James Harmison 1dbf171ad3 Enable admin user password creation/update mode in values (#677)
### Description of the change

This enables sane modes for forcing reset, as well as providing more options to users of the chart by giving them the flexibility to set the mode for password creation/modification as part of init whether the user exists or not.

### Benefits

The new default should revert to the behavior before #673 became an issue, while also providing more flexibility for users who want to be able to manage their initial admin user password out-of-band after creating it the first time.

### Possible drawbacks

None that I can think of.

### Applicable issues

- fixes #673

### Additional information

See the discussion in #675 as well

### Checklist

- [X] Parameters are documented in the `values.yaml` and added to the `README.md` using [readme-generator-for-helm](https://github.com/bitnami-labs/readme-generator-for-helm)

Reviewed-on: https://gitea.com/gitea/helm-chart/pulls/677
Reviewed-by: justusbunsi <justusbunsi@noreply.gitea.com>
Co-authored-by: James Harmison <jharmison@gmail.com>
Co-committed-by: James Harmison <jharmison@gmail.com>
2024-07-07 09:59:29 +00:00

234 lines
9.6 KiB

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: {{ include "gitea.fullname" . }}-init
{{- include "gitea.labels" . | nindent 4 }}
type: Opaque
configure_gpg_environment.sh: |-
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eu
gpg --batch --import /raw/private.asc
init_directory_structure.sh: |-
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
{{- if .Values.initPreScript }}
# BEGIN: initPreScript
{{- with .Values.initPreScript -}}
{{ . | nindent 4}}
{{- end -}}
# END: initPreScript
{{- end }}
set -x
{{- if not .Values.image.rootless }}
chown 1000:1000 /data
{{- end }}
mkdir -p /data/git/.ssh
chmod -R 700 /data/git/.ssh
[ ! -d /data/gitea/conf ] && mkdir -p /data/gitea/conf
# prepare temp directory structure
mkdir -p "${GITEA_TEMP}"
{{- if not .Values.image.rootless }}
chown 1000:1000 "${GITEA_TEMP}"
{{- end }}
chmod ug+rwx "${GITEA_TEMP}"
{{ if .Values.signing.enabled -}}
if [ ! -d "${GNUPGHOME}" ]; then
mkdir -p "${GNUPGHOME}"
chmod 700 "${GNUPGHOME}"
chown 1000:1000 "${GNUPGHOME}"
{{- end }}
configure_gitea.sh: |-
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
{ # try
gitea migrate
} || { # catch
echo "Gitea migrate might fail due to database connection...This init-container will try again in a few seconds"
exit 1
{{- if include "redis.servicename" . }}
function test_redis_connection() {
local RETRY=0
local MAX=30
echo 'Wait for redis to become avialable...'
until [ "${RETRY}" -ge "${MAX}" ]; do
nc -vz -w2 {{ include "redis.servicename" . }} {{ include "redis.port" . }} && break
echo "...not ready yet (${RETRY}/${MAX})"
if [ "${RETRY}" -ge "${MAX}" ]; then
echo "Redis not reachable after '${MAX}' attempts!"
exit 1
{{- end }}
{{- if or .Values.gitea.admin.existingSecret (and .Values.gitea.admin.username .Values.gitea.admin.password) }}
function configure_admin_user() {
local full_admin_list=$(gitea admin user list --admin)
local actual_user_table=''
# We might have distorted output due to warning logs, so we have to detect the actual user table by its headline and trim output above that line
local regex="(.*)(ID\s+Username\s+Email\s+IsActive.*)"
if [[ "${full_admin_list}" =~ $regex ]]; then
actual_user_table=$(echo "${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" | tail -n+2) # tail'ing to drop the table headline
# This code block should never be reached, as long as the output table header remains the same.
# If this code block is reached, the regex doesn't match anymore and we probably have to adjust this script.
echo "ERROR: 'configure_admin_user' was not able to determine the current list of admin users."
echo " Please review the output of 'gitea admin user list --admin' shown below."
echo " If you think it is an issue with the Helm Chart provisioning, file an issue at https://gitea.com/gitea/helm-chart/issues."
echo "DEBUG: Output of 'gitea admin user list --admin'"
echo "--"
echo "${full_admin_list}"
echo "--"
exit 1
local ACCOUNT_ID=$(echo "${actual_user_table}" | grep -E "\s+${GITEA_ADMIN_USERNAME}\s+" | awk -F " " "{printf \$1}")
if [[ -z "${ACCOUNT_ID}" ]]; then
local -a create_args
create_args=(--admin --username "${GITEA_ADMIN_USERNAME}" --password "${GITEA_ADMIN_PASSWORD}" --email {{ .Values.gitea.admin.email | quote }})
if [[ "${GITEA_ADMIN_PASSWORD_MODE}" = initialOnlyRequireReset ]]; then
echo "No admin user '${GITEA_ADMIN_USERNAME}' found. Creating now..."
gitea admin user create "${create_args[@]}"
echo '...created.'
if [[ "${GITEA_ADMIN_PASSWORD_MODE}" = keepUpdated ]]; then
echo "Admin account '${GITEA_ADMIN_USERNAME}' already exist. Running update to sync password..."
# See https://gitea.com/gitea/helm-chart/issues/673
# --must-change-password argument was added to change-password, defaulting to true, counter to the previous behavior
# which acted as if it were provided with =false. If the argument is present in this version of gitea, then we
# should add it to prevent requiring frequent admin password resets.
local -a change_args
change_args=(--username "${GITEA_ADMIN_USERNAME}" --password "${GITEA_ADMIN_PASSWORD}")
if gitea admin user change-password --help | grep -qF -- '--must-change-password'; then
gitea admin user change-password "${change_args[@]}"
echo '...password sync done.'
echo "Admin account '${GITEA_ADMIN_USERNAME}' already exist, but update mode is set to '${GITEA_ADMIN_PASSWORD_MODE}'. Skipping."
{{- end }}
function configure_ldap() {
{{- if .Values.gitea.ldap }}
{{- range $idx, $value := .Values.gitea.ldap }}
local LDAP_NAME={{ (printf "%s" $value.name) | squote }}
local full_auth_list=$(gitea admin auth list --vertical-bars)
local actual_auth_table=''
# We might have distorted output due to warning logs, so we have to detect the actual user table by its headline and trim output above that line
local regex="(.*)(ID\s+\|Name\s+\|Type\s+\|Enabled.*)"
if [[ "${full_auth_list}" =~ $regex ]]; then
actual_auth_table=$(echo "${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" | tail -n+2) # tail'ing to drop the table headline
# This code block should never be reached, as long as the output table header remains the same.
# If this code block is reached, the regex doesn't match anymore and we probably have to adjust this script.
echo "ERROR: 'configure_ldap' was not able to determine the current list of authentication sources."
echo " Please review the output of 'gitea admin auth list --vertical-bars' shown below."
echo " If you think it is an issue with the Helm Chart provisioning, file an issue at https://gitea.com/gitea/helm-chart/issues."
echo "DEBUG: Output of 'gitea admin auth list --vertical-bars'"
echo "--"
echo "${full_auth_list}"
echo "--"
exit 1
local GITEA_AUTH_ID=$(echo "${actual_auth_table}" | grep -E "\|${LDAP_NAME}\s+\|" | grep -iE '\|LDAP \(via BindDN\)\s+\|' | awk -F " " "{print \$1}")
if [[ -z "${GITEA_AUTH_ID}" ]]; then
echo "No ldap configuration found with name '${LDAP_NAME}'. Installing it now..."
gitea admin auth add-ldap {{- include "gitea.ldap_settings" (list $idx $value) | indent 1 }}
echo '...installed.'
echo "Existing ldap configuration with name '${LDAP_NAME}': '${GITEA_AUTH_ID}'. Running update to sync settings..."
gitea admin auth update-ldap --id "${GITEA_AUTH_ID}" {{- include "gitea.ldap_settings" (list $idx $value) | indent 1 }}
echo '...sync settings done.'
{{- end }}
{{- else }}
echo 'no ldap configuration... skipping.'
{{- end }}
function configure_oauth() {
{{- if .Values.gitea.oauth }}
{{- range $idx, $value := .Values.gitea.oauth }}
local OAUTH_NAME={{ (printf "%s" $value.name) | squote }}
local full_auth_list=$(gitea admin auth list --vertical-bars)
local actual_auth_table=''
# We might have distorted output due to warning logs, so we have to detect the actual user table by its headline and trim output above that line
local regex="(.*)(ID\s+\|Name\s+\|Type\s+\|Enabled.*)"
if [[ "${full_auth_list}" =~ $regex ]]; then
actual_auth_table=$(echo "${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" | tail -n+2) # tail'ing to drop the table headline
# This code block should never be reached, as long as the output table header remains the same.
# If this code block is reached, the regex doesn't match anymore and we probably have to adjust this script.
echo "ERROR: 'configure_oauth' was not able to determine the current list of authentication sources."
echo " Please review the output of 'gitea admin auth list --vertical-bars' shown below."
echo " If you think it is an issue with the Helm Chart provisioning, file an issue at https://gitea.com/gitea/helm-chart/issues."
echo "DEBUG: Output of 'gitea admin auth list --vertical-bars'"
echo "--"
echo "${full_auth_list}"
echo "--"
exit 1
local AUTH_ID=$(echo "${actual_auth_table}" | grep -E "\|${OAUTH_NAME}\s+\|" | grep -iE '\|OAuth2\s+\|' | awk -F " " "{print \$1}")
if [[ -z "${AUTH_ID}" ]]; then
echo "No oauth configuration found with name '${OAUTH_NAME}'. Installing it now..."
gitea admin auth add-oauth {{- include "gitea.oauth_settings" (list $idx $value) | indent 1 }}
echo '...installed.'
echo "Existing oauth configuration with name '${OAUTH_NAME}': '${AUTH_ID}'. Running update to sync settings..."
gitea admin auth update-oauth --id "${AUTH_ID}" {{- include "gitea.oauth_settings" (list $idx $value) | indent 1 }}
echo '...sync settings done.'
{{- end }}
{{- else }}
echo 'no oauth configuration... skipping.'
{{- end }}