jacob1 13d3547211 Compiling fix for scons on windows
something is up with the pthreads library (dynamic compiles still broken), probably windows libraries all need to be recompiled and distributed separately like I did for visual studio
2016-03-12 00:36:11 -05:00

124 lines
2.4 KiB

#ifndef GRAVITY_H
#define GRAVITY_H
#include "common/tpt-thread.h"
#include "Config.h"
#include "Simulation.h"
#ifdef GRAVFFT
#include <fftw3.h>
class Simulation;
struct mask_el {
char *shape;
char shapeout;
void *next;
typedef struct mask_el mask_el;
* float *gravmap = NULL;//Maps to be used by the main thread
float *gravp = NULL;
float *gravy = NULL;
float *gravx = NULL;
unsigned *gravmask = NULL;
float *th_ogravmap = NULL;// Maps to be processed by the gravity thread
float *th_gravmap = NULL;
float *th_gravx = NULL;
float *th_gravy = NULL;
float *th_gravp = NULL;
int th_gravchanged = 0;
pthread_t gravthread;
pthread_mutex_t gravmutex;
pthread_cond_t gravcv;
int grav_ready = 0;
int gravthread_done = 0;
class Gravity
float *th_ogravmap;
float *th_gravmap;
float *th_gravx;
float *th_gravy;
float *th_gravp;
int th_gravchanged;
pthread_t gravthread;
pthread_mutex_t gravmutex;
pthread_cond_t gravcv;
int grav_ready;
int gravthread_done;
#ifdef GRAVFFT
bool grav_fft_status;
float *th_ptgravx, *th_ptgravy, *th_gravmapbig, *th_gravxbig, *th_gravybig;
fftwf_complex *th_ptgravxt, *th_ptgravyt, *th_gravmapbigt, *th_gravxbigt, *th_gravybigt;
fftwf_plan plan_gravmap, plan_gravx_inverse, plan_gravy_inverse;
//Simulation * sim;
unsigned *gravmask;
float *gravmap;
float *gravp;
float *gravy;
float *gravx;
unsigned char (*bmap)[XRES/CELL];
unsigned char (*obmap)[XRES/CELL];
int ngrav_enable;
void grav_mask_r(int x, int y, char checkmap[YRES/CELL][XRES/CELL], char shape[YRES/CELL][XRES/CELL], char *shapeout);
void mask_free(mask_el *c_mask_el);
void Clear();
void gravity_init();
void gravity_cleanup();
void gravity_update_async();
TH_ENTRY_POINT static void *update_grav_async_helper(void * context);
void update_grav_async();
void start_grav_async();
void stop_grav_async();
void update_grav();
void gravity_mask();
void bilinear_interpolation(float *src, float *dst, int sw, int sh, int rw, int rh);
#ifdef GRAVFFT
void grav_fft_init();
void grav_fft_cleanup();
/*extern int ngrav_enable; //Newtonian gravity
extern int gravwl_timeout;
extern int gravityMode;*/
/*float *gravmap;//Maps to be used by the main thread
float *gravp;
float *gravy;
float *gravx;
unsigned *gravmask;
float *th_ogravmap;// Maps to be processed by the gravity thread
float *th_gravmap;
float *th_gravx;
float *th_gravy;
float *th_gravp;*/