#include "simulation/Element.h" int update_SPRK(UPDATE_FUNC_ARGS) { int r, rx, ry, rt, conduct_sprk, nearp, pavg, ct = parts[i].ctype; update_PYRO(UPDATE_FUNC_SUBCALL_ARGS); if (parts[i].life<=0) { if (ct==PT_WATR||ct==PT_SLTW||ct==PT_PSCN||ct==PT_NSCN||ct==PT_ETRD||ct==PT_INWR) parts[i].temp = R_TEMP + 273.15f; if (ct<=0 || ct>=PT_NUM) ct = PT_METL; sim->part_change_type(i,x,y,ct); parts[i].ctype = PT_NONE; parts[i].life = 4; if (ct == PT_WATR) parts[i].life = 64; if (ct == PT_SLTW) parts[i].life = 54; if (ct == PT_SWCH) parts[i].life = 14; return 0; } if (ct==PT_SPRK) { sim->kill_part(i); return 1; } else if (ct==PT_NTCT || ct==PT_PTCT) { update_NPTCT(UPDATE_FUNC_SUBCALL_ARGS); } else if (ct==PT_ETRD&&parts[i].life==1) { nearp = sim->nearest_part(i, PT_ETRD, -1); if (nearp!=-1 && sim->parts_avg(i, nearp, PT_INSL)!=PT_INSL) { sim->create_line(x, y, (int)(parts[nearp].x+0.5f), (int)(parts[nearp].y+0.5f), 0, 0, PT_PLSM, 0); sim->part_change_type(i,x,y,ct); ct = parts[i].ctype = PT_NONE; parts[i].life = 20; sim->part_change_type(nearp,(int)(parts[nearp].x+0.5f),(int)(parts[nearp].y+0.5f),PT_SPRK); parts[nearp].life = 9; parts[nearp].ctype = PT_ETRD; } } else if (ct==PT_NBLE&&parts[i].life<=1&&parts[i].tmp!=1) { parts[i].life = rand()%150+50; sim->part_change_type(i,x,y,PT_PLSM); parts[i].ctype = PT_NBLE; parts[i].temp = 3500; sim->pv[y/CELL][x/CELL] += 1; } else if (ct==PT_TESC) // tesla coil code { if (parts[i].tmp>300) parts[i].tmp=300; for (rx=-1; rx<2; rx++) for (ry=-1; ry<2; ry++) if (x+rx>=0 && y+ry>0 && x+rxcreate_part(-1, x+rx*2, y+ry*2, PT_LIGH); if (p!=-1) { if(parts[i].tmp<=4) //Prevent Arithmetic errors with zero values continue; parts[p].life=rand()%(2+parts[i].tmp/15)+parts[i].tmp/7; if (parts[i].life>60) parts[i].life=60; parts[p].temp=parts[p].life*parts[i].tmp/2.5; parts[p].tmp2=1; parts[p].tmp=acos(1.0*rx/sqrt(rx*rx+ry*ry))/M_PI*360; parts[i].temp-=parts[i].tmp*2+parts[i].temp/5; // slight self-cooling if (fabs(sim->pv[y/CELL][x/CELL])!=0.0f) { if (fabs(sim->pv[y/CELL][x/CELL])<=0.5f) sim->pv[y/CELL][x/CELL]=0; else sim->pv[y/CELL][x/CELL]-=(sim->pv[y/CELL][x/CELL]>0)?0.5:-0.5; } } } } } else if (ct==PT_IRON) { for (rx=-1; rx<2; rx++) for (ry=-1; ry<2; ry++) if (x+rx>=0 && y+ry>0 && x+rx(rand()/(RAND_MAX/1000))) || ((r&0xFF) == PT_SLTW && 30>(rand()/(RAND_MAX/1000))) || ((r&0xFF) == PT_WATR && 30>(rand()/(RAND_MAX/1000)))) { if (rand()part_change_type(r>>8,x+rx,y+ry,PT_O2); else sim->part_change_type(r>>8,x+rx,y+ry,PT_H2); } } } for (rx=-2; rx<3; rx++) for (ry=-2; ry<3; ry++) if (x+rx>=0 && y+ry>0 && x+rx>8].type; conduct_sprk = 1; pavg = sim->parts_avg(r>>8, i,PT_INSL); if ((rt==PT_SWCH||(rt==PT_SPRK&&parts[r>>8].ctype==PT_SWCH)) && pavg!=PT_INSL && parts[i].life<4) // make sparked SWCH turn off correctly { if (rt==PT_SWCH&&ct==PT_PSCN&&parts[r>>8].life<10) { parts[r>>8].life = 10; } if (ct==PT_NSCN) { sim->part_change_type(r>>8,x+rx,y+ry,PT_SWCH); parts[r>>8].ctype = PT_NONE; parts[r>>8].life = 9; } } else if ((ct==PT_PSCN||ct==PT_NSCN) && (rt==PT_PUMP||rt==PT_GPMP||rt==PT_HSWC||rt==PT_PBCN) && parts[i].life<4) // PROP_PTOGGLE, Maybe? We seem to use 2 different methods for handling actived elements, this one seems better. Yes, use this one for new elements, PCLN is different for compatibility with existing saves { if (ct==PT_PSCN) parts[r>>8].life = 10; else if (ct==PT_NSCN && parts[r>>8].life>=10) parts[r>>8].life = 9; } else if ((ct==PT_PSCN||ct==PT_NSCN) && (rt==PT_LCRY&&abs(rx)<2&&abs(ry)<2) && parts[i].life<4) { if (ct==PT_PSCN && parts[r>>8].tmp == 0) parts[r>>8].tmp = 2; else if (ct==PT_NSCN && parts[r>>8].tmp == 3) parts[r>>8].tmp = 1; } // ct = spark from material, rt = spark to material. Make conduct_sprk = 0 if conduction not allowed if (pavg == PT_INSL) conduct_sprk = 0; if (!((sim->ptypes[rt].properties&PROP_CONDUCTS)||rt==PT_INST||rt==PT_QRTZ)) conduct_sprk = 0; if (abs(rx)+abs(ry)>=4 &&ct!=PT_SWCH&&rt!=PT_SWCH) conduct_sprk = 0; if (ct==PT_METL && (rt==PT_NTCT||rt==PT_PTCT||rt==PT_INWR||(rt==PT_SPRK&&(parts[r>>8].ctype==PT_NTCT||parts[r>>8].ctype==PT_PTCT))) && pavg!=PT_INSL && parts[i].life<4) { parts[r>>8].temp = 473.0f; if (rt==PT_NTCT||rt==PT_PTCT) conduct_sprk = 0; } if (ct==PT_NTCT && !(rt==PT_PSCN || rt==PT_NTCT || (rt==PT_NSCN&&parts[i].temp>373.0f))) conduct_sprk = 0; if (ct==PT_PTCT && !(rt==PT_PSCN || rt==PT_PTCT || (rt==PT_NSCN&&parts[i].temp<373.0f))) conduct_sprk = 0; if (ct==PT_INWR && !(rt==PT_NSCN || rt==PT_INWR || rt==PT_PSCN)) conduct_sprk = 0; if (ct==PT_NSCN && rt==PT_PSCN) conduct_sprk = 0; if (ct==PT_ETRD && !(rt==PT_METL||rt==PT_ETRD||rt==PT_BMTL||rt==PT_BRMT||rt==PT_LRBD||rt==PT_RBDM||rt==PT_PSCN||rt==PT_NSCN)) conduct_sprk = 0; if (ct==PT_INST&&rt!=PT_NSCN) conduct_sprk = 0; if (ct==PT_SWCH && (rt==PT_PSCN||rt==PT_NSCN||rt==PT_WATR||rt==PT_SLTW||rt==PT_NTCT||rt==PT_PTCT||rt==PT_INWR)) conduct_sprk = 0; if (rt==PT_QRTZ && !((ct==PT_NSCN||ct==PT_METL||ct==PT_PSCN||ct==PT_QRTZ) && (parts[r>>8].temp<173.15||sim->pv[(y+ry)/CELL][(x+rx)/CELL]>8))) conduct_sprk = 0; if (rt==PT_NTCT && !(ct==PT_NSCN || ct==PT_NTCT || (ct==PT_PSCN&&parts[r>>8].temp>373.0f))) conduct_sprk = 0; if (rt==PT_PTCT && !(ct==PT_NSCN || ct==PT_PTCT || (ct==PT_PSCN&&parts[r>>8].temp<373.0f))) conduct_sprk = 0; if (rt==PT_INWR && !(ct==PT_NSCN || ct==PT_INWR || ct==PT_PSCN)) conduct_sprk = 0; if (rt==PT_INST&&ct!=PT_PSCN) conduct_sprk = 0; if (rt == PT_NBLE && parts[r>>8].tmp == 1) conduct_sprk = 0; if (conduct_sprk) { if (rt==PT_WATR||rt==PT_SLTW) { if (parts[r>>8].life==0 && parts[i].life<3) { sim->part_change_type(r>>8,x+rx,y+ry,PT_SPRK); if (rt==PT_WATR) parts[r>>8].life = 6; else parts[r>>8].life = 5; parts[r>>8].ctype = rt; } } else if (rt==PT_INST) { if (parts[r>>8].life==0 && parts[i].life<4) { sim->flood_parts(x+rx,y+ry,PT_SPRK,PT_INST,-1, 0);//spark the wire } } else if (parts[r>>8].life==0 && parts[i].life<4) { parts[r>>8].life = 4; parts[r>>8].ctype = rt; sim->part_change_type(r>>8,x+rx,y+ry,PT_SPRK); if (parts[r>>8].temp+10.0f<673.0f&&!sim->legacy_enable&&(rt==PT_METL||rt==PT_BMTL||rt==PT_BRMT||rt==PT_PSCN||rt==PT_NSCN||rt==PT_ETRD||rt==PT_NBLE||rt==PT_IRON)) parts[r>>8].temp = parts[r>>8].temp+10.0f; } else if (ct==PT_ETRD && parts[i].life==5) { sim->part_change_type(i,x,y,ct); parts[i].ctype = PT_NONE; parts[i].life = 20; parts[r>>8].life = 4; parts[r>>8].ctype = rt; sim->part_change_type(r>>8,x+rx,y+ry,PT_SPRK); } } } return 0; } int graphics_SPRK(GRAPHICS_FUNC_ARGS) { *firea = 80; *firer = *colr = 170; *fireg = *colg = 200; *fireb = *colb = 220; //*pixel_mode |= FIRE_ADD; *pixel_mode |= FIRE_ADD; return 1; }