Rename tpt.getscript and give it a completion callback

Also reinstate the confirm prompt. Effectively a continuation of b972fe46d2e4.
This commit is contained in:
Tamás Bálint Misius 2023-08-21 21:21:06 +02:00
parent 7cb0ac96c9
commit bbefc9970f
No account linked to committer's email address
2 changed files with 122 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ LuaScriptInterface::LuaScriptInterface(GameController * c, GameModel * m):
{"setfire", &luatpt_setfire},
{"setdebug", &luatpt_setdebug},
@ -4534,43 +4534,82 @@ bool LuaScriptInterface::HandleEvent(const GameControllerEvent &event)
return cont;
struct GetScriptStatus
struct Ok
struct Cancelled
struct GetFailed
String error;
struct RunFailed
String error;
using Value = std::variant<
Value value;
void LuaScriptInterface::OnTick()
if (scriptDownload && scriptDownload->CheckDone())
auto ret = scriptDownload->StatusCode();
ByteString scriptData;
auto handleResponse = [this, &scriptData, &ret]() {
auto complete = [this](GetScriptStatus status) {
if (std::get_if<GetScriptStatus::Ok>(&status.value))
new InformationMessage("Script download", "Script successfully downloaded", false);
if (auto *requestFailed = std::get_if<GetScriptStatus::GetFailed>(&status.value))
new ErrorMessage("Script download", "Failed to get script: " + requestFailed->error);
if (auto *runFailed = std::get_if<GetScriptStatus::RunFailed>(&status.value))
new ErrorMessage("Script download", "Failed to run script: " + runFailed->error);
auto handleResponse = [this, &scriptData, &ret, &complete]() {
if (!scriptData.size())
new ErrorMessage("Script download", "Server did not return data");
complete({ GetScriptStatus::GetFailed{ "Server did not return data" } });
if (ret != 200)
new ErrorMessage("Script download", ByteString(http::StatusText(ret)).FromUtf8());
complete({ GetScriptStatus::GetFailed{ ByteString(http::StatusText(ret)).FromUtf8() } });
if (Platform::FileExists(scriptDownloadFilename))
new ErrorMessage("Script download", "File already exists");
complete({ GetScriptStatus::GetFailed{ "File already exists" } });
if (!Platform::WriteFile(std::vector<char>(scriptData.begin(), scriptData.end()), scriptDownloadFilename))
new ErrorMessage("Script download", "Unable to write to file");
complete({ GetScriptStatus::GetFailed{ "Unable to write to file" } });
if (scriptDownloadRunScript)
if (tpt_lua_dostring(l, ByteString::Build("dofile('", scriptDownloadFilename, "')")))
new ErrorMessage("Script download", luacon_geterror());
complete({ GetScriptStatus::RunFailed{ luacon_geterror() } });
new InformationMessage("Script download", "Script successfully downloaded", false);
complete({ GetScriptStatus::Ok{} });
@ -4579,9 +4618,11 @@ void LuaScriptInterface::OnTick()
catch (const http::RequestError &ex)
new ErrorMessage("Script download", ByteString(ex.what()).FromUtf8());
complete({ GetScriptStatus::GetFailed{ ByteString(ex.what()).FromUtf8() } });
scriptDownloadComplete = nullptr;
scriptDownloadPending = false;
lua_getglobal(l, "simulation");
if (lua_istable(l, -1))
@ -5003,24 +5044,79 @@ CommandInterface *CommandInterface::Create(GameController * c, GameModel * m)
int LuaScriptInterface::luatpt_getscript(lua_State* l)
auto *luacon_ci = static_cast<LuaScriptInterface *>(commandInterface);
if (luacon_ci->scriptDownloadPending)
new ErrorMessage("Script download", "A script download is already pending");
lua_pushliteral(l, "pending");
return 2;
int scriptID = luaL_checkinteger(l, 1);
auto filename = tpt_lua_checkByteString(l, 2);
bool runScript = luaL_optint(l, 3, 0);
if (luacon_ci->scriptDownload)
new ErrorMessage("Script download", "A script download is already pending");
return 0;
auto cb = std::make_shared<LuaSmartRef>(luacon_ci->l); // * Bind to main lua state (might be different from l).
cb->Assign(l, 4);
luacon_ci->scriptDownloadComplete = [cb](const GetScriptStatus &status) {
auto *luacon_ci = static_cast<LuaScriptInterface *>(commandInterface);
auto l = luacon_ci->l;
if (lua_isfunction(l, -1))
int nargs = 0;
if (std::get_if<GetScriptStatus::Ok>(&status.value))
lua_pushliteral(l, "ok");
nargs = 1;
if (std::get_if<GetScriptStatus::Cancelled>(&status.value))
lua_pushliteral(l, "cancelled");
nargs = 1;
if (auto *requestFailed = std::get_if<GetScriptStatus::GetFailed>(&status.value))
lua_pushliteral(l, "get_failed");
tpt_lua_pushString(l, requestFailed->error);
nargs = 2;
if (auto *runFailed = std::get_if<GetScriptStatus::RunFailed>(&status.value))
lua_pushliteral(l, "run_failed");
tpt_lua_pushString(l, runFailed->error);
nargs = 2;
if (lua_pcall(l, nargs, 0, 0))
luacon_ci->Log(CommandInterface::LogError, luacon_geterror());
lua_pop(l, 1);
ByteString url = ByteString::Build(SCHEME, "", scriptID);
new ConfirmPrompt("Do you want to install this script?", url.FromUtf8(), {
[filename, runScript, url]() {
auto *luacon_ci = static_cast<LuaScriptInterface *>(commandInterface);
luacon_ci->scriptDownload = std::make_unique<http::Request>(url);
luacon_ci->scriptDownloadFilename = filename;
luacon_ci->scriptDownloadRunScript = runScript;
[]() {
auto *luacon_ci = static_cast<LuaScriptInterface *>(commandInterface);
luacon_ci->scriptDownloadComplete({ GetScriptStatus::Cancelled{} });
luacon_ci->scriptDownloadComplete = nullptr;
luacon_ci->scriptDownloadPending = false;
}, "Install");
luacon_ci->scriptDownload = std::make_unique<http::Request>(url);
luacon_ci->scriptDownloadFilename = filename;
luacon_ci->scriptDownloadRunScript = runScript;
return 0;
luacon_ci->scriptDownloadPending = true;
lua_pushboolean(l, 1);
return 1;

View File

@ -26,11 +26,15 @@ class Tool;
class Simulation;
class LuaComponent;
struct GetScriptStatus;
class LuaScriptInterface: public TPTScriptInterface
std::unique_ptr<http::Request> scriptDownload;
ByteString scriptDownloadFilename;
bool scriptDownloadPending = false;
bool scriptDownloadRunScript;
std::function<void (GetScriptStatus)> scriptDownloadComplete;
int luacon_mousex, luacon_mousey, luacon_mousebutton;
ByteString luacon_selectedl, luacon_selectedr, luacon_selectedalt, luacon_selectedreplace;