There is a diff between the original and imported streams. See details to review the diff.
Why a diff? See possible reasons.
\n\n\n\n").arg(""));;; error.append(QString(diffFile.readAll())); } goto _exit; } _non_pdml: qDebug("pcap resolution: %s", nsecResolution ? "nsec" : "usec"); emit status("Reading Packets..."); emit target(100); // in percentage pktCount = 1; while (!fd_.atEnd()) { OstProto::Stream *stream = streams.add_stream(); OstProto::Protocol *proto = stream->add_protocol(); OstProto::HexDump *hexDump = proto->MutableExtension(OstProto::hexDump); proto->mutable_protocol_id()->set_id( OstProto::Protocol::kHexDumpFieldNumber); readPacket(pktHdr, pktBuf); // validations on inclLen <= origLen && inclLen <= snapLen Q_ASSERT(pktHdr.inclLen <= fileHdr.snapLen); // TODO: convert to if hexDump->set_content(, pktHdr.inclLen); hexDump->set_pad_until_end(false); stream->mutable_stream_id()->set_id(pktCount); stream->mutable_core()->set_is_enabled(true); stream->mutable_core()->set_frame_len(pktHdr.inclLen+4); // FCS stream->mutable_control()->set_num_packets(1); // setup packet rate to the timing in pcap (as close as possible) // use quint64 rather than double to store micro/nano second as // it has a larger range (~580 years) and therefore better accuracy const quint64 kXsecsInSec = nsecResolution ? 1e9 : 1e6; quint64 xsec = (pktHdr.tsSec*kXsecsInSec + pktHdr.tsUsec); quint64 delta = xsec - lastXsec; qDebug("pktCount = %d, delta = %llu", pktCount, delta); if ((pktCount != 1) && delta) stream->mutable_control()->set_packets_per_sec(double(kXsecsInSec)/delta); if (prevStream) prevStream->mutable_control()->CopyFrom(stream->control()); lastXsec = xsec; prevStream = stream; pktCount++; byteCount += pktHdr.inclLen + sizeof(pktHdr); emit progress(int(byteCount*100/byteTotal)); // in percentage if (stop_) goto _user_cancel; } isOk = true; goto _exit; _user_cancel: isOk = true; goto _exit; _diff_fail: goto _exit; _err_unsupported_encap: error = QString(tr("%1 has non-ethernet encapsulation (%2) which is " "not supported - Sorry!")) .arg(QFileInfo(fileName).fileName()).arg(; goto _exit; _err_unsupported_version: error = QString(tr("%1 is in PCAP version %2.%3 format which is " "not supported - Sorry!")) .arg(fileName).arg(fileHdr.versionMajor).arg(fileHdr.versionMinor); goto _exit; _err_bad_magic: error = QString(tr("%1 is not a valid PCAP file")).arg(fileName); goto _exit; #if 0 _err_truncated: error = QString(tr("%1 is too short")).arg(fileName); goto _exit; #endif _err_unzip_fail: goto _exit; _err_reading_magic: error = QString(tr("Unable to read magic from %1")).arg(fileName); goto _exit; _err_convert2pcap: goto _exit; _err_open: error = QString(tr("Unable to open file: %1")).arg(fileName); goto _exit; _exit: if (!error.isEmpty()) qDebug("%s", qPrintable(error)); file.close(); return isOk; } /*! Converts a non-PCAP capture file to standard PCAP file format using tshark Returns true if conversion was successful, false otherwise. */ bool PcapFileFormat::convertToStandardPcap( QString fileName, QString outputFileName, QString &error) { qDebug("converting to PCAP %s", qPrintable(outputFileName)); emit status("Unsupported format. Converting to standard PCAP format..."); emit target(0); QProcess tshark; tshark.start(OstProtoLib::tsharkPath(), QStringList() << QString("-r%1").arg(fileName) << "-Fnsecpcap" << QString("-w%1").arg(outputFileName)); if (!tshark.waitForStarted(-1)) { error.append(QString("Unable to start tshark. Check path in preferences.\n")); return false; } if (!tshark.waitForFinished(-1)) { error.append(QString("Error running tshark\n")); return false; } return true; } /*! Reads packet meta data into pktHdr and packet content into buf. Returns true if packet is read successfully, false otherwise. */ bool PcapFileFormat::readPacket(PcapPacketHeader &pktHdr, QByteArray &pktBuf) { quint32 len; // TODO: chk fd_.status() // read PcapPacketHeader fd_ >> pktHdr.tsSec; fd_ >> pktHdr.tsUsec; fd_ >> pktHdr.inclLen; fd_ >> pktHdr.origLen; // TODO: chk fd_.status() // XXX: should never be required, but we play safe if (quint32(pktBuf.size()) < pktHdr.inclLen) pktBuf.resize(pktHdr.inclLen); // read Pkt contents len = fd_.readRawData(, pktHdr.inclLen); // TODO: use while? Q_ASSERT(len == pktHdr.inclLen); // TODO: remove assert pktBuf.resize(len); return true; } bool PcapFileFormat::save(const OstProto::StreamConfigList streams, const QString fileName, QString &error) { bool isOk = false; QFile file(fileName); PcapFileHeader fileHdr; PcapPacketHeader pktHdr; QByteArray pktBuf; if (! goto _err_open; fd_.setDevice(&file); fileHdr.magicNumber = kNanoSecondPcapFileMagic; fileHdr.versionMajor = kPcapFileVersionMajor; fileHdr.versionMinor = kPcapFileVersionMinor; fileHdr.thisZone = 0; fileHdr.sigfigs = 0; fileHdr.snapLen = kMaxSnapLen; = kDltEthernet; fd_ << fileHdr.magicNumber; fd_ << fileHdr.versionMajor; fd_ << fileHdr.versionMinor; fd_ << fileHdr.thisZone; fd_ << fileHdr.sigfigs; fd_ << fileHdr.snapLen; fd_ <<; pktBuf.resize(kMaxSnapLen); emit status("Writing Packets..."); emit target(streams.stream_size()); pktHdr.tsSec = 0; pktHdr.tsUsec = 0; for (int i = 0; i < streams.stream_size(); i++) { StreamBase s; s.setId(i); s.protoDataCopyFrom(; // TODO: expand frameIndex for each stream s.frameValue((uchar*), pktBuf.size(), 0); pktHdr.inclLen = s.frameProtocolLength(0); // FIXME: stream index = 0 pktHdr.origLen = s.frameLen() - 4; // FCS; FIXME: Hardcoding qDebug("savepcap i=%d, incl/orig len = %d/%d", i, pktHdr.inclLen, pktHdr.origLen); if (pktHdr.inclLen > fileHdr.snapLen) pktHdr.inclLen = fileHdr.snapLen; fd_ << pktHdr.tsSec; fd_ << pktHdr.tsUsec; fd_ << pktHdr.inclLen; fd_ << pktHdr.origLen; fd_.writeRawData(, pktHdr.inclLen); if (s.packetRate()) { quint64 delta = quint64(1e9/s.packetRate()); pktHdr.tsSec += delta/quint32(1e9); pktHdr.tsUsec += delta % quint32(1e9); } if (pktHdr.tsUsec >= quint32(1e9)) { pktHdr.tsSec++; pktHdr.tsUsec -= quint32(1e9); } emit progress(i); } file.close(); isOk = true; goto _exit; _err_open: error = QString(tr("Unable to open file: %1")).arg(fileName); goto _exit; _exit: return isOk; } QDialog* PcapFileFormat::openOptionsDialog() { return new PcapImportOptionsDialog(&importOptions_); } bool PcapFileFormat::isMyFileFormat(const QString /*fileName*/) { // TODO return true; } bool PcapFileFormat::isMyFileType(const QString fileType) { if (fileType.startsWith("PCAP")) return true; else return false; }