# Contributing Guidelines Please use a Pull Request to contribute code. Very small fixes (< 10 lines) can provide the diff via an issue instead of a PR. In either case, you agree to the below legal terms and you indicate your acceptance by explicitly adding a comment to the issue or PR stating - ``` I have read the contributing guidelines (CONTRIBUTING.md) and I hereby assign the copyrights of these changes to [Srivats P](https://github.com/pstavirs). ``` ## Legal By submitting a Pull Request, you disavow any rights or claims to any changes submitted to the Ostinato project and assign the copyright of those changes to [Srivats P](https://github.com/pstavirs). If you cannot or do not want to reassign those rights (your employment contract for your employer may not allow this), you should not submit a PR. Open an issue and someone else can do the work. This is a legal way of saying "_If you submit a PR to us, that code becomes ours_". 99.9% of the time that's what you intend anyways; we hope it doesn't scare you away from contributing.