHandler(QString name, int pos, int size, const QXmlStreamAttributes &attributes, OstProto::Stream *stream); private: int expPos_; }; #endif class PdmlEthProtocol : public PdmlDefaultProtocol { public: PdmlEthProtocol(); static PdmlDefaultProtocol* createInstance(); virtual void unknownFieldHandler(QString name, int pos, int size, const QXmlStreamAttributes &attributes, OstProto::Stream *stream); }; class PdmlIp4Protocol : public PdmlDefaultProtocol { public: PdmlIp4Protocol(); static PdmlDefaultProtocol* createInstance(); virtual void unknownFieldHandler(QString name, int pos, int size, const QXmlStreamAttributes &attributes, OstProto::Stream *stream); virtual void postProtocolHandler(OstProto::Stream *stream); private: QByteArray options_; }; class PdmlIp6Protocol : public PdmlDefaultProtocol { public: PdmlIp6Protocol(); static PdmlDefaultProtocol* createInstance(); virtual void unknownFieldHandler(QString name, int pos, int size, const QXmlStreamAttributes &attributes, OstProto::Stream *stream); virtual void postProtocolHandler(OstProto::Stream *stream); }; class PdmlTcpProtocol : public PdmlDefaultProtocol { public: PdmlTcpProtocol(); static PdmlDefaultProtocol* createInstance(); virtual void unknownFieldHandler(QString name, int pos, int size, const QXmlStreamAttributes &attributes, OstProto::Stream *stream); virtual void postProtocolHandler(OstProto::Stream *stream); private: QByteArray options_; QByteArray segmentData_; }; #endif