#include "PowderToySDL.h" #include "Format.h" #include "X86KillDenormals.h" #include "prefs/GlobalPrefs.h" #include "client/Client.h" #include "client/GameSave.h" #include "client/SaveFile.h" #include "client/SaveInfo.h" #include "client/http/requestmanager/RequestManager.h" #include "common/platform/Platform.h" #include "graphics/Graphics.h" #include "simulation/SaveRenderer.h" #include "common/tpt-rand.h" #include "gui/game/Favorite.h" #include "gui/Style.h" #include "gui/game/GameController.h" #include "gui/game/GameView.h" #include "gui/dialogues/ConfirmPrompt.h" #include "gui/dialogues/ErrorMessage.h" #include "gui/interface/Engine.h" #include "Config.h" #include "SimulationConfig.h" #include #include #include #include #include void LoadWindowPosition() { if (Client::Ref().IsFirstRun()) { return; } auto &prefs = GlobalPrefs::Ref(); int savedWindowX = prefs.Get("WindowX", INT_MAX); int savedWindowY = prefs.Get("WindowY", INT_MAX); int borderTop, borderLeft; SDL_GetWindowBordersSize(sdl_window, &borderTop, &borderLeft, nullptr, nullptr); // Sometimes (Windows), the border size may not be reported for 200+ frames // So just have a default of 5 to ensure the window doesn't get stuck where it can't be moved if (borderTop == 0) borderTop = 5; int numDisplays = SDL_GetNumVideoDisplays(); SDL_Rect displayBounds; bool ok = false; for (int i = 0; i < numDisplays; i++) { SDL_GetDisplayBounds(i, &displayBounds); if (savedWindowX + borderTop > displayBounds.x && savedWindowY + borderLeft > displayBounds.y && savedWindowX + borderTop < displayBounds.x + displayBounds.w && savedWindowY + borderLeft < displayBounds.y + displayBounds.h) { ok = true; break; } } if (ok) SDL_SetWindowPosition(sdl_window, savedWindowX + borderLeft, savedWindowY + borderTop); } void SaveWindowPosition() { int x, y; SDL_GetWindowPosition(sdl_window, &x, &y); int borderTop, borderLeft; SDL_GetWindowBordersSize(sdl_window, &borderTop, &borderLeft, nullptr, nullptr); auto &prefs = GlobalPrefs::Ref(); prefs.Set("WindowX", x - borderLeft); prefs.Set("WindowY", y - borderTop); } void LargeScreenDialog() { StringBuilder message; message << "Switching to " << scale << "x size mode since your screen was determined to be large enough: "; message << desktopWidth << "x" << desktopHeight << " detected, " << WINDOWW*scale << "x" << WINDOWH*scale << " required"; message << "\nTo undo this, hit Cancel. You can change this in settings at any time."; if (!ConfirmPrompt::Blocking("Large screen detected", message.Build())) { GlobalPrefs::Ref().Set("Scale", 1); ui::Engine::Ref().SetScale(1); } } void TickClient() { Client::Ref().Tick(); } void BlueScreen(String detailMessage) { auto &engine = ui::Engine::Ref(); engine.g->BlendFilledRect(engine.g->Size().OriginRect(), 0x1172A9_rgb .WithAlpha(0xD2)); String errorTitle = "ERROR"; String errorDetails = "Details: " + detailMessage; String errorHelp = String("An unrecoverable fault has occurred, please report the error by visiting the website below\n") + SCHEME + SERVER; int currentY = 0, width, height; int errorWidth = 0; Graphics::textsize(errorTitle, errorWidth, height); engine.g->BlendText(engine.g->Size() / 2 - Vec2(errorWidth / 2, 100 - currentY), errorTitle, 0xFFFFFF_rgb .WithAlpha(0xFF)); currentY += height + 4; Graphics::textsize(errorDetails, width, height); engine.g->BlendText(engine.g->Size() / 2 - Vec2(errorWidth / 2, 100 - currentY), errorDetails, 0xFFFFFF_rgb .WithAlpha(0xFF)); currentY += height + 4; Graphics::textsize(errorHelp, width, height); engine.g->BlendText(engine.g->Size() / 2 - Vec2(errorWidth / 2, 100 - currentY), errorHelp, 0xFFFFFF_rgb .WithAlpha(0xFF)); //Death loop SDL_Event event; while(true) { while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) if(event.type == SDL_QUIT) exit(-1); // Don't use Platform::Exit, we're practically zombies at this point anyway. blit(engine.g->vid); } } void SigHandler(int signal) { switch(signal){ case SIGSEGV: BlueScreen("Memory read/write error"); break; case SIGFPE: BlueScreen("Floating point exception"); break; case SIGILL: BlueScreen("Program execution exception"); break; case SIGABRT: BlueScreen("Unexpected program abort"); break; } } constexpr int SCALE_MAXIMUM = 10; constexpr int SCALE_MARGIN = 30; int GuessBestScale() { const int widthNoMargin = desktopWidth - SCALE_MARGIN; const int widthGuess = widthNoMargin / WINDOWW; const int heightNoMargin = desktopHeight - SCALE_MARGIN; const int heightGuess = heightNoMargin / WINDOWH; int guess = std::min(widthGuess, heightGuess); if(guess < 1 || guess > SCALE_MAXIMUM) guess = 1; return guess; } struct ExplicitSingletons { // These need to be listed in the order they are populated in main. std::unique_ptr globalPrefs; http::RequestManagerPtr requestManager; std::unique_ptr client; std::unique_ptr saveRenderer; std::unique_ptr rng; std::unique_ptr favorite; std::unique_ptr engine; std::unique_ptr gameController; }; static std::unique_ptr explicitSingletons; int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { Platform::SetupCrt(); Platform::Atexit([]() { SDLClose(); explicitSingletons.reset(); }); explicitSingletons = std::make_unique(); // https://bugzilla.libsdl.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3796 if (SDL_Init(0) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Initializing SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); return 1; } Platform::originalCwd = Platform::GetCwd(); using Argument = std::optional; std::map arguments; for (auto i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { auto str = ByteString(argv[i]); if (str.BeginsWith("file://")) { arguments.insert({ "open", format::URLDecode(str.substr(7 /* length of the "file://" prefix */)) }); } else if (str.BeginsWith("ptsave:")) { arguments.insert({ "ptsave", str }); } else if (auto split = str.SplitBy(':')) { arguments.insert({ split.Before(), split.After() }); } else if (auto split = str.SplitBy('=')) { arguments.insert({ split.Before(), split.After() }); } else if (str == "open" || str == "ptsave" || str == "ddir") { if (i + 1 < argc) { arguments.insert({ str, argv[i + 1] }); i += 1; } else { std::cerr << "no value provided for command line parameter " << str << std::endl; } } else { arguments.insert({ str, "" }); // so .has_value() is true } } auto ddirArg = arguments["ddir"]; if (ddirArg.has_value()) { if (Platform::ChangeDir(ddirArg.value())) Platform::sharedCwd = Platform::GetCwd(); else perror("failed to chdir to requested ddir"); } else { char *ddir = SDL_GetPrefPath(NULL, APPDATA); if (!Platform::FileExists("powder.pref")) { if (ddir) { if (!Platform::ChangeDir(ddir)) { perror("failed to chdir to default ddir"); SDL_free(ddir); ddir = nullptr; } } } if (ddir) { Platform::sharedCwd = ddir; SDL_free(ddir); } } // We're now in the correct directory, time to get prefs. explicitSingletons->globalPrefs = std::make_unique(); auto &prefs = GlobalPrefs::Ref(); scale = prefs.Get("Scale", 1); resizable = prefs.Get("Resizable", false); fullscreen = prefs.Get("Fullscreen", false); altFullscreen = prefs.Get("AltFullscreen", false); forceIntegerScaling = prefs.Get("ForceIntegerScaling", true); momentumScroll = prefs.Get("MomentumScroll", true); showAvatars = prefs.Get("ShowAvatars", true); auto true_string = [](ByteString str) { str = str.ToLower(); return str == "true" || str == "t" || str == "on" || str == "yes" || str == "y" || str == "1" || str == ""; // standalone "redirect" or "disable-bluescreen" or similar arguments }; auto true_arg = [&true_string](Argument arg) { return arg.has_value() && true_string(arg.value()); }; auto kioskArg = arguments["kiosk"]; if (kioskArg.has_value()) { fullscreen = true_string(kioskArg.value()); prefs.Set("Fullscreen", fullscreen); } if (true_arg(arguments["redirect"])) { FILE *new_stdout = freopen("stdout.log", "w", stdout); FILE *new_stderr = freopen("stderr.log", "w", stderr); if (!new_stdout || !new_stderr) { Platform::Exit(42); } } auto scaleArg = arguments["scale"]; if (scaleArg.has_value()) { try { scale = scaleArg.value().ToNumber(); prefs.Set("Scale", scale); } catch (const std::runtime_error &e) { std::cerr << "failed to set scale: " << e.what() << std::endl; } } auto clientConfig = [&prefs](Argument arg, ByteString name, ByteString defaultValue) { ByteString value; if (arg.has_value()) { value = arg.value(); if (value == "") { value = defaultValue; } prefs.Set(name, value); } else { value = prefs.Get(name, defaultValue); } return value; }; ByteString proxyString = clientConfig(arguments["proxy"], "Proxy", ""); ByteString cafileString = clientConfig(arguments["cafile"], "CAFile", ""); ByteString capathString = clientConfig(arguments["capath"], "CAPath", ""); bool disableNetwork = true_arg(arguments["disable-network"]); explicitSingletons->requestManager = http::RequestManager::Create(proxyString, cafileString, capathString, disableNetwork); explicitSingletons->client = std::make_unique(); Client::Ref().Initialize(); explicitSingletons->saveRenderer = std::make_unique(); explicitSingletons->rng = std::make_unique(); explicitSingletons->favorite = std::make_unique(); explicitSingletons->engine = std::make_unique(); // TODO: maybe bind the maximum allowed scale to screen size somehow if(scale < 1 || scale > SCALE_MAXIMUM) scale = 1; SDLOpen(); if (Client::Ref().IsFirstRun()) { scale = GuessBestScale(); if (scale > 1) { prefs.Set("Scale", scale); SDL_SetWindowSize(sdl_window, WINDOWW * scale, WINDOWH * scale); showLargeScreenDialog = true; } } StopTextInput(); auto &engine = ui::Engine::Ref(); engine.g = new Graphics(); engine.Scale = scale; engine.SetResizable(resizable); engine.Fullscreen = fullscreen; engine.SetAltFullscreen(altFullscreen); engine.SetForceIntegerScaling(forceIntegerScaling); engine.MomentumScroll = momentumScroll; engine.ShowAvatars = showAvatars; engine.Begin(); engine.SetFastQuit(prefs.Get("FastQuit", true)); bool enableBluescreen = !DEBUG && !true_arg(arguments["disable-bluescreen"]); if (enableBluescreen) { //Get ready to catch any dodgy errors signal(SIGSEGV, SigHandler); signal(SIGFPE, SigHandler); signal(SIGILL, SigHandler); signal(SIGABRT, SigHandler); } if constexpr (X86) { X86KillDenormals(); } auto wrapWithBluescreen = [&]() { explicitSingletons->gameController = std::make_unique(); auto *gameController = explicitSingletons->gameController.get(); engine.ShowWindow(gameController->GetView()); auto openArg = arguments["open"]; if (openArg.has_value()) { if constexpr (DEBUG) { std::cout << "Loading " << openArg.value() << std::endl; } if (Platform::FileExists(openArg.value())) { try { std::vector gameSaveData; if (!Platform::ReadFile(gameSaveData, openArg.value())) { new ErrorMessage("Error", "Could not read file"); } else { SaveFile * newFile = new SaveFile(openArg.value()); GameSave * newSave = new GameSave(std::move(gameSaveData)); newFile->SetGameSave(newSave); gameController->LoadSaveFile(newFile); delete newFile; } } catch (std::exception & e) { new ErrorMessage("Error", "Could not open save file:\n" + ByteString(e.what()).FromUtf8()) ; } } else { new ErrorMessage("Error", "Could not open file"); } } auto ptsaveArg = arguments["ptsave"]; if (ptsaveArg.has_value()) { engine.g->Clear(); engine.g->DrawRect(RectSized(engine.g->Size() / 2 - Vec2(100, 25), Vec2(200, 50)), 0xB4B4B4_rgb); String loadingText = "Loading save..."; engine.g->BlendText(engine.g->Size() / 2 - Vec2(Graphics::textwidth(loadingText) / 2, 5), loadingText, style::Colour::InformationTitle); blit(engine.g->vid); try { ByteString saveIdPart; if (ByteString::Split split = ptsaveArg.value().SplitBy(':')) { if (split.Before() != "ptsave") throw std::runtime_error("Not a ptsave link"); saveIdPart = split.After().SplitBy('#').Before(); } else throw std::runtime_error("Invalid save link"); if (!saveIdPart.size()) throw std::runtime_error("No Save ID"); if constexpr (DEBUG) { std::cout << "Got Ptsave: id: " << saveIdPart << std::endl; } int saveId = saveIdPart.ToNumber(); SaveInfo * newSave = Client::Ref().GetSave(saveId, 0); if (!newSave) throw std::runtime_error("Could not load save info"); auto saveData = Client::Ref().GetSaveData(saveId, 0); if (!saveData.size()) throw std::runtime_error(("Could not load save\n" + Client::Ref().GetLastError()).ToUtf8()); GameSave * newGameSave = new GameSave(std::move(saveData)); newSave->SetGameSave(newGameSave); gameController->LoadSave(newSave); delete newSave; } catch (std::exception & e) { new ErrorMessage("Error", ByteString(e.what()).FromUtf8()); } } EngineProcess(); SaveWindowPosition(); }; if (enableBluescreen) { try { wrapWithBluescreen(); } catch (const std::exception &e) { BlueScreen(ByteString(e.what()).FromUtf8()); } } else { wrapWithBluescreen(); } Platform::Exit(0); return 0; }