/* Copyright (C) 2010 Srivats P. This file is part of "Ostinato" This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see */ #include "streambase.h" #include "abstractprotocol.h" #include "framevalueattrib.h" #include "protocollist.h" #include "protocollistiterator.h" #include "protocolmanager.h" extern ProtocolManager *OstProtocolManager; extern quint64 getDeviceMacAddress(int portId, int streamId, int frameIndex); extern quint64 getNeighborMacAddress(int portId, int streamId, int frameIndex); StreamBase::StreamBase(int portId) : portId_(portId), mStreamId(new OstProto::StreamId), mCore(new OstProto::StreamCore), mControl(new OstProto::StreamControl) { AbstractProtocol *proto; ProtocolListIterator *iter; mStreamId->set_id(0xFFFFFFFF); currentFrameProtocols = new ProtocolList; iter = createProtocolListIterator(); // By default newly created streams have the mac and payload protocols proto = OstProtocolManager->createProtocol( OstProto::Protocol::kMacFieldNumber, this); iter->insert(proto); qDebug("stream: mac = %p", proto); proto = OstProtocolManager->createProtocol( OstProto::Protocol::kPayloadFieldNumber, this); iter->insert(proto); qDebug("stream: payload = %p", proto); #ifndef QT_NO_DEBUG_OUTPUT { iter->toFront(); while (iter->hasNext()) { qDebug("{{%p}}", iter->next()); // qDebug("{{%p}: %d}", iter->peekNext(), iter->next()->protocolNumber()); } iter->toFront(); while (iter->hasNext()) { qDebug("{[%d]}", iter->next()->protocolNumber()); // qDebug("{{%p}: %d}", iter->peekNext(), iter->next()->protocolNumber()); } } #endif delete iter; } StreamBase::~StreamBase() { currentFrameProtocols->destroy(); delete currentFrameProtocols; delete mControl; delete mCore; delete mStreamId; } void StreamBase::protoDataCopyFrom(const OstProto::Stream &stream) { AbstractProtocol *proto; ProtocolListIterator *iter; mStreamId->CopyFrom(stream.stream_id()); mCore->CopyFrom(stream.core()); mControl->CopyFrom(stream.control()); currentFrameProtocols->destroy(); iter = createProtocolListIterator(); for (int i=0; i < stream.protocol_size(); i++) { int protoId = stream.protocol(i).protocol_id().id(); if (!OstProtocolManager->isRegisteredProtocol(protoId)) { qWarning("Skipping unregistered protocol %d", protoId); continue; } proto = OstProtocolManager->createProtocol(protoId, this); proto->commonProtoDataCopyFrom(stream.protocol(i)); proto->protoDataCopyFrom(stream.protocol(i)); iter->insert(proto); } delete iter; } void StreamBase::protoDataCopyInto(OstProto::Stream &stream) const { stream.mutable_stream_id()->CopyFrom(*mStreamId); stream.mutable_core()->CopyFrom(*mCore); stream.mutable_control()->CopyFrom(*mControl); stream.clear_protocol(); foreach (const AbstractProtocol* proto, *currentFrameProtocols) { OstProto::Protocol *p; p = stream.add_protocol(); proto->commonProtoDataCopyInto(*p); proto->protoDataCopyInto(*p); } } #if 0 ProtocolList StreamBase::frameProtocol() { return currentFrameProtocols; } void StreamBase::setFrameProtocol(ProtocolList protocolList) { //currentFrameProtocols.destroy(); currentFrameProtocols = protocolList; } #endif bool StreamBase::hasProtocol(quint32 protocolNumber) { foreach(const AbstractProtocol *proto, *currentFrameProtocols) if (proto->protocolNumber() == protocolNumber) return true; return false; } ProtocolListIterator* StreamBase::createProtocolListIterator() const { return new ProtocolListIterator(*currentFrameProtocols); } quint32 StreamBase::id() const { return mStreamId->id(); } bool StreamBase::setId(quint32 id) { mStreamId->set_id(id); return true; } quint32 StreamBase::ordinal() { return mCore->ordinal(); } bool StreamBase::setOrdinal(quint32 ordinal) { mCore->set_ordinal(ordinal); return true; } bool StreamBase::isEnabled() const { return mCore->is_enabled(); } bool StreamBase::setEnabled(bool flag) { mCore->set_is_enabled(flag); return true; } const QString StreamBase::name() const { return QString().fromStdString(mCore->name()); } bool StreamBase::setName(QString name) { mCore->set_name(name.toStdString()); return true; } StreamBase::FrameLengthMode StreamBase::lenMode() const { return (StreamBase::FrameLengthMode) mCore->len_mode(); } bool StreamBase::setLenMode(FrameLengthMode lenMode) { mCore->set_len_mode((OstProto::StreamCore::FrameLengthMode) lenMode); return true; } quint16 StreamBase::frameLen(int streamIndex) const { int pktLen; // Decide a frame length based on length mode switch(lenMode()) { case OstProto::StreamCore::e_fl_fixed: pktLen = mCore->frame_len(); break; case OstProto::StreamCore::e_fl_inc: pktLen = frameLenMin() + (streamIndex % (frameLenMax() - frameLenMin() + 1)); break; case OstProto::StreamCore::e_fl_dec: pktLen = frameLenMax() - (streamIndex % (frameLenMax() - frameLenMin() + 1)); break; case OstProto::StreamCore::e_fl_random: //! \todo (MED) This 'random' sequence is same across iterations pktLen = 64; // to avoid the 'maybe used uninitialized' warning qsrand(reinterpret_cast(this)); for (int i = 0; i <= streamIndex; i++) pktLen = qrand(); pktLen = frameLenMin() + (pktLen % (frameLenMax() - frameLenMin() + 1)); break; default: qWarning("Unhandled len mode %d. Using default 64", lenMode()); pktLen = 64; break; } return pktLen; } bool StreamBase::setFrameLen(quint16 frameLen) { mCore->set_frame_len(frameLen); return true; } quint16 StreamBase::frameLenMin() const { return mCore->frame_len_min(); } bool StreamBase::setFrameLenMin(quint16 frameLenMin) { mCore->set_frame_len_min(frameLenMin); return true; } quint16 StreamBase::frameLenMax() const { return mCore->frame_len_max(); } bool StreamBase::setFrameLenMax(quint16 frameLenMax) { mCore->set_frame_len_max(frameLenMax); return true; } /*! Convenience Function */ quint16 StreamBase::frameLenAvg() const { quint16 avgFrameLen; if (lenMode() == e_fl_fixed) avgFrameLen = frameLen(); else avgFrameLen = (frameLenMin() + frameLenMax())/2; return avgFrameLen; } StreamBase::SendUnit StreamBase::sendUnit() const { return (StreamBase::SendUnit) mControl->unit(); } bool StreamBase::setSendUnit(SendUnit sendUnit) { mControl->set_unit((OstProto::StreamControl::SendUnit) sendUnit); return true; } StreamBase::SendMode StreamBase::sendMode() const { return (StreamBase::SendMode) mControl->mode(); } bool StreamBase::setSendMode(SendMode sendMode) { mControl->set_mode( (OstProto::StreamControl::SendMode) sendMode); return true; } StreamBase::NextWhat StreamBase::nextWhat() const { return (StreamBase::NextWhat) mControl->next(); } bool StreamBase::setNextWhat(NextWhat nextWhat) { mControl->set_next((OstProto::StreamControl::NextWhat) nextWhat); return true; } quint32 StreamBase::numPackets() const { return (quint32) mControl->num_packets(); } bool StreamBase::setNumPackets(quint32 numPackets) { mControl->set_num_packets(numPackets); return true; } quint32 StreamBase::numBursts() const { return (quint32) mControl->num_bursts(); } bool StreamBase::setNumBursts(quint32 numBursts) { mControl->set_num_bursts(numBursts); return true; } quint32 StreamBase::burstSize() const { return (quint32) mControl->packets_per_burst(); } bool StreamBase::setBurstSize(quint32 packetsPerBurst) { mControl->set_packets_per_burst(packetsPerBurst); return true; } double StreamBase::packetRate() const { return (double) mControl->packets_per_sec(); } bool StreamBase::setPacketRate(double packetsPerSec) { mControl->set_packets_per_sec(packetsPerSec); return true; } double StreamBase::burstRate() const { return (double) mControl->bursts_per_sec(); } bool StreamBase::setBurstRate(double burstsPerSec) { mControl->set_bursts_per_sec(burstsPerSec); return true; } /*! Convenience Function */ double StreamBase::averagePacketRate() const { double avgPacketRate = 0; switch (sendUnit()) { case e_su_bursts: avgPacketRate = burstRate() * burstSize(); break; case e_su_packets: avgPacketRate = packetRate(); break; default: Q_ASSERT(false); // Unreachable!! } return avgPacketRate; } /*! Convenience Function */ bool StreamBase::setAveragePacketRate(double packetsPerSec) { switch (sendUnit()) { case e_su_bursts: setBurstRate(packetsPerSec/double(burstSize())); break; case e_su_packets: setPacketRate(packetsPerSec); break; default: Q_ASSERT(false); // Unreachable!! } return true; } bool StreamBase::isFrameVariable() const { ProtocolListIterator *iter; iter = createProtocolListIterator(); while (iter->hasNext()) { AbstractProtocol *proto; proto = iter->next(); if (proto->isProtocolFrameValueVariable()) goto _exit; } delete iter; return false; _exit: delete iter; return true; } bool StreamBase::isFrameSizeVariable() const { ProtocolListIterator *iter; iter = createProtocolListIterator(); while (iter->hasNext()) { AbstractProtocol *proto; proto = iter->next(); if (proto->isProtocolFrameSizeVariable()) goto _exit; } delete iter; return false; _exit: delete iter; return true; } int StreamBase::frameSizeVariableCount() const { int count = 1; switch(lenMode()) { case OstProto::StreamCore::e_fl_fixed: break; case OstProto::StreamCore::e_fl_inc: case OstProto::StreamCore::e_fl_dec: case OstProto::StreamCore::e_fl_random: count = frameLenMax() - frameLenMin() + 1; break; default: qWarning("%s: Unhandled len mode %d", __FUNCTION__, lenMode()); break; } return count; } int StreamBase::frameVariableCount() const { ProtocolListIterator *iter; quint64 frameCount = 1; iter = createProtocolListIterator(); while (iter->hasNext()) { AbstractProtocol *proto; int count; proto = iter->next(); count = proto->protocolFrameVariableCount(); // correct count for mis-behaving protocols if (count <= 0) count = 1; frameCount = AbstractProtocol::lcm(frameCount, count); } delete iter; return AbstractProtocol::lcm(frameCount, frameSizeVariableCount()); } // frameProtocolLength() returns the sum of all the individual protocol sizes // which may be different from frameLen() int StreamBase::frameProtocolLength(int frameIndex) const { int len = 0; ProtocolListIterator *iter = createProtocolListIterator(); while (iter->hasNext()) { AbstractProtocol *proto = iter->next(); len += proto->protocolFrameSize(frameIndex); } delete iter; return len; } int StreamBase::frameCount() const { int count = 0; switch (sendUnit()) { case e_su_packets: count = numPackets(); break; case e_su_bursts: count = numBursts() * burstSize(); break; default: Q_ASSERT(false); // unreachable } return count; } // Returns packet length - if bufMaxSize < frameLen(), returns truncated // length i.e. bufMaxSize int StreamBase::frameValue(uchar *buf, int bufMaxSize, int frameIndex, FrameValueAttrib *attrib) const { int maxSize, size, pktLen, len = 0; pktLen = frameLen(frameIndex); // pktLen is adjusted for CRC/FCS which will be added by the NIC pktLen -= kFcsSize; if (pktLen <= 0) return 0; maxSize = qMin(pktLen, bufMaxSize); ProtocolListIterator *iter; iter = createProtocolListIterator(); while (iter->hasNext()) { AbstractProtocol *proto; QByteArray ba; FrameValueAttrib protoAttrib; proto = iter->next(); ba = proto->protocolFrameValue(frameIndex, false, &protoAttrib); if (attrib) *attrib += protoAttrib; size = qMin(ba.size(), maxSize-len); memcpy(buf+len, ba.constData(), size); len += size; if (len == maxSize) break; } delete iter; // Pad with zero, if required and if we have space if (len < maxSize) { size = maxSize-len; memset(buf+len, 0, size); len += size; } return len; } quint64 StreamBase::deviceMacAddress(int frameIndex) const { return getDeviceMacAddress(portId_, int(mStreamId->id()), frameIndex); } quint64 StreamBase::neighborMacAddress(int frameIndex) const { return getNeighborMacAddress(portId_, int(mStreamId->id()), frameIndex); } /*! Checks for any potential errors with the packets generated by this stream. Returns true if no problems are found, false otherwise. Details of the error(s) are available in the INOUT param result All errors found are returned. However, each type of error is reported only once, even if multiple packets may have that error. */ bool StreamBase::preflightCheck(QStringList &result) const { bool pass = true; bool chkTrunc = true; bool chkJumbo = true; int count = isFrameSizeVariable() ? frameCount() : 1; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { int pktLen = frameLen(i); if (chkTrunc && (pktLen < (frameProtocolLength(i) + kFcsSize))) { result << QObject::tr("One or more frames may be truncated - " "frame length should be at least %1") .arg(frameProtocolLength(i) + kFcsSize); chkTrunc = false; pass = false; } if (chkJumbo && (pktLen > 1522)) { result << QObject::tr("Jumbo frames may be truncated or dropped " "if not supported by the hardware"); pass = false; } // Break out of loop if we've seen at least one instance of all // the above errors if (!chkTrunc && !chkJumbo) break; } ProtocolListIterator *iter = createProtocolListIterator(); while (iter->hasNext()) { QStringList errors; AbstractProtocol *proto = iter->next(); if (proto->hasErrors(&errors)) { result += errors; pass = false; } } delete iter; if (isFrameVariable()) { if (frameVariableCount() > frameCount()) { if (frameCount() == 1) { result << QObject::tr("Variable fields won't change since " "only 1 frame%1 is configured to be transmitted - " "increase number of packets to %L2 to have variable " "fields change across the configured range") .arg(sendUnit() == e_su_bursts ? " (number of bursts * packets per burst)" : "") .arg(frameVariableCount()); pass = false; } else if (frameCount() > 1) { result << QObject::tr("Variable fields will change for " "%L1 counts since only %L1 frames%2 are configured " "to be transmitted - increase number of packets " "from %L1 to %L3 to have variable fields change " "across the configured range") .arg(frameCount()) .arg(sendUnit() == e_su_bursts ? " (number of bursts * packets per burst)" : "") .arg(frameVariableCount()); pass = false; } } } #if 0 // see XXX note below // XXX: This causes false positives for - // * interleaved streams (a port property that we don't have access to) // * pcap imported streams where each stream has only one packet // Ideally we need to get the transmit duration for all the streams // to perform this check if (frameCount() < averagePacketRate() && nextWhat() != e_nw_goto_id) { result << QObject::tr("Only %L1 frames at the rate of " "%L2 frames/sec are configured to be transmitted. " "Transmission will last for only %L3 second - " "to transmit for a longer duration, " "increase the number of packets (bursts) and/or " "set the 'After this stream' action as 'Goto First'") .arg(frameCount()) .arg(averagePacketRate(), 0, 'f', 2) .arg(frameCount()/averagePacketRate(), 0, 'f'); pass = false; } #endif return pass; } bool StreamBase::StreamLessThan(StreamBase* stream1, StreamBase* stream2) { return stream1->ordinal() < stream2->ordinal() ? true : false; }