- new method: fieldFlags() - isCksum, isMeta; Note: isMeta is a flag now not a attrib
- fieldData() bit fields are now in lsb not msb - protocolFrameValue() and subclasses changed accordingly
- protocolFrameValue() now takes an additional bool param indicating whether the frameValue is being requested for a checksum calculation; if so fields which are checksum fields are assumed to be zero and their value is not fetched to prevent infinite recursion
- Other Protocols
- mac: srcMac/dstMac modes is now working
- vlan: implemented VLAN protocol
- ip4: src/dst Addr modes is now working
- udp/tcp: checksum done
- Basic testing done for MAC, VLAN, IPv4, UDP and TCP protocols
- sample protocol: .cpp/.h added to repos - need to be made compilable
- StreamConfigDialog
- Redesigned the protocol selection tab to accomodate "Advanced Protocol Selection"
- L2 Tab config widgets are now in 2 columns
- Packet Tree View is no longer collapsed if selected protocols don't change
- Packet Transmission rate (IPG) is done - need to test. IBG is still pending
- Per port there are two pcap_t handles - one for Rx and one for Tx: since PCAP does not capture loopback packets, transmission by OST happens on Rx Hdl so that they are recieved on the Tx Hdl
- pcap_loop() changed to pcap_dispatch() to be able to work in PCAP/Linux - forgot exactly why :-)
- Removed NIC stats
- Implemented PortStatsFilterDialog ordering of ports
- PortStatsWindow - Tooltip on Port column dispays stats limitations