2011-01-30 06:08:03 -06:00
Copyright (C) 2010 Srivats P.
This file is part of "Ostinato"
This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
package OstProto;
2011-05-08 06:26:15 -05:00
option cc_generic_services = true;
2011-01-30 06:08:03 -06:00
message StreamId {
required uint32 id = 1;
message StreamCore {
enum FrameLengthMode {
e_fl_fixed = 0;
e_fl_inc = 1;
e_fl_dec = 2;
e_fl_random = 3;
// Basics
optional string name = 1;
optional bool is_enabled = 2;
optional uint32 ordinal = 3;
// Frame Length (includes CRC)
optional FrameLengthMode len_mode = 14 [default = e_fl_fixed];
optional uint32 frame_len = 15 [default = 64];
optional uint32 frame_len_min = 16 [default = 64];
optional uint32 frame_len_max = 17 [default = 1518];
message StreamControl {
enum SendUnit {
e_su_packets = 0;
e_su_bursts = 1;
enum SendMode {
e_sm_fixed = 0;
e_sm_continuous = 1;
enum NextWhat {
e_nw_stop = 0;
e_nw_goto_next = 1;
e_nw_goto_id = 2;
optional SendUnit unit = 1 [default = e_su_packets];
optional SendMode mode = 2 [default = e_sm_fixed];
optional uint32 num_packets = 3 [default = 1];
optional uint32 num_bursts = 4 [default = 1];
optional uint32 packets_per_burst = 5 [default = 10];
optional NextWhat next = 6 [default = e_nw_goto_next];
2011-07-09 10:10:42 -05:00
optional uint32 OBSOLETE_packets_per_sec = 7 [default = 1, deprecated=true];
optional uint32 OBSOLETE_bursts_per_sec = 8 [default = 1, deprecated=true];
optional double packets_per_sec = 9 [default = 1];
optional double bursts_per_sec = 10 [default = 1];
2011-01-30 06:08:03 -06:00
message ProtocolId {
required uint32 id = 1;
message Protocol {
required ProtocolId protocol_id = 1;
extensions 100 to 199; // Reserved for Ostinato Use
extensions 200 to 500; // Available for use by protocols
enum k {
kMacFieldNumber = 100;
kPayloadFieldNumber = 101;
kSampleFieldNumber = 102;
kUserScriptFieldNumber = 103;
kHexDumpFieldNumber = 104;
kEth2FieldNumber = 200;
kDot3FieldNumber = 201;
kLlcFieldNumber = 202;
kSnapFieldNumber = 203;
kSvlanFieldNumber = 204;
kVlanFieldNumber = 205;
kDot2LlcFieldNumber = 206;
kDot2SnapFieldNumber = 207;
kVlanStackFieldNumber = 208;
kArpFieldNumber = 300;
kIp4FieldNumber = 301;
kIp6FieldNumber = 302;
kIp6over4FieldNumber = 303;
kIp4over6FieldNumber = 304;
kIp4over4FieldNumber = 305;
kIp6over6FieldNumber = 306;
kTcpFieldNumber = 400;
kUdpFieldNumber = 401;
kIcmpFieldNumber = 402;
kIgmpFieldNumber = 403;
kMldFieldNumber = 404;
kTextProtocolFieldNumber = 500;
message Stream {
required StreamId stream_id = 1;
optional StreamCore core = 2;
optional StreamControl control = 3;
repeated Protocol protocol = 4;
message Void {
// nothing!
message Ack {
//! \todo (LOW) do we need any fields in 'Ack'
message PortId {
required uint32 id = 1;
message PortIdList {
repeated PortId port_id = 1;
message StreamIdList {
required PortId port_id = 1;
repeated StreamId stream_id = 2;
message Port {
required PortId port_id = 1;
optional string name = 2;
optional string description = 3;
optional string notes = 4;
optional bool is_enabled = 5;
optional bool is_exclusive_control = 6;
message PortConfigList {
repeated Port port = 1;
message StreamConfigList {
required PortId port_id = 1;
repeated Stream stream = 2;
message CaptureBuffer {
//! \todo (HIGH) define CaptureBuffer
message CaptureBufferList {
repeated CaptureBuffer list = 1;
enum LinkState {
LinkStateUnknown = 0;
LinkStateDown = 1;
LinkStateUp = 2;
message PortState {
optional LinkState link_state = 1 [default = LinkStateUnknown];
optional bool is_transmit_on = 2 [default = false];
optional bool is_capture_on = 3 [default = false];
message PortStats {
required PortId port_id = 1;
optional PortState state = 2;
optional uint64 rx_pkts = 11;
optional uint64 rx_bytes = 12;
optional uint64 rx_pkts_nic = 13;
optional uint64 rx_bytes_nic = 14;
optional uint64 rx_pps = 15;
optional uint64 rx_bps = 16;
optional uint64 tx_pkts = 21;
optional uint64 tx_bytes = 22;
optional uint64 tx_pkts_nic = 23;
optional uint64 tx_bytes_nic = 24;
optional uint64 tx_pps = 25;
optional uint64 tx_bps = 26;
message PortStatsList {
repeated PortStats port_stats = 1;
service OstService {
rpc getPortIdList(Void) returns (PortIdList);
rpc getPortConfig(PortIdList) returns (PortConfigList);
rpc modifyPort(PortConfigList) returns (Ack);
rpc getStreamIdList(PortId) returns (StreamIdList);
rpc getStreamConfig(StreamIdList) returns (StreamConfigList);
rpc addStream(StreamIdList) returns (Ack);
rpc deleteStream(StreamIdList) returns (Ack);
rpc modifyStream(StreamConfigList) returns (Ack);
rpc startTx(PortIdList) returns (Ack);
rpc stopTx(PortIdList) returns (Ack);
rpc startCapture(PortIdList) returns (Ack);
rpc stopCapture(PortIdList) returns (Ack);
rpc getCaptureBuffer(PortId) returns (CaptureBuffer);
rpc getStats(PortIdList) returns (PortStatsList);
rpc clearStats(PortIdList) returns (Ack);