/* Copyright (C) 2010 Srivats P. This file is part of "Ostinato" This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see */ #include "streambase.h" #include "abstractprotocol.h" #include "protocollist.h" #include "protocollistiterator.h" #include "protocolmanager.h" extern ProtocolManager *OstProtocolManager; StreamBase::StreamBase() : mStreamId(new OstProto::StreamId), mCore(new OstProto::StreamCore), mControl(new OstProto::StreamControl) { AbstractProtocol *proto; ProtocolListIterator *iter; mStreamId->set_id(0xFFFFFFFF); currentFrameProtocols = new ProtocolList; iter = createProtocolListIterator(); // By default newly created streams have the mac and payload protocols proto = OstProtocolManager->createProtocol( OstProto::Protocol::kMacFieldNumber, this); iter->insert(proto); qDebug("stream: mac = %p", proto); proto = OstProtocolManager->createProtocol( OstProto::Protocol::kPayloadFieldNumber, this); iter->insert(proto); qDebug("stream: payload = %p", proto); { iter->toFront(); while (iter->hasNext()) { qDebug("{{%p}}", iter->next()); // qDebug("{{%p}: %d}", iter->peekNext(), iter->next()->protocolNumber()); } iter->toFront(); while (iter->hasNext()) { qDebug("{[%d]}", iter->next()->protocolNumber()); // qDebug("{{%p}: %d}", iter->peekNext(), iter->next()->protocolNumber()); } } delete iter; } StreamBase::~StreamBase() { currentFrameProtocols->destroy(); delete currentFrameProtocols; delete mControl; delete mCore; delete mStreamId; } void StreamBase::protoDataCopyFrom(const OstProto::Stream &stream) { AbstractProtocol *proto; ProtocolListIterator *iter; mStreamId->CopyFrom(stream.stream_id()); mCore->CopyFrom(stream.core()); mControl->CopyFrom(stream.control()); currentFrameProtocols->destroy(); iter = createProtocolListIterator(); for (int i=0; i < stream.protocol_size(); i++) { int protoId = stream.protocol(i).protocol_id().id(); if (!OstProtocolManager->isRegisteredProtocol(protoId)) { qWarning("Skipping unregistered protocol %d", protoId); continue; } proto = OstProtocolManager->createProtocol(protoId, this); proto->protoDataCopyFrom(stream.protocol(i)); iter->insert(proto); } delete iter; } void StreamBase::protoDataCopyInto(OstProto::Stream &stream) const { stream.mutable_stream_id()->CopyFrom(*mStreamId); stream.mutable_core()->CopyFrom(*mCore); stream.mutable_control()->CopyFrom(*mControl); stream.clear_protocol(); foreach (const AbstractProtocol* proto, *currentFrameProtocols) { OstProto::Protocol *p; p = stream.add_protocol(); proto->protoDataCopyInto(*p); } } #if 0 ProtocolList StreamBase::frameProtocol() { return currentFrameProtocols; } void StreamBase::setFrameProtocol(ProtocolList protocolList) { //currentFrameProtocols.destroy(); currentFrameProtocols = protocolList; } #endif ProtocolListIterator* StreamBase::createProtocolListIterator() const { return new ProtocolListIterator(*currentFrameProtocols); } quint32 StreamBase::id() { return mStreamId->id(); } bool StreamBase::setId(quint32 id) { mStreamId->set_id(id); return true; } quint32 StreamBase::ordinal() { return mCore->ordinal(); } bool StreamBase::setOrdinal(quint32 ordinal) { mCore->set_ordinal(ordinal); return true; } bool StreamBase::isEnabled() const { return mCore->is_enabled(); } bool StreamBase::setEnabled(bool flag) { mCore->set_is_enabled(flag); return true; } const QString StreamBase::name() const { return QString().fromStdString(mCore->name()); } bool StreamBase::setName(QString name) { mCore->set_name(name.toStdString()); return true; } StreamBase::FrameLengthMode StreamBase::lenMode() const { return (StreamBase::FrameLengthMode) mCore->len_mode(); } bool StreamBase::setLenMode(FrameLengthMode lenMode) { mCore->set_len_mode((OstProto::StreamCore::FrameLengthMode) lenMode); return true; } quint16 StreamBase::frameLen(int streamIndex) const { int pktLen; // Decide a frame length based on length mode switch(lenMode()) { case OstProto::StreamCore::e_fl_fixed: pktLen = mCore->frame_len(); break; case OstProto::StreamCore::e_fl_inc: pktLen = frameLenMin() + (streamIndex % (frameLenMax() - frameLenMin() + 1)); break; case OstProto::StreamCore::e_fl_dec: pktLen = frameLenMax() - (streamIndex % (frameLenMax() - frameLenMin() + 1)); break; case OstProto::StreamCore::e_fl_random: //! \todo (MED) This 'random' sequence is same across iterations pktLen = 64; // to avoid the 'maybe used uninitialized' warning qsrand(reinterpret_cast(this)); for (int i = 0; i <= streamIndex; i++) pktLen = qrand(); pktLen = frameLenMin() + (pktLen % (frameLenMax() - frameLenMin() + 1)); break; default: qWarning("Unhandled len mode %d. Using default 64", lenMode()); pktLen = 64; break; } return pktLen; } bool StreamBase::setFrameLen(quint16 frameLen) { mCore->set_frame_len(frameLen); return true; } quint16 StreamBase::frameLenMin() const { return mCore->frame_len_min(); } bool StreamBase::setFrameLenMin(quint16 frameLenMin) { mCore->set_frame_len_min(frameLenMin); return true; } quint16 StreamBase::frameLenMax() const { return mCore->frame_len_max(); } bool StreamBase::setFrameLenMax(quint16 frameLenMax) { mCore->set_frame_len_max(frameLenMax); return true; } /*! Convenience Function */ quint16 StreamBase::frameLenAvg() const { quint16 avgFrameLen; if (lenMode() == e_fl_fixed) avgFrameLen = frameLen(); else avgFrameLen = (frameLenMin() + frameLenMax())/2; return avgFrameLen; } StreamBase::SendUnit StreamBase::sendUnit() const { return (StreamBase::SendUnit) mControl->unit(); } bool StreamBase::setSendUnit(SendUnit sendUnit) { mControl->set_unit((OstProto::StreamControl::SendUnit) sendUnit); return true; } StreamBase::SendMode StreamBase::sendMode() const { return (StreamBase::SendMode) mControl->mode(); } bool StreamBase::setSendMode(SendMode sendMode) { mControl->set_mode( (OstProto::StreamControl::SendMode) sendMode); return true; } StreamBase::NextWhat StreamBase::nextWhat() const { return (StreamBase::NextWhat) mControl->next(); } bool StreamBase::setNextWhat(NextWhat nextWhat) { mControl->set_next((OstProto::StreamControl::NextWhat) nextWhat); return true; } quint32 StreamBase::numPackets() const { return (quint32) mControl->num_packets(); } bool StreamBase::setNumPackets(quint32 numPackets) { mControl->set_num_packets(numPackets); return true; } quint32 StreamBase::numBursts() const { return (quint32) mControl->num_bursts(); } bool StreamBase::setNumBursts(quint32 numBursts) { mControl->set_num_bursts(numBursts); return true; } quint32 StreamBase::burstSize() const { return (quint32) mControl->packets_per_burst(); } bool StreamBase::setBurstSize(quint32 packetsPerBurst) { mControl->set_packets_per_burst(packetsPerBurst); return true; } double StreamBase::packetRate() const { return (double) mControl->packets_per_sec(); } bool StreamBase::setPacketRate(double packetsPerSec) { mControl->set_packets_per_sec(packetsPerSec); return true; } double StreamBase::burstRate() const { return (double) mControl->bursts_per_sec(); } bool StreamBase::setBurstRate(double burstsPerSec) { mControl->set_bursts_per_sec(burstsPerSec); return true; } /*! Convenience Function */ double StreamBase::averagePacketRate() const { double avgPacketRate = 0; switch (sendUnit()) { case e_su_bursts: avgPacketRate = burstRate() * burstSize(); break; case e_su_packets: avgPacketRate = packetRate(); break; default: Q_ASSERT(false); // Unreachable!! } return avgPacketRate; } /*! Convenience Function */ bool StreamBase::setAveragePacketRate(double packetsPerSec) { switch (sendUnit()) { case e_su_bursts: setBurstRate(packetsPerSec/double(burstSize())); break; case e_su_packets: setPacketRate(packetsPerSec); break; default: Q_ASSERT(false); // Unreachable!! } return true; } bool StreamBase::isFrameVariable() const { ProtocolListIterator *iter; iter = createProtocolListIterator(); while (iter->hasNext()) { AbstractProtocol *proto; proto = iter->next(); if (proto->isProtocolFrameValueVariable()) goto _exit; } delete iter; return false; _exit: delete iter; return true; } bool StreamBase::isFrameSizeVariable() const { ProtocolListIterator *iter; iter = createProtocolListIterator(); while (iter->hasNext()) { AbstractProtocol *proto; proto = iter->next(); if (proto->isProtocolFrameSizeVariable()) goto _exit; } delete iter; return false; _exit: delete iter; return true; } int StreamBase::frameVariableCount() const { ProtocolListIterator *iter; quint64 frameCount = 1; iter = createProtocolListIterator(); while (iter->hasNext()) { AbstractProtocol *proto; int count; proto = iter->next(); count = proto->protocolFrameVariableCount(); // correct count for mis-behaving protocols if (count <= 0) count = 1; frameCount = AbstractProtocol::lcm(frameCount, count); } delete iter; return frameCount; } // frameProtocolLength() returns the sum of all the individual protocol sizes // which may be different from frameLen() int StreamBase::frameProtocolLength(int frameIndex) const { int len = 0; ProtocolListIterator *iter = createProtocolListIterator(); while (iter->hasNext()) { AbstractProtocol *proto = iter->next(); len += proto->protocolFrameSize(frameIndex); } delete iter; return len; } int StreamBase::frameCount() const { int count = 0; switch (sendUnit()) { case e_su_packets: count = numPackets(); break; case e_su_bursts: count = numBursts() * burstSize(); break; default: Q_ASSERT(false); // unreachable } return count; } int StreamBase::frameValue(uchar *buf, int bufMaxSize, int frameIndex) const { int pktLen, len = 0; pktLen = frameLen(frameIndex); // pktLen is adjusted for CRC/FCS which will be added by the NIC pktLen -= kFcsSize; if ((pktLen < 0) || (pktLen > bufMaxSize)) return 0; ProtocolListIterator *iter; iter = createProtocolListIterator(); while (iter->hasNext()) { AbstractProtocol *proto; QByteArray ba; proto = iter->next(); ba = proto->protocolFrameValue(frameIndex); if (len + ba.size() < bufMaxSize) memcpy(buf+len, ba.constData(), ba.size()); len += ba.size(); } delete iter; // Pad with zero, if required if (len < pktLen) memset(buf+len, 0, pktLen-len); return pktLen; } bool StreamBase::preflightCheck(QString &result) const { bool pass = true; int count = isFrameSizeVariable() ? frameCount() : 1; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (frameLen(i) < (frameProtocolLength(i) + kFcsSize)) { result += QString("One or more frames may be truncated - " "frame length should be at least %1.\n") .arg(frameProtocolLength(i) + kFcsSize); pass = false; } if (frameLen(i) > 1522) { result += QString("Jumbo frames may be truncated or dropped " "if not supported by the hardware\n"); pass = false; } } return pass; } bool StreamBase::StreamLessThan(StreamBase* stream1, StreamBase* stream2) { return stream1->ordinal() < stream2->ordinal() ? true : false; }