/** * Powder Toy - Main source * * Copyright (c) 2008 - 2010 Stanislaw Skowronek. * Copyright (c) 2010 Simon Robertshaw * Copyright (c) 2010 Skresanov Savely * Copyright (c) 2010 Bryan Hoyle * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef WIN32 #include #else #include #include #endif #include "version.h" #include "http.h" #include "md5.h" #include "update.h" #include "hmap.h" #define SERVER "powdertoy.co.uk" #undef PLOSS #ifdef MENUV3 #define MENUSIZE 40 #else #define MENUSIZE 20 #endif #define BARSIZE 14 #define XRES 612 #define YRES 384 #define NPART XRES*YRES #define ZSIZE_D 16 #define ZFACTOR_D 8 unsigned char ZFACTOR = 256/ZSIZE_D; unsigned char ZSIZE = ZSIZE_D; #define CELL 4 #define ISTP (CELL/2) #define CFDS (4.0f/CELL) typedef unsigned char uint8; #ifdef PIX16 #define PIXELSIZE 2 typedef unsigned short pixel; #define PIXPACK(x) ((((x)>>8)&0xF800)|(((x)>>5)&0x07E0)|(((x)>>3)&0x001F)) #define PIXRGB(r,g,b) ((((r)<<8)&0xF800)|(((g)<<3)&0x07E0)|(((b)>>3)&0x001F)) #define PIXR(x) (((x)>>8)&0xF8) #define PIXG(x) (((x)>>3)&0xFC) #define PIXB(x) (((x)<<3)&0xF8) #else #define PIXELSIZE 4 typedef unsigned int pixel; #ifdef PIX32BGR #define PIXPACK(x) ((((x)>>16)&0x0000FF)|((x)&0x00FF00)|(((x)<<16)&0xFF0000)) #define PIXRGB(r,g,b) (((b)<<16)|((g)<<8)|((r)))// (((b)<<16)|((g)<<8)|(r)) #define PIXR(x) ((x)&0xFF) #define PIXG(x) (((x)>>8)&0xFF) #define PIXB(x) ((x)>>16) #else #ifdef PIX32BGRA #define PIXPACK(x) ((((x)>>8)&0x0000FF00)|(((x)<<8)&0x00FF0000)|(((x)<<24)&0xFF000000)) #define PIXRGB(r,g,b) (((b)<<24)|((g)<<16)|((r)<<8)) #define PIXR(x) (((x)>>8)&0xFF) #define PIXG(x) (((x)>>16)&0xFF) #define PIXB(x) (((x)>>24)) #else #define PIXPACK(x) (x) #define PIXRGB(r,g,b) (((r)<<16)|((g)<<8)|(b)) #define PIXR(x) ((x)>>16) #define PIXG(x) (((x)>>8)&0xFF) #define PIXB(x) ((x)&0xFF) #endif #endif #endif char *it_msg = "\brThe Powder Toy\n" "\x7F\x7F\x7F\x7F\x7F\x7F\x7F\x7F\x7F\x7F\x7F\x7F\x7F\x7F\x7F\x7F\x7F\x7F\x7F\n" "\n" "\bgControl+C/V/X are Copy, Paste and cut respectively.\n" "\bgTo choose a material, hover over once of the icons on the right, it will show a selection of elements in that group.\n" "\bgPick your material from the menu using mouse left/right buttons.\n" "Draw freeform lines by dragging your mouse left/right button across the drawing area.\n" "Shift+drag will create straight lines of particles.\n" "Ctrl+drag will result in filled rectangles.\n" "Ctrl+Shift+click will flood-fill a closed area.\n" "Middle click or Alt+Click to \"sample\" the particles.\n" "\n\boUse 'Z' for a zoom tool. Click to make the drawable zoom window stay around. Use the wheel to change the zoom strength\n" "Use 'S' to save parts of the window as 'stamps'.\n" "'L' will load the most recent stamp, 'K' shows a library of stamps you saved.\n" "'C' will cycle the display mode (Fire, Blob, Velocity and Pressure). The numbers 1 to 6 will do the same\n" "Use the mouse scroll wheel to change the tool size for particles.\n" "'Q' will quit the application.\n" "The spacebar can be used to pause physics.\n" "'P' will take a screenshot and save it into the current directory.\n" "\n" "\brhttp://powdertoy.co.uk/\n" "\bgCopyright (c) 2008-10 Stanislaw K Skowronek (\brhttp://powder.unaligned.org\bg, \bbirc.unaligned.org #wtf\bg)\n" "\bgCopyright (c) 2010 Simon Robertshaw (\brhttp://powdertoy.co.uk\bg, \bbirc.freenode.net #powder\bg)\n" "\bgCopyright (c) 2010 Skresanov Savely (Stickman)\n" "\bgCopyright (c) 2010 Bryan Hoyle (New elements)\n" "\n" "\bgSpecial thanks to Brian Ledbetter for maintaining ports.\n" "\bgTo use online features such as saving, you need to register at: \brhttp://powdertoy.co.uk/Register.html" ; typedef struct { int start, inc; pixel *vid; } upstruc; #ifdef BETA char *old_ver_msg_beta = "A new beta is available - click here!"; #endif char *old_ver_msg = "A new version is available - click here!"; float mheat = 0.0f; int do_open = 0; int sys_pause = 0; int legacy_enable = 0; //Used to disable new features such as heat, will be set by commandline or save. int amd = 0; unsigned char fire_r[YRES/CELL][XRES/CELL]; unsigned char fire_g[YRES/CELL][XRES/CELL]; unsigned char fire_b[YRES/CELL][XRES/CELL]; #define MAXSIGNS 16 struct sign { int x,y,ju; char text[256]; } signs[MAXSIGNS]; /*********************************************************** * AIR FLOW SIMULATOR * ***********************************************************/ unsigned char bmap[YRES/CELL][XRES/CELL]; unsigned char emap[YRES/CELL][XRES/CELL]; unsigned cmode = 3; float vx[YRES/CELL][XRES/CELL], ovx[YRES/CELL][XRES/CELL]; float vy[YRES/CELL][XRES/CELL], ovy[YRES/CELL][XRES/CELL]; float pv[YRES/CELL][XRES/CELL], opv[YRES/CELL][XRES/CELL]; float fvx[YRES/CELL][XRES/CELL], fvy[YRES/CELL][XRES/CELL]; #define TSTEPP 0.3f #define TSTEPV 0.4f #define VADV 0.3f #define VLOSS 0.999f #define PLOSS 0.9999f int numCores = 1; float kernel[9]; void make_kernel(void) { int i, j; float s = 0.0f; for(j=-1; j<2; j++) for(i=-1; i<2; i++) { kernel[(i+1)+3*(j+1)] = expf(-2.0f*(i*i+j*j)); s += kernel[(i+1)+3*(j+1)]; } s = 1.0f / s; for(j=-1; j<2; j++) for(i=-1; i<2; i++) kernel[(i+1)+3*(j+1)] *= s; } int core_count() { int numCPU = 1; #ifdef MT #ifdef WIN32 SYSTEM_INFO sysinfo; GetSystemInfo( &sysinfo ); numCPU = sysinfo.dwNumberOfProcessors; #else #ifdef MACOSX numCPU = 4; #else numCPU = sysconf( _SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN ); #endif #endif printf("Cpus: %d\n", numCPU); if(numCPU>1) printf("Multithreading enabled\n"); else printf("Multithreading disabled\n"); #endif return numCPU; } void update_air(void) { int x, y, i, j; float dp, dx, dy, f, tx, ty; for(y=1; y0 && y+j0 && x+i=2 && i=2 && j 256.0f) dp = 256.0f; if(dp < -256.0f) dp = -256.0f; if(dx > 256.0f) dx = 256.0f; if(dx < -256.0f) dx = -256.0f; if(dy > 256.0f) dy = 256.0f; if(dy < -256.0f) dy = -256.0f; ovx[y][x] = dx; ovy[y][x] = dy; opv[y][x] = dp; } memcpy(vx, ovx, sizeof(vx)); memcpy(vy, ovy, sizeof(vy)); memcpy(pv, opv, sizeof(pv)); } void *update_air_th(void *arg) { update_air(); return NULL; } inline unsigned clamp_flt(float f, float min, float max) { if(fmax) return 255; return (int)(255.0f*(f-min)/(max-min)); } inline float restrict_flt(float f, float min, float max) { if(fmax) return max; return f; } void draw_air(pixel *vid) { int x, y, i, j; pixel c; if(cmode == 2) return; for(y=0; y 0.0f) c = PIXRGB(clamp_flt(pv[y][x], 0.0f, 8.0f), 0, 0); else c = PIXRGB(0, 0, clamp_flt(-pv[y][x], 0.0f, 8.0f)); } else c = PIXRGB(clamp_flt(fabsf(vx[y][x]), 0.0f, 8.0f), clamp_flt(pv[y][x], 0.0f, 8.0f), clamp_flt(fabsf(vy[y][x]), 0.0f, 8.0f)); for(j=0; j=XRES || ny>=YRES) return 0; if(x==nx && y==ny) return 1; r = pmap[ny][nx]; if(r && (r>>8)>8].type; if(parts[i].type==PT_PHOT&&((r&0xFF)==PT_GLAS||(r&0xFF)==PT_PHOT||(r&0xFF)==PT_CLNE||((r&0xFF)==PT_LCRY&&parts[r>>8].life > 5))) { return 1; } if((r&0xFF)==PT_VOID) { parts[i].type=PT_NONE; return 0; } if((r&0xFF)==PT_BHOL) { parts[i].type=PT_NONE; if(!legacy_enable) { parts[r>>8].temp = restrict_flt(parts[r>>8].temp+parts[i].temp/2, MIN_TEMP, MAX_TEMP);//3.0f; } return 0; } if(parts[i].type==PT_STKM) //Stick man's head shouldn't collide { return 1; } if(bmap[ny/CELL][nx/CELL]==12 && !emap[y/CELL][x/CELL]) { return 1; } if(bmap[ny/CELL][nx/CELL]==13 && ptypes[parts[i].type].falldown!=0 && parts[i].type!=PT_FIRE) { return 0; } if((bmap[y/CELL][x/CELL]==12 && !emap[y/CELL][x/CELL]) && (bmap[ny/CELL][nx/CELL]!=12 && !emap[ny/CELL][nx/CELL])) { return 0; } if(ptypes[parts[i].type].falldown!=2 && bmap[ny/CELL][nx/CELL]==3) return 0; if((parts[i].type==PT_NEUT ||parts[i].type==PT_PHOT) && bmap[ny/CELL][nx/CELL]==7 && !emap[ny/CELL][nx/CELL]) return 0; if(r && (r>>8)= PT_NUM || !can_move[parts[i].type][(r&0xFF)])) return 0; if(parts[i].type==PT_CNCT && y>8)>= 8; parts[r].x += x-nx; parts[r].y += y-ny; } return 1; } void kill_part(int i) { int x, y; parts[i].type = PT_NONE; x = (int)(parts[i].x+0.5f); y = (int)(parts[i].y+0.5f); if(x>=0 && y>=0 && x=XRES || y>=YRES) return -1; if(t==SPC_HEAT||t==SPC_COOL) { if((pmap[y][x]&0xFF)!=PT_NONE&&(pmap[y][x]&0xFF)>8].temp>8].temp = restrict_flt(parts[pmap[y][x]>>8].temp + 4.0f, MIN_TEMP, MAX_TEMP); } if(t==SPC_COOL&&parts[pmap[y][x]>>8].temp>MIN_TEMP) { parts[pmap[y][x]>>8].temp = restrict_flt(parts[pmap[y][x]>>8].temp - 4.0f, MIN_TEMP, MAX_TEMP); } return pmap[y][x]>>8; } else { return -1; } } if(t==SPC_AIR) { pv[y/CELL][x/CELL] += 0.03f; if(y+CELL>8].type = PT_SPRK; parts[pmap[y][x]>>8].life = 4; parts[pmap[y][x]>>8].ctype = pmap[y][x]&0xFF; pmap[y][x] = (pmap[y][x]&~0xFF) | PT_SPRK; return pmap[y][x]>>8; } if(p==-1) { if(pmap[y][x]) return -1; if(pfree == -1) return -1; i = pfree; pfree = parts[i].life; } else i = p; if(t==PT_GLAS) { parts[i].pavg[1] = pv[y/CELL][x/CELL]; } if(t!=PT_STKM) { parts[i].x = (float)x; parts[i].y = (float)y; parts[i].type = t; parts[i].vx = 0; parts[i].vy = 0; parts[i].life = 0; parts[i].ctype = 0; parts[i].temp = ptypes[t].heat; } if(t==PT_ACID) { parts[i].life = 75; } //Testing /*if(t==PT_WOOD){ parts[i].life = 150; }*/ //End Testing if(t==PT_FIRE) parts[i].life = rand()%50+120; if(t==PT_PLSM) parts[i].life = rand()%150+50; if(t==PT_LAVA) parts[i].life = rand()%120+240; if(t==PT_NBLE) parts[i].life = 0; if(t==PT_NEUT) { float r = (rand()%128+128)/127.0f; float a = (rand()%360)*3.14159f/180.0f; parts[i].life = rand()%480+480; parts[i].vx = r*cosf(a); parts[i].vy = r*sinf(a); } if(t==PT_PHOT) { float r = (rand()%3-1)*3; float a = (rand()%3-1)*3; parts[i].life = 680; if(a==0.0f&&r==0.0f) { parts[i].life = 0; parts[i].type = PT_NONE; return -1; } else { parts[i].vx = a; parts[i].vy = r; } //} else { // parts[i].life = 0; // parts[i].type = PT_NONE; //} } if(t!=PT_STKM) pmap[y][x] = t|(i<<8); else { if(isplayer==0) { parts[i].x = (float)x; parts[i].y = (float)y; parts[i].type = PT_STKM; parts[i].vx = 0; parts[i].vy = 0; parts[i].life = 100; parts[i].ctype = 0; parts[i].temp = ptypes[t].heat; player[2] = PT_DUST; player[3] = x-1; //Setting legs positions player[4] = y+6; player[5] = x-1; player[6] = y+6; player[7] = x-3; player[8] = y+12; player[9] = x-3; player[10] = y+12; player[11] = x+1; player[12] = y+6; player[13] = x+1; player[14] = y+6; player[15] = x+3; player[16] = y+12; player[17] = x+3; player[18] = y+12; isplayer = 1; } } return i; } void delete_part(int x, int y) { unsigned i; if(x<0 || y<0 || x>=XRES || y>=YRES) return; i = pmap[y][x]; if(!i || (i>>8)>=NPART) return; kill_part(i>>8); pmap[y][x] = 0; // just in case } inline void blendpixel(pixel *vid, int x, int y, int r, int g, int b, int a) { pixel t; if(x<0 || y<0 || x>=XRES || y>=YRES) return; if(a!=255) { t = vid[y*(XRES+BARSIZE)+x]; r = (a*r + (255-a)*PIXR(t)) >> 8; g = (a*g + (255-a)*PIXG(t)) >> 8; b = (a*b + (255-a)*PIXB(t)) >> 8; } vid[y*(XRES+BARSIZE)+x] = PIXRGB(r,g,b); } int sign(float i) //Signum function { if (i<0) return -1; if (i>0) return 1; return 0; } void draw_line(pixel *vid, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int r, int g, int b, int a) //Draws a line { int dx, dy, i, sx, sy, check, e, x, y; dx = abs(x1-x2); dy = abs(y1-y2); sx = sign(x2-x1); sy = sign(y2-y1); x = x1; y = y1; check = 0; if (dy>dx) { dx = dx+dy; dy = dx-dy; dx = dx-dy; check = 1; } e = (dy<<2)-dx; for (i=0; i<=dx; i++) { vid[x+y*a] =PIXRGB(r, g, b); if (e>=0) { if (check==1) x = x+sx; else y = y+sy; e = e-(dx<<2); } if (check==1) y = y+sy; else x = x+sx; e = e+(dy<<2); } } void addpixel(pixel *vid, int x, int y, int r, int g, int b, int a) { pixel t; if(x<0 || y<0 || x>=XRES || y>=YRES) return; t = vid[y*(XRES+BARSIZE)+x]; r = (a*r + 255*PIXR(t)) >> 8; g = (a*g + 255*PIXG(t)) >> 8; b = (a*b + 255*PIXB(t)) >> 8; if(r>255) r = 255; if(g>255) g = 255; if(b>255) b = 255; vid[y*(XRES+BARSIZE)+x] = PIXRGB(r,g,b); } int drawtext(pixel *vid, int x, int y, char *s, int r, int g, int b, int a); int is_wire(int x, int y) { return bmap[y][x]==6 || bmap[y][x]==7 || bmap[y][x]==3 || bmap[y][x]==8 || bmap[y][x]==11 || bmap[y][x]==12; } int is_wire_off(int x, int y) { return (bmap[y][x]==6 || bmap[y][x]==7 || bmap[y][x]==3 || bmap[y][x]==8 || bmap[y][x]==11 || bmap[y][x]==12) && emap[y][x]<8; } void set_emap(int x, int y) { int x1, x2; if(!is_wire_off(x, y)) return; // go left as far as possible x1 = x2 = x; while(x1>0) { if(!is_wire_off(x1-1, y)) break; x1--; } while(x21 && x1==x2 && is_wire(x1-1, y-1) && is_wire(x1, y-1) && is_wire(x1+1, y-1) && !is_wire(x1-1, y-2) && is_wire(x1, y-2) && !is_wire(x1+1, y-2)) set_emap(x1, y-2); else if(y>0) for(x=x1; x<=x2; x++) if(is_wire_off(x, y-1)) { if(x==x1 || x==x2 || y>=YRES/CELL-1 || is_wire(x-1, y-1) || is_wire(x+1, y-1) || is_wire(x-1, y+1) || !is_wire(x, y+1) || is_wire(x+1, y+1)) set_emap(x, y-1); } if(y>8) < NPART && (pmr>>8) >= 0) { return parts[pmr>>8].type; } else { return PT_NONE; } } int nearest_part(int ci, int t) { int distance = sqrt(pow(XRES, 2)+pow(YRES, 2)); int ndistance = 0; int id = -1; int i = 0; int cx = (int)parts[ci].x; int cy = (int)parts[ci].y; for(i=0; i=XRES || y>=YRES || ((bmap[y/CELL][x/CELL]==1 || bmap[y/CELL][x/CELL]==8 || bmap[y/CELL][x/CELL]==9 || (bmap[y/CELL][x/CELL]==2) || (bmap[y/CELL][x/CELL]==3 && ptypes[t].falldown!=2) || (bmap[y/CELL][x/CELL]==10 && ptypes[t].falldown!=1) || (bmap[y/CELL][x/CELL]==6 && (t==PT_WIRE || t==PT_SPRK)) || (bmap[y/CELL][x/CELL]==7 && !emap[y/CELL][x/CELL])) && (t!=PT_STKM))) { kill_part(i); continue; } vx[y/CELL][x/CELL] *= ptypes[t].airloss; vy[y/CELL][x/CELL] *= ptypes[t].airloss; vx[y/CELL][x/CELL] += ptypes[t].airdrag*parts[i].vx; vy[y/CELL][x/CELL] += ptypes[t].airdrag*parts[i].vy; if(t==PT_GASS||t==PT_NBLE) { if(pv[y/CELL][x/CELL]<3.5f) pv[y/CELL][x/CELL] += ptypes[t].hotair*(3.5f-pv[y/CELL][x/CELL]); if(y+CELL2.5f) { parts[i].life = rand()%80+180; rt = parts[i].type = PT_FIRE; parts[i].temp = ptypes[PT_FIRE].heat + (ptypes[rt].flammable/2); pv[y/CELL][x/CELL] += 0.25f * CFDS; t = PT_FIRE; } parts[i].vx *= ptypes[t].loss; parts[i].vy *= ptypes[t].loss; if(t==PT_DFRM && !parts[i].life) { if(pv[y/CELL][x/CELL]>1.0f) { parts[i].vx += ptypes[t].advection*vx[y/CELL][x/CELL]; parts[i].vy += ptypes[t].advection*vy[y/CELL][x/CELL]; parts[i].life = rand()%80+300; } } else { parts[i].vx += ptypes[t].advection*vx[y/CELL][x/CELL]; parts[i].vy += ptypes[t].advection*vy[y/CELL][x/CELL] + ptypes[t].gravity; } if(ptypes[t].diffusion) { parts[i].vx += ptypes[t].diffusion*(rand()/(0.5f*RAND_MAX)-1.0f); parts[i].vy += ptypes[t].diffusion*(rand()/(0.5f*RAND_MAX)-1.0f); } // interpolator #ifdef WIN32 mv = max(fabsf(parts[i].vx), fabsf(parts[i].vy)); #else mv = fmaxf(fabsf(parts[i].vx), fabsf(parts[i].vy)); #endif if(mv < ISTP) { parts[i].x += parts[i].vx; parts[i].y += parts[i].vy; ix = parts[i].x; iy = parts[i].y; } else { dx = parts[i].vx*ISTP/mv; dy = parts[i].vy*ISTP/mv; ix = parts[i].x; iy = parts[i].y; while(1) { mv -= ISTP; if(mv <= 0.0f) { // nothing found parts[i].x += parts[i].vx; parts[i].y += parts[i].vy; ix = parts[i].x; iy = parts[i].y; break; } ix += dx; iy += dy; nx = (int)(ix+0.5f); ny = (int)(iy+0.5f); if(nx<0 || ny<0 || nx>=XRES || ny>=YRES || pmap[ny][nx] || (bmap[ny/CELL][nx/CELL] && bmap[ny/CELL][nx/CELL]!=5)) { parts[i].x = ix; parts[i].y = iy; break; } } } a = nt = 0; for(nx=-1; nx<2; nx++) for(ny=-1; ny<2; ny++) if(x+nx>=0 && y+ny>0 && x+nx4.0f) t = parts[i].type = PT_DSTW; if(t==PT_GASS && pv[y/CELL][x/CELL]>4.0f) t = parts[i].type = PT_OILL; if(t==PT_OILL && pv[y/CELL][x/CELL]<-4.0f) t = parts[i].type = PT_GASS; } if(t==PT_BMTL && pv[y/CELL][x/CELL]>2.5f) t = parts[i].type = PT_BRMT; //if(t==PT_GLAS && pv[y/CELL][x/CELL]>4.0f) // t = parts[i].type = PT_BGLA; if(t==PT_GLAS) { parts[i].pavg[0] = parts[i].pavg[1]; parts[i].pavg[1] = pv[y/CELL][x/CELL]; if(parts[i].pavg[1]-parts[i].pavg[0] > 0.05f || parts[i].pavg[1]-parts[i].pavg[0] < -0.05f) { parts[i].type = PT_BGLA; } } if(t==PT_ICEI && pv[y/CELL][x/CELL]>0.8f) t = parts[i].type = PT_SNOW; if(t==PT_PLUT && 1>rand()%100 && ((int)(5.0f*pv[y/CELL][x/CELL]))>(rand()%1000)) { t = PT_NEUT; create_part(i, x, y, t); } if(t==PT_SPRK&&parts[i].ctype==PT_ETRD&&parts[i].life==1) { nearp = nearest_part(i, PT_ETRD); if(nearp!=-1) { create_line((int)parts[i].x, (int)parts[i].y, (int)parts[nearp].x, (int)parts[nearp].y, 0, PT_PLSM); t = parts[i].type = PT_ETRD; parts[i].ctype = PT_NONE; parts[i].life = 20; parts[nearp].type = PT_SPRK; parts[nearp].life = 9; parts[nearp].ctype = PT_ETRD; } } if(!legacy_enable) { int ctemp = pv[y/CELL][x/CELL]*2; c_heat = 0.0f; h_count = 0; if(ptypes[t].hconduct>(rand()%250)) { for(nx=-1; nx<2; nx++) { for(ny=-1; ny<2; ny++) { if(x+nx>=0 && y+ny>0 && x+nx>8)>=NPART || !r) continue; if(parts[r>>8].type!=PT_NONE&&parts[i].type!=PT_NONE&&ptypes[parts[r>>8].type].hconduct>0) { h_count++; c_heat += parts[r>>8].temp; } } } } pt = parts[i].temp = (c_heat+parts[i].temp)/(h_count+1); for(nx=-1; nx<2; nx++) { for(ny=-1; ny<2; ny++) { if(x+nx>=0 && y+ny>0 && x+nx>8)>=NPART || !r) continue; if(parts[r>>8].type!=PT_NONE&&parts[i].type!=PT_NONE&&ptypes[parts[r>>8].type].hconduct>0) { parts[r>>8].temp = parts[i].temp; } } } } if(pt>=pstates[t].btemp&&pstates[t].burn) { t = parts[i].type = pstates[t].burn; if(t==PT_FIRE||t==PT_PLSM) parts[i].life = rand()%50+120; } else if((pt<=pstates[t].stemp||(t==PT_LAVA&&(pt<=pstates[parts[i].ctype].ltemp)))&&pstates[t].solid) { if(t==PT_LAVA&&parts[i].ctype) { parts[i].life = 0; t = parts[i].type = parts[i].ctype; parts[i].ctype = PT_NONE; } else if(pstates[t].solid==PT_ICEI&&pt<=pstates[t].stemp) { parts[i].ctype = parts[i].type; t = parts[i].type = PT_ICEI; } else { parts[i].life = 0; t = parts[i].type = pstates[t].solid; } } else if((pt>=pstates[t].ltemp&&(pt<=pstates[t].gtemp||!pstates[t].gas)&&pstates[t].state==ST_SOLID&&pstates[t].liquid)||(t==PT_ICEI&&pt>pstates[parts[i].ctype].stemp)) { if(pstates[t].liquid==PT_LAVA) { parts[i].life = rand()%120+240; parts[i].ctype = (parts[i].type==PT_BRMT)?PT_BMTL:parts[i].type; parts[i].ctype = (parts[i].ctype==PT_SAND)?PT_GLAS:parts[i].ctype; parts[i].ctype = (parts[i].ctype==PT_BGLA)?PT_GLAS:parts[i].ctype; t = parts[i].type = pstates[t].liquid; } else if(t==PT_ICEI&&parts[i].ctype) { t = parts[i].type = parts[i].ctype; parts[i].ctype = PT_NONE; } else { t = parts[i].type = pstates[t].liquid; } } else if(pt-ctemp<=pstates[t].ltemp&&pstates[t].liquid&&pstates[t].state==ST_GAS) { t = parts[i].type = pstates[t].liquid; } else if(pt-ctemp>=pstates[t].gtemp&&(pstates[t].gas||parts[i].type==PT_LNTG)&&(pstates[t].state==ST_LIQUID||pstates[t].state==ST_SOLID)) { if(t==PT_SLTW&&1>rand()%6) { t = parts[i].type = PT_SALT; } else { t = parts[i].type = pstates[t].gas; pv[y/CELL][x/CELL] += 0.50f; if(t==PT_FIRE) parts[i].life = rand()%50+120; } } if(t==PT_URAN && pv[y/CELL][x/CELL]>0.0f) { float atemp = parts[i].temp + (-MIN_TEMP); pt = parts[i].temp = (atemp*(1+(pv[y/CELL][x/CELL]/2000)))+MIN_TEMP; } if(t==PT_LAVA) { parts[i].life = restrict_flt((pt-700)/7, 0.0f, 400.0f); } pt = parts[i].temp = restrict_flt(parts[i].temp, MIN_TEMP, MAX_TEMP); } } if(t==PT_CSCN&&parts[i].temp>24.0f) { pt = parts[i].temp -= 2.5f; } if(t==PT_HSCN&&parts[i].temp>24.0f) { pt = parts[i].temp -= 2.5f; } if(t==PT_WATR || t==PT_ETRD || t==PT_SLTW || t==PT_WIRE || t==PT_RBDM || t==PT_LRBD || t==PT_BRMT || t==PT_PSCN || t==PT_NSCN || t==PT_HSCN || t==PT_CSCN || t==PT_BMTL || t==PT_SPRK|| t == PT_NBLE) { nx = x % CELL; if(nx == 0) nx = x/CELL - 1; else if(nx == CELL-1) nx = x/CELL + 1; else nx = x/CELL; ny = y % CELL; if(ny == 0) ny = y/CELL - 1; else if(ny == CELL-1) ny = y/CELL + 1; else ny = y/CELL; if(nx>=0 && ny>=0 && nx=0 && y+ny>0 && x+nx>8)>=NPART || !r) continue; if(((r&0xFF)==PT_WIRE || (r&0xFF)==PT_ETRD || (r&0xFF)==PT_PSCN || (r&0xFF)==PT_NSCN || (r&0xFF)==PT_HSCN || (r&0xFF)==PT_CSCN || (r&0xFF)==PT_BMTL || (r&0xFF)==PT_RBDM || (r&0xFF)==PT_LRBD || (r&0xFF)==PT_BRMT||(r&0xFF)==PT_NBLE) && parts[r>>8].ctype!=PT_SPRK ) { t = parts[i].type = PT_NONE; parts[r>>8].ctype = parts[r>>8].type; parts[r>>8].type = PT_SPRK; parts[r>>8].life = 4; } else if((r&0xFF)!=PT_CLNE&&(r&0xFF)!=PT_THDR&&(r&0xFF)!=PT_SPRK&&(r&0xFF)!=PT_DMND&&(r&0xFF)!=PT_FIRE&&(r&0xFF)!=PT_NEUT&&(r&0xFF)!=PT_PHOT&&(r&0xFF)) { pv[y/CELL][x/CELL] += 100.0f; if(legacy_enable&&1>(rand()%200)) { parts[i].life = rand()%50+120; t = parts[i].type = PT_FIRE; } else { t = parts[i].type = PT_NONE; } } } } else if(t==PT_ICEI || t==PT_SNOW) { for(nx=-2; nx<3; nx++) for(ny=-2; ny<3; ny++) if(x+nx>=0 && y+ny>0 && x+nx>8)>=NPART || !r) continue; if(((r&0xFF)==PT_SALT || (r&0xFF)==PT_SLTW) && 1>(rand()%1000)) { t = parts[i].type = PT_SLTW; parts[r>>8].type = PT_SLTW; } if(legacy_enable) { if(((r&0xFF)==PT_WATR || (r&0xFF)==PT_DSTW) && 1>(rand()%1000)) { t = parts[i].type = PT_ICEI; parts[r>>8].type = PT_ICEI; } if(t==PT_SNOW && ((r&0xFF)==PT_WATR || (r&0xFF)==PT_DSTW) && 15>(rand()%1000)) t = parts[i].type = PT_WATR; } } } else if(t==PT_HSCN||t==PT_CSCN) { for(nx=-2; nx<3; nx++) for(ny=-2; ny<3; ny++) if(x+nx>=0 && y+ny>0 && x+nx>8)>=NPART || !r) continue; if((r&0xFF)==PT_SPRK && parts[r>>8].ctype==PT_WIRE) { parts[i].temp = 200.0f; } } } //PLANT else if(t==PT_PLNT) { for(nx=-2; nx<3; nx++) for(ny=-2; ny<3; ny++) if(x+nx>=0 && y+ny>0 && x+nx>8)>=NPART || !r) continue; if((r&0xFF)==PT_WATR && 1>(rand()%250)) { t = parts[i].type = PT_PLNT; parts[r>>8].type = PT_PLNT; } else if((r&0xFF)==PT_LAVA && 1>(rand()%250)) { parts[i].life = 4; t = parts[i].type = PT_FIRE; } //if(t==PT_SNOW && (r&0xFF)==PT_WATR && 15>(rand()%1000)) //t = parts[i].type = PT_WATR; } } else if(t==PT_WATR||t==PT_DSTW) { for(nx=-2; nx<3; nx++) for(ny=-2; ny<3; ny++) if(x+nx>=0 && y+ny>0 && x+nx>8)>=NPART || !r) continue; if(((r&0xFF)==PT_FIRE || (r&0xFF)==PT_LAVA) && 1>(rand()%10) && legacy_enable) { t = parts[i].type = PT_WTRV; } else if((r&0xFF)==PT_SALT && 1>(rand()%250)) { t = parts[i].type = PT_SLTW; parts[r>>8].type = PT_SLTW; } if((((r&0xFF)==PT_WATR||(r&0xFF)==PT_SLTW)&&t==PT_DSTW) && 1>(rand()%500)) { t = parts[i].type = PT_WATR; } if(((r&0xFF)==PT_SLTW&&t==PT_DSTW) && 1>(rand()%500)) { t = parts[i].type = PT_SLTW; } if(((r&0xFF)==PT_RBDM||(r&0xFF)==PT_LRBD) && (legacy_enable||pt>12.0f) && 1>(rand()%500)) { parts[i].life = 4; t = parts[i].type = PT_FIRE; } } } else if(t==PT_SLTW) { for(nx=-2; nx<3; nx++) for(ny=-2; ny<3; ny++) if(x+nx>=0 && y+ny>0 && x+nx>8)>=NPART || !r) continue; if(((r&0xFF)==PT_FIRE || (r&0xFF)==PT_LAVA) && 1>(rand()%10) && legacy_enable) { t = parts[i].type = PT_SALT; parts[r>>8].type = PT_WTRV; } else if((r&0xFF)==PT_SALT && 1>(rand()%10000)) { parts[r>>8].type = PT_SLTW; } if(((r&0xFF)==PT_RBDM||(r&0xFF)==PT_LRBD) && pt>12.0f && 1>(rand()%500)) { parts[i].life = 4; t = parts[i].type = PT_FIRE; } } } else if(t==PT_WTRV) { for(nx=-2; nx<3; nx++) for(ny=-2; ny<3; ny++) if(x+nx>=0 && y+ny>0 && x+nx>8)>=NPART || !r) continue; if(((r&0xFF)==PT_WATR||(r&0xFF)==PT_DSTW||(r&0xFF)==PT_SLTW) && 1>(rand()%1000) && legacy_enable) { t = parts[i].type = PT_WATR; parts[r>>8].type = PT_WATR; } if(((r&0xFF)==PT_RBDM||(r&0xFF)==PT_LRBD) && pt>12.0f && 1>(rand()%500)) { parts[i].life = 4; t = parts[i].type = PT_FIRE; } if(((r&0xFF)==PT_ICEI || (r&0xFF)==PT_SNOW) && 1>(rand()%1000) && legacy_enable) { t = parts[i].type = PT_WATR; if(1>(rand()%1000)) parts[r>>8].type = PT_WATR; } } } else if(t==PT_ACID) { for(nx=-2; nx<3; nx++) for(ny=-2; ny<3; ny++) if(x+nx>=0 && y+ny>0 && x+nx>8)>=NPART || !r) continue; if((r&0xFF)!=PT_ACID) { if ((r&0xFF)==PT_PLEX || (r&0xFF)==PT_NITR || (r&0xFF)==PT_GUNP || (r&0xFF)==PT_RBDM || (r&0xFF)==PT_LRBD) { t = parts[i].type = PT_FIRE; parts[i].life = 4; parts[r>>8].type = PT_FIRE; parts[r>>8].life = 4; } else if(((r&0xFF)!=PT_CLNE && ptypes[parts[r>>8].type].hardness>(rand()%1000))&&parts[i].life>=50) { parts[i].life--; parts[r>>8].type = PT_NONE; } else if (parts[i].life==50) { parts[i].life = 0; t = parts[i].type = PT_NONE; } } } } else if(t==PT_NEUT) { rt = 3 + (int)pv[y/CELL][x/CELL]; for(nx=-1; nx<2; nx++) for(ny=-1; ny<2; ny++) if(x+nx>=0 && y+ny>0 && x+nx>8)>=NPART || !r) continue; if((r&0xFF)==PT_WATR || (r&0xFF)==PT_ICEI || (r&0xFF)==PT_SNOW) { parts[i].vx *= 0.995; parts[i].vy *= 0.995; } if((r&0xFF)==PT_PLUT && rt>(rand()%1000)) { if(33>rand()%100) { create_part(r>>8, x+nx, y+ny, rand()%2 ? PT_LAVA : PT_URAN); } else { create_part(r>>8, x+nx, y+ny, PT_NEUT); parts[r>>8].vx = 0.25f*parts[r>>8].vx + parts[i].vx; parts[r>>8].vy = 0.25f*parts[r>>8].vy + parts[i].vy; } pv[y/CELL][x/CELL] += 10.00f * CFDS; //Used to be 2, some people said nukes weren't powerful enough fe ++; } if((r&0xFF)==PT_GUNP && 15>(rand()%1000)) parts[r>>8].type = PT_DUST; if((r&0xFF)==PT_WATR && 15>(rand()%100)) parts[r>>8].type = PT_DSTW; if((r&0xFF)==PT_PLEX && 15>(rand()%1000)) parts[r>>8].type = PT_DFRM; if((r&0xFF)==PT_NITR && 15>(rand()%1000)) parts[r>>8].type = PT_OILL; if((r&0xFF)==PT_OILL && 5>(rand()%1000)) parts[r>>8].type = PT_GASS; if((r&0xFF)==PT_PLNT && 5>(rand()%100)) parts[r>>8].type = PT_WOOD; } } else if(t==PT_PHOT) { rt = 3 + (int)pv[y/CELL][x/CELL]; for(nx=0; nx<1; nx++) for(ny=0; ny<1; ny++) if(x+nx>=0 && y+ny>0 && x+nx>8)>=NPART || !r) continue; if((r&0xFF)==PT_WATR || (r&0xFF)==PT_ICEI || (r&0xFF)==PT_SNOW) { parts[i].vx *= 0.995; parts[i].vy *= 0.995; } } } else if(t==PT_LCRY) { for(nx=-1; nx<2; nx++) for(ny=-1; ny<2; ny++) if(x+nx>=0 && y+ny>0 && x+nx>8)>=NPART || !r) continue; rt = parts[r>>8].type; if(rt==PT_SPRK) { if(parts[r>>8].ctype==PT_PSCN) { parts[i].life = 10; } else if(parts[r>>8].ctype==PT_NSCN) { parts[i].life = 9; } } if(rt==PT_LCRY) { if(parts[i].life==10&&parts[r>>8].life<10&&parts[r>>8].life>0) { parts[i].life = 9; } else if(parts[i].life==0&&parts[r>>8].life==10) { parts[i].life = 10; } } } } else if(t==PT_BTRY) { rt = 3 + (int)pv[y/CELL][x/CELL]; for(nx=-2; nx<3; nx++) for(ny=-2; ny<3; ny++) if(x+nx>=0 && y+ny>0 && x+nx>8)>=NPART || !r) continue; rt = parts[r>>8].type; if(parts_avg(i,r>>8) != PT_INSL) { if((rt==PT_WIRE||rt==PT_ETRD||rt==PT_BMTL||rt==PT_BRMT||rt==PT_LRBD||rt==PT_RBDM||rt==PT_PSCN||rt==PT_NSCN||rt==PT_NBLE)&&parts[r>>8].life==0 && abs(nx)+abs(ny) < 4) { parts[r>>8].life = 4; parts[r>>8].ctype = rt; parts[r>>8].type = PT_SPRK; } } } } if(t==PT_FIRE || t==PT_PLSM || t==PT_LAVA || t==PT_SPRK || fe || (t==PT_PHOT&&(1>rand()%10)) || t ==PT_SWCH) { if(t==PT_SWCH) if((parts[i].life>0&&parts[i].life<10)|| parts[i].life == 11) { parts[i].life--; } for(nx=-2; nx<3; nx++) for(ny=-2; ny<3; ny++) if(x+nx>=0 && y+ny>0 && x+nx>8)>=NPART || !r) continue; if(bmap[(y+ny)/CELL][(x+nx)/CELL] && bmap[(y+ny)/CELL][(x+nx)/CELL]!=5) continue; rt = parts[r>>8].type; if((a || ptypes[rt].explosive) && ((rt!=PT_RBDM && rt!=PT_LRBD && rt!=PT_INSL) || t!=PT_SPRK) && (t!=PT_LAVA || parts[i].life>0 || (rt!=PT_METL && rt!=PT_PSCN && rt!=PT_NSCN && rt!=PT_HSCN && rt!=PT_CSCN && rt!=PT_WIRE && rt!=PT_ETRD && rt!=PT_BMTL && rt!=PT_BRMT)) && ptypes[rt].flammable && (ptypes[rt].flammable + (int)(pv[(y+ny)/CELL][(x+nx)/CELL]*10.0f))>(rand()%1000)) { parts[r>>8].type = PT_FIRE; parts[r>>8].temp = ptypes[PT_FIRE].heat + (ptypes[rt].flammable/2); parts[r>>8].life = rand()%80+180; if(ptypes[rt].explosive) pv[y/CELL][x/CELL] += 0.25f * CFDS; continue; } lpv = (int)pv[(y+ny)/CELL][(x+nx)/CELL]; if(lpv < 1) lpv = 1; if(legacy_enable) { if(t!=PT_SPRK && ptypes[rt].meltable && ((rt!=PT_RBDM && rt!=PT_LRBD) || t!=PT_SPRK) && ((t!=PT_FIRE&&t!=PT_PLSM) || (rt!=PT_WIRE && rt!=PT_ETRD && rt!=PT_PSCN && rt!=PT_NSCN && rt!=PT_HSCN && rt!=PT_CSCN && rt!=PT_BMTL && rt!=PT_BRMT && rt!=PT_SALT)) && ptypes[rt].meltable*lpv>(rand()%1000)) { if(t!=PT_LAVA || parts[i].life>0) { parts[r>>8].ctype = (parts[r>>8].type==PT_BRMT)?PT_BMTL:parts[r>>8].type; parts[r>>8].ctype = (parts[r>>8].ctype==PT_SAND)?PT_GLAS:parts[r>>8].ctype; parts[r>>8].type = PT_LAVA; parts[r>>8].life = rand()%120+240; } else { parts[i].life = 0; t = parts[i].type = (parts[i].ctype)?parts[i].ctype:PT_METL; parts[i].ctype = PT_NONE;//rt; goto killed; } } if(t!=PT_SPRK && (rt==PT_ICEI || rt==PT_SNOW)) { parts[r>>8].type = PT_WATR; if(t==PT_FIRE) { parts[i].x = lx; parts[i].y = ly; kill_part(i); goto killed; } if(t==PT_LAVA) { parts[i].life = 0; t = parts[i].type = PT_METL; goto killed; } } if(t!=PT_SPRK && (rt==PT_WATR || rt==PT_DSTW || rt==PT_SLTW)) { kill_part(r>>8); if(t==PT_FIRE) { parts[i].x = lx; parts[i].y = ly; kill_part(i); goto killed; } if(t==PT_LAVA) { parts[i].life = 0; t = parts[i].type = (parts[i].ctype)?parts[i].ctype:PT_METL; parts[i].ctype = PT_NONE; goto killed; } } } pavg = parts_avg(i, r>>8); if(t==PT_SWCH&&pavg!= PT_INSL) { if(parts[r>>8].type == PT_SWCH) { if(parts[i].life==10&&parts[r>>8].life<10&&parts[r>>8].life>0) { parts[i].life = 9; } else if(parts[i].life==0&&parts[r>>8].life==10) { parts[i].life = 10; } } } if(rt==PT_SWCH && t==PT_SPRK) { pavg = parts_avg(r>>8, i); if(parts[i].ctype == PT_PSCN&&pavg != PT_INSL) parts[r>>8].life = 10; if(parts[i].ctype == PT_NSCN&&pavg != PT_INSL) parts[r>>8].life = 9; if(!(parts[i].ctype == PT_PSCN||parts[i].ctype == PT_NSCN)&&parts[r>>8].life == 10&&pavg != PT_INSL) { parts[r>>8].type = PT_SPRK; parts[r>>8].ctype = PT_SWCH; parts[r>>8].life = 4; } } pavg = parts_avg(i, r>>8); if(pavg != PT_INSL) { if(t==PT_SPRK && (rt==PT_WIRE||rt==PT_ETRD||rt==PT_BMTL||rt==PT_BRMT||rt==PT_LRBD||rt==PT_RBDM||rt==PT_PSCN||rt==PT_NSCN||rt==PT_NBLE) && parts[r>>8].life==0 && (parts[i].life<3 || ((r>>8)=100.0f)&&parts[i].ctype==PT_HSCN)&&!(rt!=PT_PSCN&&!(rt==PT_NSCN&&parts[i].temp<=100.0f)&&parts[i].ctype==PT_CSCN) && pavg != PT_INSL &&!(parts[i].ctype==PT_SWCH&&(rt==PT_PSCN||rt==PT_NSCN)) ) { parts[r>>8].type = PT_SPRK; parts[r>>8].life = 4; parts[r>>8].ctype = rt; if(parts[r>>8].temp+10.0f<400.0f&&!legacy_enable&&!(rt==PT_LRBD||rt==PT_RBDM||rt==PT_HSCN||rt==PT_CSCN)) parts[r>>8].temp = parts[r>>8].temp+10.0f; } } if(t==PT_SPRK && rt==PT_HSCN && parts[r>>8].life==0 && (parts[i].life<3 || ((r>>8)>8].temp>100.0f))&&pavg != PT_INSL) { parts[r>>8].type = PT_SPRK; parts[r>>8].life = 4; parts[r>>8].ctype = rt; } } if(t==PT_SPRK && rt==PT_CSCN && parts[r>>8].life==0 && (parts[i].life<3 || ((r>>8)>8].temp<100.0f))&&pavg != PT_INSL) { parts[r>>8].type = PT_SPRK; parts[r>>8].life = 4; parts[r>>8].ctype = rt; } } if(t==PT_SPRK && rt==PT_WATR && parts[r>>8].life==0 && (parts[i].life<2 || ((r>>8)>8].type = PT_SPRK; parts[r>>8].life = 6; parts[r>>8].ctype = rt; } if(t==PT_SPRK && rt==PT_SLTW && parts[r>>8].life==0 && (parts[i].life<2 || ((r>>8)>8].type = PT_SPRK; parts[r>>8].life = 5; parts[r>>8].ctype = rt; } if(t==PT_SPRK&&parts[i].ctype==PT_ETRD&&parts[i].life==5) { if(rt==PT_WIRE||rt==PT_ETRD||rt==PT_BMTL||rt==PT_BRMT||rt==PT_LRBD||rt==PT_RBDM||rt==PT_PSCN||rt==PT_NSCN) { t = parts[i].type = PT_ETRD; parts[i].ctype = PT_NONE; parts[i].life = 20; parts[r>>8].type = PT_SPRK; parts[r>>8].life = 4; parts[r>>8].ctype = rt; } } if(t==PT_SPRK&&parts[i].ctype==PT_NBLE&&parts[i].life<=1) { parts[i].life = rand()%150+50; parts[i].type = PT_PLSM; parts[i].ctype = PT_NBLE; parts[i].temp = 3500; pv[y/CELL][x/CELL] += 1; } if(t==PT_SPRK&&parts[i].ctype==PT_SWCH&&parts[i].life<=1) { parts[i].type = PT_SWCH; parts[i].life = 11; } } } killed: if(parts[i].type == PT_NONE) continue; } if(t==PT_STKM) { //Tempirature handling if(parts[i].temp<-30) parts[i].life -= 0.2; if((parts[i].temp<36.6f) && (parts[i].temp>=-30)) parts[i].temp += 1; //Death if(parts[i].life<=0 || pv[y/CELL][x/CELL]>=4.5f) //If his HP is less that 0 or there is very big wind... { for(r=-2; r<=1; r++) { create_part(-1, x+r, y-2, player[2]); create_part(-1, x+r+1, y+2, player[2]); create_part(-1, x-2, y+r+1, player[2]); create_part(-1, x+2, y+r, player[2]); } kill_part(i); //Kill him goto killed; } //Verlet integration pp = 2*player[3]-player[5]; player[5] = player[3]; player[3] = pp; pp = 2*player[4]-player[6]; player[6] = player[4]; player[4] = pp; pp = 2*player[7]-player[9]; player[9] = player[7]; player[7] = pp; pp = 2*player[8]-player[10]+1; player[10] = player[8]; player[8] = pp; pp = 2*player[11]-player[13]; player[13] = player[11]; player[11] = pp; pp = 2*player[12]-player[14]; player[14] = player[12]; player[12] = pp; pp = 2*player[15]-player[17]; player[17] = player[15]; player[15] = pp; pp = 2*player[16]-player[18]+1; player[18] = player[16]; player[16] = pp; //Go left if (((int)(player[0])&0x01) == 0x01) { if (pstates[pmap[(int)(parts[i].y+10)][(int)(parts[i].x)]&0xFF].state != ST_LIQUID && (pmap[(int)(parts[i].y+10)][(int)(parts[i].x)]&0xFF) != PT_LNTG) { if (pmap[(int)(player[8]-1)][(int)(player[7])]) { player[9] += 3; player[10] += 2; player[5] += 2; } if (pmap[(int)(player[16]-1)][(int)(player[15])]) { player[17] += 3; player[18] += 2; player[13] +=2; } } else { if (pmap[(int)(player[8]-1)][(int)(player[7])]) //It should move another way in liquids { player[9] += 1; player[10] += 1; player[5] += 1; } if (pmap[(int)(player[16]-1)][(int)(player[15])]) { player[17] += 1; player[18] += 1; player[13] +=1; } } } //Go right if (((int)(player[0])&0x02) == 0x02) { if (pstates[pmap[(int)(parts[i].y+10)][(int)(parts[i].x)]&0xFF].state != ST_LIQUID && (pmap[(int)(parts[i].y+10)][(int)(parts[i].x)]&0xFF) != PT_LNTG) { if (pmap[(int)(player[8]-1)][(int)(player[7])]) { player[9] -= 3; player[10] += 2; player[5] -= 2; } if (pmap[(int)(player[16]-1)][(int)(player[15])]) { player[17] -= 3; player[18] += 2; player[13] -= 2; } } else { if (pmap[(int)(player[8]-1)][(int)(player[7])]) { player[9] -= 1; player[10] += 1; player[5] -= 1; } if (pmap[(int)(player[16]-1)][(int)(player[15])]) { player[17] -= 1; player[18] += 1; player[13] -= 1; } } } //Charge detector wall if foot inside if(bmap[(int)(player[8]+0.5)/CELL][(int)(player[7]+0.5)/CELL]==6) set_emap((int)player[7]/CELL, (int)player[8]/CELL); if(bmap[(int)(player[16]+0.5)/CELL][(int)(player[15]+0.5)/CELL]==6) set_emap((int)(player[15]+0.5)/CELL, (int)(player[16]+0.5)/CELL); //Searching for particles near head for(nx = -2; nx <= 2; nx++) for(ny = 0; ny>=-2; ny--) { if(!pmap[ny+y][nx+x] || (pmap[ny+y][nx+x]>>8)>=NPART) continue; if((pstates[pmap[ny+y][nx+x]&0xFF].state != ST_SOLID && (pmap[ny+y][nx+x]&0xFF)!=PT_STKM && (pmap[ny+y][nx+x]&0xFF)!=PT_WHOL && (pmap[ny+y][nx+x]&0xFF)!=PT_BHOL) || (pmap[ny+y][nx+x]&0xFF) == PT_LNTG) { player[2] = pmap[ny+y][nx+x]&0xFF; //Current element } if((pmap[ny+y][nx+x]&0xFF) == PT_PLNT && parts[i].life<100) //Plant gives him 5 HP { if(parts[i].life<=95) parts[i].life += 5; else parts[i].life = 100; kill_part(pmap[ny+y][nx+x]>>8); } if((pmap[ny+y][nx+x]&0xFF) == PT_NEUT) { parts[i].life -= (102-parts[i].life)/2; kill_part(pmap[ny+y][nx+x]>>8); } } //Head position nx = x + 3*((((int)player[1])&0x02) == 0x02) - 3*((((int)player[1])&0x01) == 0x01); ny = y - 3*(player[1] == 0); //Spawn if(((int)(player[0])&0x08) == 0x08) { ny -= 2*(rand()%2)+1; r = pmap[ny][nx]; if(!((r>>8)>=NPART)) { if(pstates[r&0xFF].state == ST_SOLID) { create_part(-1, nx, ny, PT_SPRK); } else { create_part(-1, nx, ny, player[2]); r = pmap[ny][nx]; if( ((r>>8) < NPART) && (r>>8)>=0 ) parts[r>>8].vx = parts[r>>8].vx + 5*((((int)player[1])&0x02) == 0x02) - 5*(((int)(player[1])&0x01) == 0x01); } } } //Jump if (((int)(player[0])&0x04) == 0x04) { if (pmap[(int)(player[8]-0.5)][(int)(player[7])] || pmap[(int)(player[16]-0.5)][(int)(player[15])]) { parts[i].vy = -5; player[10] += 1; player[18] += 1; } } //Simulation of joints d = 25/(pow((player[3]-player[7]), 2) + pow((player[4]-player[8]), 2)+25) - 0.5; //Fast distance player[7] -= (player[3]-player[7])*d; player[8] -= (player[4]-player[8])*d; player[3] += (player[3]-player[7])*d; player[4] += (player[4]-player[8])*d; d = 25/(pow((player[11]-player[15]), 2) + pow((player[12]-player[16]), 2)+25) - 0.5; player[15] -= (player[11]-player[15])*d; player[16] -= (player[12]-player[16])*d; player[11] += (player[11]-player[15])*d; player[12] += (player[12]-player[16])*d; d = 36/(pow((player[3]-parts[i].x), 2) + pow((player[4]-parts[i].y), 2)+36) - 0.5; parts[i].vx -= (player[3]-parts[i].x)*d; parts[i].vy -= (player[4]-parts[i].y)*d; player[3] += (player[3]-parts[i].x)*d; player[4] += (player[4]-parts[i].y)*d; d = 36/(pow((player[11]-parts[i].x), 2) + pow((player[12]-parts[i].y), 2)+36) - 0.5; parts[i].vx -= (player[11]-parts[i].x)*d; parts[i].vy -= (player[12]-parts[i].y)*d; player[11] += (player[11]-parts[i].x)*d; player[12] += (player[12]-parts[i].y)*d; //Side collisions checking for(nx = -3; nx <= 3; nx++) { if(pmap[(int)(player[16]-2)][(int)(player[15]+nx)]) player[15] -= nx; if(pmap[(int)(player[8]-2)][(int)(player[7]+nx)]) player[7] -= nx; } //Collision checks for(ny = -2-(int)parts[i].vy; ny<=0; ny++) { r = pmap[(int)(player[8]+ny)][(int)(player[7]+0.5)]; //This is to make coding more pleasant :-) //For left leg if (r && (r&0xFF)!=PT_STKM) { if(pstates[r&0xFF].state == ST_LIQUID || pstates[r&0xFF].state == ST_GAS || (r&0xFF)==PT_LNTG) //Liquid checks { if(parts[i].y<(player[8]-10)) parts[i].vy = 1; else parts[i].vy = 0; if(abs(parts[i].vx)>1) parts[i].vx *= 0.5; } else { player[8] += ny-1; parts[i].vy -= 0.5*parts[i].vy; } player[9] = player[7]; } r = pmap[(int)(player[16]+ny)][(int)(player[15]+0.5)]; //For right leg if (r && (r&0xFF)!=PT_STKM) { if(pstates[r&0xFF].state == ST_LIQUID || pstates[r&0xFF].state == ST_GAS || (r&0xFF)==PT_LNTG) { if(parts[i].y<(player[16]-10)) parts[i].vy = 1; else parts[i].vy = 0; if(abs(parts[i].vx)>1) parts[i].vx *= 0.5; } else { player[16] += ny-1; parts[i].vy -= 0.5*parts[i].vy; } player[17] = player[15]; } //If it falls too fast if (parts[i].vy>=30) { parts[i].y -= 10+ny; parts[i].vy = -10; } } //Keeping legs distance if (pow((player[7] - player[15]), 2)<16 && pow((player[8]-player[16]), 2)<1) { player[7] += 0.2; player[15] -= 0.2; } if (pow((player[3] - player[11]), 2)<16 && pow((player[4]-player[12]), 2)<1) { player[3] += 0.2; player[11] -= 0.2; } //If legs touch something r = pmap[(int)(player[8]+0.5)][(int)(player[7]+0.5)]; if((r&0xFF)==PT_SPRK && r && (r>>8)0 && (r>>8)>8].temp>=50 || parts[r>>8].temp<=-30) { parts[i].life -= 2; player[16] -= 1; } } if ((r&0xFF)==PT_ACID) //If on acid parts[i].life -= 5; if ((r&0xFF)==PT_PLUT) //If on plut parts[i].life -= 1; r = pmap[(int)(player[16]+0.5)][(int)(player[15]+0.5)]; if((r&0xFF)==PT_SPRK && r && (r>>8)0 && (r>>8)>8].temp>=50 || parts[r>>8].temp<=-30) { parts[i].life -= 2; player[8] -= 1; } } if ((r&0xFF)==PT_ACID) //If on acid parts[i].life -= 5; if ((r&0xFF)==PT_PLUT) //If on plut parts[i].life -= 1; isplayer = 1; } if(t==PT_CLNE) { if(!parts[i].ctype) { for(nx=-1; nx<2; nx++) for(ny=-1; ny<2; ny++) if(x+nx>=0 && y+ny>0 && x+nx=XRES-CELL || ny=YRES-CELL) { parts[i].x = lx; parts[i].y = ly; kill_part(i); continue; } rt = parts[i].flags & FLAG_STAGNANT; parts[i].flags &= ~FLAG_STAGNANT; if(!try_move(i, x, y, nx, ny)) { parts[i].x = lx; parts[i].y = ly; if(ptypes[t].falldown) { if(nx!=x && try_move(i, x, y, nx, y)) { parts[i].x = ix; parts[i].vx *= ptypes[t].collision; parts[i].vy *= ptypes[t].collision; } else if(ny!=y && try_move(i, x, y, x, ny)) { parts[i].y = iy; parts[i].vx *= ptypes[t].collision; parts[i].vy *= ptypes[t].collision; } else { r = (rand()%2)*2-1; if(ny!=y && try_move(i, x, y, x+r, ny)) { parts[i].x += r; parts[i].y = iy; parts[i].vx *= ptypes[t].collision; parts[i].vy *= ptypes[t].collision; } else if(ny!=y && try_move(i, x, y, x-r, ny)) { parts[i].x -= r; parts[i].y = iy; parts[i].vx *= ptypes[t].collision; parts[i].vy *= ptypes[t].collision; } else if(nx!=x && try_move(i, x, y, nx, y+r)) { parts[i].x = ix; parts[i].y += r; parts[i].vx *= ptypes[t].collision; parts[i].vy *= ptypes[t].collision; } else if(nx!=x && try_move(i, x, y, nx, y-r)) { parts[i].x = ix; parts[i].y -= r; parts[i].vx *= ptypes[t].collision; parts[i].vy *= ptypes[t].collision; } else if(ptypes[t].falldown>1 && parts[i].vy>fabs(parts[i].vx)) { s = 0; if(!rt || nt) rt = 50; else rt = 10; for(j=x+r; j>=0 && j>=x-rt && j0) r = 1; else r = -1; if(s) for(j=y+r; j>=0 && j=y-rt && jx+ISTP) nx=x+ISTP; if(nxy+ISTP) ny=y+ISTP; if(ny(rand()%1000)) { kill_part(i); continue; } else if(try_move(i, x, y, 2*x-nx, ny)) { parts[i].x = (float)(2*x-nx); parts[i].y = (float)iy; parts[i].vx *= ptypes[t].collision; } else if(try_move(i, x, y, nx, 2*y-ny)) { parts[i].x = (float)ix; parts[i].y = (float)(2*y-ny); parts[i].vy *= ptypes[t].collision; } else { parts[i].vx *= ptypes[t].collision; parts[i].vy *= ptypes[t].collision; } } } justdraw: nx = (int)(parts[i].x+0.5f); ny = (int)(parts[i].y+0.5f); if(nx=XRES-CELL || ny=YRES-CELL) { kill_part(i); continue; } if(cmode!=CM_HEAT) { if(t==PT_STKM) //Just draw head here { char buff[10]; //Buffer for HP if(mousex>(nx-3) && mousex<(nx+3) && mousey<(ny+3) && mousey>(ny-3)) //If mous is in the head { sprintf(buff, "%3d", (int)parts[i].life); //Show HP drawtext(vid, mousex-8-2*(parts[i].life<100)-2*(parts[i].life<10), mousey-12, buff, 255, 255, 255, 255); } for(r=-2; r<=1; r++) //Here I use r variable not as I should, but I think you will excuse me :-p { s = XRES+BARSIZE; vid[(ny-2)*s+nx+r] = ptypes[(int)player[2]].pcolors; vid[(ny+2)*s+nx+r+1] = ptypes[(int)player[2]].pcolors; vid[(ny+r+1)*s+nx-2] = ptypes[(int)player[2]].pcolors; vid[(ny+r)*s+nx+2] = ptypes[(int)player[2]].pcolors; } draw_line(vid , nx, ny+3, player[3], player[4], 255, 255, 255, s); draw_line(vid , player[3], player[4], player[7], player[8], 255, 255, 255, s); draw_line(vid , nx, ny+3, player[11], player[12], 255, 255, 255, s); draw_line(vid , player[11], player[12], player[15], player[16], 255, 255, 255, s); isplayer = 1; //It's a secret. Tssss... } if(t==PT_ACID) { if(parts[i].life>255) parts[i].life = 255; if(parts[i].life<47) parts[i].life = 48; s = (255/((parts[i].life-46)*28)); if(s==0) s = 1; cr = PIXR(ptypes[t].pcolors)/s; cg = PIXG(ptypes[t].pcolors)/s; cb = PIXB(ptypes[t].pcolors)/s; for(x=-1; x<=1; x++) { for(y=-1; y<=1; y++) { if ((abs(x) == 0) && (abs(y) == 0)) blendpixel(vid,x+nx,y+ny,cr,cg,cb,100); else if (abs(y) != 0 || abs(x) != 0) blendpixel(vid,x+nx,y+ny,cr,cg,cb,40); } } if(cmode==4) { blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny, cr, cg, cb, 223); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny, cr, cg, cb, 223); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 223); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 223); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 112); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 112); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 112); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 112); } } else if(t==PT_OILL) { for(x=-1; x<=1; x++) { for(y=-1; y<=1; y++) { if ((abs(x) == 0) && (abs(y) == 0)) blendpixel(vid,x+nx,y+ny,64,64,16,100); else if (abs(y) != 0 || abs(x) != 0) blendpixel(vid,x+nx,y+ny,64,64,16,40); } } } else if(t==PT_NEUT) { if(cmode == 3||cmode==4) { vid[ny*(XRES+BARSIZE)+nx] = ptypes[t].pcolors; cg = 8; cb = 12; x = nx/CELL; y = ny/CELL; cg += fire_g[y][x]; if(cg > 255) cg = 255; fire_g[y][x] = cg; cb += fire_b[y][x]; if(cb > 255) cb = 255; fire_b[y][x] = cb; } else { cr = 0x20; cg = 0xE0; cb = 0xFF; blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, cr, cg, cb, 192); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 32); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 32); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 32); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 32); } } else if(t==PT_SLTW) { for(x=-1; x<=1; x++) { for(y=-1; y<=1; y++) { if ((abs(x) == 0) && (abs(y) == 0)) blendpixel(vid,x+nx,y+ny,64,80,240,100); else if (abs(y) != 0 || abs(x) != 0) blendpixel(vid,x+nx,y+ny,64,80,240,50); } } } else if(t==PT_PHOT) { if(cmode == 3||cmode==4) { vid[ny*(XRES+BARSIZE)+nx] = ptypes[t].pcolors; cg = 12; cb = 12; cr = 12; x = nx/CELL; y = ny/CELL; cg += fire_g[y][x]; if(cg > 255) cg = 255; fire_g[y][x] = cg; cb += fire_b[y][x]; if(cb > 255) cb = 255; fire_b[y][x] = cb; cr += fire_r[y][x]; if(cr > 255) cr = 255; fire_r[y][x] = cr; } else { cr = 0xFF; cg = 0xFF; cb = 0xFF; blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, cr, cg, cb, 192); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 32); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 32); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 32); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 32); } } else if(t==PT_SWCH && parts[i].life == 10) { x = nx; y = ny; blendpixel(vid,x,y,17,217,24,255); } else if(t==PT_LNTG) { for(x=-1; x<=1; x++) { for(y=-1; y<=1; y++) { if ((abs(x) == 0) && (abs(y) == 0)) blendpixel(vid,x+nx,y+ny,128,160,223,100); else if (abs(y) != 0 || abs(x) != 0) blendpixel(vid,x+nx,y+ny,128,160,223,50); } } } else if(t==PT_SMKE) { if(cmode == 3||cmode==4) { x = nx/CELL; y = ny/CELL; cg = 10; cb = 10; cr = 10; cg += fire_g[y][x]; if(cg > 50) cg = 50; fire_g[y][x] = cg; cb += fire_b[y][x]; if(cb > 50) cb = 50; fire_b[y][x] = cb; cr += fire_r[y][x]; if(cr > 50) cr = 50; fire_r[y][x] = cr; } else { for(x=-3; x<4; x++) { for(y=-3; y<4; y++) { if (abs(x)+abs(y) <2 && !(abs(x)==2||abs(y)==2)) blendpixel(vid,x+nx,y+ny,100,100,100,30); if(abs(x)+abs(y) <=3 && abs(x)+abs(y)) blendpixel(vid,x+nx,y+ny,100,100,100,10); if (abs(x)+abs(y) == 2) blendpixel(vid,x+nx,y+ny,100,100,100,20); } } } } else if(t==PT_WATR) { for(x=-1; x<=1; x++) { for(y=-1; y<=1; y++) { if ((abs(x) == 0) && (abs(y) == 0)) blendpixel(vid,x+nx,y+ny,32,48,208,100); else if (abs(y) != 0 || abs(x) != 0) blendpixel(vid,x+nx,y+ny,32,48,208,50); } } } else if(t==PT_DSTW) { for(x=-1; x<=1; x++) { for(y=-1; y<=1; y++) { if ((abs(x) == 0) && (abs(y) == 0)) blendpixel(vid,x+nx,y+ny,32,48,208,100); else if (abs(y) != 0 || abs(x) != 0) blendpixel(vid,x+nx,y+ny,32,48,208,50); } } } else if(t==PT_NITR) { for(x=-1; x<=1; x++) { for(y=-1; y<=1; y++) { if ((abs(x) == 0) && (abs(y) == 0)) blendpixel(vid,x+nx,y+ny,32,224,16,100); else if (abs(y) != 0 || abs(x) != 0) blendpixel(vid,x+nx,y+ny,32,224,16,50); } } } else if(t==PT_LRBD) { for(x=-1; x<=1; x++) { for(y=-1; y<=1; y++) { if ((abs(x) == 0) && (abs(y) == 0)) blendpixel(vid,x+nx,y+ny,170,170,170,100); else if (abs(y) != 0 || abs(x) != 0) blendpixel(vid,x+nx,y+ny,170,170,170,50); } } } else if(t==PT_NBLE) { for(x=-1; x<=1; x++) { for(y=-1; y<=1; y++) { if ((abs(x) == 0) && (abs(y) == 0)) blendpixel(vid,x+nx,y+ny,235,73,23,100); else if (abs(y) != 0 || abs(x) != 0) blendpixel(vid,x+nx,y+ny,235,73,23,20); } } } else if(t==PT_GASS) { for(x=-1; x<=1; x++) { for(y=-1; y<=1; y++) { if ((abs(x) == 0) && (abs(y) == 0)) blendpixel(vid,x+nx,y+ny,224,255,32,255); else if (abs(y) != 0 || abs(x) != 0) blendpixel(vid,x+nx,y+ny,224,255,32,20); } } } else if(t==PT_WTRV) { if(cmode == 3||cmode==4) { x = nx/CELL; y = ny/CELL; cg = PIXG(ptypes[t].pcolors)/3; cb = PIXB(ptypes[t].pcolors)/3; cr = PIXR(ptypes[t].pcolors)/3; cg += fire_g[y][x]; if(cg > PIXG(ptypes[t].pcolors)/2) cg = PIXG(ptypes[t].pcolors)/2; fire_g[y][x] = cg; cb += fire_b[y][x]; if(cb > PIXB(ptypes[t].pcolors)/2) cb = PIXB(ptypes[t].pcolors)/2; fire_b[y][x] = cb; cr += fire_r[y][x]; if(cr > PIXR(ptypes[t].pcolors)/2) cr = PIXR(ptypes[t].pcolors)/2; fire_r[y][x] = cr; } else { for(x=-3; x<4; x++) { for(y=-3; y<4; y++) { if (abs(x)+abs(y) <2 && !(abs(x)==2||abs(y)==2)) blendpixel(vid,x+nx,y+ny, PIXR(ptypes[t].pcolors)/1.6, PIXG(ptypes[t].pcolors)/1.6, PIXB(ptypes[t].pcolors)/1.6, 30); if(abs(x)+abs(y) <=3 && abs(x)+abs(y)) blendpixel(vid,x+nx,y+ny, PIXR(ptypes[t].pcolors)/1.6, PIXG(ptypes[t].pcolors)/1.6, PIXB(ptypes[t].pcolors)/1.6, 10); if (abs(x)+abs(y) == 2) blendpixel(vid,x+nx,y+ny, PIXR(ptypes[t].pcolors)/1.6, PIXG(ptypes[t].pcolors)/1.6, PIXB(ptypes[t].pcolors)/1.6, 20); } } } } else if(t==PT_THDR) { if(cmode == 3||cmode==4) { vid[ny*(XRES+BARSIZE)+nx] = ptypes[t].pcolors; cg = 16; cb = 20; cr = 12; x = nx/CELL; y = ny/CELL; cg += fire_g[y][x]; if(cg > 255) cg = 255; fire_g[y][x] = cg; cb += fire_b[y][x]; if(cb > 255) cb = 255; fire_b[y][x] = cb; cr += fire_r[y][x]; if(cr > 255) cr = 255; fire_r[y][x] = cr; } else { cr = 0xFF; cg = 0xFF; cb = 0xA0; blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, cr, cg, cb, 192); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 32); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 32); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 32); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 32); } } else if(t==PT_LCRY) { if(cmode == 3||cmode==4) { //cr = R/8; //cg = G/8; //cb = B/8; vid[ny*(XRES+BARSIZE)+nx] = PIXRGB(0x50+(parts[i].life*10), 0x50+(parts[i].life*10), 0x50+(parts[i].life*10)); //x = nx/CELL; //y = ny/CELL; //cg += fire_g[y][x]; if(cg > 255) cg = 255; fire_g[y][x] = cg; //cb += fire_b[y][x]; if(cb > 255) cb = 255; fire_b[y][x] = cb; //cr += fire_r[y][x]; if(cr > 255) cr = 255; fire_r[y][x] = cr; } else { cr = 0x50+(parts[i].life*10); cg = 0x50+(parts[i].life*10); cb = 0x50+(parts[i].life*10); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, cr, cg, cb, 192); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 32); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 32); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 32); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 32); } } else if(t==PT_PLSM) { float ttemp = parts[i].life; int caddress = restrict_flt(restrict_flt(ttemp, 0.0f, 200.0f)*3, 0.0f, (200.0f*3)-3); uint8 R = plasma_data[caddress]; uint8 G = plasma_data[caddress+1]; uint8 B = plasma_data[caddress+2]; if(cmode == 3||cmode==4) { cr = R/8; cg = G/8; cb = B/8; x = nx/CELL; y = ny/CELL; cg += fire_g[y][x]; if(cg > 255) cg = 255; fire_g[y][x] = cg; cb += fire_b[y][x]; if(cb > 255) cb = 255; fire_b[y][x] = cb; cr += fire_r[y][x]; if(cr > 255) cr = 255; fire_r[y][x] = cr; } else { cr = R; cg = G; cb = B; blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, cr, cg, cb, 192); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 32); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 32); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 32); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 32); } } else if(t==PT_FIRE && parts[i].life) { if(cmode == 3||cmode==4) { cr = parts[i].life / 4; cg = parts[i].life / 16; cb = parts[i].life / 32; if(cr>255) cr = 255; if(cg>192) cg = 212; if(cb>128) cb = 192; x = nx/CELL; y = ny/CELL; cr += fire_r[y][x]; if(cr > 255) cr = 255; fire_r[y][x] = cr; cg += fire_g[y][x]; if(cg > 255) cg = 255; fire_g[y][x] = cg; cb += fire_b[y][x]; if(cb > 255) cb = 255; fire_b[y][x] = cb; } else { cr = parts[i].life * 8; cg = parts[i].life * 2; cb = parts[i].life; if(cr>255) cr = 255; if(cg>192) cg = 212; if(cb>128) cb = 192; blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, cr, cg, cb, 255); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 32); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 32); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 32); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 32); } } else if(t==PT_LAVA && parts[i].life) { cr = parts[i].life * 2 + 0xE0; cg = parts[i].life * 1 + 0x50; cb = parts[i].life/2 + 0x10; if(cr>255) cr = 255; if(cg>192) cg = 192; if(cb>128) cb = 128; blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, cr, cg, cb, 255); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny, cr, cg, cb, 64); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny, cr, cg, cb, 64); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 64); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 64); if(cmode == 3||cmode==4) { cr /= 32; cg /= 32; cb /= 32; x = nx/CELL; y = ny/CELL; cr += fire_r[y][x]; if(cr > 255) cr = 255; fire_r[y][x] = cr; cg += fire_g[y][x]; if(cg > 255) cg = 255; fire_g[y][x] = cg; cb += fire_b[y][x]; if(cb > 255) cb = 255; fire_b[y][x] = cb; } } else if(t==PT_LAVA || t==PT_SPRK) { vid[ny*(XRES+BARSIZE)+nx] = ptypes[t].pcolors; if(cmode == 3 || cmode==4) { if(t == PT_LAVA) { cr = 3; cg = i%2; cb = 0; } else { cr = 8; cg = 12; cb = 16; } x = nx/CELL; y = ny/CELL; cr += fire_r[y][x]; if(cr > 255) cr = 255; fire_r[y][x] = cr; cg += fire_g[y][x]; if(cg > 255) cg = 255; fire_g[y][x] = cg; cb += fire_b[y][x]; if(cb > 255) cb = 255; fire_b[y][x] = cb; } } else vid[ny*(XRES+BARSIZE)+nx] = ptypes[t].pcolors; } else { float ttemp = parts[i].temp+(-MIN_TEMP); int caddress = restrict_flt((int)( restrict_flt(ttemp, 0.0f, MAX_TEMP+(-MIN_TEMP)) / ((MAX_TEMP+(-MIN_TEMP))/512) ) *3, 0.0f, (512.0f*3)-3); uint8 R = color_data[caddress]; uint8 G = color_data[caddress+1]; uint8 B = color_data[caddress+2]; if(t==PT_STKM) //Stick man should be visible in heat mode { char buff[10]; //Buffer for HP if(mousex>(nx-3) && mousex<(nx+3) && mousey<(ny+3) && mousey>(ny-3)) //If mous is in the head { sprintf(buff, "%3d", (int)parts[i].life); //Show HP drawtext(vid, mousex-8-2*(parts[i].life<100)-2*(parts[i].life<10), mousey-12, buff, 255, 255, 255, 255); } for(r=-2; r<=1; r++) { s = XRES+BARSIZE; vid[(ny-2)*s+nx+r] = PIXRGB (R, G, B); vid[(ny+2)*s+nx+r+1] = PIXRGB (R, G, B); vid[(ny+r+1)*s+nx-2] = PIXRGB (R, G, B); vid[(ny+r)*s+nx+2] = PIXRGB (R, G, B); } draw_line(vid , nx, ny+3, player[3], player[4], R, G, B, s); draw_line(vid , player[3], player[4], player[7], player[8], R, G, B, s); draw_line(vid , nx, ny+3, player[11], player[12], R, G, B, s); draw_line(vid , player[11], player[12], player[15], player[16], R, G, B, s); } else { vid[ny*(XRES+BARSIZE)+nx] = PIXRGB(R, G, B); //blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny, R, G, B, 255); } } if(cmode == 4&&t!=PT_FIRE&&t!=PT_PLSM&&t!=PT_NONE&&t!=PT_ACID) { uint8 R = PIXR(ptypes[t].pcolors); uint8 G = PIXG(ptypes[t].pcolors); uint8 B = PIXB(ptypes[t].pcolors); //if(vid[(ny-1)*YRES+(nx-1)]!=0){ // blendpixel(vid, nx, ny-1, R, G, B, 46); //} blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny, R, G, B, 223); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny, R, G, B, 223); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny+1, R, G, B, 223); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny-1, R, G, B, 223); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny-1, R, G, B, 112); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny-1, R, G, B, 112); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny+1, R, G, B, 112); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny+1, R, G, B, 112); } } } void drawblob(pixel *vid, int x, int y, unsigned char cr, unsigned char cg, unsigned char cb) { blendpixel(vid, x+1, y, cr, cg, cb, 112); blendpixel(vid, x-1, y, cr, cg, cb, 112); blendpixel(vid, x, y+1, cr, cg, cb, 112); blendpixel(vid, x, y-1, cr, cg, cb, 112); blendpixel(vid, x+1, y-1, cr, cg, cb, 64); blendpixel(vid, x-1, y-1, cr, cg, cb, 64); blendpixel(vid, x+1, y+1, cr, cg, cb, 64); blendpixel(vid, x-1, y+1, cr, cg, cb, 64); } void update_particles_i_th(void *arg) { upstruc *newup = (upstruc*)arg; update_particles_i(newup[0].vid, newup[0].start, newup[0].inc); return; } void update_particles(pixel *vid) { int i, j, x, y, t, nx, ny, r, cr,cg,cb, l = -1; float lx, ly; #ifdef MT int pt = 0, pc = 0; pthread_t *InterThreads; #endif isplayer = 0; //Needed for player spawning memset(pmap, 0, sizeof(pmap)); r = rand()%2; for(j=0; j=0 && y>=0 && x>1)&1; i 255) cr = 255; fire_r[y][x] = cr; cg += fire_g[y][x]; if(cg > 255) cg = 255; fire_g[y][x] = cg; cb += fire_b[y][x]; if(cb > 255) cb = 255; fire_b[y][x] = cb; } } if(bmap[y][x]==4) for(j=0; j>1)&1; i>1)&1; i 255) cr = 255; fire_r[y][x] = cr; cg += fire_g[y][x]; if(cg > 255) cg = 255; fire_g[y][x] = cg; cb += fire_b[y][x]; if(cb > 255) cb = 255; fire_b[y][x] = cb; } } if(bmap[y][x]==7) { if(emap[y][x]) { cr = cg = cb = 128; cr += fire_r[y][x]; if(cr > 255) cr = 255; fire_r[y][x] = cr; cg += fire_g[y][x]; if(cg > 255) cg = 255; fire_g[y][x] = cg; cb += fire_b[y][x]; if(cb > 255) cb = 255; fire_b[y][x] = cb; for(j=0; j 255) cr = 255; fire_r[y][x] = cr; cg += fire_g[y][x]; if(cg > 255) cg = 255; fire_g[y][x] = cg; cb += fire_b[y][x]; if(cb > 255) cb = 255; fire_b[y][x] = cb; } } if(bmap[y][x]==11) { for(j=0; j 255) cr = 255; fire_r[y][x] = cr; cg += fire_g[y][x]; if(cg > 255) cg = 255; fire_g[y][x] = cg; cb += fire_b[y][x]; if(cb > 255) cb = 255; fire_b[y][x] = cb; } } if(bmap[y][x]==13) { for(j=0; j>1)&1; i>1)&1; i>1)&1; i 255) cr = 255; fire_r[y][x] = cr; cg += fire_g[y][x]; if(cg > 255) cg = 255; fire_g[y][x] = cg; cb += fire_b[y][x]; if(cb > 255) cb = 255; fire_b[y][x] = cb; } } if(emap[y][x] && !sys_pause) emap[y][x] --; } } } else { for(y=0; y>1)&1; i 255) cr = 255; fire_r[y][x] = cr; cg += fire_g[y][x]; if(cg > 255) cg = 255; fire_g[y][x] = cg; cb += fire_b[y][x]; if(cb > 255) cb = 255; fire_b[y][x] = cb; } } if(bmap[y][x]==4) for(j=0; j>1)&1; i>1)&1; i 255) cr = 255; fire_r[y][x] = cr; cg += fire_g[y][x]; if(cg > 255) cg = 255; fire_g[y][x] = cg; cb += fire_b[y][x]; if(cb > 255) cb = 255; fire_b[y][x] = cb; } } if(bmap[y][x]==7) { if(emap[y][x]) { cr = cg = cb = 128; cr += fire_r[y][x]; if(cr > 255) cr = 255; fire_r[y][x] = cr; cg += fire_g[y][x]; if(cg > 255) cg = 255; fire_g[y][x] = cg; cb += fire_b[y][x]; if(cb > 255) cb = 255; fire_b[y][x] = cb; for(j=0; j 255) cr = 255; fire_r[y][x] = cr; cg += fire_g[y][x]; if(cg > 255) cg = 255; fire_g[y][x] = cg; cb += fire_b[y][x]; if(cb > 255) cb = 255; fire_b[y][x] = cb; } } if(bmap[y][x]==11) { for(j=0; j 255) cr = 255; fire_r[y][x] = cr; cg += fire_g[y][x]; if(cg > 255) cg = 255; fire_g[y][x] = cg; cb += fire_b[y][x]; if(cb > 255) cb = 255; fire_b[y][x] = cb; } } if(bmap[y][x]==9) { for(j=0; j>1)&1; i>1)&1; i>1)&1; i 255) cr = 255; fire_r[y][x] = cr; cg += fire_g[y][x]; if(cg > 255) cg = 255; fire_g[y][x] = cg; cb += fire_b[y][x]; if(cb > 255) cb = 255; fire_b[y][x] = cb; } } if(emap[y][x] && !sys_pause) emap[y][x] --; } } } #ifdef MT if(numCores > 1) { InterThreads = (pthread_t *)calloc(sizeof(pthread_t), numCores); for(pc = 0; pc=XRES || ny<0 || ny>=YRES) break; addpixel(vid, nx, ny, 255, 255, 255, 64); i = nx/CELL; j = ny/CELL; lx += vx[j][i]*0.125f; ly += vy[j][i]*0.125f; if(bmap[j][i]==5 && i!=x && j!=y) break; } drawtext(vid, x*CELL, y*CELL-2, "\x8D", 255, 255, 255, 128); } } void update_particles_th(void *arg) { update_particles((pixel*)arg); return; } /*********************************************************** * SDL OUTPUT * ***********************************************************/ int sdl_scale = 1; SDL_Surface *sdl_scrn; SDLMod sdl_mod; int sdl_key, sdl_wheel, sdl_caps=0, sdl_ascii, sdl_zoom_trig=0; #include "icon.h" void sdl_seticon(void) { #ifdef WIN32 //SDL_Surface *icon = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom(app_icon_w32, 32, 32, 32, 128, 0x000000FF, 0x0000FF00, 0x00FF0000, 0xFF000000); //SDL_WM_SetIcon(icon, NULL/*app_icon_mask*/); #else #ifdef MACOSX //SDL_Surface *icon = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom(app_icon_w32, 32, 32, 32, 128, 0x000000FF, 0x0000FF00, 0x00FF0000, 0xFF000000); //SDL_WM_SetIcon(icon, NULL/*app_icon_mask*/); #else SDL_Surface *icon = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom(app_icon, 16, 16, 32, 128, 0x000000FF, 0x0000FF00, 0x00FF0000, 0xFF000000); SDL_WM_SetIcon(icon, NULL/*app_icon_mask*/); #endif #endif } void sdl_open(void) { if(SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO)<0) { fprintf(stderr, "Initializing SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); exit(1); } atexit(SDL_Quit); #ifdef PIX16 sdl_scrn=SDL_SetVideoMode(XRES*sdl_scale + BARSIZE*sdl_scale,YRES*sdl_scale + MENUSIZE*sdl_scale,16,SDL_SWSURFACE); #else sdl_scrn=SDL_SetVideoMode(XRES*sdl_scale + BARSIZE*sdl_scale,YRES*sdl_scale + MENUSIZE*sdl_scale,32,SDL_SWSURFACE); #endif if(!sdl_scrn) { fprintf(stderr, "Creating window: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); exit(1); } SDL_WM_SetCaption("The Powder Toy", "Powder Toy"); sdl_seticon(); SDL_EnableUNICODE(1); //SDL_EnableKeyRepeat(SDL_DEFAULT_REPEAT_DELAY, SDL_DEFAULT_REPEAT_INTERVAL); } void sdl_blit_1(int x, int y, int w, int h, pixel *src, int pitch) { pixel *dst; int j; if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(sdl_scrn)) if(SDL_LockSurface(sdl_scrn)<0) return; dst=(pixel *)sdl_scrn->pixels+y*sdl_scrn->pitch/PIXELSIZE+x; for(j=0; jpitch/PIXELSIZE; src+=pitch; } if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(sdl_scrn)) SDL_UnlockSurface(sdl_scrn); SDL_UpdateRect(sdl_scrn,0,0,0,0); } void sdl_blit_2(int x, int y, int w, int h, pixel *src, int pitch) { pixel *dst; int j; int i,k; if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(sdl_scrn)) if(SDL_LockSurface(sdl_scrn)<0) return; dst=(pixel *)sdl_scrn->pixels+y*sdl_scrn->pitch/PIXELSIZE+x; for(j=0; jpitch/PIXELSIZE; } src+=pitch; } if(SDL_MUSTLOCK(sdl_scrn)) SDL_UnlockSurface(sdl_scrn); SDL_UpdateRect(sdl_scrn,0,0,0,0); } void sdl_blit(int x, int y, int w, int h, pixel *src, int pitch) { if(sdl_scale == 2) sdl_blit_2(x, y, w, h, src, pitch); else sdl_blit_1(x, y, w, h, src, pitch); } int frame_idx=0; void dump_frame(pixel *src, int w, int h, int pitch) { char frame_name[32]; int j,i; unsigned char c[3]; FILE *f; sprintf(frame_name,"frame%04d.ppm",frame_idx); f=fopen(frame_name,"wb"); fprintf(f,"P6\n%d %d\n255\n",w,h); for(j=0; j=0 && x=0 && yPT_NUM) return 2; if(c[5]!=CELL || c[6]!=XRES/CELL || c[7]!=YRES/CELL) return 3; i = XRES*YRES; d = malloc(i); if(!d) return 1; if(BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress((char *)d, (unsigned *)&i, (char *)(c+8), size-8, 0, 0)) return 1; size = i; } else d = c; if(size < XRES*YRES) { if(bzip2) free(d); return 1; } sy = 0; for(y=0; y+scl<=YRES; y+=scl) { sx = 0; for(x=0; x+scl<=XRES; x+=scl) { a = 0; r = g = b = 0; for(j=0; j=PT_NUM) goto corrupt; r += PIXR(ptypes[t].pcolors); g += PIXG(ptypes[t].pcolors); b += PIXB(ptypes[t].pcolors); a ++; } } if(a) { a = 256/a; r = (r*a)>>8; g = (g*a)>>8; b = (b*a)>>8; } drawpixel(vid_buf, px+sx, py+sy, r, g, b, 255); sx++; } sy++; } if(bzip2) free(d); return 0; corrupt: if(bzip2) free(d); return 1; } static char *mystrdup(char *s) { char *x; if(s) { x = malloc(strlen(s)+1); strcpy(x, s); return x; } return s; } void *build_save(int *size, int x0, int y0, int w, int h) { unsigned char *d=calloc(1,3*(XRES/CELL)*(YRES/CELL)+(XRES*YRES)*7+MAXSIGNS*262), *c; int i,j,x,y,p=0,*m=calloc(XRES*YRES, sizeof(int)); int bx0=x0/CELL, by0=y0/CELL, bw=(w+CELL-1)/CELL, bh=(h+CELL-1)/CELL; // normalize coordinates x0 = bx0*CELL; y0 = by0*CELL; w = bw *CELL; h = bh *CELL; // save the required air state for(y=by0; y255) i=255; d[p++] = i; } for(y=by0; y255) i=255; d[p++] = i; } // save the particle map for(i=0; i=x0 && x=y0 && y255) x=255; if(y<0) y=0; if(y>255) y=255; d[p++] = x; d[p++] = y; } } for(j=0; j255) tttemp=255; d[p++] = tttemp; } } for(j=0; j=x0 && signs[i].x=y0 && signs[i].y=x0 && signs[i].x=y0 && signs[i].y>8; d[p++] = (signs[i].y-y0); d[p++] = (signs[i].y-y0)>>8; d[p++] = signs[i].ju; x = strlen(signs[i].text); d[p++] = x; memcpy(d+p, signs[i].text, x); p+=x; } i = (p*101+99)/100 + 612; c = malloc(i); c[0] = 0x66; c[1] = 0x75; c[2] = 0x43; c[3] = legacy_enable; c[4] = SAVE_VERSION; c[5] = CELL; c[6] = bw; c[7] = bh; c[8] = p; c[9] = p >> 8; c[10] = p >> 16; c[11] = p >> 24; i -= 12; if(BZ2_bzBuffToBuffCompress((char *)(c+12), (unsigned *)&i, (char *)d, p, 9, 0, 0) != BZ_OK) { free(d); free(c); return NULL; } free(d); *size = i+12; return c; } int parse_save(void *save, int size, int replace, int x0, int y0) { unsigned char *d,*c=save; int i,j,k,x,y,p=0,*m=calloc(XRES*YRES, sizeof(int)), ver, pty, ty, legacy_beta=0; int bx0=x0/CELL, by0=y0/CELL, bw, bh, w, h; int fp[NPART], nf=0; if(size<16) return 1; if(c[2]!=0x43 || c[1]!=0x75 || c[0]!=0x66) return 1; if(c[4]>SAVE_VERSION) return 2; ver = c[4]; if(ver<34) { legacy_enable = 1; } else { if(c[3]==1||c[3]==0) legacy_enable = c[3]; else legacy_beta = 1; } bw = c[6]; bh = c[7]; if(bx0+bw > XRES/CELL) bx0 = XRES/CELL - bw; if(by0+bh > YRES/CELL) by0 = YRES/CELL - bh; if(bx0 < 0) bx0 = 0; if(by0 < 0) by0 = 0; if(c[5]!=CELL || bx0+bw>XRES/CELL || by0+bh>YRES/CELL) return 3; i = (unsigned)c[8]; i |= ((unsigned)c[9])<<8; i |= ((unsigned)c[10])<<16; i |= ((unsigned)c[11])<<24; d = malloc(i); if(!d) return 1; if(BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress((char *)d, (unsigned *)&i, (char *)(c+12), size-12, 0, 0)) return 1; size = i; if(size < bw*bh) return 1; // normalize coordinates x0 = bx0*CELL; y0 = by0*CELL; w = bw *CELL; h = bh *CELL; if(replace) { memset(bmap, 0, sizeof(bmap)); memset(emap, 0, sizeof(emap)); memset(signs, 0, sizeof(signs)); memset(parts, 0, sizeof(particle)*NPART); memset(pmap, 0, sizeof(pmap)); memset(vx, 0, sizeof(vx)); memset(vy, 0, sizeof(vy)); memset(pv, 0, sizeof(pv)); } // make a catalog of free parts memset(pmap, 0, sizeof(pmap)); for(i=0; i= size) goto corrupt; fvx[y][x] = (d[p++]-127.0f)/64.0f; } for(y=by0; y= size) goto corrupt; fvy[y][x] = (d[p++]-127.0f)/64.0f; } // load the particle map i = 0; pty = p; for(y=y0; y= size) goto corrupt; j=d[p++]; if(j >= PT_NUM) goto corrupt; if(j && !(isplayer == 1 && j==PT_STKM)) { if(pmap[y][x]) { k = pmap[y][x]>>8; parts[k].type = j; parts[k].x = (float)x; parts[k].y = (float)y; m[(x-x0)+(y-y0)*w] = k+1; } else if(i < nf) { parts[fp[i]].type = j; parts[fp[i]].x = (float)x; parts[fp[i]].y = (float)y; m[(x-x0)+(y-y0)*w] = fp[i]+1; i++; } else m[(x-x0)+(y-y0)*w] = NPART+1; } } // load particle properties for(j=0; j= size) goto corrupt; if(i < NPART) { parts[i].vx = (d[p++]-127.0f)/16.0f; parts[i].vy = (d[p++]-127.0f)/16.0f; if(parts[i].type == PT_STKM) { player[2] = PT_DUST; player[3] = parts[i].x-1; //Setting legs positions player[4] = parts[i].y+6; player[5] = parts[i].x-1; player[6] = parts[i].y+6; player[7] = parts[i].x-3; player[8] = parts[i].y+12; player[9] = parts[i].x-3; player[10] = parts[i].y+12; player[11] = parts[i].x+1; player[12] = parts[i].y+6; player[13] = parts[i].x+1; player[14] = parts[i].y+6; player[15] = parts[i].x+3; player[16] = parts[i].y+12; player[17] = parts[i].x+3; player[18] = parts[i].y+12; } } else p += 2; } } for(j=0; j= size) goto corrupt; if(i <= NPART) parts[i-1].life = d[p++]*4; else p++; } } for(j=0; j=34&&legacy_beta==0) { if(p >= size) { goto corrupt; } if(i <= NPART) { parts[i-1].temp = (d[p++]*((MAX_TEMP+(-MIN_TEMP))/255))+MIN_TEMP; } else { p++; } } else { parts[i-1].temp = ptypes[parts[i-1].type].heat; } } } for(j=0; j=21) || (ty==PT_LAVA && ver>=34))) { if(p >= size) goto corrupt; if(i <= NPART) parts[i-1].ctype = d[p++]; else p++; } } if(p >= size) goto version1; j = d[p++]; for(i=0; i size) goto corrupt; for(k=0; k size) goto corrupt; if(kSAVE_VERSION) return NULL; bw = c[6]; bh = c[7]; w = bw*CELL; h = bh*CELL; if(c[5]!=CELL) return NULL; i = (unsigned)c[8]; i |= ((unsigned)c[9])<<8; i |= ((unsigned)c[10])<<16; i |= ((unsigned)c[11])<<24; d = malloc(i); if(!d) return NULL; fb = calloc(w*h, PIXELSIZE); if(!fb) { free(d); return NULL; } if(BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress((char *)d, (unsigned *)&i, (char *)(c+12), size-12, 0, 0)) goto corrupt; size = i; if(size < bw*bh) goto corrupt; k = 0; for(y=0; y>1)&1; i>1)&1; i>1)&1; i=size) goto corrupt; for(y=0; y= size) goto corrupt; j=d[p++]; if(j0) { if(j==PT_STKM) //Stickman should be drawed another way { //Stickman drawing for(k=-2; k<=1; k++) { fb[(y-2)*w+x+k] = PIXRGB(255, 224, 178); fb[(y+2)*w+x+k+1] = PIXRGB(255, 224, 178); fb[(y+k+1)*w+x-2] = PIXRGB(255, 224, 178); fb[(y+k)*w+x+2] = PIXRGB(255, 224, 178); } draw_line(fb , x, y+3, x-1, y+6, 255, 255, 255, w); draw_line(fb , x-1, y+6, x-3, y+12, 255, 255, 255, w); draw_line(fb , x, y+3, x+1, y+6, 255, 255, 255, w); draw_line(fb , x+1, y+6, x+3, y+12, 255, 255, 255, w); } else fb[y*w+x] = ptypes[j].pcolors; } } free(d); *width = w; *height = h; return fb; corrupt: free(d); free(fb); return NULL; } /* NO, I DON'T THINK SO #include "fbi.h" pixel *render_packed_rgb(void *image, int width, int height, int cmp_size) { unsigned char *tmp; pixel *res; int i; tmp = malloc(width*height*3); if(!tmp) return NULL; res = malloc(width*height*PIXELSIZE); if(!res) { free(tmp); return NULL; } i = width*height*3; if(BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress((char *)tmp, (unsigned *)&i, (char *)image, cmp_size, 0, 0)) { free(res); free(tmp); return NULL; } for(i=0; i1) { r = (r+c/2)/c; g = (g+c/2)/c; b = (b+c/2)/c; } q[y*w+x] = PIXRGB(r, g, b); } *qw = w; *qh = h; return q; } #define GRID_X 5 #define GRID_Y 4 #define GRID_P 3 #define GRID_S 6 #define GRID_Z 3 void stamp_gen_thumb(int i) { char fn[64]; void *data; int size, factor_x, factor_y; pixel *tmp; if(stamps[i].thumb) { free(stamps[i].thumb); stamps[i].thumb = NULL; } sprintf(fn, "stamps" PATH_SEP "%s.stm", stamps[i].name); data = file_load(fn, &size); if(data) { stamps[i].thumb = prerender_save(data, size, &(stamps[i].thumb_w), &(stamps[i].thumb_h)); if(stamps[i].thumb && (stamps[i].thumb_w>XRES/GRID_S || stamps[i].thumb_h>YRES/GRID_S)) { factor_x = ceil((float)stamps[i].thumb_w/(float)(XRES/GRID_S)); factor_y = ceil((float)stamps[i].thumb_h/(float)(YRES/GRID_S)); if(factor_y > factor_x) factor_x = factor_y; tmp = rescale_img(stamps[i].thumb, stamps[i].thumb_w, stamps[i].thumb_h, &(stamps[i].thumb_w), &(stamps[i].thumb_h), factor_x); free(stamps[i].thumb); stamps[i].thumb = tmp; } } free(data); } int clipboard_ready = 0; void *clipboard_data = 0; int clipboard_length = 0; void stamp_save(int x, int y, int w, int h) { FILE *f; int n; char fn[64], sn[16]; void *s=build_save(&n, x, y, w, h); #ifdef WIN32 _mkdir("stamps"); #else mkdir("stamps", 0755); #endif stamp_gen_name(sn); sprintf(fn, "stamps" PATH_SEP "%s.stm", sn); f = fopen(fn, "wb"); if(!f) return; fwrite(s, n, 1, f); fclose(f); free(s); if(stamps[STAMP_MAX-1].thumb) free(stamps[STAMP_MAX-1].thumb); memmove(stamps+1, stamps, sizeof(struct stamp_info)*(STAMP_MAX-1)); memset(stamps, 0, sizeof(struct stamp_info)); if(stamp_count0) { memcpy(&tmp, stamps+i, sizeof(struct stamp_info)); memmove(stamps+1, stamps, sizeof(struct stamp_info)*i); memcpy(stamps, &tmp, sizeof(struct stamp_info)); stamp_update(); } return data; } void stamp_init(void) { int i; FILE *f; memset(stamps, 0, sizeof(stamps)); f=fopen("stamps" PATH_SEP "stamps.def", "rb"); if(!f) return; for(i=0; i=XRES+BARSIZE || y>=YRES+MENUSIZE) return; if(a!=255) { t = vid[y*(XRES+BARSIZE)+x]; r = (a*r + (255-a)*PIXR(t)) >> 8; g = (a*g + (255-a)*PIXG(t)) >> 8; b = (a*b + (255-a)*PIXB(t)) >> 8; } vid[y*(XRES+BARSIZE)+x] = PIXRGB(r,g,b); } inline int drawchar(pixel *vid, int x, int y, int c, int r, int g, int b, int a) { int i, j, w, bn = 0, ba = 0; char *rp = font_data + font_ptrs[c]; w = *(rp++); for(j=0; j>= 2; bn -= 2; } return x + w; } int drawtext(pixel *vid, int x, int y, char *s, int r, int g, int b, int a) { int sx = x; for(; *s; s++) { if(*s == '\n') { x = sx; y += FONT_H+2; } else if(*s == '\b') { switch(s[1]) { case 'w': r = g = b = 255; break; case 'g': r = g = b = 192; break; case 'o': r = 255; g = 216; b = 32; break; case 'r': r = 255; g = b = 0; break; case 'b': r = g = 0; b = 255; break; } s++; } else x = drawchar(vid, x, y, *(unsigned char *)s, r, g, b, a); } return x; } void drawrect(pixel *vid, int x, int y, int w, int h, int r, int g, int b, int a) { int i; for(i=0; i<=w; i++) { drawpixel(vid, x+i, y, r, g, b, a); drawpixel(vid, x+i, y+h, r, g, b, a); } for(i=1; i=w && x+textwidth(s)>=w+5) break; x = drawchar(vid, x, y, *(unsigned char *)s, r, g, b, a); } if(*s) for(i=0; i<3; i++) x = drawchar(vid, x, y, '.', r, g, b, a); return x; } int textnwidth(char *s, int n) { int x = 0; for(; *s; s++) { if(!n) break; x += font_data[font_ptrs[(int)(*(unsigned char *)s)]]; n--; } return x-1; } int textwidthx(char *s, int w) { int x=0,n=0,cw; for(; *s; s++) { cw = font_data[font_ptrs[(int)(*(unsigned char *)s)]]; if(x+(cw/2) >= w) break; x += cw; n++; } return n; } /*********************************************************** * MAIN PROGRAM * ***********************************************************/ void draw_tool(pixel *vid_buf, int b, int sl, int sr, unsigned pc, unsigned iswall) { int x, y, i, j, c; int bo = b; if(iswall==1) { b = b-100; x = (2+32*((b-22)/1)); y = YRES+2+40; switch(b) { case WL_WALLELEC: for(j=1; j<15; j++) { for(i=1; i<27; i++) { if(!(i%2) && !(j%2)) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } else { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = PIXPACK(0x808080); } } } break; case 23: for(j=1; j<15; j++) { for(i=1; i<6+j; i++) { if(!(i&j&1)) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } for(; i<27; i++) { if(i&j&1) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } } break; case 24: for(j=1; j<15; j+=2) { for(i=1+(1&(j>>1)); i<27; i+=2) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } break; case 25: for(j=1; j<15; j++) { for(i=1; i<27; i++) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = i==1||i==26||j==1||j==14 ? PIXPACK(0xA0A0A0) : PIXPACK(0x000000); drawtext(vid_buf, x+4, y+3, "\x8D", 255, 255, 255, 255); } } for(i=9; i<27; i++) { drawpixel(vid_buf, x+i, y+8+(int)(3.9f*cos(i*0.3f)), 255, 255, 255, 255); } break; case 26: for(j=1; j<15; j++) { for(i=1; i<27; i++) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = i==1||i==26||j==1||j==14 ? PIXPACK(0xA0A0A0) : PIXPACK(0x000000); } } drawtext(vid_buf, x+9, y+3, "\xA1", 32, 64, 128, 255); drawtext(vid_buf, x+9, y+3, "\xA0", 255, 255, 255, 255); break; case 27: for(j=1; j<15; j+=2) { for(i=1+(1&(j>>1)); i<27; i+=2) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } break; case 28: for(j=1; j<15; j++) { for(i=1; i<27; i++) { if(!(i%2) && !(j%2)) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } } break; case 29: for(j=1; j<15; j+=2) { for(i=1+(1&(j>>1)); i<27; i+=2) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } break; case 30: for(j=1; j<15; j+=2) { for(i=1+(1&(j>>1)); i<13; i+=2) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } for(j=1; j<15; j++) { for(i=14; i<27; i++) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } break; case 32: for(j=1; j<15; j+=2) { for(i=1+(1&(j>>1)); i<27; i+=2) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } break; case 33: for(j=1; j<15; j+=2) { for(i=1+(1&(j>>1)); i<27; i+=2) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } break; case 34: for(j=1; j<15; j++) { for(i=1; i<27; i++) { if(!(i%2) && !(j%2)) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } } break; case 36: for(j=1; j<15; j++) { for(i=1; i<27; i++) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } c = PIXR(pc) + 3*PIXG(pc) + 2*PIXB(pc); if(c<544) { c = 255; } else { c = 0; } drawtext(vid_buf, x+14-textwidth("AIR")/2, y+4, "AIR", c, c, c, 255); break; case 37: for(j=1; j<15; j++) { for(i=1; i<27; i++) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } c = PIXR(pc) + 3*PIXG(pc) + 2*PIXB(pc); if(c<544) { c = 255; } else { c = 0; } drawtext(vid_buf, x+14-textwidth("HEAT")/2, y+4, "HEAT", c, c, c, 255); break; case 38: for(j=1; j<15; j++) { for(i=1; i<27; i++) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } c = PIXR(pc) + 3*PIXG(pc) + 2*PIXB(pc); if(c<544) { c = 255; } else { c = 0; } drawtext(vid_buf, x+14-textwidth("COOL")/2, y+4, "COOL", c, c, c, 255); break; case 39: for(j=1; j<15; j++) { for(i=1; i<27; i++) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } c = PIXR(pc) + 3*PIXG(pc) + 2*PIXB(pc); if(c<544) { c = 255; } else { c = 0; } drawtext(vid_buf, x+14-textwidth("VAC")/2, y+4, "VAC", c, c, c, 255); break; default: for(j=1; j<15; j++) { for(i=1; i<27; i++) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } } if(b==30) { for(j=4; j<12; j++) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+j+6)] = PIXPACK(0xFF0000); vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+j+7)] = PIXPACK(0xFF0000); vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x-j+21)] = PIXPACK(0xFF0000); vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x-j+22)] = PIXPACK(0xFF0000); } } } else { x = 2+32*(b/2); y = YRES+2+20*(b%2); for(j=1; j<15; j++) { for(i=1; i<27; i++) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } if(b==0) { for(j=4; j<12; j++) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+j+6)] = PIXPACK(0xFF0000); vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+j+7)] = PIXPACK(0xFF0000); vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x-j+21)] = PIXPACK(0xFF0000); vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x-j+22)] = PIXPACK(0xFF0000); } } c = PIXB(ptypes[b].pcolors) + 3*PIXG(ptypes[b].pcolors) + 2*PIXR(ptypes[b].pcolors); if(c<544) { c = 255; } else { c = 0; } drawtext(vid_buf, x+14-textwidth((char *)ptypes[b].name)/2, y+4, (char *)ptypes[b].name, c, c, c, 255); } if(bo==sl || bo==sr) { c = 0; if(bo==sl) c |= PIXPACK(0xFF0000); if(bo==sr) c |= PIXPACK(0x0000FF); for(i=0; i<30; i++) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y-1)+(x+i-1)] = c; vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+16)+(x+i-1)] = c; } for(j=0; j<18; j++) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j-1)+(x-1)] = c; vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j-1)+(x+28)] = c; } } } int draw_tool_xy(pixel *vid_buf, int x, int y, int b, unsigned pc) { int i, j, c; if(b>=121) { b = b-100; //x = (2+32*((b-22)/1)); //y = YRES+2+40; switch(b) { case WL_WALLELEC: for(j=1; j<15; j++) { for(i=1; i<27; i++) { if(!(i%2) && !(j%2)) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } else { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = PIXPACK(0x808080); } } } break; case 23: for(j=1; j<15; j++) { for(i=1; i<6+j; i++) { if(!(i&j&1)) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } for(; i<27; i++) { if(i&j&1) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } } break; case 24: for(j=1; j<15; j+=2) { for(i=1+(1&(j>>1)); i<27; i+=2) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } break; case 25: for(j=1; j<15; j++) { for(i=1; i<27; i++) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = i==1||i==26||j==1||j==14 ? PIXPACK(0xA0A0A0) : PIXPACK(0x000000); drawtext(vid_buf, x+4, y+3, "\x8D", 255, 255, 255, 255); } } for(i=9; i<27; i++) { drawpixel(vid_buf, x+i, y+8+(int)(3.9f*cos(i*0.3f)), 255, 255, 255, 255); } break; case 26: for(j=1; j<15; j++) { for(i=1; i<27; i++) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = i==1||i==26||j==1||j==14 ? PIXPACK(0xA0A0A0) : PIXPACK(0x000000); } } drawtext(vid_buf, x+9, y+3, "\xA1", 32, 64, 128, 255); drawtext(vid_buf, x+9, y+3, "\xA0", 255, 255, 255, 255); break; case 27: for(j=1; j<15; j+=2) { for(i=1+(1&(j>>1)); i<27; i+=2) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } break; case 28: for(j=1; j<15; j++) { for(i=1; i<27; i++) { if(!(i%2) && !(j%2)) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } } break; case 29: for(j=1; j<15; j+=2) { for(i=1+(1&(j>>1)); i<27; i+=2) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } break; case 30: for(j=1; j<15; j+=2) { for(i=1+(1&(j>>1)); i<13; i+=2) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } for(j=1; j<15; j++) { for(i=14; i<27; i++) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } break; case 32: for(j=1; j<15; j+=2) { for(i=1+(1&(j>>1)); i<27; i+=2) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } break; case 33: for(j=1; j<15; j+=2) { for(i=1+(1&(j>>1)); i<27; i+=2) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } break; case 34: for(j=1; j<15; j++) { for(i=1; i<27; i++) { if(!(i%2) && !(j%2)) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } } break; case 36: for(j=1; j<15; j++) { for(i=1; i<27; i++) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } c = PIXR(pc) + 3*PIXG(pc) + 2*PIXB(pc); if(c<544) { c = 255; } else { c = 0; } drawtext(vid_buf, x+14-textwidth("AIR")/2, y+4, "AIR", c, c, c, 255); break; case 37: for(j=1; j<15; j++) { for(i=1; i<27; i++) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } c = PIXR(pc) + 3*PIXG(pc) + 2*PIXB(pc); if(c<544) { c = 255; } else { c = 0; } drawtext(vid_buf, x+14-textwidth("HEAT")/2, y+4, "HEAT", c, c, c, 255); break; case 38: for(j=1; j<15; j++) { for(i=1; i<27; i++) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } c = PIXR(pc) + 3*PIXG(pc) + 2*PIXB(pc); if(c<544) { c = 255; } else { c = 0; } drawtext(vid_buf, x+14-textwidth("COOL")/2, y+4, "COOL", c, c, c, 255); break; case 39: for(j=1; j<15; j++) { for(i=1; i<27; i++) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } c = PIXR(pc) + 3*PIXG(pc) + 2*PIXB(pc); if(c<544) { c = 255; } else { c = 0; } drawtext(vid_buf, x+14-textwidth("VAC")/2, y+4, "VAC", c, c, c, 255); break; case 40: for(j=1; j<15; j+=2) { for(i=1+(1&(j>>1)); i<27; i+=2) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } break; default: for(j=1; j<15; j++) { for(i=1; i<27; i++) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } } if(b==30) { for(j=4; j<12; j++) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+j+6)] = PIXPACK(0xFF0000); vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+j+7)] = PIXPACK(0xFF0000); vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x-j+21)] = PIXPACK(0xFF0000); vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x-j+22)] = PIXPACK(0xFF0000); } } } else { //x = 2+32*(b/2); //y = YRES+2+20*(b%2); for(j=1; j<15; j++) { for(i=1; i<27; i++) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } if(b==0) { for(j=4; j<12; j++) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+j+6)] = PIXPACK(0xFF0000); vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+j+7)] = PIXPACK(0xFF0000); vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x-j+21)] = PIXPACK(0xFF0000); vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x-j+22)] = PIXPACK(0xFF0000); } } c = PIXB(ptypes[b].pcolors) + 3*PIXG(ptypes[b].pcolors) + 2*PIXR(ptypes[b].pcolors); if(c<544) { c = 255; } else { c = 0; } drawtext(vid_buf, x+14-textwidth((char *)ptypes[b].name)/2, y+4, (char *)ptypes[b].name, c, c, c, 255); } return 26; } void draw_menu(pixel *vid_buf, int i, int hover) { //drawtext(vid_buf, XRES+1, /*(12*i)+2*/((YRES/SC_TOTAL)*i)+((YRES/SC_TOTAL)/2), msections[i].icon, 255, 255, 255, 255); #ifdef MENUV3 drawrect(vid_buf, XRES-2, (i*16)+YRES+MENUSIZE-16-(SC_TOTAL*16), 14, 14, 255, 255, 255, 255); if(hover==i) { fillrect(vid_buf, XRES-2, (i*16)+YRES+MENUSIZE-16-(SC_TOTAL*16), 14, 14, 255, 255, 255, 255); drawtext(vid_buf, XRES+1, (i*16)+YRES+MENUSIZE-14-(SC_TOTAL*16), msections[i].icon, 0, 0, 0, 255); } else { drawtext(vid_buf, XRES+1, (i*16)+YRES+MENUSIZE-14-(SC_TOTAL*16), msections[i].icon, 255, 255, 255, 255); } #else drawtext(vid_buf, XRES+1, (i*16)+YRES+MENUSIZE-14-(SC_TOTAL*16), msections[i].icon, 255, 255, 255, 255); #endif } void menu_ui(pixel *vid_buf, int i, int *sl, int *sr) { int b=1,bq,mx,my,h,x,y,n=0,height,width,sy,rows=0; pixel *old_vid=(pixel *)calloc((XRES+BARSIZE)*(YRES+MENUSIZE), PIXELSIZE); fillrect(vid_buf, -1, -1, XRES+1, YRES+MENUSIZE, 0, 0, 0, 192); memcpy(old_vid, vid_buf, ((XRES+BARSIZE)*(YRES+MENUSIZE))*PIXELSIZE); while(!sdl_poll()) { b = SDL_GetMouseState(&mx, &my); if(!b) break; } while(!sdl_poll()) { bq = b; b = SDL_GetMouseState(&mx, &my); mx /= sdl_scale; my /= sdl_scale; rows = ceil((float)msections[i].itemcount/16.0f); height = (ceil((float)msections[i].itemcount/16.0f)*18); width = restrict_flt(msections[i].itemcount*31, 0, 16*31); //clearrect(vid_buf, -1, -1, XRES+1, YRES+MENUSIZE+1); h = -1; x = XRES-BARSIZE-26; y = (((YRES/SC_TOTAL)*i)+((YRES/SC_TOTAL)/2))-(height/2)+(FONT_H/2)+1; sy = y; //clearrect(vid_buf, (XRES-BARSIZE-width)+1, y-4, width+4, height+4+rows); fillrect(vid_buf, (XRES-BARSIZE-width)-7, y-10, width+16, height+16+rows, 0, 0, 0, 100); drawrect(vid_buf, (XRES-BARSIZE-width)-7, y-10, width+16, height+16+rows, 255, 255, 255, 255); fillrect(vid_buf, (XRES-BARSIZE)+11, (((YRES/SC_TOTAL)*i)+((YRES/SC_TOTAL)/2))-2, 15, FONT_H+3, 0, 0, 0, 100); drawrect(vid_buf, (XRES-BARSIZE)+10, (((YRES/SC_TOTAL)*i)+((YRES/SC_TOTAL)/2))-2, 16, FONT_H+3, 255, 255, 255, 255); drawrect(vid_buf, (XRES-BARSIZE)+9, (((YRES/SC_TOTAL)*i)+((YRES/SC_TOTAL)/2))-1, 1, FONT_H+1, 0, 0, 0, 255); if(i==SC_WALL) { for(n = 122; n<122+UI_WALLCOUNT; n++) { if(n!=SPC_AIR&&n!=SPC_HEAT&&n!=SPC_COOL&&n!=SPC_VACUUM) { if(x-26<=60) { x = XRES-BARSIZE-26; y += 19; } x -= draw_tool_xy(vid_buf, x, y, n, mwalls[n-122].colour)+5; if(mx>=x+32 && mx=y && my< y+15) { drawrect(vid_buf, x+30, y-1, 29, 17, 255, 0, 0, 255); h = n; } else if(n==*sl) { drawrect(vid_buf, x+30, y-1, 29, 17, 255, 0, 0, 255); } else if(n==*sr) { drawrect(vid_buf, x+30, y-1, 29, 17, 0, 0, 255, 255); } } } } else if(i==SC_SPECIAL) { for(n = 122; n<122+UI_WALLCOUNT; n++) { if(n==SPC_AIR||n==SPC_HEAT||n==SPC_COOL||n==SPC_VACUUM) { if(x-26<=60) { x = XRES-BARSIZE-26; y += 19; } x -= draw_tool_xy(vid_buf, x, y, n, mwalls[n-122].colour)+5; if(mx>=x+32 && mx=y && my< y+15) { drawrect(vid_buf, x+30, y-1, 29, 17, 255, 0, 0, 255); h = n; } else if(n==*sl) { drawrect(vid_buf, x+30, y-1, 29, 17, 255, 0, 0, 255); } else if(n==*sr) { drawrect(vid_buf, x+30, y-1, 29, 17, 0, 0, 255, 255); } } } for(n = 0; n=x+32 && mx=y && my< y+15) { drawrect(vid_buf, x+30, y-1, 29, 17, 255, 0, 0, 255); h = n; } else if(n==*sl) { drawrect(vid_buf, x+30, y-1, 29, 17, 255, 0, 0, 255); } else if(n==*sr) { drawrect(vid_buf, x+30, y-1, 29, 17, 0, 0, 255, 255); } } } } else { for(n = 0; n=x+32 && mx=y && my< y+15) { drawrect(vid_buf, x+30, y-1, 29, 17, 255, 0, 0, 255); h = n; } else if(n==*sl) { drawrect(vid_buf, x+30, y-1, 29, 17, 255, 0, 0, 255); } else if(n==*sr) { drawrect(vid_buf, x+30, y-1, 29, 17, 0, 0, 255, 255); } } } } if(h==-1) { drawtext(vid_buf, XRES-textwidth((char *)msections[i].name)-BARSIZE, sy+height+10, (char *)msections[i].name, 255, 255, 255, 255); } else if(i==SC_WALL||(i==SC_SPECIAL&&h>=122)) { drawtext(vid_buf, XRES-textwidth((char *)mwalls[h-122].descs)-BARSIZE, sy+height+10, (char *)mwalls[h-122].descs, 255, 255, 255, 255); } else { drawtext(vid_buf, XRES-textwidth((char *)ptypes[h].descs)-BARSIZE, sy+height+10, (char *)ptypes[h].descs, 255, 255, 255, 255); } sdl_blit(0, 0, (XRES+BARSIZE), YRES+MENUSIZE, vid_buf, (XRES+BARSIZE)); memcpy(vid_buf, old_vid, ((XRES+BARSIZE)*(YRES+MENUSIZE))*PIXELSIZE); if(!(mx>=(XRES-BARSIZE-width)-7 && my>=sy-10 && my=x+32 && mx=y && my< y+15) { drawrect(vid_buf, x+30, y-1, 29, 17, 255, 0, 0, 255); h = n; } else if(n==*sl) { drawrect(vid_buf, x+30, y-1, 29, 17, 255, 0, 0, 255); } else if(n==*sr) { drawrect(vid_buf, x+30, y-1, 29, 17, 0, 0, 255, 255); } } } } else if(i==SC_SPECIAL) { for(n = 122; n<122+UI_WALLCOUNT; n++) { if(n==SPC_AIR||n==SPC_HEAT||n==SPC_COOL||n==SPC_VACUUM) { if(x-26<=20) { x = XRES-BARSIZE-26; y += 19; } x -= draw_tool_xy(vid_buf, x, y, n, mwalls[n-122].colour)+5; if(!bq && mx>=x+32 && mx=y && my< y+15) { drawrect(vid_buf, x+30, y-1, 29, 17, 255, 0, 0, 255); h = n; } else if(n==*sl) { drawrect(vid_buf, x+30, y-1, 29, 17, 255, 0, 0, 255); } else if(n==*sr) { drawrect(vid_buf, x+30, y-1, 29, 17, 0, 0, 255, 255); } } } for(n = 0; n=x+32 && mx=y && my< y+15) { drawrect(vid_buf, x+30, y-1, 29, 17, 255, 0, 0, 255); h = n; } else if(n==*sl) { drawrect(vid_buf, x+30, y-1, 29, 17, 255, 0, 0, 255); } else if(n==*sr) { drawrect(vid_buf, x+30, y-1, 29, 17, 0, 0, 255, 255); } } } } else { for(n = 0; n=x+32 && mx=y && my< y+15) { drawrect(vid_buf, x+30, y-1, 29, 17, 255, 0, 0, 255); h = n; } else if(n==*sl) { drawrect(vid_buf, x+30, y-1, 29, 17, 255, 0, 0, 255); } else if(n==*sr) { drawrect(vid_buf, x+30, y-1, 29, 17, 0, 0, 255, 255); } } } } if(h==-1) { drawtext(vid_buf, XRES-textwidth((char *)msections[i].name)-BARSIZE, sy-10, (char *)msections[i].name, 255, 255, 255, 255); } else if(i==SC_WALL||(i==SC_SPECIAL&&h>=122)) { drawtext(vid_buf, XRES-textwidth((char *)mwalls[h-122].descs)-BARSIZE, sy-10, (char *)mwalls[h-122].descs, 255, 255, 255, 255); } else { drawtext(vid_buf, XRES-textwidth((char *)ptypes[h].descs)-BARSIZE, sy-10, (char *)ptypes[h].descs, 255, 255, 255, 255); } if(b==1&&h!=-1) { *sl = h; } if(b==4&&h!=-1) { *sr = h; } } int create_parts(int x, int y, int r, int c) { int i, j, f = 0, u, v, oy, ox, b = 0, dw = 0; //n; if(c == 125) { i = x / CELL; j = y / CELL; for(v=-1; v<2; v++) for(u=-1; u<2; u++) if(i+u>=0 && i+u=0 && j+v=0&&ox=0&&oyabs(x2-x1), x, y, dx, dy, sy; float e, de; if(cp) { y = x1; x1 = y1; y1 = y; y = x2; x2 = y2; y2 = y; } if(x1 > x2) { y = x1; x1 = x2; x2 = y; y = y1; y1 = y2; y2 = y; } dx = x2 - x1; dy = abs(y2 - y1); e = 0.0f; if(dx) de = dy/(float)dx; else de = 0.0f; y = y1; sy = (y1= 0.5f) { y += sy; if(c==135 || c==140 || c==134 || c==133 || c==132 || c==131 || c==129 || c==128 || c==127 || c==125 || c==124 || c==123 || c==122 || !r) { if(cp) create_parts(y, x, r, c); else create_parts(x, y, r, c); } e -= 1.0f; } } } void create_box(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int c) { int i, j; if(x1>x2) { i = x2; x2 = x1; x1 = i; } if(y1>y2) { j = y2; y2 = y1; y1 = j; } for(j=y1; j<=y2; j++) for(i=x1; i<=x2; i++) create_parts(i, j, 1, c); } int flood_parts(int x, int y, int c, int cm, int bm) { int x1, x2, dy = (c=122&&c<=122+UI_WALLCOUNT) { c = c-100; } if(cm==-1) { if(c==0) { cm = pmap[y][x]&0xFF; if(!cm) return 0; } else cm = 0; } if(bm==-1) { if(c==30) { bm = bmap[y/CELL][x/CELL]; if(!bm) return 0; if(bm==1) cm = 0xFF; } else bm = 0; } if((pmap[y][x]&0xFF)!=cm || bmap[y/CELL][x/CELL]!=bm) return 1; // go left as far as possible x1 = x2 = x; while(x1>=CELL) { if((pmap[y][x1-1]&0xFF)!=cm || bmap[y/CELL][(x1-1)/CELL]!=bm) break; x1--; } while(x2=CELL+dy) for(x=x1; x<=x2; x++) if((pmap[y-dy][x]&0xFF)==cm && bmap[(y-dy)/CELL][x/CELL]==bm) if(!flood_parts(x, y-dy, co, cm, bm)) return 0; if(y=XRES || y>=YRES) return; c = vid[y*(XRES+BARSIZE)+x]; c = PIXB(c) + 3*PIXG(c) + 2*PIXR(c); if(c<512) vid[y*(XRES+BARSIZE)+x] = PIXPACK(0xC0C0C0); else vid[y*(XRES+BARSIZE)+x] = PIXPACK(0x404040); } void xor_line(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, pixel *vid) { int cp=abs(y2-y1)>abs(x2-x1), x, y, dx, dy, sy; float e, de; if(cp) { y = x1; x1 = y1; y1 = y; y = x2; x2 = y2; y2 = y; } if(x1 > x2) { y = x1; x1 = x2; x2 = y; y = y1; y1 = y2; y2 = y; } dx = x2 - x1; dy = abs(y2 - y1); e = 0.0f; if(dx) de = dy/(float)dx; else de = 0.0f; y = y1; sy = (y1= 0.5f) { y += sy; e -= 1.0f; } } } void draw_svf_ui(pixel *vid_buf) { int c; drawtext(vid_buf, 4, YRES+(MENUSIZE-14), "\x81", 255, 255, 255, 255); drawrect(vid_buf, 1, YRES+(MENUSIZE-16), 16, 14, 255, 255, 255, 255); c = svf_open ? 255 : 128; drawtext(vid_buf, 23, YRES+(MENUSIZE-14), "\x91", c, c, c, 255); drawrect(vid_buf, 19, YRES+(MENUSIZE-16), 16, 14, c, c, c, 255); c = svf_login ? 255 : 128; drawtext(vid_buf, 40, YRES+(MENUSIZE-14), "\x82", c, c, c, 255); if(svf_open) drawtext(vid_buf, 58, YRES+(MENUSIZE-12), svf_name, c, c, c, 255); else drawtext(vid_buf, 58, YRES+(MENUSIZE-12), "[untitled simulation]", c, c, c, 255); drawrect(vid_buf, 37, YRES+(MENUSIZE-16), 150, 14, c, c, c, 255); if(svf_open && svf_own) drawdots(vid_buf, 55, YRES+(MENUSIZE-15), 12, c, c, c, 255); c = (svf_login && svf_open) ? 255 : 128; drawrect(vid_buf, 189, YRES+(MENUSIZE-16), 14, 14, c, c, c, 255); drawrect(vid_buf, 203, YRES+(MENUSIZE-16), 14, 14, c, c, c, 255); if(svf_myvote==1 && (svf_login && svf_open)) { fillrect(vid_buf, 189, YRES+(MENUSIZE-16), 14, 14, 0, 108, 10, 255); } else if(svf_myvote==-1 && (svf_login && svf_open)) { fillrect(vid_buf, 203, YRES+(MENUSIZE-16), 14, 14, 108, 10, 0, 255); } drawtext(vid_buf, 192, YRES+(MENUSIZE-12), "\xCB", 0, 187, 18, c); drawtext(vid_buf, 205, YRES+(MENUSIZE-14), "\xCA", 187, 40, 0, c); drawtext(vid_buf, 222, YRES+(MENUSIZE-15), "\x83", c, c, c, 255); if(svf_tags[0]) drawtextmax(vid_buf, 240, YRES+(MENUSIZE-12), 154, svf_tags, c, c, c, 255); else drawtext(vid_buf, 240, YRES+(MENUSIZE-12), "[no tags set]", c, c, c, 255); drawrect(vid_buf, 219, YRES+(MENUSIZE-16), XRES+BARSIZE-380, 14, c, c, c, 255); drawtext(vid_buf, XRES-139+BARSIZE/*371*/, YRES+(MENUSIZE-14), "\x92", 255, 255, 255, 255); drawrect(vid_buf, XRES-143+BARSIZE/*367*/, YRES+(MENUSIZE-16), 16, 14, 255, 255, 255, 255); drawtext(vid_buf, XRES-122+BARSIZE/*388*/, YRES+(MENUSIZE-13), "\x84", 255, 255, 255, 255); if(svf_login) drawtext(vid_buf, XRES-104+BARSIZE/*406*/, YRES+(MENUSIZE-12), svf_user, 255, 255, 255, 255); else drawtext(vid_buf, XRES-104+BARSIZE/*406*/, YRES+(MENUSIZE-12), "[sign in]", 255, 255, 255, 255); drawrect(vid_buf, XRES-125+BARSIZE/*385*/, YRES+(MENUSIZE-16), 91, 14, 255, 255, 255, 255); if(sys_pause) { fillrect(vid_buf, XRES-17+BARSIZE/*493*/, YRES+(MENUSIZE-17), 16, 16, 255, 255, 255, 255); drawtext(vid_buf, XRES-14+BARSIZE/*496*/, YRES+(MENUSIZE-14), "\x90", 0, 0, 0, 255); } else { drawtext(vid_buf, XRES-14+BARSIZE/*496*/, YRES+(MENUSIZE-14), "\x90", 255, 255, 255, 255); drawrect(vid_buf, XRES-16+BARSIZE/*494*/, YRES+(MENUSIZE-16), 14, 14, 255, 255, 255, 255); } if(!legacy_enable) { fillrect(vid_buf, XRES-160+BARSIZE/*493*/, YRES+(MENUSIZE-17), 16, 16, 255, 255, 255, 255); drawtext(vid_buf, XRES-154+BARSIZE/*481*/, YRES+(MENUSIZE-13), "\xBE", 255, 0, 0, 255); drawtext(vid_buf, XRES-154+BARSIZE/*481*/, YRES+(MENUSIZE-13), "\xBD", 0, 0, 0, 255); } else { drawtext(vid_buf, XRES-154+BARSIZE/*481*/, YRES+(MENUSIZE-13), "\xBD", 255, 255, 255, 255); drawrect(vid_buf, XRES-159+BARSIZE/*494*/, YRES+(MENUSIZE-16), 14, 14, 255, 255, 255, 255); } switch(cmode) { case 0: drawtext(vid_buf, XRES-29+BARSIZE/*481*/, YRES+(MENUSIZE-13), "\x98", 128, 160, 255, 255); break; case 1: drawtext(vid_buf, XRES-29+BARSIZE/*481*/, YRES+(MENUSIZE-13), "\x99", 255, 212, 32, 255); break; case 2: drawtext(vid_buf, XRES-29+BARSIZE/*481*/, YRES+(MENUSIZE-13), "\x9A", 212, 212, 212, 255); break; case 3: drawtext(vid_buf, XRES-29+BARSIZE/*481*/, YRES+(MENUSIZE-13), "\x9B", 255, 0, 0, 255); drawtext(vid_buf, XRES-29+BARSIZE/*481*/, YRES+(MENUSIZE-13), "\x9C", 255, 255, 64, 255); break; case 4: drawtext(vid_buf, XRES-29+BARSIZE/*481*/, YRES+(MENUSIZE-13), "\xBF", 55, 255, 55, 255); break; case 5: drawtext(vid_buf, XRES-27+BARSIZE/*481*/, YRES+(MENUSIZE-13), "\xBE", 255, 0, 0, 255); drawtext(vid_buf, XRES-27+BARSIZE/*481*/, YRES+(MENUSIZE-13), "\xBD", 255, 255, 255, 255); break; } drawrect(vid_buf, XRES-32+BARSIZE/*478*/, YRES+(MENUSIZE-16), 14, 14, 255, 255, 255, 255); if(svf_admin) { drawtext(vid_buf, XRES-45+BARSIZE/*463*/, YRES+(MENUSIZE-14), "\xC9", 232, 127, 35, 255); drawtext(vid_buf, XRES-45+BARSIZE/*463*/, YRES+(MENUSIZE-14), "\xC7", 255, 255, 255, 255); drawtext(vid_buf, XRES-45+BARSIZE/*463*/, YRES+(MENUSIZE-14), "\xC8", 255, 255, 255, 255); } else if(svf_mod) { drawtext(vid_buf, XRES-45+BARSIZE/*463*/, YRES+(MENUSIZE-14), "\xC9", 35, 127, 232, 255); drawtext(vid_buf, XRES-45+BARSIZE/*463*/, YRES+(MENUSIZE-14), "\xC7", 255, 255, 255, 255); }//else if(amd) // drawtext(vid_buf, XRES-45/*465*/, YRES+(MENUSIZE-15), "\x97", 0, 230, 153, 255); Why is this here? } typedef struct ui_edit { int x, y, w, nx; char str[256],*def; int focus, cursor, hide; } ui_edit; void ui_edit_draw(pixel *vid_buf, ui_edit *ed) { int cx, i; char echo[256], *str; if(ed->hide) { for(i=0; ed->str[i]; i++) echo[i] = 0x8D; echo[i] = 0; str = echo; } else str = ed->str; if(ed->str[0]) { drawtext(vid_buf, ed->x, ed->y, str, 255, 255, 255, 255); drawtext(vid_buf, ed->x+ed->w-11, ed->y-1, "\xAA", 128, 128, 128, 255); } else if(!ed->focus) drawtext(vid_buf, ed->x, ed->y, ed->def, 128, 128, 128, 255); if(ed->focus) { cx = textnwidth(str, ed->cursor); for(i=-3; i<9; i++) drawpixel(vid_buf, ed->x+cx, ed->y+i, 255, 255, 255, 255); } } char *shift_0="`1234567890-=[]\\;',./"; char *shift_1="~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:\"<>?"; void ui_edit_process(int mx, int my, int mb, ui_edit *ed) { char ch, ts[2], echo[256], *str; int l, i; #ifdef RAWINPUT char *p; #endif if(mb) { if(ed->hide) { for(i=0; ed->str[i]; i++) echo[i] = 0x8D; echo[i] = 0; str = echo; } else str = ed->str; if(mx>=ed->x+ed->w-11 && mxx+ed->w && my>=ed->y-5 && myy+11) { ed->focus = 1; ed->cursor = 0; ed->str[0] = 0; } else if(mx>=ed->x-ed->nx && mxx+ed->w && my>=ed->y-5 && myy+11) { ed->focus = 1; ed->cursor = textwidthx(str, mx-ed->x); } else ed->focus = 0; } if(ed->focus && sdl_key) { if(ed->hide) { for(i=0; ed->str[i]; i++) echo[i] = 0x8D; echo[i] = 0; str = echo; } else str = ed->str; l = strlen(ed->str); switch(sdl_key) { case SDLK_HOME: ed->cursor = 0; break; case SDLK_END: ed->cursor = l; break; case SDLK_LEFT: if(ed->cursor > 0) ed->cursor --; break; case SDLK_RIGHT: if(ed->cursor < l) ed->cursor ++; break; case SDLK_DELETE: if(sdl_mod & (KMOD_LCTRL|KMOD_RCTRL)) ed->str[ed->cursor] = 0; else if(ed->cursor < l) memmove(ed->str+ed->cursor, ed->str+ed->cursor+1, l-ed->cursor); break; case SDLK_BACKSPACE: if(sdl_mod & (KMOD_LCTRL|KMOD_RCTRL)) { if(ed->cursor > 0) memmove(ed->str, ed->str+ed->cursor, l-ed->cursor+1); ed->cursor = 0; } else if(ed->cursor > 0) { ed->cursor--; memmove(ed->str+ed->cursor, ed->str+ed->cursor+1, l-ed->cursor); } break; default: #ifdef RAWINPUT if(sdl_key>=SDLK_SPACE && sdl_key<=SDLK_z && l<255) { ch = sdl_key; if((sdl_mod & (KMOD_LSHIFT|KMOD_RSHIFT|KMOD_CAPS))) { if(ch>='a' && ch<='z') ch &= ~0x20; p = strchr(shift_0, ch); if(p) ch = shift_1[p-shift_0]; } ts[0]=ed->hide?0x8D:ch; ts[1]=0; if(textwidth(str)+textwidth(ts) > ed->w-14) break; memmove(ed->str+ed->cursor+1, ed->str+ed->cursor, l+1-ed->cursor); ed->str[ed->cursor] = ch; ed->cursor++; } #else if(sdl_ascii>=' ' && sdl_ascii<127) { ch = sdl_ascii; ts[0]=ed->hide?0x8D:ch; ts[1]=0; if(textwidth(str)+textwidth(ts) > ed->w-14) break; memmove(ed->str+ed->cursor+1, ed->str+ed->cursor, l+1-ed->cursor); ed->str[ed->cursor] = ch; ed->cursor++; } #endif break; } } } typedef struct ui_checkbox { int x, y; int focus, checked; } ui_checkbox; void ui_checkbox_draw(pixel *vid_buf, ui_checkbox *ed) { int w = 12; if(ed->checked) { drawtext(vid_buf, ed->x+2, ed->y+2, "\xCF", 128, 128, 128, 255); } if(ed->focus) { drawrect(vid_buf, ed->x, ed->y, w, w, 255, 255, 255, 255); } else { drawrect(vid_buf, ed->x, ed->y, w, w, 128, 128, 128, 255); } } void ui_checkbox_process(int mx, int my, int mb, int mbq, ui_checkbox *ed) { int w = 12; if(mb && !mbq) { if(mx>=ed->x && mx<=ed->x+w && my>=ed->y && my<=ed->y+w) { ed->checked = (ed->checked)?0:1; } } else { if(mx>=ed->x && mx<=ed->x+w && my>=ed->y && my<=ed->y+w) { ed->focus = 1; } else { ed->focus = 0; } } } void error_ui(pixel *vid_buf, int err, char *txt) { int x0=(XRES-240)/2,y0=(YRES-MENUSIZE)/2,b=1,bq,mx,my; char *msg; msg = malloc(strlen(txt)+16); if(err) sprintf(msg, "%03d %s", err, txt); else sprintf(msg, "%s", txt); while(!sdl_poll()) { b = SDL_GetMouseState(&mx, &my); if(!b) break; } while(!sdl_poll()) { bq = b; b = SDL_GetMouseState(&mx, &my); mx /= sdl_scale; my /= sdl_scale; clearrect(vid_buf, x0-2, y0-2, 244, 64); drawrect(vid_buf, x0, y0, 240, 60, 192, 192, 192, 255); if(err) drawtext(vid_buf, x0+8, y0+8, "HTTP error:", 255, 64, 32, 255); else drawtext(vid_buf, x0+8, y0+8, "Error:", 255, 64, 32, 255); drawtext(vid_buf, x0+8, y0+26, msg, 255, 255, 255, 255); drawtext(vid_buf, x0+5, y0+49, "Dismiss", 255, 255, 255, 255); drawrect(vid_buf, x0, y0+44, 240, 16, 192, 192, 192, 255); sdl_blit(0, 0, (XRES+BARSIZE), YRES+MENUSIZE, vid_buf, (XRES+BARSIZE)); if(b && !bq && mx>=x0 && mx=y0+44 && my<=y0+60) break; if(sdl_key==SDLK_RETURN) break; if(sdl_key==SDLK_ESCAPE) break; } free(msg); while(!sdl_poll()) { b = SDL_GetMouseState(&mx, &my); if(!b) break; } } void info_ui(pixel *vid_buf, char *top, char *txt) { int x0=(XRES-240)/2,y0=(YRES-MENUSIZE)/2,b=1,bq,mx,my; while(!sdl_poll()) { b = SDL_GetMouseState(&mx, &my); if(!b) break; } while(!sdl_poll()) { bq = b; b = SDL_GetMouseState(&mx, &my); mx /= sdl_scale; my /= sdl_scale; clearrect(vid_buf, x0-2, y0-2, 244, 64); drawrect(vid_buf, x0, y0, 240, 60, 192, 192, 192, 255); drawtext(vid_buf, x0+8, y0+8, top, 160, 160, 255, 255); drawtext(vid_buf, x0+8, y0+26, txt, 255, 255, 255, 255); drawtext(vid_buf, x0+5, y0+49, "OK", 255, 255, 255, 255); drawrect(vid_buf, x0, y0+44, 240, 16, 192, 192, 192, 255); sdl_blit(0, 0, (XRES+BARSIZE), YRES+MENUSIZE, vid_buf, (XRES+BARSIZE)); if(b && !bq && mx>=x0 && mx=y0+44 && my<=y0+60) break; if(sdl_key==SDLK_RETURN) break; if(sdl_key==SDLK_ESCAPE) break; } while(!sdl_poll()) { b = SDL_GetMouseState(&mx, &my); if(!b) break; } } void info_box(pixel *vid_buf, char *msg) { int w = textwidth(msg)+16; int x0=(XRES-w)/2,y0=(YRES-24)/2; clearrect(vid_buf, x0-2, y0-2, w+4, 28); drawrect(vid_buf, x0, y0, w, 24, 192, 192, 192, 255); drawtext(vid_buf, x0+8, y0+8, msg, 192, 192, 240, 255); sdl_blit(0, 0, (XRES+BARSIZE), YRES+MENUSIZE, vid_buf, (XRES+BARSIZE)); } int confirm_ui(pixel *vid_buf, char *top, char *msg, char *btn) { int x0=(XRES-240)/2,y0=(YRES-MENUSIZE)/2,b=1,bq,mx,my; int ret = 0; while(!sdl_poll()) { b = SDL_GetMouseState(&mx, &my); if(!b) break; } while(!sdl_poll()) { bq = b; b = SDL_GetMouseState(&mx, &my); mx /= sdl_scale; my /= sdl_scale; clearrect(vid_buf, x0-2, y0-2, 244, 64); drawrect(vid_buf, x0, y0, 240, 60, 192, 192, 192, 255); drawtext(vid_buf, x0+8, y0+8, top, 255, 216, 32, 255); drawtext(vid_buf, x0+8, y0+26, msg, 255, 255, 255, 255); drawtext(vid_buf, x0+5, y0+49, "Cancel", 255, 255, 255, 255); drawtext(vid_buf, x0+165, y0+49, btn, 255, 216, 32, 255); drawrect(vid_buf, x0, y0+44, 160, 16, 192, 192, 192, 255); drawrect(vid_buf, x0+160, y0+44, 80, 16, 192, 192, 192, 255); sdl_blit(0, 0, (XRES+BARSIZE), YRES+MENUSIZE, vid_buf, (XRES+BARSIZE)); if(b && !bq && mx>=x0+160 && mx=y0+44 && my<=y0+60) { ret = 1; break; } if(b && !bq && mx>=x0 && mx=y0+44 && my<=y0+60) break; if(sdl_key==SDLK_RETURN) { ret = 1; break; } if(sdl_key==SDLK_ESCAPE) break; } while(!sdl_poll()) { b = SDL_GetMouseState(&mx, &my); if(!b) break; } return ret; } int execute_tagop(pixel *vid_buf, char *op, char *tag) { int status; char *result; char *names[] = {"ID", "Tag", NULL}; char *parts[2]; char *uri = malloc(strlen(SERVER)+strlen(op)+36); sprintf(uri, "http://" SERVER "/Tag.api?Op=%s", op); parts[0] = svf_id; parts[1] = tag; result = http_multipart_post( uri, names, parts, NULL, svf_user, svf_pass, &status, NULL); free(uri); if(status!=200) { error_ui(vid_buf, status, http_ret_text(status)); if(result) free(result); return 1; } if(result && strncmp(result, "OK", 2)) { error_ui(vid_buf, 0, result); free(result); return 1; } if(result[2]) { strncpy(svf_tags, result+3, 255); svf_id[15] = 0; } if(result) free(result); return 0; } struct strlist { char *str; struct strlist *next; }; void strlist_add(struct strlist **list, char *str) { struct strlist *item = malloc(sizeof(struct strlist)); item->str = mystrdup(str); item->next = *list; *list = item; } int strlist_find(struct strlist **list, char *str) { struct strlist *item; for(item=*list; item; item=item->next) if(!strcmp(item->str, str)) return 1; return 0; } void strlist_free(struct strlist **list) { struct strlist *item; while(*list) { item = *list; *list = (*list)->next; free(item); } } void tag_list_ui(pixel *vid_buf) { int y,d,x0=(XRES-192)/2,y0=(YRES-256)/2,b=1,bq,mx,my,vp,vn; char *p,*q,s; char *tag=NULL, *op=NULL; ui_edit ed; struct strlist *vote=NULL,*down=NULL; ed.x = x0+25; ed.y = y0+221; ed.w = 158; ed.nx = 1; ed.def = "[new tag]"; ed.focus = 0; ed.hide = 0; ed.cursor = 0; strcpy(ed.str, ""); fillrect(vid_buf, -1, -1, XRES, YRES+MENUSIZE, 0, 0, 0, 192); while(!sdl_poll()) { bq = b; b = SDL_GetMouseState(&mx, &my); mx /= sdl_scale; my /= sdl_scale; op = tag = NULL; drawrect(vid_buf, x0, y0, 192, 256, 192, 192, 192, 255); clearrect(vid_buf, x0, y0, 192, 256); drawtext(vid_buf, x0+8, y0+8, "Current tags:", 255, 255, 255, 255); p = svf_tags; s = svf_tags[0] ? ' ' : 0; y = 36 + y0; while(s) { q = strchr(p, ' '); if(!q) q = p+strlen(p); s = *q; *q = 0; if(svf_own || svf_admin || svf_mod) { drawtext(vid_buf, x0+20, y-1, "\x86", 160, 48, 32, 255); drawtext(vid_buf, x0+20, y-1, "\x85", 255, 255, 255, 255); d = 14; if(b && !bq && mx>=x0+18 && mx=y-2 && my=x0+d+18 && mx=y-2 && my=x0+d+32 && mx=y-2 && my=x0 && mx<=x0+192 && my>=y0+240 && my=x0+9 && mx=y0+218 && my=x0+9 && mx=y0+22 && my=x0 && mx=y0+74+YRES/4 && my=x0+9 && mx=y0+22 && my=x0+9 && mx=y0+42 && my=x0 && mx=y0+64 && my<=y0+80) break; if(sdl_key==SDLK_RETURN || sdl_key==SDLK_TAB) { if(!ed1.focus) break; ed1.focus = 0; ed2.focus = 1; } if(sdl_key==SDLK_ESCAPE) { if(!ed1.focus && !ed2.focus) return; ed1.focus = 0; ed2.focus = 0; } } strcpy(svf_user, ed1.str); md5_ascii(svf_pass, (unsigned char *)ed2.str, 0); res = http_multipart_post( "http://" SERVER "/Login.api", NULL, NULL, NULL, svf_user, svf_pass, &err, NULL); if(err != 200) { error_ui(vid_buf, err, http_ret_text(err)); if(res) free(res); goto fail; } if(res && !strncmp(res, "OK", 2)) { if(!strcmp(res, "OK ADMIN")) { svf_admin = 1; svf_mod = 0; } else if(!strcmp(res, "OK MOD")) { svf_admin = 0; svf_mod = 1; } else { svf_admin = 0; svf_mod = 0; } free(res); svf_login = 1; return; } if(!res) res = mystrdup("Unspecified Error"); error_ui(vid_buf, 0, res); free(res); fail: strcpy(svf_user, ""); strcpy(svf_pass, ""); svf_login = 0; svf_own = 0; svf_admin = 0; svf_mod = 0; } void execute_delete(pixel *vid_buf, char *id) { int status; char *result; char *names[] = {"ID", NULL}; char *parts[1]; parts[0] = id; result = http_multipart_post( "http://" SERVER "/Delete.api", names, parts, NULL, svf_user, svf_pass, &status, NULL); if(status!=200) { error_ui(vid_buf, status, http_ret_text(status)); if(result) free(result); return; } if(result && strncmp(result, "OK", 2)) { error_ui(vid_buf, 0, result); free(result); return; } if(result) free(result); } int execute_vote(pixel *vid_buf, char *id, char *action) { int status; char *result; char *names[] = {"ID", "Action", NULL}; char *parts[2]; parts[0] = id; parts[1] = action; result = http_multipart_post( "http://" SERVER "/Vote.api", names, parts, NULL, svf_user, svf_pass, &status, NULL); if(status!=200) { error_ui(vid_buf, status, http_ret_text(status)); if(result) free(result); return 0; } if(result && strncmp(result, "OK", 2)) { error_ui(vid_buf, 0, result); free(result); return 0; } if(result) free(result); return 1; } static char hex[] = "0123456789ABCDEF"; void strcaturl(char *dst, char *src) { char *d; unsigned char *s; for(d=dst; *d; d++) ; for(s=(unsigned char *)src; *s; s++) { if((*s>='0' && *s<='9') || (*s>='a' && *s<='z') || (*s>='A' && *s<='Z')) *(d++) = *s; else { *(d++) = '%'; *(d++) = hex[*s>>4]; *(d++) = hex[*s&15]; } } *d = 0; } #define THUMB_CACHE_SIZE 256 char *thumb_cache_id[THUMB_CACHE_SIZE]; void *thumb_cache_data[THUMB_CACHE_SIZE]; int thumb_cache_size[THUMB_CACHE_SIZE]; int thumb_cache_lru[THUMB_CACHE_SIZE]; void thumb_cache_inval(char *id) { int i,j; for(i=0; i= THUMB_CACHE_SIZE) return; free(thumb_cache_id[i]); free(thumb_cache_data[i]); thumb_cache_id[i] = NULL; for(j=0; j thumb_cache_lru[i]) thumb_cache_lru[j]--; } void thumb_cache_add(char *id, void *thumb, int size) { int i,m=-1,j=-1; thumb_cache_inval(id); for(i=0; i m) { m = thumb_cache_lru[i]; j = i; } } if(i >= THUMB_CACHE_SIZE) { thumb_cache_inval(thumb_cache_id[j]); i = j; } for(j=0; j= THUMB_CACHE_SIZE) return 0; for(j=0; j=GRID_X*GRID_Y) break; if(votes) { pu = strchr(str+5, ' '); if(!pu) return i; *(pu++) = 0; s = strchr(pu, ' '); if(!s) return i; *(s++) = 0; vu = strchr(s, ' '); if(!vu) return i; *(vu++) = 0; vd = strchr(vu, ' '); if(!vd) return i; *(vd++) = 0; q = strchr(vd, ' '); } else { pu = strchr(str+5, ' '); if(!pu) return i; *(pu++) = 0; vu = strchr(pu, ' '); if(!vu) return i; *(vu++) = 0; vd = strchr(vu, ' '); if(!vd) return i; *(vd++) = 0; q = strchr(vd, ' '); } if(!q) return i; *(q++) = 0; r = strchr(q, ' '); if(!r) return i; *(r++) = 0; search_ids[i] = mystrdup(str+5); search_publish[i] = atoi(pu); search_scoreup[i] = atoi(vu); search_scoredown[i] = atoi(vd); search_owners[i] = mystrdup(q); search_names[i] = mystrdup(r); if(s) search_votes[i] = atoi(s); thumb_cache_find(str, search_thumbs+i, search_thsizes+i); i++; } else if(!strncmp(str, "TAG ", 4)) { if(j >= TAG_MAX) { str = p; continue; } q = strchr(str+4, ' '); if(!q) { str = p; continue; } *(q++) = 0; tag_names[j] = mystrdup(str+4); tag_votes[j] = atoi(q); j++; } else { if(i>=GRID_X*GRID_Y) break; if(votes) { pu = strchr(str, ' '); if(!pu) return i; *(pu++) = 0; s = strchr(pu, ' '); if(!s) return i; *(s++) = 0; vu = strchr(s, ' '); if(!vu) return i; *(vu++) = 0; vd = strchr(vu, ' '); if(!vd) return i; *(vd++) = 0; q = strchr(vd, ' '); } else { pu = strchr(str, ' '); if(!pu) return i; *(pu++) = 0; vu = strchr(pu, ' '); if(!vu) return i; *(vu++) = 0; vd = strchr(vu, ' '); if(!vd) return i; *(vd++) = 0; q = strchr(vd, ' '); } if(!q) return i; *(q++) = 0; r = strchr(q, ' '); if(!r) return i; *(r++) = 0; search_ids[i] = mystrdup(str); search_publish[i] = atoi(pu); search_scoreup[i] = atoi(vu); search_scoredown[i] = atoi(vd); search_owners[i] = mystrdup(q); search_names[i] = mystrdup(r); if(s) search_votes[i] = atoi(s); thumb_cache_find(str, search_thumbs+i, search_thsizes+i); i++; } str = p; } if(*str) i++; return i; } #define IMGCONNS 3 #define TIMEOUT 100 #define HTTP_TIMEOUT 10 int search_own = 0; int search_date = 0; int search_page = 0; char search_expr[256] = ""; int search_ui(pixel *vid_buf) { int uih=0,nyu,nyd,b=1,bq,mx=0,my=0,mxq=0,myq=0,mmt=0,gi,gj,gx,gy,pos,i,mp,dp,own,last_own=search_own,page_count=0,last_page=0,last_date=0,j,w,h,st=0,lv; int is_p1=0, exp_res=GRID_X*GRID_Y, tp, view_own=0; int thumb_drawn[GRID_X*GRID_Y]; pixel *v_buf = (pixel *)malloc(((YRES+MENUSIZE)*(XRES+BARSIZE))*PIXELSIZE); float ry; time_t http_last_use=HTTP_TIMEOUT; ui_edit ed; void *http = NULL; int active = 0; char *last = NULL; int search = 0; int lasttime = TIMEOUT; char *uri; int status; char *results; char *tmp, ts[64]; void *img_http[IMGCONNS]; char *img_id[IMGCONNS]; void *thumb, *data; int thlen, dlen; memset(v_buf, 0, ((YRES+MENUSIZE)*(XRES+BARSIZE))*PIXELSIZE); memset(img_http, 0, sizeof(img_http)); memset(img_id, 0, sizeof(img_id)); memset(search_ids, 0, sizeof(search_ids)); memset(search_names, 0, sizeof(search_names)); memset(search_scoreup, 0, sizeof(search_scoreup)); memset(search_scoredown, 0, sizeof(search_scoredown)); memset(search_publish, 0, sizeof(search_publish)); memset(search_owners, 0, sizeof(search_owners)); memset(search_thumbs, 0, sizeof(search_thumbs)); memset(search_thsizes, 0, sizeof(search_thsizes)); memset(thumb_drawn, 0, sizeof(thumb_drawn)); do_open = 0; while(!sdl_poll()) { b = SDL_GetMouseState(&mx, &my); if(!b) break; } ed.x = 65; ed.y = 13; ed.w = XRES-200; ed.nx = 1; ed.def = "[search terms]"; ed.focus = 1; ed.hide = 0; ed.cursor = strlen(search_expr); strcpy(ed.str, search_expr); sdl_wheel = 0; while(!sdl_poll()) { uih = 0; bq = b; mxq = mx; myq = my; b = SDL_GetMouseState(&mx, &my); mx /= sdl_scale; my /= sdl_scale; if(mx!=mxq || my!=myq || sdl_wheel || b) mmt = 0; else if(mmt 9) { drawtext(vid_buf, XRES-15, YRES+MENUSIZE-16, "\x95", 255, 255, 255, 255); drawrect(vid_buf, XRES-18, YRES+MENUSIZE-20, 16, 16, 255, 255, 255, 255); } ui_edit_draw(vid_buf, &ed); if((b && !bq && mx>=1 && mx<=17 && my>=YRES+MENUSIZE-20 && my0) { if(search_page) { search_page --; lasttime = TIMEOUT; } sdl_wheel = 0; uih = 1; } if((b && !bq && mx>=XRES-18 && mx<=XRES-1 && my>=YRES+MENUSIZE-20 && myexp_res) { lasttime = TIMEOUT; search_page ++; page_count = exp_res; } sdl_wheel = 0; uih = 1; } tp = -1; if(is_p1) { drawtext(vid_buf, (XRES-textwidth("Popular tags:"))/2, 31, "Popular tags:", 255, 192, 64, 255); for(gj=0; gj<((GRID_Y-GRID_P)*YRES)/(GRID_Y*14); gj++) for(gi=0; giTAG_MAX || !tag_names[pos]) break; if(tag_votes[0]) i = 127+(128*tag_votes[pos])/tag_votes[0]; else i = 192; w = textwidth(tag_names[pos]); if(w>XRES/GRID_X-5) w = XRES/GRID_X-5; gx = (XRES/GRID_X)*gi; gy = gj*14 + 46; if(mx>=gx && mx=gy && my XRES/GRID_X-10) { tmp = malloc(strlen(search_names[pos])+4); strcpy(tmp, search_names[pos]); j = textwidthx(tmp, XRES/GRID_X-15); strcpy(tmp+j, "..."); drawtext(vid_buf, gx+XRES/(GRID_S*2)-textwidth(tmp)/2, gy+YRES/GRID_S+7, tmp, 192, 192, 192, 255); free(tmp); } else drawtext(vid_buf, gx+XRES/(GRID_S*2)-textwidth(search_names[pos])/2, gy+YRES/GRID_S+7, search_names[pos], 192, 192, 192, 255); j = textwidth(search_owners[pos]); if(mx>=gx+XRES/(GRID_S*2)-j/2 && mx<=gx+XRES/(GRID_S*2)+j/2 && my>=gy+YRES/GRID_S+18 && my<=gy+YRES/GRID_S+31) { st = 1; drawtext(vid_buf, gx+XRES/(GRID_S*2)-j/2, gy+YRES/GRID_S+20, search_owners[pos], 128, 128, 160, 255); } else drawtext(vid_buf, gx+XRES/(GRID_S*2)-j/2, gy+YRES/GRID_S+20, search_owners[pos], 128, 128, 128, 255); if(search_thumbs[pos]&&thumb_drawn[pos]==0) { render_thumb(search_thumbs[pos], search_thsizes[pos], 1, v_buf, gx, gy, GRID_S); thumb_drawn[pos] = 1; } own = svf_login && (!strcmp(svf_user, search_owners[pos]) || svf_admin || svf_mod); if(mx>=gx-2 && mx<=gx+XRES/GRID_S+3 && my>=gy-2 && my<=gy+YRES/GRID_S+30) mp = pos; if(own) { if(mx>=gx+XRES/GRID_S-4 && mx<=gx+XRES/GRID_S+6 && my>=gy-6 && my<=gy+4) { mp = -1; dp = pos; } } if(mp==pos && !st) drawrect(vid_buf, gx-2, gy-2, XRES/GRID_S+3, YRES/GRID_S+3, 160, 160, 192, 255); else drawrect(vid_buf, gx-2, gy-2, XRES/GRID_S+3, YRES/GRID_S+3, 128, 128, 128, 255); if(own) { if(dp == pos) drawtext(vid_buf, gx+XRES/GRID_S-4, gy-6, "\x86", 255, 48, 32, 255); else drawtext(vid_buf, gx+XRES/GRID_S-4, gy-6, "\x86", 160, 48, 32, 255); drawtext(vid_buf, gx+XRES/GRID_S-4, gy-6, "\x85", 255, 255, 255, 255); } if(!search_publish[pos]) { drawtext(vid_buf, gx-6, gy-6, "\xCD", 255, 255, 255, 255); drawtext(vid_buf, gx-6, gy-6, "\xCE", 212, 151, 81, 255); } if(view_own || svf_admin || svf_mod) { sprintf(ts+1, "%d", search_votes[pos]); ts[0] = 0xBB; for(j=1; ts[j]; j++) ts[j] = 0xBC; ts[j-1] = 0xB9; ts[j] = 0xBA; ts[j+1] = 0; w = gx+XRES/GRID_S-2-textwidth(ts); h = gy+YRES/GRID_S-11; drawtext(vid_buf, w, h, ts, 16, 72, 16, 255); for(j=0; ts[j]; j++) ts[j] -= 14; drawtext(vid_buf, w, h, ts, 192, 192, 192, 255); sprintf(ts, "%d", search_votes[pos]); for(j=0; ts[j]; j++) ts[j] += 127; drawtext(vid_buf, w+3, h, ts, 255, 255, 255, 255); } if(search_scoreup[pos]>0||search_scoredown[pos]>0) { lv = (search_scoreup[pos]>search_scoredown[pos]?search_scoreup[pos]:search_scoredown[pos]); if(((YRES/GRID_S+3)/2)>lv) { ry = ((float)((YRES/GRID_S+3)/2)/(float)lv); if(lv<8) { ry = ry/(8-lv); } nyu = search_scoreup[pos]*ry; nyd = search_scoredown[pos]*ry; } else { ry = ((float)lv/(float)((YRES/GRID_S+3)/2)); nyu = search_scoreup[pos]/ry; nyd = search_scoredown[pos]/ry; } fillrect(vid_buf, gx-2+(XRES/GRID_S)+5, gy-2+((YRES/GRID_S+3)/2)-nyu, 4, nyu, 0, 187, 40, 255); fillrect(vid_buf, gx-2+(XRES/GRID_S)+5, gy-2+((YRES/GRID_S+3)/2)+1, 4, nyd, 187, 40, 0, 255); drawrect(vid_buf, gx-2+(XRES/GRID_S)+5, gy-2+((YRES/GRID_S+3)/2)-nyu, 4, nyu, 0, 107, 10, 255); drawrect(vid_buf, gx-2+(XRES/GRID_S)+5, gy-2+((YRES/GRID_S+3)/2)+1, 4, nyd, 107, 10, 0, 255); } } if(mp!=-1 && mmt>=TIMEOUT/5 && !st) { gi = mp % GRID_X; gj = mp / GRID_X; if(is_p1) gj += GRID_Y-GRID_P; gx = ((XRES/GRID_X)*gi) + (XRES/GRID_X-XRES/GRID_S)/2; gy = (((YRES+15)/GRID_Y)*gj) + (YRES/GRID_Y-YRES/GRID_S+10)/2 + 18; i = w = textwidth(search_names[mp]); h = YRES/GRID_Z+30; if(w=XRES-2) gx=XRES-3-w; if(gy<32) gy=32; if(gy+h>=YRES+(MENUSIZE-2)) gy=YRES+(MENUSIZE-3)-h; clearrect(vid_buf, gx-2, gy-3, w+4, h); drawrect(vid_buf, gx-2, gy-3, w+4, h, 160, 160, 192, 255); if(search_thumbs[mp]) render_thumb(search_thumbs[mp], search_thsizes[mp], 1, vid_buf, gx+(w-(XRES/GRID_Z))/2, gy, GRID_Z); drawtext(vid_buf, gx+(w-i)/2, gy+YRES/GRID_Z+4, search_names[mp], 192, 192, 192, 255); drawtext(vid_buf, gx+(w-textwidth(search_owners[mp]))/2, gy+YRES/GRID_Z+16, search_owners[mp], 128, 128, 128, 255); } sdl_blit(0, 0, (XRES+BARSIZE), YRES+MENUSIZE, vid_buf, (XRES+BARSIZE)); ui_edit_process(mx, my, b, &ed); if(sdl_key==SDLK_RETURN) { if(!last || (!active && (strcmp(last, ed.str) || last_own!=search_own || last_date!=search_date || last_page!=search_page))) lasttime = TIMEOUT; else if(search_ids[0] && !search_ids[1]) { bq = 0; b = 1; mp = 0; } } if(sdl_key==SDLK_ESCAPE) goto finish; if(b && !bq && mx>=XRES-64 && mx<=XRES-8 && my>=8 && my<=24 && svf_login) { search_own = !search_own; lasttime = TIMEOUT; } if(b && !bq && mx>=XRES-129 && mx<=XRES-65 && my>=8 && my<=24) { search_date = !search_date; lasttime = TIMEOUT; } if(b && !bq && dp!=-1) if(confirm_ui(vid_buf, "Do you want to delete?", search_names[dp], "Delete")) { execute_delete(vid_buf, search_ids[dp]); lasttime = TIMEOUT; if(last) { free(last); last = NULL; } } if(b && !bq && tp!=-1) { strncpy(ed.str, tag_names[tp], 255); lasttime = TIMEOUT; } if(b && !bq && mp!=-1 && st) { sprintf(ed.str, "user:%s", search_owners[mp]); lasttime = TIMEOUT; } if(do_open==1) { mp = 0; } if((b && !bq && mp!=-1 && !st && !uih) || do_open==1) { fillrect(vid_buf, 0, 0, XRES+BARSIZE, YRES+MENUSIZE, 0, 0, 0, 255); info_box(vid_buf, "Loading..."); uri = malloc(strlen(search_ids[mp])*3+strlen(SERVER)+64); strcpy(uri, "http://" SERVER "/Get.api?Op=save&ID="); strcaturl(uri, search_ids[mp]); data = http_simple_get(uri, &status, &dlen); free(uri); if(status == 200) { status = parse_save(data, dlen, 1, 0, 0); switch(status) { case 1: error_ui(vid_buf, 0, "Simulation corrupted"); break; case 2: error_ui(vid_buf, 0, "Simulation from a newer version"); break; case 3: error_ui(vid_buf, 0, "Simulation on a too large grid"); break; } if(!status) { char *tnames[] = {"ID", NULL}; char *tparts[1]; int tplens[1]; if(svf_last) free(svf_last); svf_last = data; svf_lsize = dlen; tparts[0] = search_ids[mp]; tplens[0] = strlen(search_ids[mp]); data = http_multipart_post("http://" SERVER "/Tags.api", tnames, tparts, tplens, svf_user, svf_pass, &status, NULL); svf_open = 1; svf_own = svf_login && !strcmp(search_owners[mp], svf_user); svf_publish = search_publish[mp] && svf_login && !strcmp(search_owners[mp], svf_user); strcpy(svf_id, search_ids[mp]); strcpy(svf_name, search_names[mp]); if(status == 200) { if(data) { strncpy(svf_tags, data, 255); svf_tags[255] = 0; } else svf_tags[0] = 0; } else { svf_tags[0] = 0; } if(svf_login) { char *names[] = {"ID", NULL}; char *parts[1]; parts[0] = search_ids[mp]; data = http_multipart_post("http://" SERVER "/Vote.api", names, parts, NULL, svf_user, svf_pass, &status, NULL); if(status == 200) { if(data) { if(!strcmp(data, "Up")) { svf_myvote = 1; } else if(!strcmp(data, "Down")) { svf_myvote = -1; } else { svf_myvote = 0; } } else { svf_myvote = 0; } } else { svf_myvote = 0; } } } else { svf_open = 0; svf_publish = 0; svf_own = 0; svf_myvote = 0; svf_id[0] = 0; svf_name[0] = 0; svf_tags[0] = 0; if(svf_last) free(svf_last); svf_last = NULL; } } else error_ui(vid_buf, status, http_ret_text(status)); if(data) free(data); goto finish; } if(!last) { search = 1; } else if(!active && (strcmp(last, ed.str) || last_own!=search_own || last_date!=search_date || last_page!=search_page)) { search = 1; if(strcmp(last, ed.str) || last_own!=search_own || last_date!=search_date) { search_page = 0; page_count = 0; } free(last); last = NULL; } else search = 0; if(search && lasttime>=TIMEOUT) { lasttime = 0; last = mystrdup(ed.str); last_own = search_own; last_date = search_date; last_page = search_page; active = 1; uri = malloc(strlen(last)*3+80+strlen(SERVER)+strlen(svf_user)); if(search_own || svf_admin || svf_mod) tmp = "&ShowVotes=true"; else tmp = ""; if(!search_own && !search_date && !*last) { if(search_page) { exp_res = GRID_X*GRID_Y; sprintf(uri, "http://" SERVER "/Search.api?Start=%d&Count=%d%s&Query=", (search_page-1)*GRID_X*GRID_Y+GRID_X*GRID_P, exp_res+1, tmp); } else { exp_res = GRID_X*GRID_P; sprintf(uri, "http://" SERVER "/Search.api?Start=%d&Count=%d&t=%d%s&Query=", 0, exp_res+1, ((GRID_Y-GRID_P)*YRES)/(GRID_Y*14)*GRID_X, tmp); } } else { exp_res = GRID_X*GRID_Y; sprintf(uri, "http://" SERVER "/Search.api?Start=%d&Count=%d%s&Query=", search_page*GRID_X*GRID_Y, exp_res+1, tmp); } strcaturl(uri, last); if(search_own) { strcaturl(uri, " user:"); strcaturl(uri, svf_user); } if(search_date) strcaturl(uri, " sort:date"); http = http_async_req_start(http, uri, NULL, 0, 1); if(svf_login) { http_auth_headers(http, svf_user, svf_pass); } http_last_use = time(NULL); free(uri); } if(active && http_async_req_status(http)) { http_last_use = time(NULL); results = http_async_req_stop(http, &status, NULL); view_own = last_own; if(status == 200) { page_count = search_results(results, last_own||svf_admin||svf_mod); memset(thumb_drawn, 0, sizeof(thumb_drawn)); memset(v_buf, 0, ((YRES+MENUSIZE)*(XRES+BARSIZE))*PIXELSIZE); } is_p1 = (exp_res < GRID_X*GRID_Y); free(results); active = 0; } if(http && !active && (time(NULL)>http_last_use+HTTP_TIMEOUT)) { http_async_req_close(http); http = NULL; } for(i=0; i=gx+XRES/GRID_S-4 && mx<(gx+XRES/GRID_S)+6 && my>=gy-6 && my=gx && mx=gy && my=1 && mx<=17 && my>=YRES+MENUSIZE-18 && my0) { if(stamp_page) { stamp_page --; } sdl_wheel = 0; } if((b && !bq && mx>=XRES-18 && mx<=XRES-1 && my>=YRES+MENUSIZE-18 && my 18) ? signs[i].y - 18 : signs[i].y + 4; } void draw_icon(pixel *vid_buf, int x, int y, char ch, int flag) { char t[2]; t[0] = ch; t[1] = 0; if(flag) { fillrect(vid_buf, x-1, y-1, 17, 17, 255, 255, 255, 255); drawtext(vid_buf, x+3, y+2, t, 0, 0, 0, 255); } else { drawrect(vid_buf, x, y, 15, 15, 255, 255, 255, 255); drawtext(vid_buf, x+3, y+2, t, 255, 255, 255, 255); } } void render_signs(pixel *vid_buf) { int i, j, x, y, w, h, dx, dy; char buff[30]; //Buffer for(i=0; i>8)>0 && (pmap[signs[i].y][signs[i].x]>>8)>8].temp); //...tempirature else sprintf(buff, "Temp: 0.00"); //...tempirature drawtext(vid_buf, x+3, y+3, buff, 255, 255, 255, 255); } //Usual text if(strcmp(signs[i].text, "{p}") && strcmp(signs[i].text, "{t}")) drawtext(vid_buf, x+3, y+3, signs[i].text, 255, 255, 255, 255); x = signs[i].x; y = signs[i].y; dx = 1 - signs[i].ju; dy = (signs[i].y > 18) ? -1 : 1; for(j=0; j<4; j++) { drawpixel(vid_buf, x, y, 192, 192, 192, 255); x+=dx; y+=dy; } } } void add_sign_ui(pixel *vid_buf, int mx, int my) { int i, w, h, x, y, nm=0, ju; int x0=(XRES-192)/2,y0=(YRES-80)/2,b=1,bq; ui_edit ed; // check if it is an existing sign for(i=0; i=x && mx<=x+w && my>=y && my<=y+h) break; } // else look for empty spot if(i >= MAXSIGNS) { nm = 1; for(i=0; i= MAXSIGNS) return; if(nm) { signs[i].x = mx; signs[i].y = my; signs[i].ju = 1; } while(!sdl_poll()) { b = SDL_GetMouseState(&mx, &my); if(!b) break; } ed.x = x0+25; ed.y = y0+25; ed.w = 158; ed.nx = 1; ed.def = "[message]"; ed.focus = 1; ed.hide = 0; ed.cursor = strlen(signs[i].text); strcpy(ed.str, signs[i].text); ju = signs[i].ju; fillrect(vid_buf, -1, -1, XRES, YRES+MENUSIZE, 0, 0, 0, 192); while(!sdl_poll()) { bq = b; b = SDL_GetMouseState(&mx, &my); mx /= sdl_scale; my /= sdl_scale; drawrect(vid_buf, x0, y0, 192, 80, 192, 192, 192, 255); clearrect(vid_buf, x0, y0, 192, 80); drawtext(vid_buf, x0+8, y0+8, nm ? "New sign:" : "Edit sign:", 255, 255, 255, 255); drawtext(vid_buf, x0+12, y0+23, "\xA1", 32, 64, 128, 255); drawtext(vid_buf, x0+12, y0+23, "\xA0", 255, 255, 255, 255); drawrect(vid_buf, x0+8, y0+20, 176, 16, 192, 192, 192, 255); ui_edit_draw(vid_buf, &ed); drawtext(vid_buf, x0+8, y0+46, "Justify:", 255, 255, 255, 255); draw_icon(vid_buf, x0+50, y0+42, 0x9D, ju == 0); draw_icon(vid_buf, x0+68, y0+42, 0x9E, ju == 1); draw_icon(vid_buf, x0+86, y0+42, 0x9F, ju == 2); if(!nm) { drawtext(vid_buf, x0+138, y0+45, "\x86", 160, 48, 32, 255); drawtext(vid_buf, x0+138, y0+45, "\x85", 255, 255, 255, 255); drawtext(vid_buf, x0+152, y0+46, "Delete", 255, 255, 255, 255); drawrect(vid_buf, x0+134, y0+42, 50, 15, 255, 255, 255, 255); } drawtext(vid_buf, x0+5, y0+69, "OK", 255, 255, 255, 255); drawrect(vid_buf, x0, y0+64, 192, 16, 192, 192, 192, 255); sdl_blit(0, 0, (XRES+BARSIZE), YRES+MENUSIZE, vid_buf, (XRES+BARSIZE)); ui_edit_process(mx, my, b, &ed); if(b && !bq && mx>=x0+50 && mx<=x0+67 && my>=y0+42 && my<=y0+59) ju = 0; if(b && !bq && mx>=x0+68 && mx<=x0+85 && my>=y0+42 && my<=y0+59) ju = 1; if(b && !bq && mx>=x0+86 && mx<=x0+103 && my>=y0+42 && my<=y0+59) ju = 2; if(b && !bq && mx>=x0+9 && mx=y0+22 && my=x0 && mx=y0+64 && my<=y0+80) break; if(!nm && b && !bq && mx>=x0+134 && my>=y0+42 && mx<=x0+184 && my<=y0+59) { signs[i].text[0] = 0; return; } if(sdl_key==SDLK_RETURN) break; if(sdl_key==SDLK_ESCAPE) { if(!ed.focus) return; ed.focus = 0; } } strcpy(signs[i].text, ed.str); signs[i].ju = ju; } /*********************************************************** * CONFIG FILE * ***********************************************************/ char http_proxy[256] = ""; void save_string(FILE *f, char *str) { int li = strlen(str); unsigned char lb[2]; lb[0] = li; lb[1] = li >> 8; fwrite(lb, 2, 1, f); fwrite(str, li, 1, f); } int load_string(FILE *f, char *str, int max) { int li; unsigned char lb[2]; fread(lb, 2, 1, f); li = lb[0] | (lb[1] << 8); if(li > max) { str[0] = 0; return 1; } fread(str, li, 1, f); str[li] = 0; return 0; } unsigned char last_major=0, last_minor=0, update_flag=0; void save_presets(int do_update) { FILE *f=fopen("powder.def", "wb"); unsigned char sig[4] = {0x50, 0x44, 0x65, 0x66}; unsigned char tmp = sdl_scale; if(!f) return; fwrite(sig, 1, 4, f); save_string(f, svf_user); save_string(f, svf_pass); fwrite(&tmp, 1, 1, f); tmp = cmode; fwrite(&tmp, 1, 1, f); tmp = svf_admin; fwrite(&tmp, 1, 1, f); tmp = svf_mod; fwrite(&tmp, 1, 1, f); save_string(f, http_proxy); tmp = SAVE_VERSION; fwrite(&tmp, 1, 1, f); tmp = MINOR_VERSION; fwrite(&tmp, 1, 1, f); tmp = do_update; fwrite(&tmp, 1, 1, f); fclose(f); } void load_presets(void) { FILE *f=fopen("powder.def", "rb"); unsigned char sig[4], tmp; if(!f) return; fread(sig, 1, 4, f); if(sig[0]!=0x50 || sig[1]!=0x44 || sig[2]!=0x65 || sig[3]!=0x66) { if(sig[0]==0x4D && sig[1]==0x6F && sig[2]==0x46 && sig[3]==0x6F) { if(fseek(f, -3, SEEK_END)) { remove("powder.def"); return; } if(fread(sig, 1, 3, f) != 3) { remove("powder.def"); goto fail; } last_major = sig[0]; last_minor = sig[1]; update_flag = sig[2]; } fclose(f); remove("powder.def"); return; } if(load_string(f, svf_user, 63)) goto fail; if(load_string(f, svf_pass, 63)) goto fail; svf_login = !!svf_user[0]; if(fread(&tmp, 1, 1, f) != 1) goto fail; sdl_scale = (tmp == 2) ? 2 : 1; if(fread(&tmp, 1, 1, f) != 1) goto fail; cmode = tmp%6; if(fread(&tmp, 1, 1, f) != 1) goto fail; svf_admin = tmp; if(fread(&tmp, 1, 1, f) != 1) goto fail; svf_mod = tmp; if(load_string(f, http_proxy, 255)) goto fail; if(fread(sig, 1, 3, f) != 3) goto fail; last_major = sig[0]; last_minor = sig[1]; update_flag = sig[2]; fail: fclose(f); } void dim_copy(pixel *dst, pixel *src) { int i,r,g,b; for(i=0; i0) r--; if(g>0) g--; if(b>0) b--; dst[i] = PIXRGB(r,g,b); } } unsigned int fire_alpha[CELL*3][CELL*3]; void prepare_alpha(void) { int x,y,i,j; float temp[CELL*3][CELL*3]; memset(temp, 0, sizeof(temp)); for(x=0; x=0 && j+y>=0 && i+x4 ? r-4 : 0; fire_g[j][i] = g>4 ? g-4 : 0; fire_b[j][i] = b>4 ? b-4 : 0; } } int zoom_en = 0; int zoom_x=(XRES-ZSIZE_D)/2, zoom_y=(YRES-ZSIZE_D)/2; int zoom_wx=0, zoom_wy=0; void render_zoom(pixel *img) { int x, y, i, j; pixel pix; drawrect(img, zoom_wx-2, zoom_wy-2, ZSIZE*ZFACTOR+2, ZSIZE*ZFACTOR+2, 192, 192, 192, 255); drawrect(img, zoom_wx-1, zoom_wy-1, ZSIZE*ZFACTOR, ZSIZE*ZFACTOR, 0, 0, 0, 255); clearrect(img, zoom_wx, zoom_wy, ZSIZE*ZFACTOR, ZSIZE*ZFACTOR); for(j=0; jr*r || i*i+(j+1)*(j+1)>r*r)) { xor_pixel(x+i, y+j, vid); if(j) xor_pixel(x+i, y-j, vid); if(i) xor_pixel(x-i, y+j, vid); if(i&&j) xor_pixel(x-i, y-j, vid); } } else { int tc; c = (r/CELL) * CELL; x = (x/CELL) * CELL; y = (y/CELL) * CELL; tc = !((c%(CELL*2))==0); x -= c/2; y -= c/2; x += tc*(CELL/2); y += tc*(CELL/2); for(i=0; i2) { pthread_t pth; pthread_create(&pth,NULL,update_air_th,""); } else { update_air(); } #else update_air(); #endif } if(cmode==0 || cmode==1) { draw_air(vid_buf); } else if(cmode==2) { memcpy(vid_buf, fire_bg, XRES*YRES*PIXELSIZE); memset(vid_buf+(XRES*YRES), 0, ((XRES+BARSIZE)*YRES*PIXELSIZE)-(XRES*YRES*PIXELSIZE)); } else { memset(vid_buf, 0, (XRES+BARSIZE)*YRES*PIXELSIZE); } update_particles(vid_buf); if(cmode==2) { if(!fire_fc) { dim_copy(fire_bg, vid_buf); } else { memcpy(fire_bg, vid_buf, XRES*YRES*PIXELSIZE); } fire_fc = (fire_fc+1) % 3; } if(cmode==3||cmode==4) render_fire(vid_buf); render_signs(vid_buf); memset(vid_buf+((XRES+BARSIZE)*YRES), 0, (PIXELSIZE*(XRES+BARSIZE))*MENUSIZE); clearrect(vid_buf, XRES-1, 0, BARSIZE+1, YRES); draw_svf_ui(vid_buf); if(http_ver_check) { if(!do_check && http_async_req_status(http_ver_check)) { ver_data = http_async_req_stop(http_ver_check, &http_ret, NULL); if(http_ret==200 && ver_data) { #ifdef BETA if(sscanf(ver_data, "%d.%d.%d", &major, &minor, &is_beta)==3) if(major>SAVE_VERSION || (major==SAVE_VERSION && minor>MINOR_VERSION) || (major==SAVE_VERSION && is_beta == 0)) old_version = 1; #else if(sscanf(ver_data, "%d.%d", &major, &minor)==2) if(major>SAVE_VERSION || (major==SAVE_VERSION && minor>MINOR_VERSION)) old_version = 1; #endif free(ver_data); } http_ver_check = NULL; } do_check = (do_check+1) & 15; } if(sdl_key=='q' || sdl_key==SDLK_ESCAPE) { if(confirm_ui(vid_buf, "You are about to quit", "Are you sure you want to quit?", "Quit")) { break; } } if((sdl_key=='l' || sdl_key=='k') && stamps[0].name[0]) { if(load_mode) { free(load_img); free(load_data); load_mode = 0; load_data = NULL; load_img = NULL; } if(it > 50) it = 50; if(sdl_key=='k' && stamps[1].name[0]) { j = stamp_ui(vid_buf); if(j>=0) load_data = stamp_load(j, &load_size); else load_data = NULL; } else load_data = stamp_load(0, &load_size); if(load_data) { load_img = prerender_save(load_data, load_size, &load_w, &load_h); if(load_img) load_mode = 1; else free(load_data); } } if(sdl_key=='s') { if(it > 50) it = 50; save_mode = 1; } if(sdl_key=='1') { set_cmode(0); } if(sdl_key=='2') { set_cmode(1); } if(sdl_key=='3') { set_cmode(2); } if(sdl_key=='4') { set_cmode(3); } if(sdl_key=='5') { set_cmode(4); } if(sdl_key=='6') { set_cmode(5); } if(sdl_key==SDLK_SPACE) sys_pause = !sys_pause; if(sdl_key=='h') hud_enable = !hud_enable; if(sdl_key=='p') dump_frame(vid_buf, XRES, YRES, XRES); if(sdl_key=='v'&&(sdl_mod & (KMOD_LCTRL|KMOD_RCTRL))) { if(clipboard_ready==1) { load_data = malloc(clipboard_length); memcpy(load_data, clipboard_data, clipboard_length); load_size = clipboard_length; if(load_data) { load_img = prerender_save(load_data, load_size, &load_w, &load_h); if(load_img) load_mode = 1; else free(load_data); } } } if(sdl_key=='x'&&(sdl_mod & (KMOD_LCTRL|KMOD_RCTRL))) { save_mode = 1; copy_mode = 2; } if(sdl_key=='c'&&(sdl_mod & (KMOD_LCTRL|KMOD_RCTRL))) { save_mode = 1; copy_mode = 1; } else if(sdl_key=='c') { set_cmode((cmode+1) % 6); if(it > 50) it = 50; } #ifdef INTERNAL if(sdl_key=='v') vs = !vs; if(vs) dump_frame(vid_buf, XRES, YRES, XRES); #endif if(sdl_wheel) { if(sdl_zoom_trig==1) { ZSIZE += sdl_wheel; if(ZSIZE>32) ZSIZE = 32; if(ZSIZE<2) ZSIZE = 2; ZFACTOR = 256/ZSIZE; sdl_wheel = 0; } else { bs += sdl_wheel; if(bs>16) bs = 16; if(bs<0) bs = 0; sdl_wheel = 0; /*if(su >= PT_NUM) { if(sl < PT_NUM) su = sl; if(sr < PT_NUM) su = sr; }*/ } } bq = b; b = SDL_GetMouseState(&x, &y); for(i=0; i=sdl_scale*(XRES+1) && x= sdl_scale*(((YRES/SC_TOTAL)*i)+((YRES/SC_TOTAL)/2)-2) && y=sdl_scale*(XRES-2) && x= sdl_scale*((i*16)+YRES+MENUSIZE-16-(SC_TOTAL*16)) && y=sdl_scale*zoom_wx && y>=sdl_scale*zoom_wy && x0 && y0 && x>8)>=NPART || !cr)) { #ifdef BETA sprintf(heattext, "%s, Pressure: %3.2f, Temp: %4.2f C, Life: %d", ptypes[cr&0xFF].name, pv[(y/sdl_scale)/CELL][(x/sdl_scale)/CELL], parts[cr>>8].temp, parts[cr>>8].life); #else sprintf(heattext, "%s, Pressure: %3.2f, Temp: %4.2f C", ptypes[cr&0xFF].name, pv[(y/sdl_scale)/CELL][(x/sdl_scale)/CELL], parts[cr>>8].temp); #endif } else { sprintf(heattext, "Empty, Pressure: %3.2f", pv[(y/sdl_scale)/CELL][(x/sdl_scale)/CELL]); } } mx = x; my = y; if(update_flag) { info_box(vid_buf, "Finalizing update..."); if(last_major>SAVE_VERSION || (last_major==SAVE_VERSION && last_minor>=MINOR_VERSION)) { update_cleanup(); error_ui(vid_buf, 0, "Update failed - try downloading a new version."); } else { if(update_finish()) error_ui(vid_buf, 0, "Update failed - try downloading a new version."); else info_ui(vid_buf, "Update success", "You have successfully updated the Powder Toy!"); } update_flag = 0; } if(b && !bq && x>=(XRES-19-old_ver_len)*sdl_scale && x<=(XRES-14)*sdl_scale && y>=(YRES-22)*sdl_scale && y<=(YRES-9)*sdl_scale && old_version) { tmp = malloc(64); #ifdef BETA if(is_beta) { sprintf(tmp, "Your version: %d (Beta %d), new version: %d (Beta %d).", SAVE_VERSION, MINOR_VERSION, major, minor); } else { sprintf(tmp, "Your version: %d (Beta %d), new version: %d.%d.", SAVE_VERSION, MINOR_VERSION, major, minor); } #else sprintf(tmp, "Your version: %d.%d, new version: %d.%d.", SAVE_VERSION, MINOR_VERSION, major, minor); #endif if(confirm_ui(vid_buf, "Do you want to update The Powder Toy?", tmp, "Update")) { free(tmp); tmp = download_ui(vid_buf, my_uri, &i); if(tmp) { save_presets(1); if(update_start(tmp, i)) { update_cleanup(); save_presets(0); error_ui(vid_buf, 0, "Update failed - try downloading a new version."); } else return 0; } } else free(tmp); } if(y>=sdl_scale*(YRES+(MENUSIZE-20))) { if(x>=189*sdl_scale && x<=202*sdl_scale && svf_login && svf_open && svf_myvote==0) { db = svf_own ? 275 : 272; if(da < 51) da ++; } else if(x>=204 && x<=217 && svf_login && svf_open && svf_myvote==0) { db = svf_own ? 275 : 272; if(da < 51) da ++; } else if(x>=189 && x<=217 && svf_login && svf_open && svf_myvote!=0) { db = (svf_myvote==1) ? 273 : 274; if(da < 51) da ++; } else if(x>=219*sdl_scale && x<=((XRES+BARSIZE-(510-349))*sdl_scale) && svf_login && svf_open) { db = svf_own ? 257 : 256; if(da < 51) da ++; } else if(x>=((XRES+BARSIZE-(510-351))*sdl_scale) && x<((XRES+BARSIZE-(510-366))*sdl_scale)) { db = 270; if(da < 51) da ++; } else if(x>=((XRES+BARSIZE-(510-367))*sdl_scale) && x<((XRES+BARSIZE-(510-383))*sdl_scale)) { db = 266; if(da < 51) da ++; } else if(x>=37*sdl_scale && x<=187*sdl_scale && svf_login) { db = 259; if(svf_open && svf_own && x<=55*sdl_scale) db = 258; if(da < 51) da ++; } else if(x>=((XRES+BARSIZE-(510-385))*sdl_scale) && x<=((XRES+BARSIZE-(510-476))*sdl_scale)) { db = svf_login ? 261 : 260; if(svf_admin) { db = 268; } else if(svf_mod) { db = 271; } if(da < 51) da ++; } else if(x>=sdl_scale && x<=17*sdl_scale) { db = 262; if(da < 51) da ++; } else if(x>=((XRES+BARSIZE-(510-494))*sdl_scale) && x<=((XRES+BARSIZE-(510-509))*sdl_scale)) { db = sys_pause ? 264 : 263; if(da < 51) da ++; } else if(x>=((XRES+BARSIZE-(510-476))*sdl_scale) && x<=((XRES+BARSIZE-(510-491))*sdl_scale)) { db = 267; if(da < 51) da ++; } else if(x>=19*sdl_scale && x<=35*sdl_scale && svf_open) { db = 265; if(da < 51) da ++; } else if(da > 0) da --; } else if(da > 0) da --; if(!sdl_zoom_trig && zoom_en==1) zoom_en = 0; if(sdl_key==Z_keysym && zoom_en==2) zoom_en = 1; if(load_mode) { load_x = CELL*((mx/sdl_scale-load_w/2+CELL/2)/CELL); load_y = CELL*((my/sdl_scale-load_h/2+CELL/2)/CELL); if(load_x+load_w>XRES) load_x=XRES-load_w; if(load_y+load_h>YRES) load_y=YRES-load_h; if(load_x<0) load_x=0; if(load_y<0) load_y=0; if(bq==1 && !b) { parse_save(load_data, load_size, 0, load_x, load_y); free(load_data); free(load_img); load_mode = 0; } else if(bq==4 && !b) { free(load_data); free(load_img); load_mode = 0; } } else if(save_mode==1) { save_x = (mx/sdl_scale)/CELL; save_y = (my/sdl_scale)/CELL; if(save_x >= XRES/CELL) save_x = XRES/CELL-1; if(save_y >= YRES/CELL) save_y = YRES/CELL-1; save_w = 1; save_h = 1; if(b==1) { save_mode = 2; } else if(b==4) { save_mode = 0; copy_mode = 0; } } else if(save_mode==2) { save_w = (mx/sdl_scale+CELL/2)/CELL - save_x; save_h = (my/sdl_scale+CELL/2)/CELL - save_y; if(save_w>XRES/CELL) save_w = XRES/CELL; if(save_h>YRES/CELL) save_h = YRES/CELL; if(save_w<1) save_w = 1; if(save_h<1) save_h = 1; if(!b) { if(copy_mode==1) { clipboard_data=build_save(&clipboard_length, save_x*CELL, save_y*CELL, save_w*CELL, save_h*CELL); clipboard_ready = 1; save_mode = 0; copy_mode = 0; } else if(copy_mode==2) { clipboard_data=build_save(&clipboard_length, save_x*CELL, save_y*CELL, save_w*CELL, save_h*CELL); clipboard_ready = 1; save_mode = 0; copy_mode = 0; clear_area(save_x*CELL, save_y*CELL, save_w*CELL, save_h*CELL); } else { stamp_save(save_x*CELL, save_y*CELL, save_w*CELL, save_h*CELL); save_mode = 0; } } } else if(sdl_zoom_trig && zoom_en<2) { x /= sdl_scale; y /= sdl_scale; x -= ZSIZE/2; y -= ZSIZE/2; if(x<0) x=0; if(y<0) y=0; if(x>XRES-ZSIZE) x=XRES-ZSIZE; if(y>YRES-ZSIZE) y=YRES-ZSIZE; zoom_x = x; zoom_y = y; zoom_wx = (x 50) it = 50; x /= sdl_scale; y /= sdl_scale; if(y>=YRES+(MENUSIZE-20)) { if(!lb) { if(x>=189 && x<=202 && svf_login && svf_open && svf_myvote==0 && svf_own==0) { if(execute_vote(vid_buf, svf_id, "Up")) { svf_myvote = 1; } } if(x>=204 && x<=217 && svf_login && svf_open && svf_myvote==0 && svf_own==0) { if(execute_vote(vid_buf, svf_id, "Down")) { svf_myvote = -1; } } if(x>=219 && x<=(XRES+BARSIZE-(510-349)) && svf_login && svf_open) tag_list_ui(vid_buf); if(x>=(XRES+BARSIZE-(510-351)) && x<(XRES+BARSIZE-(510-366)) && !bq) { legacy_enable = !legacy_enable; } if(x>=(XRES+BARSIZE-(510-367)) && x<=(XRES+BARSIZE-(510-383)) && !bq) { memset(signs, 0, sizeof(signs)); memset(pv, 0, sizeof(pv)); memset(vx, 0, sizeof(vx)); memset(vy, 0, sizeof(vy)); memset(fvx, 0, sizeof(fvx)); memset(fvy, 0, sizeof(fvy)); memset(bmap, 0, sizeof(bmap)); memset(emap, 0, sizeof(emap)); memset(parts, 0, sizeof(particle)*NPART); for(i=0; i=(XRES+BARSIZE-(510-385)) && x<=(XRES+BARSIZE-(510-476))) { login_ui(vid_buf); if(svf_login) save_presets(0); } if(x>=37 && x<=187 && svf_login) { if(!svf_open || !svf_own || x>51) { if(save_name_ui(vid_buf)) execute_save(vid_buf); } else execute_save(vid_buf); while(!sdl_poll()) if(!SDL_GetMouseState(&x, &y)) break; b = bq = 0; } if(x>=1 && x<=17) { search_ui(vid_buf); memset(fire_bg, 0, XRES*YRES*PIXELSIZE); memset(fire_r, 0, sizeof(fire_r)); memset(fire_g, 0, sizeof(fire_g)); memset(fire_b, 0, sizeof(fire_b)); } if(x>=19 && x<=35 && svf_last && svf_open) parse_save(svf_last, svf_lsize, 1, 0, 0); if(x>=(XRES+BARSIZE-(510-476)) && x<=(XRES+BARSIZE-(510-491)) && !bq) { if(b & SDL_BUTTON_LMASK) set_cmode((cmode+1) % 6); if(b & SDL_BUTTON_RMASK) set_cmode((cmode+5) % 6); save_presets(0); } if(x>=(XRES+BARSIZE-(510-494)) && x<=(XRES+BARSIZE-(510-509)) && !bq) sys_pause = !sys_pause; lb = 0; } } else if(y=0 && ly>=0 && lx0 && y0 && x>8)>=NPART || !cr)) { c = sl = cr&0xFF; } else { //Something } } //create_parts(x, y, bs, SPC_AIR); lx = x; ly = y; lb = 0; lm = 0; } else { create_parts(x, y, bs, c); lx = x; ly = y; lb = b; lm = 0; } } } } else { if(lb && lm) { x /= sdl_scale; y /= sdl_scale; c = (lb&1) ? sl : sr; su = c; if(lm == 1) { if(c!=127 || lx<0 || ly<0 || lx>=XRES || ly>=YRES || bmap[ly/CELL][lx/CELL]!=4) create_line(lx, ly, x, y, bs, c); } else create_box(lx, ly, x, y, c); lm = 0; } lb = 0; } if(load_mode) { draw_image(vid_buf, load_img, load_x, load_y, load_w, load_h, 128); xor_rect(vid_buf, load_x, load_y, load_w, load_h); } if(save_mode) { xor_rect(vid_buf, save_x*CELL, save_y*CELL, save_w*CELL, save_h*CELL); da = 51; db = 269; } if(zoom_en!=1 && !load_mode && !save_mode) { render_cursor(vid_buf, mx/sdl_scale, my/sdl_scale, su, bs); mousex = mx/sdl_scale; mousey = my/sdl_scale; } if(zoom_en) render_zoom(vid_buf); if(da) switch(db) { case 256: drawtext(vid_buf, 16, YRES-24, "Add simulation tags.", 255, 255, 255, da*5); break; case 257: drawtext(vid_buf, 16, YRES-24, "Add and remove simulation tags.", 255, 255, 255, da*5); break; case 258: drawtext(vid_buf, 16, YRES-24, "Save the simulation under the current name.", 255, 255, 255, da*5); break; case 259: drawtext(vid_buf, 16, YRES-24, "Save the simulation under a new name.", 255, 255, 255, da*5); break; case 260: drawtext(vid_buf, 16, YRES-24, "Sign into the Simulation Server.", 255, 255, 255, da*5); break; case 261: drawtext(vid_buf, 16, YRES-24, "Sign into the Simulation Server under a new name.", 255, 255, 255, da*5); break; case 262: drawtext(vid_buf, 16, YRES-24, "Find & open a simulation", 255, 255, 255, da*5); break; case 263: drawtext(vid_buf, 16, YRES-24, "Pause the simulation", 255, 255, 255, da*5); break; case 264: drawtext(vid_buf, 16, YRES-24, "Resume the simulation", 255, 255, 255, da*5); break; case 265: drawtext(vid_buf, 16, YRES-24, "Reload the simulation", 255, 255, 255, da*5); break; case 266: drawtext(vid_buf, 16, YRES-24, "Erase all particles and walls", 255, 255, 255, da*5); break; case 267: drawtext(vid_buf, 16, YRES-24, "Change display mode", 255, 255, 255, da*5); break; case 268: drawtext(vid_buf, 16, YRES-24, "Annuit C\245ptis", 255, 255, 255, da*5); break; case 269: drawtext(vid_buf, 16, YRES-24, "Click-and-drag to specify a rectangle to copy (right click = cancel).", 255, 216, 32, da*5); break; case 270: drawtext(vid_buf, 16, YRES-24, "Enable or disable compatability mode (disables heat simulation).", 255, 255, 255, da*5); break; case 271: drawtext(vid_buf, 16, YRES-24, "You're a moderator", 255, 255, 255, da*5); break; case 272: drawtext(vid_buf, 16, YRES-24, "Like/Dislike this save.", 255, 255, 255, da*5); break; case 273: drawtext(vid_buf, 16, YRES-24, "You like this.", 255, 255, 255, da*5); break; case 274: drawtext(vid_buf, 16, YRES-24, "You dislike this.", 255, 255, 255, da*5); break; case 275: drawtext(vid_buf, 16, YRES-24, "You cannot vote on your own save.", 255, 255, 255, da*5); break; default: drawtext(vid_buf, 16, YRES-24, (char *)ptypes[db].descs, 255, 255, 255, da*5); } if(itc) { itc--; drawtext(vid_buf, (XRES-textwidth(itc_msg))/2, ((YRES/2)-10), itc_msg, 255, 255, 255, itc>51?255:itc*5); } if(it) { it--; //if(fbi_img) //draw_image(vid_buf, fbi_img, (XRES-FBI_W)/2, (YRES-FBI_H)/2+25, FBI_W, FBI_H, it>12?64:it*5); drawtext(vid_buf, 16, 20, it_msg, 255, 255, 255, it>51?255:it*5); } if(old_version) { clearrect(vid_buf, XRES-21-old_ver_len, YRES-24, old_ver_len+9, 17); #ifdef BETA if(is_beta) { drawtext(vid_buf, XRES-16-old_ver_len, YRES-19, old_ver_msg_beta, 255, 216, 32, 255); } else { drawtext(vid_buf, XRES-16-old_ver_len, YRES-19, old_ver_msg, 255, 216, 32, 255); } #else drawtext(vid_buf, XRES-16-old_ver_len, YRES-19, old_ver_msg, 255, 216, 32, 255); #endif drawrect(vid_buf, XRES-19-old_ver_len, YRES-22, old_ver_len+5, 13, 255, 216, 32, 255); } /*#ifdef MT pthread_join(pth2,NULL); #endif*/ if(hud_enable) { currentTime = SDL_GetTicks(); if(currentTime-past>=16) { past = SDL_GetTicks(); FPS++; } if(currentTime-pastFPS>=1000) { #ifdef BETA sprintf(uitext, "Version %d (Beta %d) FPS:%d", SAVE_VERSION, MINOR_VERSION, FPS); #else sprintf(uitext, "Version %d.%d FPS:%d", SAVE_VERSION, MINOR_VERSION, FPS); #endif FPSB = FPS; FPS = 0; pastFPS = currentTime; } if(sdl_zoom_trig||zoom_en) { if(zoom_x