#include #include #include #ifdef OpenGL #ifdef MACOSX #include #include #else #include #include #endif #endif #include #include #include #include #define INCLUDE_FONTDATA #include #include unsigned cmode = CM_FIRE; SDL_Surface *sdl_scrn; int sdl_scale = 1; unsigned char fire_r[YRES/CELL][XRES/CELL]; unsigned char fire_g[YRES/CELL][XRES/CELL]; unsigned char fire_b[YRES/CELL][XRES/CELL]; unsigned int fire_alpha[CELL*3][CELL*3]; pixel *fire_bg; pixel *pers_bg; void *ptif_pack(pixel *src, int w, int h, int *result_size){ int i = 0, datalen = (w*h)*3, cx = 0, cy = 0; unsigned char *red_chan = calloc(1, w*h); unsigned char *green_chan = calloc(1, w*h); unsigned char *blue_chan = calloc(1, w*h); unsigned char *data = malloc(((w*h)*3)+8); unsigned char *result = malloc(((w*h)*3)+8); for(cx = 0; cx>8; result[6] = h; result[7] = h>>8; i -= 8; if(BZ2_bzBuffToBuffCompress((char *)(result+8), (unsigned *)&i, (char *)data, datalen, 9, 0, 0) != BZ_OK){ free(data); free(result); return NULL; } *result_size = i+8; free(data); return result; } pixel *ptif_unpack(void *datain, int size, int *w, int *h){ int width, height, i, cx, cy, resCode; unsigned char *red_chan; unsigned char *green_chan; unsigned char *blue_chan; unsigned char *data = datain; unsigned char *undata; pixel *result; if(size<16){ printf("Image empty\n"); return NULL; } if(!(data[0]=='P' && data[1]=='T' && data[2]=='i')){ printf("Image header invalid\n"); return NULL; } width = data[4]|(data[5]<<8); height = data[6]|(data[7]<<8); i = (width*height)*3; undata = calloc(1, (width*height)*3); red_chan = calloc(1, width*height); green_chan = calloc(1, width*height); blue_chan = calloc(1, width*height); result = calloc(width*height, PIXELSIZE); resCode = BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress((char *)undata, (unsigned *)&i, (char *)(data+8), size-8, 0, 0); if (resCode){ printf("Decompression failure, %d\n", resCode); free(red_chan); free(green_chan); free(blue_chan); free(undata); return NULL; } if(i != (width*height)*3){ printf("Result buffer size mismatch, %d != %d\n", i, (width*height)*3); free(red_chan); free(green_chan); free(blue_chan); free(undata); return NULL; } memcpy(red_chan, undata, width*height); memcpy(green_chan, undata+(width*height), width*height); memcpy(blue_chan, undata+((width*height)*2), width*height); for(cx = 0; cx sw && rh > sh){ float fx, fy, fyc, fxc; double intp; pixel tr, tl, br, bl; q = malloc(rw*rh*PIXELSIZE); //Bilinear interpolation for upscaling for (y=0; y=sw) fxceil = sw-1; if (fyceil>=sh) fyceil = sh-1; tr = src[sw*(int)floor(fy)+fxceil]; tl = src[sw*(int)floor(fy)+(int)floor(fx)]; br = src[sw*fyceil+fxceil]; bl = src[sw*fyceil+(int)floor(fx)]; q[rw*y+x] = PIXRGB( (int)(((((float)PIXR(tl))*(1.0f-fxc))+(((float)PIXR(tr))*(fxc)))*(1.0f-fyc) + ((((float)PIXR(bl))*(1.0f-fxc))+(((float)PIXR(br))*(fxc)))*(fyc)), (int)(((((float)PIXG(tl))*(1.0f-fxc))+(((float)PIXG(tr))*(fxc)))*(1.0f-fyc) + ((((float)PIXG(bl))*(1.0f-fxc))+(((float)PIXG(br))*(fxc)))*(fyc)), (int)(((((float)PIXB(tl))*(1.0f-fxc))+(((float)PIXB(tr))*(fxc)))*(1.0f-fyc) + ((((float)PIXB(bl))*(1.0f-fxc))+(((float)PIXB(br))*(fxc)))*(fyc)) ); } } else { //Stairstepping float fx, fy, fyc, fxc; double intp; pixel tr, tl, br, bl; int rrw = rw, rrh = rh; pixel * oq; oq = malloc(sw*sh*PIXELSIZE); memcpy(oq, src, sw*sh*PIXELSIZE); rw = sw; rh = sh; while(rrw != rw && rrh != rh){ rw *= 0.7; rh *= 0.7; if(rw <= rrw || rh <= rrh){ rw = rrw; rh = rrh; } q = malloc(rw*rh*PIXELSIZE); //Bilinear interpolation for upscaling for (y=0; y=sw) fxceil = sw-1; if (fyceil>=sh) fyceil = sh-1; tr = oq[sw*(int)floor(fy)+fxceil]; tl = oq[sw*(int)floor(fy)+(int)floor(fx)]; br = oq[sw*fyceil+fxceil]; bl = oq[sw*fyceil+(int)floor(fx)]; q[rw*y+x] = PIXRGB( (int)(((((float)PIXR(tl))*(1.0f-fxc))+(((float)PIXR(tr))*(fxc)))*(1.0f-fyc) + ((((float)PIXR(bl))*(1.0f-fxc))+(((float)PIXR(br))*(fxc)))*(fyc)), (int)(((((float)PIXG(tl))*(1.0f-fxc))+(((float)PIXG(tr))*(fxc)))*(1.0f-fyc) + ((((float)PIXG(bl))*(1.0f-fxc))+(((float)PIXG(br))*(fxc)))*(fyc)), (int)(((((float)PIXB(tl))*(1.0f-fxc))+(((float)PIXB(tr))*(fxc)))*(1.0f-fyc) + ((((float)PIXB(bl))*(1.0f-fxc))+(((float)PIXB(br))*(fxc)))*(fyc)) ); } free(oq); oq = q; sw = rw; sh = rh; } } return q; } pixel *rescale_img(pixel *src, int sw, int sh, int *qw, int *qh, int f) { int i,j,x,y,w,h,r,g,b,c; pixel p, *q; w = (sw+f-1)/f; h = (sh+f-1)/f; q = malloc(w*h*PIXELSIZE); for (y=0; y1) { r = (r+c/2)/c; g = (g+c/2)/c; b = (b+c/2)/c; } q[y*w+x] = PIXRGB(r, g, b); } *qw = w; *qh = h; return q; } void sdl_blit_1(int x, int y, int w, int h, pixel *src, int pitch) { pixel *dst; int j; if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(sdl_scrn)) if (SDL_LockSurface(sdl_scrn)<0) return; dst=(pixel *)sdl_scrn->pixels+y*sdl_scrn->pitch/PIXELSIZE+x; if (SDL_MapRGB(sdl_scrn->format,0x33,0x55,0x77)!=PIXPACK(0x335577)) { //pixel format conversion int i; pixel px; SDL_PixelFormat *fmt = sdl_scrn->format; for (j=0; j>fmt->Rloss)<Rshift)| ((PIXG(px)>>fmt->Gloss)<Gshift)| ((PIXB(px)>>fmt->Bloss)<Bshift); } dst+=sdl_scrn->pitch/PIXELSIZE; src+=pitch; } } else { for (j=0; jpitch/PIXELSIZE; src+=pitch; } } if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(sdl_scrn)) SDL_UnlockSurface(sdl_scrn); SDL_UpdateRect(sdl_scrn,0,0,0,0); } void sdl_blit_2(int x, int y, int w, int h, pixel *src, int pitch) { pixel *dst; int j; int i,k; if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(sdl_scrn)) if (SDL_LockSurface(sdl_scrn)<0) return; dst=(pixel *)sdl_scrn->pixels+y*sdl_scrn->pitch/PIXELSIZE+x; if (SDL_MapRGB(sdl_scrn->format,0x33,0x55,0x77)!=PIXPACK(0x335577)) { //pixel format conversion pixel px; SDL_PixelFormat *fmt = sdl_scrn->format; for (j=0; j>fmt->Rloss)<Rshift)| ((PIXG(px)>>fmt->Gloss)<Gshift)| ((PIXB(px)>>fmt->Bloss)<Bshift); dst[i*2]=px; dst[i*2+1]=px; } dst+=sdl_scrn->pitch/PIXELSIZE; } src+=pitch; } } else { for (j=0; jpitch/PIXELSIZE; } src+=pitch; } } if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(sdl_scrn)) SDL_UnlockSurface(sdl_scrn); SDL_UpdateRect(sdl_scrn,0,0,0,0); } void sdl_blit(int x, int y, int w, int h, pixel *src, int pitch) { #ifdef OpenGL RenderScene(); #else if (sdl_scale == 2) sdl_blit_2(x, y, w, h, src, pitch); else sdl_blit_1(x, y, w, h, src, pitch); #endif } //an easy way to draw a blob void drawblob(pixel *vid, int x, int y, unsigned char cr, unsigned char cg, unsigned char cb) { blendpixel(vid, x+1, y, cr, cg, cb, 112); blendpixel(vid, x-1, y, cr, cg, cb, 112); blendpixel(vid, x, y+1, cr, cg, cb, 112); blendpixel(vid, x, y-1, cr, cg, cb, 112); blendpixel(vid, x+1, y-1, cr, cg, cb, 64); blendpixel(vid, x-1, y-1, cr, cg, cb, 64); blendpixel(vid, x+1, y+1, cr, cg, cb, 64); blendpixel(vid, x-1, y+1, cr, cg, cb, 64); } //old and unused equation to draw walls /* void draw_tool(pixel *vid_buf, int b, int sl, int sr, unsigned pc, unsigned iswall) { int x, y, i, j, c; int bo = b; if (iswall==1) { b = b-100; x = (2+32*((b-22)/1)); y = YRES+2+40; switch (b) { case WL_WALLELEC: for (j=1; j<15; j++) { for (i=1; i<27; i++) { if (!(i%2) && !(j%2)) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } else { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = PIXPACK(0x808080); } } } break; case 23: for (j=1; j<15; j++) { for (i=1; i<6+j; i++) { if (!(i&j&1)) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } for (; i<27; i++) { if (i&j&1) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } } break; case 24: for (j=1; j<15; j+=2) { for (i=1+(1&(j>>1)); i<27; i+=2) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } break; case 25: for (j=1; j<15; j++) { for (i=1; i<27; i++) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = i==1||i==26||j==1||j==14 ? PIXPACK(0xA0A0A0) : PIXPACK(0x000000); drawtext(vid_buf, x+4, y+3, "\x8D", 255, 255, 255, 255); } } for (i=9; i<27; i++) { drawpixel(vid_buf, x+i, y+8+(int)(3.9f*cos(i*0.3f)), 255, 255, 255, 255); } break; case 26: for (j=1; j<15; j++) { for (i=1; i<27; i++) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = i==1||i==26||j==1||j==14 ? PIXPACK(0xA0A0A0) : PIXPACK(0x000000); } } drawtext(vid_buf, x+9, y+3, "\xA1", 32, 64, 128, 255); drawtext(vid_buf, x+9, y+3, "\xA0", 255, 255, 255, 255); break; case 27: for (j=1; j<15; j+=2) { for (i=1+(1&(j>>1)); i<27; i+=2) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } break; case 28: for (j=1; j<15; j++) { for (i=1; i<27; i++) { if (!(i%2) && !(j%2)) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } } break; case 29: for (j=1; j<15; j+=2) { for (i=1+(1&(j>>1)); i<27; i+=2) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } break; case 30: for (j=1; j<15; j+=2) { for (i=1+(1&(j>>1)); i<13; i+=2) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } for (j=1; j<15; j++) { for (i=14; i<27; i++) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } break; case 32: for (j=1; j<15; j+=2) { for (i=1+(1&(j>>1)); i<27; i+=2) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } break; case 33: for (j=1; j<15; j+=2) { for (i=1+(1&(j>>1)); i<27; i+=2) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } break; case 34: for (j=1; j<15; j++) { for (i=1; i<27; i++) { if (!(i%2) && !(j%2)) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } } break; case 36: for (j=1; j<15; j++) { for (i=1; i<27; i++) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } c = PIXR(pc) + 3*PIXG(pc) + 2*PIXB(pc); if (c<544) { c = 255; } else { c = 0; } drawtext(vid_buf, x+14-textwidth("AIR")/2, y+4, "AIR", c, c, c, 255); break; case 37: for (j=1; j<15; j++) { for (i=1; i<27; i++) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } c = PIXR(pc) + 3*PIXG(pc) + 2*PIXB(pc); if (c<544) { c = 255; } else { c = 0; } drawtext(vid_buf, x+14-textwidth("HEAT")/2, y+4, "HEAT", c, c, c, 255); break; case 38: for (j=1; j<15; j++) { for (i=1; i<27; i++) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } c = PIXR(pc) + 3*PIXG(pc) + 2*PIXB(pc); if (c<544) { c = 255; } else { c = 0; } drawtext(vid_buf, x+14-textwidth("COOL")/2, y+4, "COOL", c, c, c, 255); break; case 39: for (j=1; j<15; j++) { for (i=1; i<27; i++) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } c = PIXR(pc) + 3*PIXG(pc) + 2*PIXB(pc); if (c<544) { c = 255; } else { c = 0; } drawtext(vid_buf, x+14-textwidth("VAC")/2, y+4, "VAC", c, c, c, 255); break; default: for (j=1; j<15; j++) { for (i=1; i<27; i++) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } } if (b==30) { for (j=4; j<12; j++) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+j+6)] = PIXPACK(0xFF0000); vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+j+7)] = PIXPACK(0xFF0000); vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x-j+21)] = PIXPACK(0xFF0000); vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x-j+22)] = PIXPACK(0xFF0000); } } } else { x = 2+32*(b/2); y = YRES+2+20*(b%2); for (j=1; j<15; j++) { for (i=1; i<27; i++) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } if (b==0) { for (j=4; j<12; j++) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+j+6)] = PIXPACK(0xFF0000); vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+j+7)] = PIXPACK(0xFF0000); vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x-j+21)] = PIXPACK(0xFF0000); vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x-j+22)] = PIXPACK(0xFF0000); } } c = PIXB(ptypes[b].pcolors) + 3*PIXG(ptypes[b].pcolors) + 2*PIXR(ptypes[b].pcolors); if (c<544) { c = 255; } else { c = 0; } drawtext(vid_buf, x+14-textwidth((char *)ptypes[b].name)/2, y+4, (char *)ptypes[b].name, c, c, c, 255); } if (bo==sl || bo==sr) { c = 0; if (bo==sl) c |= PIXPACK(0xFF0000); if (bo==sr) c |= PIXPACK(0x0000FF); for (i=0; i<30; i++) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y-1)+(x+i-1)] = c; vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+16)+(x+i-1)] = c; } for (j=0; j<18; j++) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j-1)+(x-1)] = c; vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j-1)+(x+28)] = c; } } } */ //draws walls and elements for menu int draw_tool_xy(pixel *vid_buf, int x, int y, int b, unsigned pc) { int i, j, c; pixel gc; if (x > XRES-26 || x < 0) return 26; if ((b&0xFF) == PT_LIFE) { #ifdef OpenGL fillrect(vid_buf, x, y, 28, 16, PIXR(pc), PIXG(pc), PIXB(pc), 255); #else for (j=1; j<15; j++) { for (i=1; i<27; i++) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } #endif c = PIXB(pc) + 3*PIXG(pc) + 2*PIXR(pc); if (c<544) { c = 255; } else { c = 0; } drawtext(vid_buf, x+14-textwidth((char *)gmenu[(b>>8)&0xFF].name)/2, y+4, (char *)gmenu[(b>>8)&0xFF].name, c, c, c, 255); } else if (b>=UI_WALLSTART) { int ds = 0; if (b-UI_WALLSTART>=0 && b-UI_WALLSTART>1)); i<27; i+=2) vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } else if (ds==2) { for (j=1; j<15; j+=2) for (i=1; i<27; i+=2) vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } else if (ds==3) { for (j=1; j<15; j++) for (i=1; i<27; i++) vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } else if (ds==4) { for (j=1; j<15; j++) for (i=1; i<27; i++) if(i%CELL == j%CELL) vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; else if (i%CELL == (j%CELL)+1 || (i%CELL == 0 && j%CELL == CELL-1)) vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = gc; else vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = PIXPACK(0x202020); } else switch (b) { case WL_WALLELEC+100: for (j=1; j<15; j++) { for (i=1; i<27; i++) { if (!(i%2) && !(j%2)) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } else { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = PIXPACK(0x808080); } } } break; case WL_EWALL+100: for (j=1; j<15; j++) { for (i=1; i<6+j; i++) { if (!(i&j&1)) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } for (; i<27; i++) { if (i&j&1) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } } break; case WL_STREAM+100: for (j=1; j<15; j++) { for (i=1; i<27; i++) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = i==1||i==26||j==1||j==14 ? PIXPACK(0xA0A0A0) : PIXPACK(0x000000); drawtext(vid_buf, x+4, y+3, "\x8D", 255, 255, 255, 255); } } for (i=9; i<27; i++) { drawpixel(vid_buf, x+i, y+8+(int)(3.9f*cos(i*0.3f)), 255, 255, 255, 255); } break; case WL_SIGN+100: for (j=1; j<15; j++) { for (i=1; i<27; i++) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = i==1||i==26||j==1||j==14 ? PIXPACK(0xA0A0A0) : PIXPACK(0x000000); } } drawtext(vid_buf, x+9, y+3, "\xA1", 32, 64, 128, 255); drawtext(vid_buf, x+9, y+3, "\xA0", 255, 255, 255, 255); break; case WL_ERASE+100: for (j=1; j<15; j+=2) { for (i=1+(1&(j>>1)); i<13; i+=2) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } for (j=1; j<15; j++) { for (i=14; i<27; i++) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } break; case SPC_AIR: case SPC_HEAT: case SPC_COOL: case SPC_VACUUM: case SPC_WIND: for (j=1; j<15; j++) for (i=1; i<27; i++) vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; c = PIXR(pc) + 3*PIXG(pc) + 2*PIXB(pc); if (c<544) { c = 255; } else { c = 0; } if (b==SPC_AIR) drawtext(vid_buf, x+14-textwidth("AIR")/2, y+4, "AIR", c, c, c, 255); else if (b==SPC_HEAT) drawtext(vid_buf, x+14-textwidth("HEAT")/2, y+4, "HEAT", c, c, c, 255); else if (b==SPC_COOL) drawtext(vid_buf, x+14-textwidth("COOL")/2, y+4, "COOL", c, c, c, 255); else if (b==SPC_VACUUM) drawtext(vid_buf, x+14-textwidth("VAC")/2, y+4, "VAC", c, c, c, 255); else if (b==SPC_WIND) drawtext(vid_buf, x+14-textwidth("WIND")/2, y+4, "WIND", c, c, c, 255); break; default: for (j=1; j<15; j++) for (i=1; i<27; i++) vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } if (b==WL_ERASE+100) { for (j=4; j<12; j++) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+j+6)] = PIXPACK(0xFF0000); vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+j+7)] = PIXPACK(0xFF0000); vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x-j+21)] = PIXPACK(0xFF0000); vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x-j+22)] = PIXPACK(0xFF0000); } } } else { //x = 2+32*(b/2); //y = YRES+2+20*(b%2); #ifdef OpenGL fillrect(vid_buf, x, y, 28, 16, PIXR(pc), PIXG(pc), PIXB(pc), 255); #else for (j=1; j<15; j++) { for (i=1; i<27; i++) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+i)] = pc; } } #endif if (b==0) { for (j=4; j<12; j++) { vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+j+6)] = PIXPACK(0xFF0000); vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x+j+7)] = PIXPACK(0xFF0000); vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x-j+21)] = PIXPACK(0xFF0000); vid_buf[(XRES+BARSIZE)*(y+j)+(x-j+22)] = PIXPACK(0xFF0000); } } c = PIXB(ptypes[b].pcolors) + 3*PIXG(ptypes[b].pcolors) + 2*PIXR(ptypes[b].pcolors); if (c<544) { c = 255; } else { c = 0; } drawtext(vid_buf, x+14-textwidth((char *)ptypes[b].name)/2, y+4, (char *)ptypes[b].name, c, c, c, 255); } return 26; } void draw_menu(pixel *vid_buf, int i, int hover) { if (i==SEC&&SEC!=0) drawrect(vid_buf, (XRES+BARSIZE)-16, (i*16)+YRES+MENUSIZE-16-(SC_TOTAL*16), 14, 14, 0, 255, 255, 255); else drawrect(vid_buf, (XRES+BARSIZE)-16, (i*16)+YRES+MENUSIZE-16-(SC_TOTAL*16), 14, 14, 255, 255, 255, 255); if (hover==i) { fillrect(vid_buf, (XRES+BARSIZE)-16, (i*16)+YRES+MENUSIZE-16-(SC_TOTAL*16), 14, 14, 255, 255, 255, 255); drawtext(vid_buf, (XRES+BARSIZE)-13, (i*16)+YRES+MENUSIZE-14-(SC_TOTAL*16), msections[i].icon, 0, 0, 0, 255); } else { drawtext(vid_buf, (XRES+BARSIZE)-13, (i*16)+YRES+MENUSIZE-14-(SC_TOTAL*16), msections[i].icon, 255, 255, 255, 255); } } //draws a pixel, identical to blendpixel(), except blendpixel has OpenGL support #if defined(WIN32) && !defined(__GNUC__) _inline void drawpixel(pixel *vid, int x, int y, int r, int g, int b, int a) #else inline void drawpixel(pixel *vid, int x, int y, int r, int g, int b, int a) #endif { pixel t; if (x<0 || y<0 || x>=XRES+BARSIZE || y>=YRES+MENUSIZE) return; if (a!=255) { t = vid[y*(XRES+BARSIZE)+x]; r = (a*r + (255-a)*PIXR(t)) >> 8; g = (a*g + (255-a)*PIXG(t)) >> 8; b = (a*b + (255-a)*PIXB(t)) >> 8; } vid[y*(XRES+BARSIZE)+x] = PIXRGB(r,g,b); } #if defined(WIN32) && !defined(__GNUC__) _inline int drawchar(pixel *vid, int x, int y, int c, int r, int g, int b, int a) #else inline int drawchar(pixel *vid, int x, int y, int c, int r, int g, int b, int a) #endif { int i, j, w, bn = 0, ba = 0; char *rp = font_data + font_ptrs[c]; w = *(rp++); for (j=0; j>= 2; bn -= 2; } return x + w; } int drawtext(pixel *vid, int x, int y, const char *s, int r, int g, int b, int a) { #ifdef OpenGL #else int sx = x; for (; *s; s++) { if (*s == '\n') { x = sx; y += FONT_H+2; } else if (*s == '\b') { switch (s[1]) { case 'w': r = g = b = 255; break; case 'g': r = g = b = 192; break; case 'o': r = 255; g = 216; b = 32; break; case 'r': r = 255; g = b = 0; break; case 'b': r = g = 0; b = 255; break; case 't': b = 255; g = 170; r = 32; break; } s++; } else x = drawchar(vid, x, y, *(unsigned char *)s, r, g, b, a); } #endif return x; } int drawtextwrap(pixel *vid, int x, int y, int w, const char *s, int r, int g, int b, int a) { #ifdef OpenGL #else int sx = x; int rh = 12; int rw = 0; int cw = x; int wordlen; int charspace; while (*s) { wordlen = strcspn(s," .,!?\n"); charspace = textwidthx((char *)s, w-(x-cw)); if (charspace=-1; s++) { if (*s == '\n') { x = sx; rw = 0; y += FONT_H+2; } else if (*s == '\b') { switch (s[1]) { case 'w': r = g = b = 255; break; case 'g': r = g = b = 192; break; case 'o': r = 255; g = 216; b = 32; break; case 'r': r = 255; g = b = 0; break; case 'b': r = g = 0; b = 255; break; } s++; } else { if (x-cw>=w) { x = sx; rw = 0; y+=FONT_H+2; rh+=FONT_H+2; } x = drawchar(vid, x, y, *(unsigned char *)s, r, g, b, a); } } } #endif return rh; } //draws a rectange, (x,y) are the top left coords. void drawrect(pixel *vid, int x, int y, int w, int h, int r, int g, int b, int a) { #ifdef OpenGL glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); glColor4ub(r, g, b, a); glVertex2i(x, y); glVertex2i(x+w, y); glVertex2i(x+w, y+h); glVertex2i(x, y+h); glEnd(); #else int i; for (i=0; i<=w; i++) { drawpixel(vid, x+i, y, r, g, b, a); drawpixel(vid, x+i, y+h, r, g, b, a); } for (i=1; i=w && x+textwidth(s)>=w+5) break; x = drawchar(vid, x, y, *(unsigned char *)s, r, g, b, a); } if (*s) for (i=0; i<3; i++) x = drawchar(vid, x, y, '.', r, g, b, a); return x; } int textnwidth(char *s, int n) { int x = 0; for (; *s; s++) { if (!n) break; x += font_data[font_ptrs[(int)(*(unsigned char *)s)]]; n--; } return x-1; } void textnpos(char *s, int n, int w, int *cx, int *cy) { int x = 0; int y = 0; int wordlen, charspace; while (*s&&n) { wordlen = strcspn(s," .,!?\n"); charspace = textwidthx(s, w-x); if (charspace=-1; s++) { if (!n) { break; } x += font_data[font_ptrs[(int)(*(unsigned char *)s)]]; if (x>=w) { x = 0; y += FONT_H+2; } n--; } } *cx = x-1; *cy = y; } int textwidthx(char *s, int w) { int x=0,n=0,cw; for (; *s; s++) { cw = font_data[font_ptrs[(int)(*(unsigned char *)s)]]; if (x+(cw/2) >= w) break; x += cw; n++; } return n; } int textposxy(char *s, int width, int w, int h) { int x=0,y=0,n=0,cw, wordlen, charspace; while (*s) { wordlen = strcspn(s," .,!?\n"); charspace = textwidthx(s, width-x); if (charspace=-1; s++) { cw = font_data[font_ptrs[(int)(*(unsigned char *)s)]]; if ((x+(cw/2) >= w && y+6 >= h)||(y+6 >= h+FONT_H+2)) return n++; x += cw; if (x>=width) { x = 0; y += FONT_H+2; } n++; } } return n; } int textwrapheight(char *s, int width) { int x=0, height=FONT_H+2, cw; int wordlen; int charspace; while (*s) { wordlen = strcspn(s," .,!?\n"); charspace = textwidthx(s, width-x); if (charspace=-1; s++) { if (*s == '\n') { x = 0; height += FONT_H+2; } else if (*s == '\b') { s++; } else { cw = font_data[font_ptrs[(int)(*(unsigned char *)s)]]; if (x+cw>=width) { x = 0; height += FONT_H+2; } x += cw; } } } return height; } //the most used function for drawing a pixel, because it has OpenGL support, which is not fully implemented. #if defined(WIN32) && !defined(__GNUC__) _inline void blendpixel(pixel *vid, int x, int y, int r, int g, int b, int a) #else inline void blendpixel(pixel *vid, int x, int y, int r, int g, int b, int a) #endif { #ifdef OpenGL if (x<0 || y<0 || x>=XRES || r>=YRES) return; if (a!=255) { glBegin (GL_QUADS); glColor4ub(r,g,b,a); glVertex2i(x, y); } vid[y*(XRES+BARSIZE)+x] = PIXRGB(r,g,b); #else pixel t; if (x<0 || y<0 || x>=XRES || y>=YRES) return; if (a!=255) { t = vid[y*(XRES+BARSIZE)+x]; r = (a*r + (255-a)*PIXR(t)) >> 8; g = (a*g + (255-a)*PIXG(t)) >> 8; b = (a*b + (255-a)*PIXB(t)) >> 8; } vid[y*(XRES+BARSIZE)+x] = PIXRGB(r,g,b); #endif //OpenGL } void draw_icon(pixel *vid_buf, int x, int y, char ch, int flag) { char t[2]; t[0] = ch; t[1] = 0; if (flag) { fillrect(vid_buf, x-1, y-1, 17, 17, 255, 255, 255, 255); drawtext(vid_buf, x+3, y+2, t, 0, 0, 0, 255); } else { drawrect(vid_buf, x, y, 15, 15, 255, 255, 255, 255); drawtext(vid_buf, x+3, y+2, t, 255, 255, 255, 255); } } void draw_air(pixel *vid) { int x, y, i, j; pixel c; if (cmode == CM_PERS)//this should never happen anyway return; for (y=0; y 0.0f) c = PIXRGB(clamp_flt(pv[y][x], 0.0f, 8.0f), 0, 0);//positive pressure is red! else c = PIXRGB(0, 0, clamp_flt(-pv[y][x], 0.0f, 8.0f));//negative pressure is blue! } else if (cmode == CM_VEL) { c = PIXRGB(clamp_flt(fabsf(vx[y][x]), 0.0f, 8.0f),//vx adds red clamp_flt(pv[y][x], 0.0f, 8.0f),//pressure adds green clamp_flt(fabsf(vy[y][x]), 0.0f, 8.0f));//vy adds blue } else if (cmode == CM_HEAT && aheat_enable) { float ttemp = hv[y][x]+(-MIN_TEMP); int caddress = restrict_flt((int)( restrict_flt(ttemp, 0.0f, MAX_TEMP+(-MIN_TEMP)) / ((MAX_TEMP+(-MIN_TEMP))/1024) ) *3, 0.0f, (1024.0f*3)-3); c = PIXRGB((int)((unsigned char)color_data[caddress]*0.7f), (int)((unsigned char)color_data[caddress+1]*0.7f), (int)((unsigned char)color_data[caddress+2]*0.7f)); //c = PIXRGB(clamp_flt(fabsf(vx[y][x]), 0.0f, 8.0f),//vx adds red // clamp_flt(hv[y][x], 0.0f, 1600.0f),//heat adds green // clamp_flt(fabsf(vy[y][x]), 0.0f, 8.0f));//vy adds blue } else if (cmode == CM_CRACK) { int r; int g; int b; // velocity adds grey r = clamp_flt(fabsf(vx[y][x]), 0.0f, 24.0f) + clamp_flt(fabsf(vy[y][x]), 0.0f, 20.0f); g = clamp_flt(fabsf(vx[y][x]), 0.0f, 20.0f) + clamp_flt(fabsf(vy[y][x]), 0.0f, 24.0f); b = clamp_flt(fabsf(vx[y][x]), 0.0f, 24.0f) + clamp_flt(fabsf(vy[y][x]), 0.0f, 20.0f); if (pv[y][x] > 0.0f) { r += clamp_flt(pv[y][x], 0.0f, 16.0f);//pressure adds red! if (r>255) r=255; if (g>255) g=255; if (b>255) b=255; c = PIXRGB(r, g, b); } else { b += clamp_flt(-pv[y][x], 0.0f, 16.0f);//pressure adds blue! if (r>255) r=255; if (g>255) g=255; if (b>255) b=255; c = PIXRGB(r, g, b); } } for (j=0; jdx) { dx = dx+dy; dy = dx-dy; dx = dx-dy; check = 1; } e = (dy<<2)-dx; for (i=0; i<=dx; i++) { if (x>=0 && y>=0 && x=0) { if (check==1) x = x+sx; else y = y+sy; e = e-(dx<<2); } if (check==1) y = y+sy; else x = x+sx; e = e+(dy<<2); } } //adds color to a pixel, does not overwrite. void addpixel(pixel *vid, int x, int y, int r, int g, int b, int a) { pixel t; if (x<0 || y<0 || x>=XRES || y>=YRES) return; t = vid[y*(XRES+BARSIZE)+x]; r = (a*r + 255*PIXR(t)) >> 8; g = (a*g + 255*PIXG(t)) >> 8; b = (a*b + 255*PIXB(t)) >> 8; if (r>255) r = 255; if (g>255) g = 255; if (b>255) b = 255; vid[y*(XRES+BARSIZE)+x] = PIXRGB(r,g,b); } //draws one of two colors, so that it is always clearly visible void xor_pixel(int x, int y, pixel *vid) { int c; if (x<0 || y<0 || x>=XRES || y>=YRES) return; c = vid[y*(XRES+BARSIZE)+x]; c = PIXB(c) + 3*PIXG(c) + 2*PIXR(c); if (c<512) vid[y*(XRES+BARSIZE)+x] = PIXPACK(0xC0C0C0); else vid[y*(XRES+BARSIZE)+x] = PIXPACK(0x404040); } //same as xor_pixel, but draws a line of it void xor_line(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, pixel *vid) { int cp=abs(y2-y1)>abs(x2-x1), x, y, dx, dy, sy; float e, de; if (cp) { y = x1; x1 = y1; y1 = y; y = x2; x2 = y2; y2 = y; } if (x1 > x2) { y = x1; x1 = x2; x2 = y; y = y1; y1 = y2; y2 = y; } dx = x2 - x1; dy = abs(y2 - y1); e = 0.0f; if (dx) de = dy/(float)dx; else de = 0.0f; y = y1; sy = (y1= 0.5f) { y += sy; e -= 1.0f; } } } //same as xor_pixel, but draws a rectangle void xor_rect(pixel *vid, int x, int y, int w, int h) { int i; for (i=0; i(nx-3) && mousex<(nx+3) && mousey<(ny+3) && mousey>(ny-3)) //If mous is in the head { sprintf(buff, "%3d", parts[i].life); //Show HP drawtext(vid, mousex-8-2*(parts[i].life<100)-2*(parts[i].life<10), mousey-12, buff, 255, 255, 255, 255); } if ((int)player[2](nx-3) && mousex<(nx+3) && mousey<(ny+3) && mousey>(ny-3)) //If mous is in the head { sprintf(buff, "%3d", parts[i].life); //Show HP drawtext(vid, mousex-8-2*(parts[i].life<100)-2*(parts[i].life<10), mousey-12, buff, 255, 255, 255, 255); } if ((int)player2[2]> (x+18)) & 1; cb += (parts[i].ctype >> x) & 1; } for (x=0; x<14; x++) cg += (parts[i].ctype >> (x+9)) & 1; x = 624/(cr+cg+cb+1); cr *= x; cg *= x; cb *= x; cr = cr>255?255:cr; cg = cg>255?255:cg; cb = cb>255?255:cb; blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, cr, cg, cb, 255); } else { cr = PIXR(ptypes[t].pcolors); cg = PIXG(ptypes[t].pcolors); cb = PIXB(ptypes[t].pcolors); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, cr, cg, cb, 255); } } else if (cmode==CM_GRAD) { float frequency = 0.05; int q = parts[i].temp-40; cr = sin(frequency*q) * 16 + PIXR(ptypes[t].pcolors); cg = sin(frequency*q) * 16 + PIXG(ptypes[t].pcolors); cb = sin(frequency*q) * 16 + PIXB(ptypes[t].pcolors); if (cr>=255) cr = 255; if (cg>=255) cg = 255; if (cb>=255) cb = 255; if (cr<=0) cr = 0; if (cg<=0) cg = 0; if (cb<=0) cb = 0; blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, cr, cg, cb, 255); } else if (cmode==CM_FANCY && //all fancy mode effects go here, this is a list of exceptions to skip t!=PT_FIRE && t!=PT_PLSM && t!=PT_WTRV && t!=PT_HFLM && t!=PT_SPRK && t!=PT_FIRW && t!=PT_DUST && t!=PT_FIRW && t!=PT_FWRK && t!=PT_NEUT && t!=PT_LAVA && t!=PT_BOMB && t!=PT_PHOT && t!=PT_THDR && t!=PT_SMKE && t!=PT_LCRY && t!=PT_SWCH && t!=PT_PCLN && t!=PT_PUMP && t!=PT_HSWC && t!=PT_FILT && t!=PT_GPMP && t!=PT_PBCN) { if (ptypes[parts[i].type].properties&TYPE_LIQUID) //special effects for liquids in fancy mode { if (parts[i].type==PT_DEUT) { cr = PIXR(ptypes[t].pcolors) + parts[i].life*1; cg = PIXG(ptypes[t].pcolors) + parts[i].life*2; cb = PIXB(ptypes[t].pcolors) + parts[i].life*4; if (cr>=255) cr = 255; if (cg>=255) cg = 255; if (cb>=255) cb = 255; blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, cr, cg, cb, 255); for (x=-1; x<=1; x++) { for (y=-1; y<=1; y++) { if ((abs(x) == 0) && (abs(y) == 0)) blendpixel(vid,x+nx,y+ny,cr,cg,cb,100); else if (abs(y) != 0 || abs(x) != 0) blendpixel(vid,x+nx,y+ny,cr,cg,cb,50); } } } else if (parts[i].type==PT_LAVA && parts[i].life) { cr = parts[i].life * 2 + 0xE0; cg = parts[i].life * 1 + 0x50; cb = parts[i].life/2 + 0x10; if (cr>255) cr = 255; if (cg>192) cg = 192; if (cb>128) cb = 128; for (x=-1; x<=1; x++) { for (y=-1; y<=1; y++) { if ((abs(x) == 0) && (abs(y) == 0)) blendpixel(vid,x+nx,y+ny,cr,cg,cb,100); else if (abs(y) != 0 || abs(x) != 0) blendpixel(vid,x+nx,y+ny,cr,cg,cb,50); } } } else if (parts[i].type==PT_GLOW) { fr = restrict_flt(parts[i].temp-(275.13f+32.0f), 0, 128)/50.0f; fg = restrict_flt(parts[i].ctype, 0, 128)/50.0f; fb = restrict_flt(parts[i].tmp, 0, 128)/50.0f; cr = restrict_flt(64.0f+parts[i].temp-(275.13f+32.0f), 0, 255); cg = restrict_flt(64.0f+parts[i].ctype, 0, 255); cb = restrict_flt(64.0f+parts[i].tmp, 0, 255); vid[ny*(XRES+BARSIZE)+nx] = PIXRGB(cr, cg, cb); x = nx/CELL; y = ny/CELL; fg += fire_g[y][x]; if (fg > 255) fg = 255; fire_g[y][x] = fg; fb += fire_b[y][x]; if (fb > 255) fb = 255; fire_b[y][x] = fb; fr += fire_r[y][x]; if (fr > 255) fr = 255; fire_r[y][x] = fr; for (x=-1; x<=1; x++) { for (y=-1; y<=1; y++) { if ((abs(x) == 0) && (abs(y) == 0)) blendpixel(vid,x+nx,y+ny,cr,cg,cb,100); else if (abs(y) != 0 || abs(x) != 0) blendpixel(vid,x+nx,y+ny,cr,cg,cb,50); } } } else { cr = PIXR(ptypes[t].pcolors); cg = PIXG(ptypes[t].pcolors); cb = PIXB(ptypes[t].pcolors); for (x=-1; x<=1; x++) { for (y=-1; y<=1; y++) { if ((abs(x) == 0) && (abs(y) == 0)) blendpixel(vid,x+nx,y+ny,cr,cg,cb,100); else if (abs(y) != 0 || abs(x) != 0) blendpixel(vid,x+nx,y+ny,cr,cg,cb,50); } } } } else if (ptypes[parts[i].type].properties&TYPE_GAS) { //if(parts[i].type!=PT_FIRE&&parts[i].type!=PT_SMKE&&parts[i].type!=PT_PLSM&&parts[i].type!=PT_WTRV) { cr = PIXR(ptypes[t].pcolors); cg = PIXG(ptypes[t].pcolors); cb = PIXB(ptypes[t].pcolors); for (x=-1; x<=1; x++) { for (y=-1; y<=1; y++) { if ((abs(x) == 0) && (abs(y) == 0)) blendpixel(vid,x+nx,y+ny,cr,cg,cb,180); else if (abs(y) != 0 && abs(x) != 0) blendpixel(vid,x+nx,y+ny,cr,cg,cb,50); else blendpixel(vid,x+nx,y+ny,cr,cg,cb,80); } } } } else if (ptypes[parts[i].type].properties&PROP_RADIOACTIVE) { int tempx = 0; int tempy = 0; cr = PIXR(ptypes[t].pcolors); cg = PIXG(ptypes[t].pcolors); cb = PIXB(ptypes[t].pcolors); //blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, cr, cg, cb, 192); //blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny, cr, cg, cb, 96); //blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny, cr, cg, cb, 96); //blendpixel(vid, nx, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 96); //blendpixel(vid, nx, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 96); addpixel(vid, nx, ny, cr, cg, cb, 192); addpixel(vid, nx+1, ny, cr, cg, cb, 96); addpixel(vid, nx-1, ny, cr, cg, cb, 96); addpixel(vid, nx, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 96); addpixel(vid, nx, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 96); for (tempx = 2; tempx < 7; tempx++) { for (tempy = 2; tempy < 7; tempy++) { addpixel(vid, nx+tempx, ny-tempy, cr, cg, cb, 5); addpixel(vid, nx-tempx, ny+tempy, cr, cg, cb, 5); addpixel(vid, nx+tempx, ny+tempy, cr, cg, cb, 5); addpixel(vid, nx-tempx, ny-tempy, cr, cg, cb, 5); //blendpixel(vid, nx+tempx, ny-tempy, cr, cg, cb, 5); //blendpixel(vid, nx-tempx, ny+tempy, cr, cg, cb, 5); //blendpixel(vid, nx+tempx, ny+tempy, cr, cg, cb, 5); //blendpixel(vid, nx-tempx, ny-tempy, cr, cg, cb, 5); } } } else //if no fancy effects, draw a simple pixel { vid[ny*(XRES+BARSIZE)+nx] = ptypes[t].pcolors; } } else if (cmode==CM_LIFE) { float frequency = 0.4; int q; if (!(parts[i].life<5)) q = sqrt(parts[i].life); else q = parts[i].life; cr = sin(frequency*q) * 100 + 128; cg = sin(frequency*q) * 100 + 128; cb = sin(frequency*q) * 100 + 128; if (cr>=255) cr = 255; if (cg>=255) cg = 255; if (cb>=255) cb = 255; if (cr<=0) cr = 0; if (cg<=0) cg = 0; if (cb<=0) cb = 0; blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, cr, cg, cb, 255); } else if (t==PT_QRTZ || t==PT_PQRT) { int z = parts[i].tmp - 5;//speckles! if (parts[i].temp>(ptransitions[t].thv-800.0f))//hotglow for quartz { float frequency = 3.1415/(2*ptransitions[t].thv-(ptransitions[t].thv-800.0f)); int q = (parts[i].temp>ptransitions[t].thv)?ptransitions[t].thv-(ptransitions[t].thv-800.0f):parts[i].temp-(ptransitions[t].thv-800.0f); cr = sin(frequency*q) * 226 + (z * 16 + PIXR(ptypes[t].pcolors)); cg = sin(frequency*q*4.55 +3.14) * 34 + (z * 16 + PIXR(ptypes[t].pcolors)); cb = sin(frequency*q*2.22 +3.14) * 64 + (z * 16 + PIXR(ptypes[t].pcolors)); if (cr>=255) cr = 255; if (cg>=255) cg = 255; if (cb>=255) cb = 255; if (cr<=0) cr = 0; if (cg<=0) cg = 0; if (cb<=0) cb = 0; blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, cr, cg, cb, 255); } else { cr = z * 16 + PIXR(ptypes[t].pcolors); cg = z * 16 + PIXG(ptypes[t].pcolors); cb = z * 16 + PIXB(ptypes[t].pcolors); cr = cr>255?255:cr; cg = cg>255?255:cg; cb = cb>255?255:cb; blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, cr, cg, cb, 255); } } else if (t==PT_CLST) { int z = parts[i].tmp - 5;//speckles! cr = z * 16 + PIXR(ptypes[t].pcolors); cg = z * 16 + PIXG(ptypes[t].pcolors); cb = z * 16 + PIXB(ptypes[t].pcolors); cr = cr>255?255:cr; cg = cg>255?255:cg; cb = cb>255?255:cb; blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, cr, cg, cb, 255); } else if (t==PT_SPNG) { cr = PIXR(ptypes[t].pcolors) - parts[i].life*15; cg = PIXG(ptypes[t].pcolors) - parts[i].life*15; cb = PIXB(ptypes[t].pcolors) - parts[i].life*15; if (cr<=50) cr = 50; if (cg<=50) cg = 50; if (cb<=20) cb = 20; blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, cr, cg, cb, 255); } else if (t==PT_LIFE && parts[i].ctype>=0 && parts[i].ctype < NGOLALT) { if (parts[i].ctype==NGT_LOTE)//colors for life states { if (parts[i].tmp==2) blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, 255, 128, 0, 255); else if (parts[i].tmp==1) blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, 255, 255, 0, 255); else blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, 255, 0, 0, 255); } else if (parts[i].ctype==NGT_FRG2)//colors for life states { if (parts[i].tmp==2) blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, 0, 100, 50, 255); else blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, 0, 255, 90, 255); } else if (parts[i].ctype==NGT_STAR)//colors for life states { if (parts[i].tmp==4) blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, 0, 0, 128, 255); else if (parts[i].tmp==3) blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, 0, 0, 150, 255); else if (parts[i].tmp==2) blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, 0, 0, 190, 255); else if (parts[i].tmp==1) blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, 0, 0, 230, 255); else blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, 0, 0, 70, 255); } else if (parts[i].ctype==NGT_FROG)//colors for life states { if (parts[i].tmp==2) blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, 0, 100, 0, 255); else blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, 0, 255, 0, 255); } else if (parts[i].ctype==NGT_BRAN)//colors for life states { if (parts[i].tmp==1) blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, 150, 150, 0, 255); else blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, 255, 255, 0, 255); } else { blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, PIXR(gmenu[parts[i].ctype].colour), PIXG(gmenu[parts[i].ctype].colour), PIXB(gmenu[parts[i].ctype].colour), 255); } } else if (t==PT_DEUT) { if (parts[i].life>=700&&(cmode == CM_FIRE||cmode==CM_BLOB || cmode==CM_FANCY)) { x = nx/CELL; y = ny/CELL; cr = 20; cg = 20; cb = 20; cg += fire_g[y][x]; if (cg > 255) cg = 255; fire_g[y][x] = cg; cb += fire_b[y][x]; if (cb > 255) cb = 255; fire_b[y][x] = cb; cr += fire_r[y][x]; if (cr > 255) cr = 255; fire_r[y][x] = cr; } else { cr = PIXR(ptypes[t].pcolors) + parts[i].life*1; cg = PIXG(ptypes[t].pcolors) + parts[i].life*2; cb = PIXB(ptypes[t].pcolors) + parts[i].life*4; if (cr>=255) cr = 255; if (cg>=255) cg = 255; if (cb>=255) cb = 255; blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, cr, cg, cb, 255); } } else if (t==PT_DUST && parts[i].life >= 1)//dust colors! { x = nx; y = ny; if (cmode == CM_FIRE||cmode==CM_BLOB || cmode==CM_FANCY) { vid[ny*(XRES+BARSIZE)+nx] = PIXRGB(parts[i].tmp,parts[i].ctype,parts[i].flags);//yes i know this pixel is different color than the glow... i don't know why cg = parts[i].tmp/4; cb = parts[i].ctype/4; cr = parts[i].flags/4; x = nx/CELL; y = ny/CELL; cg += fire_g[y][x]; if (cg > 255) cg = 255; fire_g[y][x] = cg; cb += fire_b[y][x]; if (cb > 255) cb = 255; fire_b[y][x] = cb; cr += fire_r[y][x]; if (cr > 255) cr = 255; fire_r[y][x] = cr; } else blendpixel(vid,x,y,parts[i].tmp,parts[i].ctype,parts[i].flags,255); } else if (t==PT_GRAV) { cr = 20; cg = 20; cb = 20; if (parts[i].vx>0) { cr += (parts[i].vx)*GRAV_R; cg += (parts[i].vx)*GRAV_G; cb += (parts[i].vx)*GRAV_B; } if (parts[i].vy>0) { cr += (parts[i].vy)*GRAV_G; cg += (parts[i].vy)*GRAV_B; cb += (parts[i].vy)*GRAV_R; } if (parts[i].vx<0) { cr -= (parts[i].vx)*GRAV_B; cg -= (parts[i].vx)*GRAV_R; cb -= (parts[i].vx)*GRAV_G; } if (parts[i].vy<0) { cr -= (parts[i].vy)*GRAV_R2; cg -= (parts[i].vy)*GRAV_G2; cb -= (parts[i].vy)*GRAV_B2; } if (cr>255) cr=255; if (cr<0) cr=0; if (cg>255) cg=255; if (cg<0) cg=0; if (cb>255) cb=255; if (cb<0) cb=0; blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, cr, cg, cb, 255); } else if (t==PT_WIFI) { float frequency = 0.0628; int q = parts[i].tmp; cr = sin(frequency*q + 0) * 127 + 128; cg = sin(frequency*q + 2) * 127 + 128; cb = sin(frequency*q + 4) * 127 + 128; blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, cr, cg, cb, 255); if (mousex==(nx) && mousey==(ny) && DEBUG_MODE)//draw lines connecting wifi channels { int z; for (z = 0; z0 && ny+nyo0 && nx+nxo255) fire_rv = 255; fire_r[(ny+nyo)/CELL][(nx+nxo)/CELL] = fire_rv; } } addpixel(vid, nx, ny, PIXR(ptypes[t].pcolors), PIXG(ptypes[t].pcolors), PIXB(ptypes[t].pcolors), 200); } if (DEBUG_MODE) {//draw lines connecting portals blendpixel(vid,nx,ny, PIXR(ptypes[t].pcolors), PIXG(ptypes[t].pcolors), PIXB(ptypes[t].pcolors),255); if (mousex==(nx) && mousey==(ny)) { int z; for (z = 0; z0 && ny+nyo0 && nx+nxo255) fire_bv = 255; fire_b[(ny+nyo)/CELL][(nx+nxo)/CELL] = fire_bv; } } addpixel(vid, nx, ny, PIXR(ptypes[t].pcolors), PIXG(ptypes[t].pcolors), PIXB(ptypes[t].pcolors), 200); } if (DEBUG_MODE) {//draw lines connecting portals blendpixel(vid,nx,ny, PIXR(ptypes[t].pcolors), PIXG(ptypes[t].pcolors), PIXB(ptypes[t].pcolors),255); if (mousex==(nx) && mousey==(ny)) { int z; for (z = 0; z> (x+18)) & 1; cb += (parts[i].ctype >> x) & 1; } for (x=0; x<14; x++) cg += (parts[i].ctype >> (x+9)) & 1; x = 624/(cr+cg+cb+1); cr *= x; cg *= x; cb *= x; cr = cr>255?255:cr; cg = cg>255?255:cg; cb = cb>255?255:cb; if (fabs(parts[i].vx)+fabs(parts[i].vy)>0 &&(cmode == CM_FIRE||cmode==CM_BLOB || cmode==CM_FANCY)) { fg = 0; fb = 0; fr = 0; fg = cg/40 * fabs(parts[i].vx)+fabs(parts[i].vy); fb = cb/40 * fabs(parts[i].vx)+fabs(parts[i].vy); fr = cr/40 * fabs(parts[i].vx)+fabs(parts[i].vy); vid[ny*(XRES+BARSIZE)+nx] = PIXRGB((int)restrict_flt(cr, 0, 255), (int)restrict_flt(cg, 0, 255), (int)restrict_flt(cb, 0, 255)); x = nx/CELL; y = ny/CELL; fg += fire_g[y][x]; if (fg > 255) fg = 255; fire_g[y][x] = fg; fb += fire_b[y][x]; if (fb > 255) fb = 255; fire_b[y][x] = fb; fr += fire_r[y][x]; if (fr > 255) fr = 255; fire_r[y][x] = fr; } else blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, cr, cg, cb, 255); } else if (t==PT_PIPE) { if (parts[i].ctype==2) { cr = 50; cg = 1; cb = 1; } else if (parts[i].ctype==3) { cr = 1; cg = 50; cb = 1; } else if (parts[i].ctype==4) { cr = 1; cg = 1; cb = 50; } else if (parts[i].temp<272.15&&parts[i].ctype!=1) { if (parts[i].temp>173.25&&parts[i].temp<273.15) { cr = 50; cg = 1; cb = 1; } if (parts[i].temp>73.25&&parts[i].temp<=173.15) { cr = 1; cg = 50; cb = 1; } if (parts[i].temp>=0&&parts[i].temp<=73.15) { cr = 1; cg = 1; cb = 50; } } else { cr = PIXR(ptypes[t].pcolors); cg = PIXG(ptypes[t].pcolors); cb = PIXB(ptypes[t].pcolors); } if ((parts[i].tmp&0xFF)>0 && (parts[i].tmp&0xFF)4.0f ||pv[ny/CELL][nx/CELL]<-4.0f)) { blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, 15, 0, 150, 100); } else if (t==PT_ACID) { if (parts[i].life>75) parts[i].life = 75; if (parts[i].life<49) parts[i].life = 49; s = (parts[i].life-49)*3; if (s==0) s = 1; cr = 0x86 + s*4; cg = 0x36 + s*1; cb = 0x90 + s*2; if (cr>=255) cr = 255; if (cg>=255) cg = 255; if (cb>=255) cb = 255; blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, cr, cg, cb, 255); if (cmode==CM_BLOB) { blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny, cr, cg, cb, 223); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny, cr, cg, cb, 223); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 223); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 223); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 112); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 112); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 112); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 112); } } else if (t==PT_NEUT) { if (cmode == CM_FIRE||cmode==CM_BLOB || cmode==CM_FANCY) { vid[ny*(XRES+BARSIZE)+nx] = ptypes[t].pcolors; cg = 8; cb = 12; x = nx/CELL; y = ny/CELL; cg += fire_g[y][x]; if (cg > 255) cg = 255; fire_g[y][x] = cg; cb += fire_b[y][x]; if (cb > 255) cb = 255; fire_b[y][x] = cb; } else { cr = 0x20; cg = 0xE0; cb = 0xFF; blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, cr, cg, cb, 192); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 32); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 32); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 32); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 32); } } else if (t==PT_FILT) { int temp_bin = (int)((parts[i].temp-273.0f)*0.025f); if (temp_bin < 0) temp_bin = 0; if (temp_bin > 25) temp_bin = 25; parts[i].ctype = 0x1F << temp_bin; cg = 0; cb = 0; cr = 0; for (x=0; x<12; x++) { cr += (parts[i].ctype >> (x+18)) & 1; cb += (parts[i].ctype >> x) & 1; } for (x=0; x<14; x++) cg += (parts[i].ctype >> (x+9)) & 1; x = 624/(cr+cg+cb+1); cr *= x; cg *= x; cb *= x; cr = cr>255?255:cr; cg = cg>255?255:cg; cb = cb>255?255:cb; blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, cr, cg, cb, 127); } else if (t==PT_BRAY && parts[i].tmp==0) { int trans = parts[i].life * 7; if (trans>255) trans = 255; if (parts[i].ctype) { cg = 0; cb = 0; cr = 0; for (x=0; x<12; x++) { cr += (parts[i].ctype >> (x+18)) & 1; cb += (parts[i].ctype >> x) & 1; } for (x=0; x<14; x++) cg += (parts[i].ctype >> (x+9)) & 1; x = 624/(cr+cg+cb+1); cr *= x; cg *= x; cb *= x; cr = cr>255?255:cr; cg = cg>255?255:cg; cb = cb>255?255:cb; blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, cr, cg, cb, trans); } else blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, PIXR(ptypes[t].pcolors), PIXG(ptypes[t].pcolors), PIXB(ptypes[t].pcolors), trans); } else if (t==PT_BRAY && parts[i].tmp==1) { int trans = parts[i].life/4; if (trans>255) trans = 255; if (parts[i].ctype) { cg = 0; cb = 0; cr = 0; for (x=0; x<12; x++) { cr += (parts[i].ctype >> (x+18)) & 1; cb += (parts[i].ctype >> x) & 1; } for (x=0; x<14; x++) cg += (parts[i].ctype >> (x+9)) & 1; x = 624/(cr+cg+cb+1); cr *= x; cg *= x; cb *= x; cr = cr>255?255:cr; cg = cg>255?255:cg; cb = cb>255?255:cb; blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, cr, cg, cb, trans); } else blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, PIXR(ptypes[t].pcolors), PIXG(ptypes[t].pcolors), PIXB(ptypes[t].pcolors), trans); } else if (t==PT_BRAY && parts[i].tmp==2) { int trans = parts[i].life*100; if (trans>255) trans = 255; blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, 255, 150, 50, trans); } else if (t==PT_PHOT) { if (cmode == CM_FIRE||cmode==CM_BLOB || cmode==CM_FANCY) { cg = 0; cb = 0; cr = 0; for (x=0; x<12; x++) { cr += (parts[i].ctype >> (x+18)) & 1; cb += (parts[i].ctype >> x) & 1; } for (x=0; x<14; x++) cg += (parts[i].ctype >> (x+9)) & 1; x = 624/(cr+cg+cb+1); cr *= x; cg *= x; cb *= x; vid[ny*(XRES+BARSIZE)+nx] = PIXRGB(cr>255?255:cr,cg>255?255:cg,cb>255?255:cb); cr >>= 4; cg >>= 4; cb >>= 4; x = nx/CELL; y = ny/CELL; cg += fire_g[y][x]; if (cg > 255) cg = 255; fire_g[y][x] = cg; cb += fire_b[y][x]; if (cb > 255) cb = 255; fire_b[y][x] = cb; cr += fire_r[y][x]; if (cr > 255) cr = 255; fire_r[y][x] = cr; } else { cg = 0; cb = 0; cr = 0; for (x=0; x<12; x++) { cr += (parts[i].ctype >> (x+18)) & 1; cb += (parts[i].ctype >> x) & 1; } for (x=0; x<14; x++) cg += (parts[i].ctype >> (x+9)) & 1; x = 624/(cr+cg+cb+1); cr *= x; cg *= x; cb *= x; cr = cr>255?255:cr; cg = cg>255?255:cg; cb = cb>255?255:cb; if(cmode == CM_PERS){ if(parts[i].pavg[0] && parts[i].pavg[1]) { draw_line(vid, nx, ny, parts[i].pavg[0], parts[i].pavg[1], cr, cg, cb, XRES+BARSIZE); } else { vid[ny*(XRES+BARSIZE)+nx] = PIXRGB(cr, cg, cb); } } else { blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, cr, cg, cb, 192); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 32); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 32); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 32); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 32); } } } //Life can be 11 too, so don't just check for 10 else if (t==PT_SWCH && parts[i].life >= 10) { x = nx; y = ny; blendpixel(vid,x,y,17,217,24,255); } else if (t==PT_SMKE) { if (cmode == CM_FIRE||cmode==CM_BLOB || cmode==CM_FANCY) { x = nx/CELL; y = ny/CELL; cg = 10; cb = 10; cr = 10; cg += fire_g[y][x]; if (cg > 50) cg = 50; fire_g[y][x] = cg; cb += fire_b[y][x]; if (cb > 50) cb = 50; fire_b[y][x] = cb; cr += fire_r[y][x]; if (cr > 50) cr = 50; fire_r[y][x] = cr; } else { for (x=-3; x<4; x++) { for (y=-3; y<4; y++) { if (abs(x)+abs(y) <2 && !(abs(x)==2||abs(y)==2)) blendpixel(vid,x+nx,y+ny,100,100,100,30); if (abs(x)+abs(y) <=3 && abs(x)+abs(y)) blendpixel(vid,x+nx,y+ny,100,100,100,10); if (abs(x)+abs(y) == 2) blendpixel(vid,x+nx,y+ny,100,100,100,20); } } } } else if (t==PT_WTRV) { if (cmode == CM_FIRE||cmode==CM_BLOB || cmode==CM_FANCY) { x = nx/CELL; y = ny/CELL; cg = PIXG(ptypes[t].pcolors)/3; cb = PIXB(ptypes[t].pcolors)/3; cr = PIXR(ptypes[t].pcolors)/3; cg += fire_g[y][x]; if (cg > PIXG(ptypes[t].pcolors)/2) cg = PIXG(ptypes[t].pcolors)/2; fire_g[y][x] = cg; cb += fire_b[y][x]; if (cb > PIXB(ptypes[t].pcolors)/2) cb = PIXB(ptypes[t].pcolors)/2; fire_b[y][x] = cb; cr += fire_r[y][x]; if (cr > PIXR(ptypes[t].pcolors)/2) cr = PIXR(ptypes[t].pcolors)/2; fire_r[y][x] = cr; } else { for (x=-3; x<4; x++) { for (y=-3; y<4; y++) { if (abs(x)+abs(y) <2 && !(abs(x)==2||abs(y)==2)) blendpixel(vid,x+nx,y+ny, PIXR(ptypes[t].pcolors)/1.6, PIXG(ptypes[t].pcolors)/1.6, PIXB(ptypes[t].pcolors)/1.6, 30); if (abs(x)+abs(y) <=3 && abs(x)+abs(y)) blendpixel(vid,x+nx,y+ny, PIXR(ptypes[t].pcolors)/1.6, PIXG(ptypes[t].pcolors)/1.6, PIXB(ptypes[t].pcolors)/1.6, 10); if (abs(x)+abs(y) == 2) blendpixel(vid,x+nx,y+ny, PIXR(ptypes[t].pcolors)/1.6, PIXG(ptypes[t].pcolors)/1.6, PIXB(ptypes[t].pcolors)/1.6, 20); } } } } else if (t==PT_THDR) { if (cmode == CM_FIRE||cmode==CM_BLOB || cmode==CM_FANCY) { vid[ny*(XRES+BARSIZE)+nx] = ptypes[t].pcolors; cg = 16; cb = 20; cr = 12; x = nx/CELL; y = ny/CELL; cg += fire_g[y][x]; if (cg > 255) cg = 255; fire_g[y][x] = cg; cb += fire_b[y][x]; if (cb > 255) cb = 255; fire_b[y][x] = cb; cr += fire_r[y][x]; if (cr > 255) cr = 255; fire_r[y][x] = cr; } else { cr = 0xFF; cg = 0xFF; cb = 0xA0; blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, cr, cg, cb, 192); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 32); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 32); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 32); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 32); } } else if (t==PT_GLOW) { fr = restrict_flt(parts[i].temp-(275.13f+32.0f), 0, 128)/50.0f; fg = restrict_flt(parts[i].ctype, 0, 128)/50.0f; fb = restrict_flt(parts[i].tmp, 0, 128)/50.0f; cr = restrict_flt(64.0f+parts[i].temp-(275.13f+32.0f), 0, 255); cg = restrict_flt(64.0f+parts[i].ctype, 0, 255); cb = restrict_flt(64.0f+parts[i].tmp, 0, 255); vid[ny*(XRES+BARSIZE)+nx] = PIXRGB(cr, cg, cb); if (cmode == CM_FIRE||cmode==CM_BLOB || cmode==CM_FANCY) { x = nx/CELL; y = ny/CELL; fg += fire_g[y][x]; if (fg > 255) fg = 255; fire_g[y][x] = fg; fb += fire_b[y][x]; if (fb > 255) fb = 255; fire_b[y][x] = fb; fr += fire_r[y][x]; if (fr > 255) fr = 255; fire_r[y][x] = fr; } if (cmode == CM_BLOB) { blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny, cr, cg, cb, 223); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny, cr, cg, cb, 223); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 223); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 223); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 112); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 112); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 112); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 112); } } else if (t==PT_LCRY) { uint8 GR = 0x50+((parts[i].life>10?10:parts[i].life)*10); vid[ny*(XRES+BARSIZE)+nx] = PIXRGB(GR, GR, GR); if (cmode == CM_BLOB) { blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny, GR, GR, GR, 223); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny, GR, GR, GR, 223); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny+1, GR, GR, GR, 223); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny-1, GR, GR, GR, 223); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny-1, GR, GR, GR, 112); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny-1, GR, GR, GR, 112); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny+1, GR, GR, GR, 112); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny+1, GR, GR, GR, 112); } } else if (t==PT_PCLN) { uint8 GR = 0x3B+((parts[i].life>10?10:parts[i].life)*19); vid[ny*(XRES+BARSIZE)+nx] = PIXRGB(GR, GR, 10); if (cmode == CM_BLOB) { blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny, GR, GR, 10, 223); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny, GR, GR, 10, 223); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny+1, GR, GR, 10, 223); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny-1, GR, GR, 10, 223); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny-1, GR, GR, 10, 112); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny-1, GR, GR, 10, 112); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny+1, GR, GR, 10, 112); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny+1, GR, GR, 10, 112); } } else if (t==PT_PBCN) { uint8 GR = 0x3B+((parts[i].life>10?10:parts[i].life)*19); vid[ny*(XRES+BARSIZE)+nx] = PIXRGB(GR, GR/2, 10); if (cmode == CM_BLOB) { blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny, GR, GR/2, 10, 223); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny, GR, GR/2, 10, 223); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny+1, GR, GR/2, 10, 223); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny-1, GR, GR/2, 10, 223); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny-1, GR, GR/2, 10, 112); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny-1, GR, GR/2, 10, 112); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny+1, GR, GR/2, 10, 112); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny+1, GR, GR/2, 10, 112); } } else if (t==PT_HSWC) { uint8 GR = 0x3B+((parts[i].life>10?10:parts[i].life)*19); vid[ny*(XRES+BARSIZE)+nx] = PIXRGB(GR, 10, 10); if (cmode == CM_BLOB) { blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny, GR, 10, 10, 223); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny, GR, 10, 10, 223); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny+1, GR, 10, 10, 223); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny-1, GR, 10, 10, 223); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny-1, GR, 10, 10, 112); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny-1, GR, 10, 10, 112); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny+1, GR, 10, 10, 112); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny+1, GR, 10, 10, 112); } } else if (t==PT_PUMP) { uint8 GR = 0x3B+((parts[i].life>10?10:parts[i].life)*19); vid[ny*(XRES+BARSIZE)+nx] = PIXRGB(10, 10, GR); if (cmode == CM_BLOB) { blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny, 10, 10, GR, 223); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny, 10, 10, GR, 223); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny+1, 10, 10, GR, 223); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny-1, 10, 10, GR, 223); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny-1, 10, 10, GR, 112); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny-1, 10, 10, GR, 112); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny+1, 10, 10, GR, 112); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny+1, 10, 10, GR, 112); } } else if (t==PT_GPMP) { uint8 GR = 0x3B+((parts[i].life>10?10:parts[i].life)*19); vid[ny*(XRES+BARSIZE)+nx] = PIXRGB(10, GR, GR); if (cmode == CM_BLOB) { blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny, 10, GR/2, GR, 223); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny, 10, GR/2, GR, 223); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny+1, 10, GR/2, GR, 223); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny-1, 10, GR/2, GR, 223); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny-1, 10, GR/2, GR, 112); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny-1, 10, GR/2, GR, 112); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny+1, 10, GR/2, GR, 112); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny+1, 10, GR/2, GR, 112); } } else if (t==PT_PLSM) { float ttemp = (float)parts[i].life; int caddress = restrict_flt(restrict_flt(ttemp, 0.0f, 200.0f)*3, 0.0f, (200.0f*3)-3); uint8 R = plasma_data[caddress]; uint8 G = plasma_data[caddress+1]; uint8 B = plasma_data[caddress+2]; if (cmode == CM_FIRE||cmode==CM_BLOB || cmode==CM_FANCY) { cr = R/8; cg = G/8; cb = B/8; x = nx/CELL; y = ny/CELL; cg += fire_g[y][x]; if (cg > 255) cg = 255; fire_g[y][x] = cg; cb += fire_b[y][x]; if (cb > 255) cb = 255; fire_b[y][x] = cb; cr += fire_r[y][x]; if (cr > 255) cr = 255; fire_r[y][x] = cr; } else { cr = R; cg = G; cb = B; blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, cr, cg, cb, 192); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 32); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 32); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 32); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 32); } } else if (t==PT_HFLM) { float ttemp = (float)parts[i].life; int caddress = restrict_flt(restrict_flt(ttemp, 0.0f, 200.0f)*3, 0.0f, (200.0f*3)-3); uint8 R = hflm_data[caddress]; uint8 G = hflm_data[caddress+1]; uint8 B = hflm_data[caddress+2]; if (cmode == CM_FIRE||cmode==CM_BLOB || cmode==CM_FANCY) { cr = R/8; cg = G/8; cb = B/8; x = nx/CELL; y = ny/CELL; cg += fire_g[y][x]; if (cg > 255) cg = 255; fire_g[y][x] = cg; cb += fire_b[y][x]; if (cb > 255) cb = 255; fire_b[y][x] = cb; cr += fire_r[y][x]; if (cr > 255) cr = 255; fire_r[y][x] = cr; } else { cr = R; cg = G; cb = B; blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, cr, cg, cb, 192); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 32); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 32); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 32); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 32); } } else if (t==PT_FIRW&&parts[i].tmp>=3) { float ttemp = (float)parts[i].tmp-4; int caddress = restrict_flt(restrict_flt(ttemp, 0.0f, 200.0f)*3, 0.0f, (200.0f*3)-3); uint8 R = firw_data[caddress]; uint8 G = firw_data[caddress+1]; uint8 B = firw_data[caddress+2]; if (cmode == CM_FIRE||cmode==CM_BLOB || cmode==CM_FANCY) { cr = R/2; cg = G/2; cb = B/2; x = nx/CELL; y = ny/CELL; cg += fire_g[y][x]; if (cg > 255) cg = 255; fire_g[y][x] = cg; cb += fire_b[y][x]; if (cb > 255) cb = 255; fire_b[y][x] = cb; cr += fire_r[y][x]; if (cr > 255) cr = 255; fire_r[y][x] = cr; } else { cr = R; cg = G; cb = B; blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, cr, cg, cb, 192); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 32); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 32); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 32); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 32); } } else if (t==PT_BOMB) { if (parts[i].tmp==0) { cr = PIXR(ptypes[t].pcolors); cg = PIXG(ptypes[t].pcolors); cb = PIXB(ptypes[t].pcolors); if (cmode != CM_CRACK) { int newx = 0; float flicker = rand()%20; float gradv = flicker + fabs(parts[i].vx)*17 + fabs(parts[i].vy)*17; blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, cr, cg, cb, (gradv*4)>255?255:(gradv*4) ); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny, cr, cg, cb, (gradv*2)>255?255:(gradv*2) ); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny, cr, cg, cb, (gradv*2)>255?255:(gradv*2) ); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, (gradv*2)>255?255:(gradv*2) ); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, (gradv*2)>255?255:(gradv*2) ); if (gradv>255) gradv=255; blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, gradv); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, gradv); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, gradv); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, gradv); for (newx = 1; gradv>0.5; newx++) { addpixel(vid, nx+newx, ny, cr, cg, cb, gradv); addpixel(vid, nx-newx, ny, cr, cg, cb, gradv); addpixel(vid, nx, ny+newx, cr, cg, cb, gradv); addpixel(vid, nx, ny-newx, cr, cg, cb, gradv); gradv = gradv/1.2f; } } else { blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, cr, cg, cb, 255); } } else if (parts[i].tmp==1) { cr = PIXR(ptypes[t].pcolors); cg = PIXG(ptypes[t].pcolors); cb = PIXB(ptypes[t].pcolors); if (cmode != CM_CRACK) { int newx = 0; float flicker = rand()%20; float gradv = 4*parts[i].life + flicker; for (newx = 0; gradv>0.5; newx++) { addpixel(vid, nx+newx, ny, cr, cg, cb, gradv); addpixel(vid, nx-newx, ny, cr, cg, cb, gradv); addpixel(vid, nx, ny+newx, cr, cg, cb, gradv); addpixel(vid, nx, ny-newx, cr, cg, cb, gradv); gradv = gradv/1.5f; } } else { blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, cr, cg, cb, 255); } } else { blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, 255, 255, 255, 255); } } else if (ptypes[t].properties&PROP_HOT_GLOW && parts[i].temp>(ptransitions[t].thv-800.0f)) { float frequency = 3.1415/(2*ptransitions[t].thv-(ptransitions[t].thv-800.0f)); int q = (parts[i].temp>ptransitions[t].thv)?ptransitions[t].thv-(ptransitions[t].thv-800.0f):parts[i].temp-(ptransitions[t].thv-800.0f); cr = sin(frequency*q) * 226 + PIXR(ptypes[t].pcolors); cg = sin(frequency*q*4.55 +3.14) * 34 + PIXG(ptypes[t].pcolors); cb = sin(frequency*q*2.22 +3.14) * 64 + PIXB(ptypes[t].pcolors); if (cr>=255) cr = 255; if (cg>=255) cg = 255; if (cb>=255) cb = 255; if (cr<=0) cr = 0; if (cg<=0) cg = 0; if (cb<=0) cb = 0; blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, cr, cg, cb, 255); } else if (t==PT_FIRE && parts[i].life) { float ttemp = (float)((int)(parts[i].life/2)); int caddress = restrict_flt(restrict_flt(ttemp, 0.0f, 200.0f)*3, 0.0f, (200.0f*3)-3); uint8 R = flm_data[caddress]; uint8 G = flm_data[caddress+1]; uint8 B = flm_data[caddress+2]; if (cmode == CM_FIRE||cmode==CM_BLOB || cmode==CM_FANCY) { cr = R/8; cg = G/8; cb = B/8; x = nx/CELL; y = ny/CELL; cg += fire_g[y][x]; if (cg > 255) cg = 255; fire_g[y][x] = cg; cb += fire_b[y][x]; if (cb > 255) cb = 255; fire_b[y][x] = cb; cr += fire_r[y][x]; if (cr > 255) cr = 255; fire_r[y][x] = cr; } else { cr = parts[i].life * 8; cg = parts[i].life * 2; cb = parts[i].life; if (cr>255) cr = 255; if (cg>192) cg = 212; if (cb>128) cb = 192; blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, cr, cg, cb, 255); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 32); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 32); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 32); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 32); } // Older Code /*if(cmode == 3||cmode==4 || cmode==6) { cr = parts[i].life / 4; cg = parts[i].life / 16; cb = parts[i].life / 32; if(cr>255) cr = 255; if(cg>192) cg = 212; if(cb>128) cb = 192; x = nx/CELL; y = ny/CELL; cr += fire_r[y][x]; if(cr > 255) cr = 255; fire_r[y][x] = cr; cg += fire_g[y][x]; if(cg > 255) cg = 255; fire_g[y][x] = cg; cb += fire_b[y][x]; if(cb > 255) cb = 255; fire_b[y][x] = cb; } else { cr = parts[i].life * 8; cg = parts[i].life * 2; cb = parts[i].life; if(cr>255) cr = 255; if(cg>192) cg = 212; if(cb>128) cb = 192; blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, cr, cg, cb, 255); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 96); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 32); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 32); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 32); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 32); }*/ } else if (t==PT_LAVA && parts[i].life) { cr = parts[i].life * 2 + 0xE0; cg = parts[i].life * 1 + 0x50; cb = parts[i].life/2 + 0x10; if (cr>255) cr = 255; if (cg>192) cg = 192; if (cb>128) cb = 128; blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, cr, cg, cb, 255); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny, cr, cg, cb, 64); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny, cr, cg, cb, 64); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 64); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 64); if (cmode == CM_FIRE||cmode==CM_BLOB || cmode==CM_FANCY) { cr /= 32; cg /= 32; cb /= 32; x = nx/CELL; y = ny/CELL; cr += fire_r[y][x]; if (cr > 255) cr = 255; fire_r[y][x] = cr; cg += fire_g[y][x]; if (cg > 255) cg = 255; fire_g[y][x] = cg; cb += fire_b[y][x]; if (cb > 255) cb = 255; fire_b[y][x] = cb; } } else if (t==PT_LAVA || t==PT_SPRK) { vid[ny*(XRES+BARSIZE)+nx] = ptypes[t].pcolors; if (cmode == CM_FIRE||cmode==CM_BLOB || cmode==CM_FANCY) { if (t == PT_LAVA) { cr = 3; cg = i%2; cb = 0; } else { cr = 8; cg = 12; cb = 16; } x = nx/CELL; y = ny/CELL; cr += fire_r[y][x]; if (cr > 255) cr = 255; fire_r[y][x] = cr; cg += fire_g[y][x]; if (cg > 255) cg = 255; fire_g[y][x] = cg; cb += fire_b[y][x]; if (cb > 255) cb = 255; fire_b[y][x] = cb; } } else //if no special effect, draw a simple pixel vid[ny*(XRES+BARSIZE)+nx] = ptypes[t].pcolors; } else //heat view { float ttemp = parts[i].temp+(-MIN_TEMP); int caddress = restrict_flt((int)( restrict_flt(ttemp, 0.0f, MAX_TEMP+(-MIN_TEMP)) / ((MAX_TEMP+(-MIN_TEMP))/1024) ) *3, 0.0f, (1024.0f*3)-3); uint8 R = color_data[caddress]; uint8 G = color_data[caddress+1]; uint8 B = color_data[caddress+2]; if (t==PT_STKM) //Stick man should be visible in heat mode { char buff[10]; //Buffer for HP if (mousex>(nx-3) && mousex<(nx+3) && mousey<(ny+3) && mousey>(ny-3)) //If mous is in the head { sprintf(buff, "%3d", parts[i].life); //Show HP drawtext(vid, mousex-8-2*(parts[i].life<100)-2*(parts[i].life<10), mousey-12, buff, 255, 255, 255, 255); } for (r=-2; r<=1; r++) { s = XRES+BARSIZE; vid[(ny-2)*s+nx+r] = PIXRGB (R, G, B); vid[(ny+2)*s+nx+r+1] = PIXRGB (R, G, B); vid[(ny+r+1)*s+nx-2] = PIXRGB (R, G, B); vid[(ny+r)*s+nx+2] = PIXRGB (R, G, B); } draw_line(vid , nx, ny+3, player[3], player[4], R, G, B, s); draw_line(vid , player[3], player[4], player[7], player[8], R, G, B, s); draw_line(vid , nx, ny+3, player[11], player[12], R, G, B, s); draw_line(vid , player[11], player[12], player[15], player[16], R, G, B, s); isplayer = 1; //It's a secret. Tssss... } else if (t==PT_STKM2) //Stick man should be visible in heat mode { char buff[10]; //Buffer for HP if (mousex>(nx-3) && mousex<(nx+3) && mousey<(ny+3) && mousey>(ny-3)) //If mous is in the head { sprintf(buff, "%3d", parts[i].life); //Show HP drawtext(vid, mousex-8-2*(parts[i].life<100)-2*(parts[i].life<10), mousey-12, buff, 255, 255, 255, 255); } for (r=-2; r<=1; r++) { s = XRES+BARSIZE; vid[(ny-2)*s+nx+r] = PIXRGB (R, G, B); vid[(ny+2)*s+nx+r+1] = PIXRGB (R, G, B); vid[(ny+r+1)*s+nx-2] = PIXRGB (R, G, B); vid[(ny+r)*s+nx+2] = PIXRGB (R, G, B); } draw_line(vid , nx, ny+3, player2[3], player2[4], R, G, B, s); draw_line(vid , player2[3], player2[4], player2[7], player2[8], R, G, B, s); draw_line(vid , nx, ny+3, player2[11], player2[12], R, G, B, s); draw_line(vid , player2[11], player2[12], player2[15], player2[16], R, G, B, s); isplayer2 = 1; //It's a secret. Tssss... } else { vid[ny*(XRES+BARSIZE)+nx] = PIXRGB(R, G, B); //blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny, R, G, B, 255); } } //blob view! if (cmode == CM_BLOB&&t!=PT_FIRE&&t!=PT_PLSM&&t!=PT_HFLM&&t!=PT_NONE&&t!=PT_ACID&&t!=PT_LCRY&&t!=PT_GLOW&&t!=PT_SWCH&&t!=PT_SMKE&&t!=PT_WTRV&&!(t==PT_FIRW&&parts[i].tmp==3)) { if (t==PT_PHOT) { cg = 0; cb = 0; cr = 0; for (x=0; x<12; x++) { cr += (parts[i].ctype >> (x+18)) & 1; cb += (parts[i].ctype >> x) & 1; } for (x=0; x<14; x++) cg += (parts[i].ctype >> (x+9)) & 1; x = 624/(cr+cg+cb+1); cr *= x; cg *= x; cb *= x; cr = cr>255?255:cr; cg = cg>255?255:cg; cb = cb>255?255:cb; } else { cr = PIXR(ptypes[t].pcolors); cg = PIXG(ptypes[t].pcolors); cb = PIXB(ptypes[t].pcolors); } //if(vid[(ny-1)*YRES+(nx-1)]!=0){ // blendpixel(vid, nx, ny-1, R, G, B, 46); //} if (decorations_enable && parts[i].dcolour) { int a = (parts[i].dcolour>>24)&0xFF; cr = (a*((parts[i].dcolour>>16)&0xFF) + (255-a)*cr) >> 8; cg = (a*((parts[i].dcolour>>8)&0xFF) + (255-a)*cg) >> 8; cb = (a*((parts[i].dcolour)&0xFF) + (255-a)*cb) >> 8; } blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny, cr, cg, cb, 223); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny, cr, cg, cb, 223); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 223); blendpixel(vid, nx, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 223); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 112); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny-1, cr, cg, cb, 112); blendpixel(vid, nx+1, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 112); blendpixel(vid, nx-1, ny+1, cr, cg, cb, 112); } if (decorations_enable && cmode!=CM_HEAT && cmode!=CM_LIFE && parts[i].dcolour) blendpixel(vid, nx, ny, (parts[i].dcolour>>16)&0xFF, (parts[i].dcolour>>8)&0xFF, (parts[i].dcolour)&0xFF, (parts[i].dcolour>>24)&0xFF); } #endif } #ifdef OpenGL glFlush (); #endif } void draw_walls(pixel *vid) { int x, y, i, j, cr, cg, cb; unsigned char wt; pixel pc; pixel gc; for (y=0; y=UI_WALLCOUNT) continue; pc = wtypes[wt].colour; gc = wtypes[wt].eglow; // standard wall patterns if (wtypes[wt].drawstyle==1) { for (j=0; j>1)&1; i>1)&1; i 255) cr = 255; fire_r[y][x] = cr; cg = fire_g[y][x] + PIXG(pc); if (cg > 255) cg = 255; fire_g[y][x] = cg; cb = fire_b[y][x] + PIXB(pc); if (cb > 255) cb = 255; fire_b[y][x] = cb; } } } void create_decorations(int x, int y, int rx, int ry, int r, int g, int b, int click) { int i,j,rp; if (rx==0 && ry==0) { rp = pmap[y][x]; if ((rp>>8)>=NPART || !rp) return; if (click == 4) parts[rp>>8].dcolour = 0; else parts[rp>>8].dcolour = ((255<<24)|(r<<16)|(g<<8)|b); return; } for (j=-ry; j<=ry; j++) for (i=-rx; i<=rx; i++) if(y+j>=0 && x+i>=0 && x+i>8)>=NPART || !rp) continue; if (click == 4) parts[rp>>8].dcolour = 0; else parts[rp>>8].dcolour = ((255<<24)|(r<<16)|(g<<8)|b); } } void line_decorations(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int rx, int ry, int r, int g, int b, int click) { int cp=abs(y2-y1)>abs(x2-x1), x, y, dx, dy, sy; float e, de; if (cp) { y = x1; x1 = y1; y1 = y; y = x2; x2 = y2; y2 = y; } if (x1 > x2) { y = x1; x1 = x2; x2 = y; y = y1; y1 = y2; y2 = y; } dx = x2 - x1; dy = abs(y2 - y1); e = 0.0f; if (dx) de = dy/(float)dx; else de = 0.0f; y = y1; sy = (y1= 0.5f) { y += sy; if (!(rx+ry)) { if (cp) create_decorations(y, x, rx, ry, r, g, b, click); else create_decorations(x, y, rx, ry, r, g, b, click); } e -= 1.0f; } } } void box_decorations(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int r, int g, int b, int click) { int i, j; if (x1>x2) { i = x2; x2 = x1; x1 = i; } if (y1>y2) { j = y2; y2 = y1; y1 = j; } for (j=y1; j<=y2; j++) for (i=x1; i<=x2; i++) create_decorations(i, j, 0, 0, r, g, b, click); } //draws the photon colors in the HUD void draw_wavelengths(pixel *vid, int x, int y, int h, int wl) { int i,cr,cg,cb,j; int tmp; fillrect(vid,x-1,y-1,30+1,h+1,64,64,64,255); // coords -1 size +1 to work around bug in fillrect - TODO: fix fillrect for (i=0; i<30; i++) { if ((wl>>i)&1) { // Need a spread of wavelengths to get a smooth spectrum, 5 bits seems to work reasonably well if (i>2) tmp = 0x1F << (i-2); else tmp = 0x1F >> (2-i); cg = 0; cb = 0; cr = 0; for (j=0; j<12; j++) { cr += (tmp >> (j+18)) & 1; cb += (tmp >> j) & 1; } for (j=0; j<14; j++) cg += (tmp >> (j+9)) & 1; tmp = 624/(cr+cg+cb+1); cr *= tmp; cg *= tmp; cb *= tmp; for (j=0; j255?255:cr,cg>255?255:cg,cb>255?255:cb,255); } } } void render_signs(pixel *vid_buf) { int i, j, x, y, w, h, dx, dy,mx,my,b=1,bq; for (i=0; i>8)>0 && (pmap[signs[i].y][signs[i].x]>>8)>8].temp-273.15); //...tempirature else sprintf(buff, "Temp: 0.00"); //...tempirature drawtext(vid_buf, x+3, y+3, buff, 255, 255, 255, 255); } if (sregexp(signs[i].text, "^{c:[0-9]*|.*}$")==0) { int sldr, startm; memset(buff, 0, sizeof(buff)); for (sldr=3; signs[i].text[sldr-1] != '|'; sldr++) startm = sldr + 1; sldr = startm; while (signs[i].text[sldr] != '}') { buff[sldr - startm] = signs[i].text[sldr]; sldr++; } drawtext(vid_buf, x+3, y+3, buff, 0, 191, 255, 255); } //Usual text if (strcmp(signs[i].text, "{p}") && strcmp(signs[i].text, "{t}") && sregexp(signs[i].text, "^{c:[0-9]*|.*}$")) drawtext(vid_buf, x+3, y+3, signs[i].text, 255, 255, 255, 255); x = signs[i].x; y = signs[i].y; dx = 1 - signs[i].ju; dy = (signs[i].y > 18) ? -1 : 1; for (j=0; j<4; j++) { drawpixel(vid_buf, x, y, 192, 192, 192, 255); x+=dx; y+=dy; } if (MSIGN==i) { bq = b; b = SDL_GetMouseState(&mx, &my); mx /= sdl_scale; my /= sdl_scale; signs[i].x = mx; signs[i].y = my; } } } void render_fire(pixel *dst) { int i,j,x,y,r,g,b; for (j=0; j=0 && j+y>=0 && i+x4 ? r-4 : 0; fire_g[j][i] = g>4 ? g-4 : 0; fire_b[j][i] = b>4 ? b-4 : 0; } } void prepare_alpha(void) { int x,y,i,j; float temp[CELL*3][CELL*3]; memset(temp, 0, sizeof(temp)); for (x=0; x0) r--; if (g>0) g--; if (b>0) b--; dst[i] = PIXRGB(r,g,b); } } void dim_copy_pers(pixel *dst, pixel *src) //for persistent view, reduces rgb slowly { int i,r,g,b; for (i=0; i<(XRES+BARSIZE)*YRES; i++) { r = PIXR(src[i]); g = PIXG(src[i]); b = PIXB(src[i]); if (r>0) r--; if (g>0) g--; if (b>0) b--; dst[i] = PIXRGB(r,g,b); } } void render_zoom(pixel *img) //draws the zoom box { int x, y, i, j; pixel pix; drawrect(img, zoom_wx-2, zoom_wy-2, ZSIZE*ZFACTOR+2, ZSIZE*ZFACTOR+2, 192, 192, 192, 255); drawrect(img, zoom_wx-1, zoom_wy-1, ZSIZE*ZFACTOR, ZSIZE*ZFACTOR, 0, 0, 0, 255); clearrect(img, zoom_wx, zoom_wy, ZSIZE*ZFACTOR, ZSIZE*ZFACTOR); for (j=0; jSAVE_VERSION) return NULL; bw = c[6]; bh = c[7]; w = bw*CELL; h = bh*CELL; if (c[5]!=CELL) return NULL; i = (unsigned)c[8]; i |= ((unsigned)c[9])<<8; i |= ((unsigned)c[10])<<16; i |= ((unsigned)c[11])<<24; d = malloc(i); if (!d) return NULL; fb = calloc(w*h, PIXELSIZE); if (!fb) { free(d); return NULL; } if (BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress((char *)d, (unsigned *)&i, (char *)(c+12), size-12, 0, 0)) goto corrupt; size = i; if (size < bw*bh) goto corrupt; k = 0; for (y=0; y>1)&1; i>1)&1; i>1)&1; i>1)&1; i>1)&1; i>1)&1; i=size) goto corrupt; for (y=0; y= size) goto corrupt; j=d[p++]; if (j0) { if (j==PT_STKM) { //Stickman drawing for (k=-2; k<=1; k++) { fb[(y-2)*w+x+k] = PIXRGB(255, 224, 178); fb[(y+2)*w+x+k+1] = PIXRGB(255, 224, 178); fb[(y+k+1)*w+x-2] = PIXRGB(255, 224, 178); fb[(y+k)*w+x+2] = PIXRGB(255, 224, 178); } draw_line(fb , x, y+3, x-1, y+6, 255, 255, 255, w); draw_line(fb , x-1, y+6, x-3, y+12, 255, 255, 255, w); draw_line(fb , x, y+3, x+1, y+6, 255, 255, 255, w); draw_line(fb , x+1, y+6, x+3, y+12, 255, 255, 255, w); } else if (j==PT_STKM2) { //Stickman drawing for (k=-2; k<=1; k++) { fb[(y-2)*w+x+k] = PIXRGB(255, 224, 178); fb[(y+2)*w+x+k+1] = PIXRGB(255, 224, 178); fb[(y+k+1)*w+x-2] = PIXRGB(255, 224, 178); fb[(y+k)*w+x+2] = PIXRGB(255, 224, 178); } draw_line(fb , x, y+3, x-1, y+6, 255, 255, 255, w); draw_line(fb , x-1, y+6, x-3, y+12, 255, 255, 255, w); draw_line(fb , x, y+3, x+1, y+6, 255, 255, 255, w); draw_line(fb , x+1, y+6, x+3, y+12, 255, 255, 255, w); } else fb[y*w+x] = ptypes[j].pcolors; } } free(d); *width = w; *height = h; return fb; corrupt: free(d); free(fb); return NULL; } int render_thumb(void *thumb, int size, int bzip2, pixel *vid_buf, int px, int py, int scl) { unsigned char *d,*c=thumb; int i,j,x,y,a,t,r,g,b,sx,sy; if (bzip2) { if (size<16) return 1; if (c[3]!=0x74 || c[2]!=0x49 || c[1]!=0x68 || c[0]!=0x53) return 1; if (c[4]>PT_NUM) return 2; if (c[5]!=CELL || c[6]!=XRES/CELL || c[7]!=YRES/CELL) return 3; i = XRES*YRES; d = malloc(i); if (!d) return 1; if (BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress((char *)d, (unsigned *)&i, (char *)(c+8), size-8, 0, 0)) return 1; size = i; } else d = c; if (size < XRES*YRES) { if (bzip2) free(d); return 1; } sy = 0; for (y=0; y+scl<=YRES; y+=scl) { sx = 0; for (x=0; x+scl<=XRES; x+=scl) { a = 0; r = g = b = 0; for (j=0; j=PT_NUM) goto corrupt; r += PIXR(ptypes[t].pcolors); g += PIXG(ptypes[t].pcolors); b += PIXB(ptypes[t].pcolors); a ++; } } if (a) { a = 256/a; r = (r*a)>>8; g = (g*a)>>8; b = (b*a)>>8; } drawpixel(vid_buf, px+sx, py+sy, r, g, b, 255); sx++; } sy++; } if (bzip2) free(d); return 0; corrupt: if (bzip2) free(d); return 1; } //draws the cursor void render_cursor(pixel *vid, int x, int y, int t, int rx, int ry) { int i,j,c; if (trx || (j+1)>ry)) { xor_pixel(x+i, y+j, vid); xor_pixel(x-i, y-j, vid); if (i&&j)xor_pixel(x+i, y-j, vid); if (i&&j)xor_pixel(x-i, y+j, vid); } } else if (CURRENT_BRUSH==CIRCLE_BRUSH) { for (j=0; j<=ry; j++) for (i=0; i<=rx; i++) if ((pow(i,2))/(pow(rx,2))+(pow(j,2))/(pow(ry,2))<=1 && ((pow(i+1,2))/(pow(rx,2))+(pow(j,2))/(pow(ry,2))>1 || (pow(i,2))/(pow(rx,2))+(pow(j+1,2))/(pow(ry,2))>1)) { xor_pixel(x+i, y+j, vid); if (j) xor_pixel(x+i, y-j, vid); if (i) xor_pixel(x-i, y+j, vid); if (i&&j) xor_pixel(x-i, y-j, vid); } } else if (CURRENT_BRUSH==TRI_BRUSH) { for (j=-ry; j<=ry; j++) for (i=-rx; i<=0; i++) if ((j <= ry ) && ( j >= (((-2.0*ry)/(rx))*i)-ry ) && (j+1>ry || ( j-1 < (((-2.0*ry)/(rx))*i)-ry )) ) { xor_pixel(x+i, y+j, vid); if (i) xor_pixel(x-i, y+j, vid); } } } else //wall cursor { int tc; c = (rx/CELL) * CELL; x = (x/CELL) * CELL; y = (y/CELL) * CELL; tc = !((c%(CELL*2))==0); x -= c/2; y -= c/2; x += tc*(CELL/2); y += tc*(CELL/2); for (i=0; i