2011-08-25 11:14:27 -04:00

1161 lines
28 KiB

#include <defines.h>
#include <powder.h>
#include <console.h>
#include <luaconsole.h>
lua_State *l;
int step_functions[6] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
int keypress_function_count = 0;
int *keypress_functions = NULL;
int mouseclick_function_count = 0;
int *mouseclick_functions = NULL;
int tptProperties; //Table for some TPT properties
void luacon_open(){
const static struct luaL_reg tptluaapi [] = {
{"test", &luatpt_test},
{"drawtext", &luatpt_drawtext},
{"create", &luatpt_create},
{"set_pause", &luatpt_setpause},
{"toggle_pause", &luatpt_togglepause},
{"set_console", &luatpt_setconsole},
{"log", &luatpt_log},
{"set_pressure", &luatpt_set_pressure},
{"set_gravity", &luatpt_set_gravity},
{"reset_gravity_field", &luatpt_reset_gravity_field},
{"reset_velocity", &luatpt_reset_velocity},
{"reset_spark", &luatpt_reset_spark},
{"set_property", &luatpt_set_property},
{"get_property", &luatpt_get_property},
{"drawpixel", &luatpt_drawpixel},
{"drawrect", &luatpt_drawrect},
{"fillrect", &luatpt_fillrect},
{"textwidth", &luatpt_textwidth},
{"get_name", &luatpt_get_name},
{"set_shortcuts", &luatpt_set_shortcuts},
{"delete", &luatpt_delete},
{"register_step", &luatpt_register_step},
{"unregister_step", &luatpt_unregister_step},
{"register_mouseclick", &luatpt_register_mouseclick},
{"unregister_mouseclick", &luatpt_unregister_mouseclick},
{"register_keypress", &luatpt_register_keypress},
{"unregister_keypress", &luatpt_unregister_keypress},
{"register_mouseevent", &luatpt_register_mouseclick},
{"unregister_mouseevent", &luatpt_unregister_mouseclick},
{"register_keyevent", &luatpt_register_keypress},
{"unregister_keyevent", &luatpt_unregister_keypress},
{"input", &luatpt_input},
{"message_box", &luatpt_message_box},
{"get_numOfParts", &luatpt_get_numOfParts},
{"start_getPartIndex", &luatpt_start_getPartIndex},
{"next_getPartIndex", &luatpt_next_getPartIndex},
{"getPartIndex", &luatpt_getPartIndex},
{"hud", &luatpt_hud},
{"newtonian_gravity", &luatpt_gravity},
{"ambient_heat", &luatpt_airheat},
{"active_menu", &luatpt_active_menu},
{"decorations_enable", &luatpt_decorations_enable},
{"display_mode", &luatpt_cmode_set},
{"throw_error", &luatpt_error},
{"heat", &luatpt_heat},
{"setfire", &luatpt_setfire},
{"setdebug", &luatpt_setdebug},
l = lua_open();
luaL_register(l, "tpt", tptluaapi);
tptProperties = lua_gettop(l);
lua_pushinteger(l, 0);
lua_setfield(l, tptProperties, "mousex");
lua_pushinteger(l, 0);
lua_setfield(l, tptProperties, "mousey");
int luacon_keyevent(int key, int modifier, int event){
int i = 0, kpcontinue = 1;
char tempkey[] = {key, 0};
for(i = 0; i < keypress_function_count && kpcontinue; i++){
lua_rawgeti(l, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, keypress_functions[i]);
lua_pushstring(l, tempkey);
lua_pushinteger(l, key);
lua_pushinteger(l, modifier);
lua_pushinteger(l, event);
lua_pcall(l, 4, 1, 0);
if(lua_isboolean(l, -1)){
kpcontinue = lua_toboolean(l, -1);
lua_pop(l, 1);
return kpcontinue;
int luacon_mouseevent(int mx, int my, int mb, int event){
int i = 0, mpcontinue = 1;
for(i = 0; i < mouseclick_function_count && mpcontinue; i++){
lua_rawgeti(l, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, mouseclick_functions[i]);
lua_pushinteger(l, mx);
lua_pushinteger(l, my);
lua_pushinteger(l, mb);
lua_pushinteger(l, event);
lua_pcall(l, 4, 1, 0);
if(lua_isboolean(l, -1)){
mpcontinue = lua_toboolean(l, -1);
lua_pop(l, 1);
return mpcontinue;
int luacon_step(int mx, int my){
int tempret = 0, tempb, i, callret;
lua_pushinteger(l, my);
lua_pushinteger(l, mx);
lua_setfield(l, tptProperties, "mousex");
lua_setfield(l, tptProperties, "mousey");
//Set mouse globals
for(i = 0; i<6; i++){
lua_rawgeti(l, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, step_functions[i]);
callret = lua_pcall(l, 0, 0, 0);
if (callret)
// failed, TODO: better error reporting
return tempret;
return 0;
int luacon_eval(char *command){
return luaL_dostring (l, command);
char *luacon_geterror(){
char *error = lua_tostring(l, -1);
if(error==NULL || !error[0]){
error = "failed to execute";
return error;
void luacon_close(){
int process_command_lua(pixel *vid_buf, char *console, char *console_error)
int commandret;
char * tmp_error;
char console2[15];
char console3[15];
char console4[15];
char console5[15];
//sprintf(console_error, "%s", console);
if (console && strcmp(console, "")!=0 && strncmp(console, " ", 1)!=0)
sscanf(console,"%14s %14s %14s %14s", console2, console3, console4, console5);
if (strcmp(console2, "quit")==0)
return -1;
else if(strncmp(console, "!", 1)==0)
return process_command_old(vid_buf, console+1, console_error);
commandret = luacon_eval(console);
if (commandret){
tmp_error = luacon_geterror();
strncpy(console_error, tmp_error, 254);
printf("%s\n", tmp_error);
return 1;
//Being TPT interface methods:
int luatpt_test(lua_State* l)
int testint = 0;
testint = luaL_optint(l, 1, 0);
printf("Test successful, got %d\n", testint);
return 0;
int luatpt_error(lua_State* l)
char *error = "";
error = mystrdup(luaL_optstring(l, 1, "Error text"));
error_ui(vid_buf, 0, error);
return 0;
return luaL_error(l, "Screen buffer does not exist");
int luatpt_drawtext(lua_State* l)
char *string;
int textx, texty, textred, textgreen, textblue, textalpha;
textx = luaL_optint(l, 1, 0);
texty = luaL_optint(l, 2, 0);
string = luaL_optstring(l, 3, "");
textred = luaL_optint(l, 4, 255);
textgreen = luaL_optint(l, 5, 255);
textblue = luaL_optint(l, 6, 255);
textalpha = luaL_optint(l, 7, 255);
if (textx<0 || texty<0 || textx>=XRES+BARSIZE || texty>=YRES+MENUSIZE)
return luaL_error(l, "Screen coordinates out of range (%d,%d)", textx, texty);
if (textred<0) textred = 0;
if (textred>255) textred = 255;
if (textgreen<0) textgreen = 0;
if (textgreen>255) textgreen = 255;
if (textblue<0) textblue = 0;
if (textblue>255) textblue = 255;
if (textalpha<0) textalpha = 0;
if (textalpha>255) textalpha = 255;
drawtext(vid_buf, textx, texty, string, textred, textgreen, textblue, textalpha);
return 0;
return luaL_error(l, "Screen buffer does not exist");
int luatpt_create(lua_State* l)
int x, y, retid, t = -1;
char * name;
x = abs(luaL_optint(l, 1, 0));
y = abs(luaL_optint(l, 2, 0));
if(x < XRES && y < YRES){
if(lua_isnumber(l, 3)){
t = luaL_optint(l, 3, 0);
if (t<0 || t >= PT_NUM || !ptypes[t].enabled)
return luaL_error(l, "Unrecognised element number '%d'", t);
} else {
name = luaL_optstring(l, 3, "dust");
if (!console_parse_type(name, &t, NULL))
return luaL_error(l,"Unrecognised element '%s'", name);
retid = create_part(-1, x, y, t);
// failing to create a particle often happens (e.g. if space is already occupied) and isn't usually important, so don't raise an error
lua_pushinteger(l, retid);
return 1;
return luaL_error(l, "Coordinates out of range (%d,%d)", x, y);
int luatpt_setpause(lua_State* l)
int pausestate;
pausestate = luaL_optint(l, 1, 0);
sys_pause = (pausestate==0?0:1);
return 0;
int luatpt_togglepause(lua_State* l)
return 0;
int luatpt_setconsole(lua_State* l)
int consolestate;
consolestate = luaL_optint(l, 1, 0);
console_mode = (consolestate==0?0:1);
return 0;
int luatpt_log(lua_State* l)
char *buffer;
buffer = luaL_optstring(l, 1, "");
strncpy(console_error, buffer, 254);
return 0;
int luatpt_set_pressure(lua_State* l)
int nx, ny;
int x1, y1, width, height;
float value;
x1 = abs(luaL_optint(l, 1, 0));
y1 = abs(luaL_optint(l, 2, 0));
width = abs(luaL_optint(l, 3, XRES/CELL));
height = abs(luaL_optint(l, 4, YRES/CELL));
value = (float)luaL_optint(l, 5, 0.0f);
if(value > 256.0f)
value = 256.0f;
else if(value < -256.0f)
value = -256.0f;
if(x1 > (XRES/CELL)-1)
x1 = (XRES/CELL)-1;
if(y1 > (YRES/CELL)-1)
y1 = (YRES/CELL)-1;
if(x1+width > (XRES/CELL)-1)
width = (XRES/CELL)-x1;
if(y1+height > (YRES/CELL)-1)
height = (YRES/CELL)-y1;
for (nx = x1; nx<x1+width; nx++)
for (ny = y1; ny<y1+height; ny++)
pv[ny][nx] = value;
return 0;
int luatpt_set_gravity(lua_State* l)
int nx, ny;
int x1, y1, width, height;
float value;
x1 = abs(luaL_optint(l, 1, 0));
y1 = abs(luaL_optint(l, 2, 0));
width = abs(luaL_optint(l, 3, XRES/CELL));
height = abs(luaL_optint(l, 4, YRES/CELL));
value = (float)luaL_optint(l, 5, 0.0f);
if(value > 256.0f)
value = 256.0f;
else if(value < -256.0f)
value = -256.0f;
if(x1 > (XRES/CELL)-1)
x1 = (XRES/CELL)-1;
if(y1 > (YRES/CELL)-1)
y1 = (YRES/CELL)-1;
if(x1+width > (XRES/CELL)-1)
width = (XRES/CELL)-x1;
if(y1+height > (YRES/CELL)-1)
height = (YRES/CELL)-y1;
for (nx = x1; nx<x1+width; nx++)
for (ny = y1; ny<y1+height; ny++)
gravmap[ny][nx] = value;
return 0;
int luatpt_reset_gravity_field(lua_State* l)
int nx, ny;
int x1, y1, width, height;
x1 = abs(luaL_optint(l, 1, 0));
y1 = abs(luaL_optint(l, 2, 0));
width = abs(luaL_optint(l, 3, XRES/CELL));
height = abs(luaL_optint(l, 4, YRES/CELL));
if(x1 > (XRES/CELL)-1)
x1 = (XRES/CELL)-1;
if(y1 > (YRES/CELL)-1)
y1 = (YRES/CELL)-1;
if(x1+width > (XRES/CELL)-1)
width = (XRES/CELL)-x1;
if(y1+height > (YRES/CELL)-1)
height = (YRES/CELL)-y1;
for (nx = x1; nx<x1+width; nx++)
for (ny = y1; ny<y1+height; ny++)
gravx[ny][nx] = 0;
gravy[ny][nx] = 0;
return 0;
int luatpt_reset_velocity(lua_State* l)
int nx, ny;
int x1, y1, width, height;
x1 = abs(luaL_optint(l, 1, 0));
y1 = abs(luaL_optint(l, 2, 0));
width = abs(luaL_optint(l, 3, XRES/CELL));
height = abs(luaL_optint(l, 4, YRES/CELL));
if(x1 > (XRES/CELL)-1)
x1 = (XRES/CELL)-1;
if(y1 > (YRES/CELL)-1)
y1 = (YRES/CELL)-1;
if(x1+width > (XRES/CELL)-1)
width = (XRES/CELL)-x1;
if(y1+height > (YRES/CELL)-1)
height = (YRES/CELL)-y1;
for (nx = x1; nx<x1+width; nx++)
for (ny = y1; ny<y1+height; ny++)
vx[ny][nx] = 0;
vy[ny][nx] = 0;
return 0;
int luatpt_reset_spark(lua_State* l)
int i;
for (i=0; i<NPART; i++)
if (parts[i].type==PT_SPRK)
parts[i].type = parts[i].ctype;
parts[i].life = 4;
return 0;
int luatpt_set_property(lua_State* l)
char *prop, *name;
int r, i, x, y, w, h, t, format, nx, ny, partsel = 0, acount;
float f;
size_t offset;
acount = lua_gettop(l);
prop = luaL_optstring(l, 1, "");
if(lua_isnumber(l, 3))
i = abs(luaL_optint(l, 3, -1));
i = -1;
if(lua_isnumber(l, 4))
y = abs(luaL_optint(l, 4, -1));
y = -1;
if(lua_isnumber(l, 5))
w = abs(luaL_optint(l, 5, -1));
w = -1;
if(lua_isnumber(l, 6))
h = abs(luaL_optint(l, 6, -1));
h = -1;
if (strcmp(prop,"type")==0){
offset = offsetof(particle, type);
format = 3;
} else if (strcmp(prop,"life")==0){
offset = offsetof(particle, life);
format = 1;
} else if (strcmp(prop,"ctype")==0){
offset = offsetof(particle, ctype);
format = 4;
} else if (strcmp(prop,"temp")==0){
offset = offsetof(particle, temp);
format = 2;
} else if (strcmp(prop,"tmp")==0){
offset = offsetof(particle, tmp);
format = 1;
} else if (strcmp(prop,"tmp2")==0){
offset = offsetof(particle, tmp2);
format = 1;
} else if (strcmp(prop,"vy")==0){
offset = offsetof(particle, vy);
format = 2;
} else if (strcmp(prop,"vx")==0){
offset = offsetof(particle, vx);
format = 2;
} else if (strcmp(prop,"x")==0){
offset = offsetof(particle, x);
format = 2;
} else if (strcmp(prop,"y")==0){
offset = offsetof(particle, y);
format = 2;
} else {
return luaL_error(l, "Invalid property '%s'", prop);
if(!lua_isnumber(l, acount) && lua_isstring(l, acount)){
name = luaL_optstring(l, acount, "none");
if (!console_parse_type(name, &partsel, NULL))
return luaL_error(l, "Unrecognised element '%s'", name);
if(lua_isnumber(l, 2)){
f = luaL_optnumber(l, 2, 0);
} else {
t = luaL_optint(l, 2, 0);
if (format == 3 && (t<0 || t>=PT_NUM))
return luaL_error(l, "Unrecognised element number '%d'", t);
} else {
name = luaL_optstring(l, 2, "dust");
if (!console_parse_type(name, &t, NULL))
return luaL_error(l, "Unrecognised element '%s'", name);
if(i == -1 || (w != -1 && h != -1)){
// Got a region
if(i == -1){
i = 0;
y = 0;
w = XRES;
h = YRES;
if (i>=XRES || y>=YRES)
return luaL_error(l, "Coordinates out of range (%d,%d)", i, y);
x = i;
if(x+w > XRES)
w = XRES-x;
if(y+h > YRES)
h = YRES-y;
for (nx = x; nx<x+w; nx++)
for (ny = y; ny<y+h; ny++){
r = pmap[ny][nx];
if (!r || (r>>8) >= NPART || (partsel && partsel != parts[r>>8].type))
r = photons[ny][nx];
if (!r || (partsel && partsel != parts[r>>8].type))
i = r>>8;
*((float*)(((void*)&parts[i])+offset)) = f;
} else {
*((int*)(((void*)&parts[i])+offset)) = t;
} else {
// Got coords or particle index
if(i != -1 && y != -1){
if (i>=XRES || y>=YRES)
return luaL_error(l, "Coordinates out of range (%d,%d)", i, y);
r = pmap[y][i];
if (!r || (r>>8)>=NPART || (partsel && partsel != parts[r>>8].type))
r = photons[y][i];
if (!r || (r>>8)>=NPART || (partsel && partsel != parts[r>>8].type))
return 0;
i = r>>8;
if (i < 0 || i >= NPART)
return luaL_error(l, "Invalid particle ID '%d'", i);
if (!parts[i].type)
return 0;
if (partsel && partsel != parts[i].type)
return 0;
*((float*)(((void*)&parts[i])+offset)) = f;
} else {
*((int*)(((void*)&parts[i])+offset)) = t;
return 0;
int luatpt_get_property(lua_State* l)
int i, r, y;
char *prop;
prop = luaL_optstring(l, 1, "");
i = luaL_optint(l, 2, 0);
y = luaL_optint(l, 3, -1);
if(y!=-1 && y < YRES && y >= 0 && i < XRES && i >= 0){
r = pmap[y][i];
if (!r || (r>>8)>=NPART)
r = photons[y][i];
if (!r || (r>>8)>=NPART)
if (strcmp(prop,"type")==0){
lua_pushinteger(l, 0);
return 1;
return luaL_error(l, "Particle does not exist");
i = r>>8;
else if (y!=-1)
return luaL_error(l, "Coordinates out of range (%d,%d)", i, y);
if (i < 0 || i >= NPART)
return luaL_error(l, "Invalid particle ID '%d'", i);
if (parts[i].type)
if (strcmp(prop,"type")==0){
lua_pushinteger(l, parts[i].type);
return 1;
if (strcmp(prop,"life")==0){
lua_pushinteger(l, parts[i].life);
return 1;
if (strcmp(prop,"ctype")==0){
lua_pushinteger(l, parts[i].ctype);
return 1;
if (strcmp(prop,"temp")==0){
lua_pushnumber(l, parts[i].temp);
return 1;
if (strcmp(prop,"tmp")==0){
lua_pushinteger(l, parts[i].tmp);
return 1;
if (strcmp(prop,"tmp2")==0){
lua_pushinteger(l, parts[i].tmp2);
return 1;
if (strcmp(prop,"vy")==0){
lua_pushnumber(l, (double)parts[i].vy);
return 1;
if (strcmp(prop,"vx")==0){
lua_pushnumber(l, (double)parts[i].vx);
return 1;
if (strcmp(prop,"x")==0){
lua_pushnumber(l, parts[i].x);
return 1;
if (strcmp(prop,"y")==0){
lua_pushnumber(l, parts[i].y);
return 1;
else if (strcmp(prop,"type")==0){
lua_pushinteger(l, 0);
return 1;
return luaL_error(l, "Particle does not exist");
int luatpt_drawpixel(lua_State* l)
int x, y, r, g, b, a;
x = luaL_optint(l, 1, 0);
y = luaL_optint(l, 2, 0);
r = luaL_optint(l, 3, 255);
g = luaL_optint(l, 4, 255);
b = luaL_optint(l, 5, 255);
a = luaL_optint(l, 6, 255);
if (x<0 || y<0 || x>=XRES+BARSIZE || y>=YRES+MENUSIZE)
return luaL_error(l, "Screen coordinates out of range (%d,%d)", x, y);
if (r<0) r = 0;
if (r>255) r = 255;
if (g<0) g = 0;
if (g>255) g = 255;
if (b<0) b = 0;
if (b>255) b = 255;
if (a<0) a = 0;
if (a>255) a = 255;
if (vid_buf!=NULL)
drawpixel(vid_buf, x, y, r, g, b, a);
return 0;
return luaL_error(l, "Screen buffer does not exist");
int luatpt_drawrect(lua_State* l)
int x, y, w, h, r, g, b, a;
x = luaL_optint(l, 1, 0);
y = luaL_optint(l, 2, 0);
w = luaL_optint(l, 3, 10);
h = luaL_optint(l, 4, 10);
r = luaL_optint(l, 5, 255);
g = luaL_optint(l, 6, 255);
b = luaL_optint(l, 7, 255);
a = luaL_optint(l, 8, 255);
if (x<0 || y<0 || x>=XRES+BARSIZE || y>=YRES+MENUSIZE)
return luaL_error(l, "Screen coordinates out of range (%d,%d)", x, y);
if(x+w > XRES)
w = XRES-x;
if(y+h > YRES)
h = YRES-y;
if (r<0) r = 0;
if (r>255) r = 255;
if (g<0) g = 0;
if (g>255) g = 255;
if (b<0) b = 0;
if (b>255) b = 255;
if (a<0) a = 0;
if (a>255) a = 255;
if (vid_buf!=NULL)
drawrect(vid_buf, x, y, w, h, r, g, b, a);
return 0;
return luaL_error(l, "Screen buffer does not exist");
int luatpt_fillrect(lua_State* l)
int x,y,w,h,r,g,b,a;
x = luaL_optint(l, 1, 0);
y = luaL_optint(l, 2, 0);
w = luaL_optint(l, 3, 10);
h = luaL_optint(l, 4, 10);
r = luaL_optint(l, 5, 255);
g = luaL_optint(l, 6, 255);
b = luaL_optint(l, 7, 255);
a = luaL_optint(l, 8, 255);
if (x<0 || y<0 || x>=XRES+BARSIZE || y>=YRES+MENUSIZE)
return luaL_error(l, "Screen coordinates out of range (%d,%d)", x, y);
if(x+w > XRES)
w = XRES-x;
if(y+h > YRES)
h = YRES-y;
if (r<0) r = 0;
if (r>255) r = 255;
if (g<0) g = 0;
if (g>255) g = 255;
if (b<0) b = 0;
if (b>255) b = 255;
if (a<0) a = 0;
if (a>255) a = 255;
if (vid_buf!=NULL)
fillrect(vid_buf, x, y, w, h, r, g, b, a);
return 0;
return luaL_error(l, "Screen buffer does not exist");
int luatpt_textwidth(lua_State* l)
char * string;
int strwidth = 0;
string = luaL_optstring(l, 1, "");
strwidth = textwidth(string);
lua_pushinteger(l, strwidth);
return 1;
int luatpt_get_name(lua_State* l)
if (svf_login){
lua_pushstring(l, svf_user);
return 1;
lua_pushstring(l, "");
return 1;
int luatpt_set_shortcuts(lua_State* l)
int state;
state = luaL_optint(l, 1, 0);
sys_shortcuts = (state==0?0:1);
return 0;
int luatpt_delete(lua_State* l)
int arg1, arg2;
arg1 = abs(luaL_optint(l, 1, 0));
arg2 = luaL_optint(l, 2, -1);
if(arg2 == -1 && arg1 < NPART){
return 0;
arg2 = abs(arg2);
if(arg2 < YRES && arg1 < XRES){
delete_part(arg1, arg2, 0);
return 0;
return luaL_error(l,"Invalid coordinates or particle ID");
int luatpt_register_step(lua_State* l)
int ref, i, ifree = -1;
if(lua_isfunction(l, 1)){
for(i = 0; i<6; i++){
if (ifree<0) ifree = i;
} else {
lua_rawgeti(l, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, step_functions[i]);
if(lua_equal(l, 1, lua_gettop(l))){
lua_pop(l, 1);
return luaL_error(l, "Function already registered");
lua_pop(l, 1);
if (ifree>=0)
ref = luaL_ref(l, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
step_functions[ifree] = ref;
return 0;
else return luaL_error(l, "Step function limit reached");
return 0;
int luatpt_unregister_step(lua_State* l)
int i;
if(lua_isfunction(l, 1)){
for(i = 0; i<6; i++){
if (step_functions[i]){
lua_rawgeti(l, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, step_functions[i]);
if(lua_equal(l, 1, lua_gettop(l))){
lua_pop(l, 1);
luaL_unref(l, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, step_functions[i]);
step_functions[i] = 0;
else lua_pop(l, 1);
return 0;
int luatpt_register_keypress(lua_State* l)
int *newfunctions, i;
if(lua_isfunction(l, 1)){
for(i = 0; i<keypress_function_count; i++){
lua_rawgeti(l, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, keypress_functions[i]);
if(lua_equal(l, 1, lua_gettop(l))){
lua_pop(l, 1);
return luaL_error(l, "Function already registered");
lua_pop(l, 1);
newfunctions = calloc(keypress_function_count+1, sizeof(int));
memcpy(newfunctions, keypress_functions, keypress_function_count*sizeof(int));
newfunctions[keypress_function_count] = luaL_ref(l, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
keypress_functions = newfunctions;
return 0;
int luatpt_unregister_keypress(lua_State* l)
int *newfunctions, i, functionindex = -1;
if(lua_isfunction(l, 1)){
for(i = 0; i<keypress_function_count; i++){
lua_rawgeti(l, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, keypress_functions[i]);
if(lua_equal(l, 1, lua_gettop(l))){
functionindex = i;
lua_pop(l, 1);
if(functionindex != -1){
luaL_unref(l, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, keypress_functions[functionindex]);
if(functionindex != keypress_function_count-1){
memmove(keypress_functions+functionindex+1, keypress_functions+functionindex+1, (keypress_function_count-functionindex-1)*sizeof(int));
if(keypress_function_count-1 > 0){
newfunctions = calloc(keypress_function_count-1, sizeof(int));
memcpy(newfunctions, keypress_functions, (keypress_function_count-1)*sizeof(int));
keypress_functions = newfunctions;
} else {
keypress_functions = NULL;
} else {
return luaL_error(l, "Function not registered");
return 0;
int luatpt_register_mouseclick(lua_State* l)
int *newfunctions, i;
if(lua_isfunction(l, 1)){
for(i = 0; i<mouseclick_function_count; i++){
lua_rawgeti(l, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, mouseclick_functions[i]);
if(lua_equal(l, 1, lua_gettop(l))){
lua_pop(l, 1);
return luaL_error(l, "Function already registered");
lua_pop(l, 1);
newfunctions = calloc(mouseclick_function_count+1, sizeof(int));
memcpy(newfunctions, mouseclick_functions, mouseclick_function_count*sizeof(int));
newfunctions[mouseclick_function_count] = luaL_ref(l, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);
mouseclick_functions = newfunctions;
return 0;
int luatpt_unregister_mouseclick(lua_State* l)
int *newfunctions, i, functionindex = -1;
if(lua_isfunction(l, 1)){
for(i = 0; i<mouseclick_function_count; i++){
lua_rawgeti(l, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, mouseclick_functions[i]);
if(lua_equal(l, 1, lua_gettop(l))){
functionindex = i;
lua_pop(l, 1);
if(functionindex != -1){
luaL_unref(l, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, mouseclick_functions[functionindex]);
if(functionindex != mouseclick_function_count-1){
memmove(mouseclick_functions+functionindex+1, mouseclick_functions+functionindex+1, (mouseclick_function_count-functionindex-1)*sizeof(int));
if(mouseclick_function_count-1 > 0){
newfunctions = calloc(mouseclick_function_count-1, sizeof(int));
memcpy(newfunctions, mouseclick_functions, (mouseclick_function_count-1)*sizeof(int));
mouseclick_functions = newfunctions;
} else {
mouseclick_functions = NULL;
} else {
return luaL_error(l, "Function not registered");
return 0;
int luatpt_input(lua_State* l)
char *prompt, *title, *result, *shadow, *text;
title = mystrdup(luaL_optstring(l, 1, "Title"));
prompt = mystrdup(luaL_optstring(l, 2, "Enter some text:"));
text = mystrdup(luaL_optstring(l, 3, ""));
shadow = mystrdup(luaL_optstring(l, 4, ""));
if (vid_buf!=NULL)
result = input_ui(vid_buf, title, prompt, text, shadow);
lua_pushstring(l, result);
return 1;
return luaL_error(l, "Screen buffer does not exist");
int luatpt_message_box(lua_State* l)
char *title, *text;
title = mystrdup(luaL_optstring(l, 1, "Title"));
text = mystrdup(luaL_optstring(l, 2, "Message"));
if (vid_buf!=NULL)
info_ui(vid_buf, title, text);
return 0;
return luaL_error(l, "Screen buffer does not exist");;
int luatpt_get_numOfParts(lua_State* l)
lua_pushinteger(l, NUM_PARTS);
return 1;
int luatpt_start_getPartIndex(lua_State* l)
getPartIndex_curIdx = -1;
return 1;
int luatpt_next_getPartIndex(lua_State* l)
if(getPartIndex_curIdx >= NPART)
getPartIndex_curIdx = 0;
lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
return 1;
lua_pushboolean(l, 1);
return 1;
int luatpt_getPartIndex(lua_State* l)
if(getPartIndex_curIdx < 0)
lua_pushinteger(l, 0);
return 1;
lua_pushinteger(l, getPartIndex_curIdx);
return 1;
int luatpt_hud(lua_State* l)
int hudstate;
hudstate = luaL_optint(l, 1, 0);
hud_enable = (hudstate==0?0:1);
return 0;
int luatpt_gravity(lua_State* l)
int gravstate;
gravstate = luaL_optint(l, 1, 0);
ngrav_enable = (gravstate==0?0:1);
return 0;
int luatpt_airheat(lua_State* l)
int aheatstate;
aheatstate = luaL_optint(l, 1, 0);
aheat_enable = (aheatstate==0?0:1);
return 0;
int luatpt_active_menu(lua_State* l)
int menuid;
menuid = luaL_optint(l, 1, -1);
if (menuid < SC_TOTAL && menuid >= 0)
active_menu = menuid;
return luaL_error(l, "Invalid menu");
return 0;
int luatpt_decorations_enable(lua_State* l)
int aheatstate;
aheatstate = luaL_optint(l, 1, 0);
decorations_enable = (aheatstate==0?0:1);
return 0;
int luatpt_heat(lua_State* l)
int heatstate;
heatstate = luaL_optint(l, 1, 0);
legacy_enable = (heatstate==1?0:1);
return 0;
int luatpt_cmode_set(lua_State* l)
int aheatstate;
aheatstate = luaL_optint(l, 1, CM_FIRE);
cmode = aheatstate;
return 0;
int luatpt_setfire(lua_State* l)
int firesize = luaL_optint(l, 2, 4);
float fireintensity = (float)luaL_optnumber(l, 1, 1.0f);
prepare_alpha(firesize, fireintensity);
return 0;
int luatpt_setdebug(lua_State* l)
int debug = luaL_optint(l, 1, 0);
debug_flags = debug;
return 0;
int luatpt_setfpscap(lua_State* l)
int fpscap = luaL_optint(l, 1, 0);
limitFPS = fpscap;
return 0;
int luatpt_getscript(lua_State* l)
char *fileid = NULL, *filedata = NULL, *fileuri = NULL, *fileauthor = NULL, *filename = NULL, *lastError = NULL, *luacommand = NULL;
int len, ret,run_script;
FILE * outputfile;
fileauthor = mystrdup(luaL_optstring(l, 1, ""));
fileid = mystrdup(luaL_optstring(l, 2, ""));
run_script = luaL_optint(l, 3, 0);
if(!fileauthor || !fileid || strlen(fileauthor)<1 || strlen(fileid)<1)
goto fin;
if(!confirm_ui(vid_buf, "Do you want to install script?", fileid, "Install"))
goto fin;
fileuri = malloc(strlen(SCRIPTSERVER)+strlen(fileauthor)+strlen(fileid)+44);
sprintf(fileuri, "http://" SCRIPTSERVER "/GetScript.api?Author=%s&Filename=%s", fileauthor, fileid);
filedata = http_auth_get(fileuri, svf_user_id, NULL, svf_session_id, &ret, &len);
if(len <= 0 || !filedata)
lastError = "Server did not return data.";
goto fin;
if(ret != 200)
lastError = http_ret_text(ret);
goto fin;
filename = malloc(strlen(fileauthor)+strlen(fileid)+strlen(PATH_SEP)+strlen(LOCAL_LUA_DIR)+6);
sprintf(filename, LOCAL_LUA_DIR PATH_SEP "%s_%s.lua", fileauthor, fileid);
#ifdef WIN32
mkdir(LOCAL_LUA_DIR, 0755);
outputfile = fopen(filename, "r");
outputfile = NULL;
if(confirm_ui(vid_buf, "File already exists, overwrite?", filename, "Overwrite"))
outputfile = fopen(filename, "w");
goto fin;
outputfile = fopen(filename, "w");
lastError = "Unable to write to file";
goto fin;
fputs(filedata, outputfile);
outputfile = NULL;
luacommand = malloc(strlen(filename)+20);
if(fileid) free(fileid);
if(filedata) free(filedata);
if(fileuri) free(fileuri);
if(fileauthor) free(fileauthor);
if(filename) free(filename);
if(luacommand) free(luacommand);
luacommand = NULL;
if(lastError) return luaL_error(l, lastError);
return 0;