#include "pcapport.h" #include #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 #include #endif pcap_if_t *PcapPort::deviceList_ = NULL; PcapPort::PcapPort(int id, const char *device) : AbstractPort(id, device) { monitorRx_ = new PortMonitor(device, kDirectionRx, &stats_); monitorTx_ = new PortMonitor(device, kDirectionTx, &stats_); transmitter_ = new PortTransmitter(device); capturer_ = new PortCapturer(device); if (!deviceList_) { char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE]; if (pcap_findalldevs(&deviceList_, errbuf) == -1) qDebug("Error in pcap_findalldevs_ex: %s\n", errbuf); } for (pcap_if_t *dev = deviceList_; dev != NULL; dev = dev->next) { if (strcmp(device, dev->name) == 0) { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 data_.set_name(QString("if%1 ").arg(id).toStdString()); #else if (dev->name) data_.set_name(dev->name); #endif if (dev->description) data_.set_description(dev->description); //! \todo set port IP addr also } } } void PcapPort::init() { if (!monitorTx_->isDirectional()) transmitter_->useExternalStats(&stats_); transmitter_->setHandle(monitorRx_->handle()); updateNotes(); monitorRx_->start(); monitorTx_->start(); } PcapPort::~PcapPort() { delete capturer_; delete transmitter_; delete monitorTx_; delete monitorRx_; } void PcapPort::updateNotes() { QString notes; if (!monitorRx_->isDirectional() && !hasExclusiveControl()) notes.append("Rx Frames/Bytes: Includes non Ostinato Tx pkts also (Tx by Ostinato are not included)
"); if (!monitorTx_->isDirectional() && !hasExclusiveControl()) notes.append("Tx Frames/Bytes: Only Ostinato Tx pkts (Tx by others NOT included)
"); if (notes.isEmpty()) data_.set_notes(""); else data_.set_notes(QString("Limitation(s)" "

" "Rx/Tx Rates are also subject to above limitation(s)

"). arg(notes).toStdString()); } PcapPort::PortMonitor::PortMonitor(const char *device, Direction direction, AbstractPort::PortStats *stats) { int ret; char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE]; direction_ = direction; isDirectional_ = true; stats_ = stats; handle_ = pcap_open_live(device, 64 /* FIXME */, PCAP_OPENFLAG_PROMISCUOUS, 1000 /* ms */, errbuf); if (handle_ == NULL) goto _open_error; switch (direction_) { case kDirectionRx: ret = pcap_setdirection(handle_, PCAP_D_IN); break; case kDirectionTx: ret = pcap_setdirection(handle_, PCAP_D_OUT); break; default: Q_ASSERT(false); } if (ret < 0) goto _set_direction_error; return; _set_direction_error: qDebug("Error setting direction(%d) %s: %s\n", direction, device, pcap_geterr(handle_)); isDirectional_ = false; return; _open_error: qDebug("Error opening port %s: %s\n", device, pcap_geterr(handle_)); } void PcapPort::PortMonitor::run() { while (1) { int ret; struct pcap_pkthdr *hdr; const uchar *data; ret = pcap_next_ex(handle_, &hdr, &data); switch (ret) { case 1: switch (direction_) { case kDirectionRx: stats_->rxPkts++; stats_->rxBytes += hdr->len; break; case kDirectionTx: if (isDirectional_) { stats_->txPkts++; stats_->txBytes += hdr->len; } break; default: Q_ASSERT(false); } //! \todo TODO pkt/bit rates break; case 0: //qDebug("%s: timeout. continuing ...", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); continue; case -1: qWarning("%s: error reading packet (%d): %s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, ret, pcap_geterr(handle_)); break; case -2: default: qFatal("%s: Unexpected return value %d", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, ret); } } } PcapPort::PortTransmitter::PortTransmitter(const char *device) { char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE]; #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 LARGE_INTEGER freq; if (QueryPerformanceFrequency(&freq)) ticksFreq_ = freq.QuadPart; else Q_ASSERT_X(false, "PortTransmitter::PortTransmitter", "This Win32 platform does not support performance counter"); #endif returnToQIdx_ = -1; loopDelay_ = 0; stop_ = false; stats_ = new AbstractPort::PortStats; usingInternalStats_ = true; handle_ = pcap_open_live(device, 64 /* FIXME */, PCAP_OPENFLAG_PROMISCUOUS, 1000 /* ms */, errbuf); if (handle_ == NULL) goto _open_error; usingInternalHandle_ = true; return; _open_error: qDebug("Error opening port %s: %s\n", device, pcap_geterr(handle_)); usingInternalHandle_ = false; } PcapPort::PortTransmitter::~PortTransmitter() { if (usingInternalStats_) delete stats_; } void PcapPort::PortTransmitter::clearPacketList() { Q_ASSERT(!isRunning()); // \todo lock for sendQueueList while(sendQueueList_.size()) { pcap_send_queue *sq = sendQueueList_.takeFirst(); pcap_sendqueue_destroy(sq); } setPacketListLoopMode(false, 0); } bool PcapPort::PortTransmitter::appendToPacketList(long sec, long usec, const uchar *packet, int length) { bool op = true; pcap_pkthdr pktHdr; pcap_send_queue *sendQ; pktHdr.caplen = pktHdr.len = length; pktHdr.ts.tv_sec = sec; pktHdr.ts.tv_usec = usec; sendQ = sendQueueList_.isEmpty() ? NULL : sendQueueList_.last(); if ((sendQ == NULL) || (sendQ->len + sizeof(pcap_pkthdr) + length) > sendQ->maxlen) { //! \todo (LOW): calculate sendqueue size sendQ = pcap_sendqueue_alloc(1*1024*1024); sendQueueList_.append(sendQ); // Validate that the pkt will fit inside the new sendQ Q_ASSERT((length + sizeof(pcap_pkthdr)) < sendQ->maxlen); } if (pcap_sendqueue_queue(sendQ, &pktHdr, (u_char*) packet) < 0) op = false; return op; } void PcapPort::PortTransmitter::setHandle(pcap_t *handle) { if (usingInternalHandle_) pcap_close(handle_); handle_ = handle; usingInternalStats_ = false; } void PcapPort::PortTransmitter::useExternalStats(AbstractPort::PortStats *stats) { if (usingInternalStats_) delete stats_; stats_ = stats; usingInternalStats_ = false; } void PcapPort::PortTransmitter::run() { //! \todo (MED) Stream Mode - continuous: define before implement // NOTE1: We can't use pcap_sendqueue_transmit() directly even on Win32 // 'coz of 2 reasons - there's no way of stopping it before all packets // in the sendQueue are sent out and secondly, stats are available only // when all packets have been sent - no periodic updates // // NOTE2: Transmit on the Rx Handle so that we can receive it back // on the Tx Handle to do stats // // NOTE3: Update pcapExtra counters - port TxStats will be updated in the // 'stats callback' function so that both Rx and Tx stats are updated // together const int kSyncTransmit = 1; int i; qDebug("sendQueueList_.size = %d", sendQueueList_.size()); for(i = 0; i < sendQueueList_.size(); i++) { int ret; _restart: ret = sendQueueTransmit(handle_, sendQueueList_.at(i), kSyncTransmit); if (ret < 0) { qDebug("error in sendQueueTransmit()"); return; } } if (returnToQIdx_ >= 0) { i = returnToQIdx_; udelay(loopDelay_); goto _restart; } } void PcapPort::PortTransmitter::stop() { stop_ = true; } int PcapPort::PortTransmitter::sendQueueTransmit(pcap_t *p, pcap_send_queue *queue, int sync) { struct timeval ts; struct pcap_pkthdr *hdr = (struct pcap_pkthdr*) queue->buffer; char *end = queue->buffer + queue->len; if (sync) ts = hdr->ts; while (1) { uchar *pkt = (uchar*)hdr + sizeof(*hdr); int pktLen = hdr->caplen; if (stop_) { stop_ = false; return -2; } // A pktLen of size 0 is used at the end of a sendQueue and before // the next sendQueue - i.e. for inter sendQueue timing if(pktLen > 0) { pcap_sendpacket(p, pkt, pktLen); stats_->txPkts++; stats_->txBytes += pktLen; } // Step to the next packet in the buffer hdr = (struct pcap_pkthdr*) ((uchar*)hdr + sizeof(*hdr) + pktLen); pkt = (uchar*) ((uchar*)hdr + sizeof(*hdr)); // Check if the end of the user buffer has been reached if((char*) hdr >= end) return 0; if (sync) { long usec = (hdr->ts.tv_sec - ts.tv_sec) * 1000000 + (hdr->ts.tv_usec - ts.tv_usec); if (usec) { udelay(usec); ts = hdr->ts; } } } } void PcapPort::PortTransmitter::udelay(long usec) { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 LARGE_INTEGER tgtTicks; LARGE_INTEGER curTicks; QueryPerformanceCounter(&curTicks); tgtTicks.QuadPart = curTicks.QuadPart + (usec*ticksFreq_)/1000000; while (curTicks.QuadPart < tgtTicks.QuadPart) QueryPerformanceCounter(&curTicks); #else QThread::usleep(usec); #endif } PcapPort::PortCapturer::PortCapturer(const char *device) { device_ = QString::fromAscii(device); stop_ = false; if (!capFile_.open()) qWarning("Unable to open temp cap file"); qDebug("cap file = %s", capFile_.fileName().toAscii().constData()); dumpHandle_ = NULL; handle_ = NULL; } PcapPort::PortCapturer::~PortCapturer() { capFile_.close(); } void PcapPort::PortCapturer::run() { char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE]; qDebug("In %s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); if (!capFile_.isOpen()) { qWarning("temp cap file is not open"); return; } handle_ = pcap_open_live(device_.toAscii().constData(), 65535, PCAP_OPENFLAG_PROMISCUOUS, 1000 /* ms */, errbuf); if (handle_ == NULL) { qDebug("Error opening port %s: %s\n", device_.toAscii().constData(), pcap_geterr(handle_)); return; } dumpHandle_ = pcap_dump_open(handle_, capFile_.fileName().toAscii().constData()); while (1) { int ret; struct pcap_pkthdr *hdr; const uchar *data; ret = pcap_next_ex(handle_, &hdr, &data); switch (ret) { case 1: pcap_dump((uchar*) dumpHandle_, hdr, data); break; case 0: // timeout: just go back to the loop break; case -1: qWarning("%s: error reading packet (%d): %s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, ret, pcap_geterr(handle_)); break; case -2: default: qFatal("%s: Unexpected return value %d", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, ret); } if (stop_) { qDebug("user requested capture stop\n"); stop_ = false; break; } } pcap_dump_close(dumpHandle_); pcap_close(handle_); dumpHandle_ = NULL; handle_ = NULL; } void PcapPort::PortCapturer::stop() { stop_ = true; } QFile* PcapPort::PortCapturer::captureFile() { return &capFile_; }