Apparently, you have to read() before you check status bits. Who woulda thunk. This never manifested because all the files we ever embedded this way ended in a newline. I needed a report from someone who uses a text editor that doesn't ensure this.
53 lines
1.0 KiB
53 lines
1.0 KiB
#include <fstream>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (argc != 5)
return 1;
auto *outputCppPath = argv[1];
auto *outputHPath = argv[2];
auto *inputAnyPath = argv[3];
auto *symbolName = argv[4];
std::ifstream inputAny(inputAnyPath, std::ios::binary);
std::ofstream outputCpp(outputCppPath);
if (!outputCpp)
return 2;
outputCpp << "#include \"" << outputHPath << "\"\nconst unsigned char " << symbolName << "[] = { ";
auto dataLen = 0U;
while (true)
char ch;
inputAny.read(&ch, 1);
if (inputAny.eof())
if (!inputAny)
return 3;
outputCpp << (unsigned int)(unsigned char)(ch) << ", ";
dataLen += 1;
outputCpp << " }; const unsigned int " << symbolName << "_size = " << dataLen << ";\n";
if (!outputCpp)
return 4;
std::ofstream outputH(outputHPath);
if (!outputH)
return 5;
outputH << "#pragma once\nextern const unsigned char " << symbolName << "[]; extern const unsigned int " << symbolName << "_size;\n";
if (!outputH)
return 6;
return 0;