/* Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Srivats P. This file is part of "Ostinato" This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see */ #include "abstractport.h" #include "../common/abstractprotocol.h" #include "../common/framevalueattrib.h" #include "../common/streambase.h" #include "devicemanager.h" #include "interfaceinfo.h" #include "packetbuffer.h" #include #include #include #include AbstractPort::AbstractPort(int id, const char *device) { isUsable_ = true; data_.mutable_port_id()->set_id(id); data_.set_name(device); //! \todo (LOW) admin enable/disable of port data_.set_is_enabled(true); data_.set_is_exclusive_control(false); isSendQueueDirty_ = false; rateAccuracy_ = kHighAccuracy; linkState_ = OstProto::LinkStateUnknown; minPacketSetSize_ = 1; deviceManager_ = new DeviceManager(this); interfaceInfo_ = NULL; maxStatsValue_ = ULLONG_MAX; // assume 64-bit stats memset((void*) &stats_, 0, sizeof(stats_)); resetStats(); } AbstractPort::~AbstractPort() { delete deviceManager_; delete interfaceInfo_; } void AbstractPort::init() { if (interfaceInfo_) { data_.set_speed(interfaceInfo_->speed); data_.set_mtu(interfaceInfo_->mtu); } if (deviceManager_) deviceManager_->createHostDevices(); } /*! Can we modify Port with these params? Should modify cause port dirty? */ bool AbstractPort::canModify(const OstProto::Port &port, bool *dirty) { bool allow = true; *dirty = false; if (port.has_transmit_mode() && (port.transmit_mode() != data_.transmit_mode())) { *dirty = true; allow = !isTransmitOn(); } if (port.has_is_tracking_stream_stats() && (port.is_tracking_stream_stats() != data_.is_tracking_stream_stats())) { *dirty = true; allow = !isTransmitOn(); } if (*dirty) isSendQueueDirty_ = true; return allow; } bool AbstractPort::modify(const OstProto::Port &port) { bool ret = true; //! \todo Use reflection to find out which fields are set if (port.has_user_description()) { data_.set_user_description(port.user_description()); } if (port.has_is_exclusive_control()) { bool val = port.is_exclusive_control(); ret = setExclusiveControl(val); if (ret) data_.set_is_exclusive_control(val); } if (port.has_transmit_mode()) data_.set_transmit_mode(port.transmit_mode()); if (port.has_is_tracking_stream_stats()) ret |= setTrackStreamStats(port.is_tracking_stream_stats()); if (port.has_user_name()) { data_.set_user_name(port.user_name()); } return ret; } DeviceManager* AbstractPort::deviceManager() { return deviceManager_; } StreamBase* AbstractPort::streamAtIndex(int index) { Q_ASSERT(index < streamList_.size()); return streamList_.at(index); } StreamBase* AbstractPort::stream(int streamId) { for (int i = 0; i < streamList_.size(); i++) { if ((uint)streamId == streamList_.at(i)->id()) return streamList_.at(i); } return NULL; } bool AbstractPort::addStream(StreamBase *stream) { streamList_.append(stream); isSendQueueDirty_ = true; return true; } bool AbstractPort::deleteStream(int streamId) { for (int i = 0; i < streamList_.size(); i++) { StreamBase *stream; if ((uint)streamId == streamList_.at(i)->id()) { stream = streamList_.takeAt(i); delete stream; isSendQueueDirty_ = true; return true; } } return false; } void AbstractPort::addNote(QString note) { QString notes = QString::fromStdString(data_.notes()); note.prepend("
  • "); note.append("
  • "); if (notes.isEmpty()) notes="Limitation(s)
      "; else notes.remove("
    "); notes.append(note); notes.append(""); data_.set_notes(notes.toStdString()); } bool AbstractPort::setTrackStreamStats(bool enable) { data_.set_is_tracking_stream_stats(enable); return true; } AbstractPort::Accuracy AbstractPort::rateAccuracy() { return rateAccuracy_; } bool AbstractPort::setRateAccuracy(Accuracy accuracy) { rateAccuracy_ = accuracy; return true; } int AbstractPort::updatePacketList() { switch(data_.transmit_mode()) { case OstProto::kSequentialTransmit: return updatePacketListSequential(); break; case OstProto::kInterleavedTransmit: return updatePacketListInterleaved(); break; default: Q_ASSERT(false); // Unreachable!!! break; } return 0; } int AbstractPort::updatePacketListSequential() { FrameValueAttrib packetListAttrib; long sec = 0; long nsec = 0; qDebug("In %s", __FUNCTION__); // First sort the streams by ordinalValue std::sort(streamList_.begin(), streamList_.end(), StreamBase::StreamLessThan); clearPacketList(); for (int i = 0; i < streamList_.size(); i++) { if (streamList_[i]->isEnabled()) { int len = 0; ulong n, x, y; ulong burstSize; double ibg = 0; quint64 ibg1 = 0, ibg2 = 0; quint64 nb1 = 0, nb2 = 0; double ipg = 0; quint64 ipg1 = 0, ipg2 = 0; quint64 npx1 = 0, npx2 = 0; quint64 npy1 = 0, npy2 = 0; quint64 loopDelay; ulong frameVariableCount = streamList_[i]->frameVariableCount(); // We derive n, x, y such that // n * x + y = total number of packets to be sent switch (streamList_[i]->sendUnit()) { case StreamBase::e_su_bursts: burstSize = streamList_[i]->burstSize(); x = AbstractProtocol::lcm(frameVariableCount, burstSize); n = ulong(burstSize * streamList_[i]->numBursts()) / x; y = ulong(burstSize * streamList_[i]->numBursts()) % x; if (streamList_[i]->burstRate() > 0) { ibg = 1e9/double(streamList_[i]->burstRate()); ibg1 = quint64(ceil(ibg)); ibg2 = quint64(floor(ibg)); nb1 = quint64((ibg - double(ibg2)) * double(x)); nb2 = x - nb1; } loopDelay = ibg2; break; case StreamBase::e_su_packets: x = frameVariableCount; n = 2; while (x < minPacketSetSize_) x = frameVariableCount*n++; n = streamList_[i]->numPackets() / x; y = streamList_[i]->numPackets() % x; burstSize = x + y; if (streamList_[i]->packetRate() > 0) { ipg = 1e9/double(streamList_[i]->packetRate()); ipg1 = quint64(ceil(ipg)); ipg2 = quint64(floor(ipg)); npx1 = quint64((ipg - double(ipg2)) * double(x)); npx2 = x - npx1; npy1 = quint64((ipg - double(ipg2)) * double(y)); npy2 = y - npy1; } loopDelay = ipg2; break; default: qWarning("Unhandled stream control unit %d", streamList_[i]->sendUnit()); continue; } qDebug("\nframeVariableCount = %lu", frameVariableCount); qDebug("n = %lu, x = %lu, y = %lu, burstSize = %lu", n, x, y, burstSize); qDebug("ibg = %g", ibg); qDebug("ibg1 = %llu", ibg1); qDebug("nb1 = %llu", nb1); qDebug("ibg2 = %llu", ibg2); qDebug("nb2 = %llu\n", nb2); qDebug("ipg = %g", ipg); qDebug("ipg1 = %llu", ipg1); qDebug("npx1 = %llu", npx1); qDebug("npy1 = %llu", npy1); qDebug("ipg2 = %llu", ipg2); qDebug("npx2 = %llu", npx2); qDebug("npy2 = %llu\n", npy2); if (n >= 1) { loopNextPacketSet(x, n, 0, loopDelay); qDebug("PacketSet: n = %lu, x = %lu", n, x); } else if (n == 0) x = 0; for (uint j = 0; j < (x+y); j++) { if (j == 0 || frameVariableCount > 1) { FrameValueAttrib attrib; len = streamList_[i]->frameValue( pktBuf_, sizeof(pktBuf_), j, &attrib); packetListAttrib += attrib; } if (len <= 0) continue; // Create a packet set for 'y' with repeat = 1 if (j == x) { loopNextPacketSet(y, 1, 0, loopDelay); qDebug("PacketSet: n = 1, y = %lu", y); } qDebug("q(%d, %d) sec = %lu nsec = %lu", i, j, sec, nsec); if (!appendToPacketList(sec, nsec, pktBuf_, len)) { clearPacketList(); // don't leave it half baked/inconsitent packetListAttrib.errorFlags |= FrameValueAttrib::OutOfMemoryError; goto _out_of_memory; } if ((j > 0) && (((j+1) % burstSize) == 0)) { nsec += (j < nb1) ? ibg1 : ibg2; while (nsec >= long(1e9)) { sec++; nsec -= long(1e9); } } else { if (j < x) nsec += (j < npx1) ? ipg1 : ipg2; else nsec += ((j-x) < npy1) ? ipg1 : ipg2; while (nsec >= long(1e9)) { sec++; nsec -= long(1e9); } } } switch(streamList_[i]->nextWhat()) { case StreamBase::e_nw_stop: goto _stop_no_more_pkts; case StreamBase::e_nw_goto_id: /*! \todo (MED): define and use streamList_[i].d.control().goto_stream_id(); */ /*! \todo (MED): assumes goto Id is less than current!!!! To support goto to any id, do if goto_id > curr_id then i = goto_id; goto restart; else returnToQIdx = 0; */ setPacketListLoopMode(true, 0, streamList_[i]->sendUnit() == StreamBase::e_su_bursts ? ibg1 : ipg1); goto _stop_no_more_pkts; case StreamBase::e_nw_goto_next: break; default: qFatal("---------- %s: Unhandled case (%d) -----------", __FUNCTION__, streamList_[i]->nextWhat() ); break; } } // if (stream is enabled) } // for (numStreams) _out_of_memory: _stop_no_more_pkts: isSendQueueDirty_ = false; qDebug("PacketListAttrib = %x", static_cast(packetListAttrib.errorFlags)); return static_cast(packetListAttrib.errorFlags); } int AbstractPort::updatePacketListInterleaved() { FrameValueAttrib packetListAttrib; int numStreams = 0; quint64 minGap = ULLONG_MAX; quint64 duration = quint64(1e3); QList streamId; QList ibg1, ibg2; QList nb1, nb2; QList ipg1, ipg2; QList np1, np2; QList schedSec, schedNsec; QList pktCount, burstCount; QList burstSize; QList isVariable; QList pktBuf; QList pktLen; int activeStreamCount = 0; qDebug("In %s", __FUNCTION__); clearPacketList(); for (int i = 0; i < streamList_.size(); i++) { if (streamList_[i]->isEnabled()) activeStreamCount++; } if (activeStreamCount == 0) { isSendQueueDirty_ = false; return 0; } // First sort the streams by ordinalValue std::sort(streamList_.begin(), streamList_.end(), StreamBase::StreamLessThan); for (int i = 0; i < streamList_.size(); i++) { if (!streamList_[i]->isEnabled()) continue; streamId.append(i); double numBursts = 0; double numPackets = 0; quint64 _burstSize = 0; double ibg = 0; quint64 _ibg1 = 0, _ibg2 = 0; quint64 _nb1 = 0, _nb2 = 0; double ipg = 0; quint64 _ipg1 = 0, _ipg2 = 0; quint64 _np1 = 0, _np2 = 0; switch (streamList_[i]->sendUnit()) { case StreamBase::e_su_bursts: numBursts = streamList_[i]->burstRate(); _burstSize = streamList_[i]->burstSize(); if (streamList_[i]->burstRate() > 0) { ibg = 1e9/double(streamList_[i]->burstRate()); _ibg1 = quint64(ceil(ibg)); _ibg2 = quint64(floor(ibg)); _nb1 = quint64((ibg - double(_ibg2)) * double(numBursts)); _nb2 = quint64(numBursts) - _nb1; } break; case StreamBase::e_su_packets: numPackets = streamList_[i]->packetRate(); _burstSize = 1; if (streamList_[i]->packetRate() > 0) { ipg = 1e9/double(streamList_[i]->packetRate()); _ipg1 = llrint(ceil(ipg)); _ipg2 = quint64(floor(ipg)); _np1 = quint64((ipg - double(_ipg2)) * double(numPackets)); _np2 = quint64(numPackets) - _np1; } break; default: qWarning("Unhandled stream control unit %d", streamList_[i]->sendUnit()); continue; } qDebug("numBursts = %g, numPackets = %g\n", numBursts, numPackets); qDebug("ibg = %g", ibg); qDebug("ibg1 = %llu", _ibg1); qDebug("nb1 = %llu", _nb1); qDebug("ibg2 = %llu", _ibg2); qDebug("nb2 = %llu\n", _nb2); qDebug("ipg = %g", ipg); qDebug("ipg1 = %llu", _ipg1); qDebug("np1 = %llu", _np1); qDebug("ipg2 = %llu", _ipg2); qDebug("np2 = %llu\n", _np2); if (_ibg2 && (_ibg2 < minGap)) minGap = _ibg2; if (_ibg1 && (_ibg1 > duration)) duration = _ibg1; ibg1.append(_ibg1); ibg2.append(_ibg2); nb1.append(_nb1); nb2.append(_nb1); burstSize.append(_burstSize); if (_ipg2 && (_ipg2 < minGap)) minGap = _ipg2; if (_np1) { if (_ipg1 && (_ipg1 > duration)) duration = _ipg1; } else { if (_ipg2 && (_ipg2 > duration)) duration = _ipg2; } ipg1.append(_ipg1); ipg2.append(_ipg2); np1.append(_np1); np2.append(_np1); schedSec.append(0); schedNsec.append(0); pktCount.append(0); burstCount.append(0); if (streamList_[i]->isFrameVariable()) { isVariable.append(true); pktBuf.append(QByteArray()); pktLen.append(0); } else { FrameValueAttrib attrib; isVariable.append(false); pktBuf.append(QByteArray()); pktBuf.last().resize(kMaxPktSize); pktLen.append(streamList_[i]->frameValue( (uchar*)pktBuf.last().data(), pktBuf.last().size(), 0, &attrib)); packetListAttrib += attrib; } numStreams++; } // for i // handle burst/packet rate = 0 // i.e. send all streams "simultaneously" as fast as possible // as a result all streams will be at the same rate e.g. for 2 streams, // it would 50% each; for 3 streams - all at 33.3% and so on if (minGap == ULLONG_MAX) { minGap = 1; duration = 1; } qDebug("minGap = %llu", minGap); qDebug("duration = %llu", duration); if (duration < minGap*100) { duration = minGap*100; qDebug("increase duration to %llu for better accuracy", duration); } uchar* buf; int len; quint64 durSec = duration/ulong(1e9); quint64 durNsec = duration % ulong(1e9); quint64 sec = 0; quint64 nsec = 0; quint64 lastPktTxSec = 0; quint64 lastPktTxNsec = 0; do { for (int i = 0; i < numStreams; i++) { // If a packet is not scheduled yet, look at the next stream if ((schedSec.at(i) > sec) || (schedNsec.at(i) > nsec)) continue; for (uint j = 0; j < burstSize[i]; j++) { if (isVariable.at(i)) { FrameValueAttrib attrib; buf = pktBuf_; len = streamList_[streamId.at(i)]->frameValue(pktBuf_, sizeof(pktBuf_), pktCount[i], &attrib); packetListAttrib += attrib; } else { buf = (uchar*) pktBuf.at(i).data(); len = pktLen.at(i); } if (len <= 0) continue; qDebug("q(%d) sec = %llu nsec = %llu", i, sec, nsec); if (!appendToPacketList(sec, nsec, buf, len)) { clearPacketList(); // don't leave it half baked/inconsitent packetListAttrib.errorFlags |= FrameValueAttrib::OutOfMemoryError; goto _out_of_memory; } lastPktTxSec = sec; lastPktTxNsec = nsec; pktCount[i]++; schedNsec[i] += (pktCount.at(i) < np1.at(i)) ? ipg1.at(i) : ipg2.at(i); while (schedNsec.at(i) >= 1e9) { schedSec[i]++; schedNsec[i] -= long(1e9); } } burstCount[i]++; schedNsec[i] += (burstCount.at(i) < nb1.at(i)) ? ibg1.at(i) : ibg2.at(i); while (schedNsec.at(i) >= 1e9) { schedSec[i]++; schedNsec[i] -= long(1e9); } } nsec += minGap; while (nsec >= 1e9) { sec++; nsec -= long(1e9); } } while ((sec < durSec) || (nsec < durNsec)); { qint64 delaySec = durSec - lastPktTxSec; qint64 delayNsec = durNsec - lastPktTxNsec; while (delayNsec < 0) { delayNsec += long(1e9); delaySec--; } qDebug("loop Delay = %lld/%lld", delaySec, delayNsec); setPacketListLoopMode(true, delaySec, delayNsec); } _out_of_memory: isSendQueueDirty_ = false; qDebug("PacketListAttrib = %x", static_cast(packetListAttrib.errorFlags)); return static_cast(packetListAttrib.errorFlags); } void AbstractPort::stats(PortStats *stats) { stats->rxPkts = (stats_.rxPkts >= epochStats_.rxPkts) ? stats_.rxPkts - epochStats_.rxPkts : stats_.rxPkts + (maxStatsValue_ - epochStats_.rxPkts); stats->rxBytes = (stats_.rxBytes >= epochStats_.rxBytes) ? stats_.rxBytes - epochStats_.rxBytes : stats_.rxBytes + (maxStatsValue_ - epochStats_.rxBytes); stats->rxPps = stats_.rxPps; stats->rxBps = stats_.rxBps; stats->txPkts = (stats_.txPkts >= epochStats_.txPkts) ? stats_.txPkts - epochStats_.txPkts : stats_.txPkts + (maxStatsValue_ - epochStats_.txPkts); stats->txBytes = (stats_.txBytes >= epochStats_.txBytes) ? stats_.txBytes - epochStats_.txBytes : stats_.txBytes + (maxStatsValue_ - epochStats_.txBytes); stats->txPps = stats_.txPps; stats->txBps = stats_.txBps; stats->rxDrops = (stats_.rxDrops >= epochStats_.rxDrops) ? stats_.rxDrops - epochStats_.rxDrops : stats_.rxDrops + (maxStatsValue_ - epochStats_.rxDrops); stats->rxErrors = (stats_.rxErrors >= epochStats_.rxErrors) ? stats_.rxErrors - epochStats_.rxErrors : stats_.rxErrors + (maxStatsValue_ - epochStats_.rxErrors); stats->rxFifoErrors = (stats_.rxFifoErrors >= epochStats_.rxFifoErrors) ? stats_.rxFifoErrors - epochStats_.rxFifoErrors : stats_.rxFifoErrors + (maxStatsValue_ - epochStats_.rxFifoErrors); stats->rxFrameErrors = (stats_.rxFrameErrors >= epochStats_.rxFrameErrors) ? stats_.rxFrameErrors - epochStats_.rxFrameErrors : stats_.rxFrameErrors + (maxStatsValue_ - epochStats_.rxFrameErrors); } void AbstractPort::streamStats(uint guid, OstProto::StreamStatsList *stats) { // In case stats are being maintained elsewhere updateStreamStats(); if (streamStats_.contains(guid)) { StreamStatsTuple sst = streamStats_.value(guid); OstProto::StreamStats *s = stats->add_stream_stats(); s->mutable_stream_guid()->set_id(guid); s->mutable_port_id()->set_id(id()); s->set_tx_duration(lastTransmitDuration()); s->set_tx_pkts(sst.tx_pkts); s->set_tx_bytes(sst.tx_bytes); s->set_rx_pkts(sst.rx_pkts); s->set_rx_bytes(sst.rx_bytes); } } void AbstractPort::streamStatsAll(OstProto::StreamStatsList *stats) { // In case stats are being maintained elsewhere updateStreamStats(); // FIXME: change input param to a non-OstProto type and/or have // a getFirst/Next like API? double txDur = lastTransmitDuration(); StreamStatsIterator i(streamStats_); while (i.hasNext()) { i.next(); StreamStatsTuple sst = i.value(); OstProto::StreamStats *s = stats->add_stream_stats(); s->mutable_stream_guid()->set_id(i.key()); s->mutable_port_id()->set_id(id()); s->set_tx_duration(txDur); s->set_tx_pkts(sst.tx_pkts); s->set_tx_bytes(sst.tx_bytes); s->set_rx_pkts(sst.rx_pkts); s->set_rx_bytes(sst.rx_bytes); } } void AbstractPort::resetStreamStats(uint guid) { streamStats_.remove(guid); } void AbstractPort::resetStreamStatsAll() { streamStats_.clear(); } void AbstractPort::clearDeviceNeighbors() { deviceManager_->clearDeviceNeighbors(); isSendQueueDirty_ = true; } void AbstractPort::resolveDeviceNeighbors() { // For a user triggered 'Resolve Neighbors', the behaviour we want is // IP not in cache - send ARP/NDP request // IP present in cache, but unresolved - re-send ARP/NDP request // IP present in cache and resolved - don't sent ARP/NDP // // Device does not resend ARP/NDP requests if the IP address is // already present in the cache, irrespective of whether it is // resolved or not (this is done to avoid sending duplicate requests). // // So, to get the behaviour we want, let's clear all unresolved neighbors // before calling resolve deviceManager_->clearDeviceNeighbors(Device::kUnresolvedNeighbors); // Resolve gateway for each device first ... deviceManager_->resolveDeviceGateways(); // ... then resolve neighbor for each unique frame of each stream // NOTE: // 1. All the frames may have the same destination ip,but may have // different source ip so may belong to a different emulated device; // so we cannot optimize and send only one ARP // 2. For a unidirectional stream, at egress, this will create ARP // entries on the DUT for each of the source addresses // // TODO(optimization): Identify if stream does not vary in srcIp or dstIp // - in which case resolve for only one frame of the stream for (int i = 0; i < streamList_.size(); i++) { const StreamBase *stream = streamList_.at(i); int frameCount = stream->frameVariableCount(); for (int j = 0; j < frameCount; j++) { // we need the packet contents only uptil the L3 header int pktLen = stream->frameValue(pktBuf_, kMaxL3PktSize, j); if (pktLen) { PacketBuffer pktBuf(pktBuf_, pktLen); deviceManager_->resolveDeviceNeighbor(&pktBuf); } } } isSendQueueDirty_ = true; } quint64 AbstractPort::deviceMacAddress(int streamId, int frameIndex) { // we need the packet contents only uptil the L3 header StreamBase *s = stream(streamId); int pktLen = s->frameValue(pktBuf_, kMaxL3PktSize, frameIndex); if (pktLen) { PacketBuffer pktBuf(pktBuf_, pktLen); return deviceManager_->deviceMacAddress(&pktBuf); } return 0; } quint64 AbstractPort::neighborMacAddress(int streamId, int frameIndex) { // we need the packet contents only uptil the L3 header StreamBase *s = stream(streamId); int pktLen = s->frameValue(pktBuf_, kMaxL3PktSize, frameIndex); if (pktLen) { PacketBuffer pktBuf(pktBuf_, pktLen); return deviceManager_->neighborMacAddress(&pktBuf); } return 0; } const InterfaceInfo* AbstractPort::interfaceInfo() const { return interfaceInfo_; }